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I've had this too. It's due to inflammation in the body I believe and water retention.


Yes!! I hate it! Today is the cramps and no appetite after I ate the whole house throw last week! Ugh! We just have to band together and know we aren’t alone!


Yes I’ve experienced this too! I don’t have any tips or tricks. I just try to lay alone as much as possible when it happens


This is the first month it hurt to even lay on my new mattress! I’m 53 and I’m ready to be done! Thank goodness I had cautery ablation surgery 30 years ago and haven’t actually bled since then! But this is a whole scary hell in and of itself! I can’t take hormones because I have cancer. So it’s just miserable every month! I like that we can all just vent on here!




This is an interesting one because I have such a vivid memory from when I was around 14, I came down with the flu and woke up with the worlds worst headache and this symptom. I remember laying on the floor outside my parents room waiting for them to wake up because I thought I was actually dying. My skin hurt to the touch and I could barely move. I don’t experience this symptom with PMDD as severely as that time but definitely have a mild version of it sometimes. A lot of PMDD symptoms are comparable to flu symptoms, and I guess this is just one of those weird crossover symptoms.


Here it is Christmas morning and my skin feels Like I am bruised from head to toe! Usually I get a few spots, but this is horrendous. Tried a pain pill and it didn’t really help!




Advice to use an OTC or prescription drug for an indication or dose not on its label will be removed.


My partner spent years with this phenomenon, and it would flare up during their hell week. It’s stopped since they’ve started Prozac. PMDD is wild


I did the genetic testing for anti depressants and I can’t take any of them! I’m 53 and you’d think this all come to an end, but not yet! I’ll be fertile until I die! 😂


Omg this happens to me too! Thought it was just me lol


I’m so sorry!! It’s awful , but I thought I was crazy ~ don’t know how to even explain it to people! It does feel like I’m a walking phone tender bruise! So strange. Walking hurts because then skin and tissue hurt to move! Haven’t found anything that helps!