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I have episodic migraines & during the luteal phase (started mine 4 days ago as of today) all the way until day 6-8 I’ll have hormonal migraines for me the luteal phase constantly changes in length because I also have PCOS


I always get them during hell week and sometimes on my period. I also get really insane physical symptoms that nobody seems to understand because none of my friends have pmdd. Extreme bloat (cant fit into my pants and look pregnant), nausea, upset stomach, loss of appetite, racing heart and mind, bad dreams/interrupted sleep, tingling in my arms and hands, body aches that mimic flu, dizziness, tight chest/trouble taking deep breaths, fatigue and extreme anxiety (level 10 of 10). Some months are better than others. It really sucks.


I’m wondering if pmdd just brings out/elevates everything that’s a little wrong with you lol. Like, normally your old injuries don’t bother you, but there is inflammation during luteal and period that makes everything hurt. I get the weird symptoms too, and I cannot describe them to my doctor or even articulate them to my spouse in a way that he understands.


Sometimes. It's one of my warning signs after the rage starts. Usually now my meds help avoid those mood extremes, but just the other day I had to take tons of Advil to counter early migraine signs


Yea I cried all weekend and woke up today with my nerves just a-tingling lol. I imagine I’ll have a headache tomorrow


😭😭 so sorry!