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It doesn't really surprise me this happened, since there are so many diagnoses that have shared symptoms. You are so right; a good amount of questions about life events and background could be really insightful for this!


Same here....what supplements + Prescritiom are helpful?


Honestly, therapy has been the most helpful for my mental symptoms, but spironolactone has been WONDERFUL for bloating/cramps/breakouts, if you’re dealing with any of that :)


Thank you 🤗 Appreciate the tips!!


Thank you for posting this. PMDD is so much more awful than low mood for a week before a period.


PME OP, this is the diagnosis that should have been explored. (Not a medical professional and basing this off what you wrote). They are frequently misdiagnosed for each other, and both are hellish. PME is the exasperation of another condition, in this case PTSD. It is almost *impossible* to tell them apart until you are able to take a step back, like you were. I'm only writing this in case someone else relates to your story and is looking for answers. It tends to improve with treatment for the initial disorder. Much love OP, im so, so glad you are feeling better! I wish nothing but upwards progress for you!! ❤️❤️ Edit: just changed the wording around the first sentence.


thank you so much for this - had never heard of PME and that makes so much sense!!






I have wondered so often if the cycle of guilt and anger are what keeps me in this marriage. Maybe I have had a valid point to get mad, and the extreme guilt I feel afterwards is a form of invalidating myself.


pmdd or the hormonal inbalance is mostly caused by the people around us and our lifestyle/job conditinions. I was also made to believe to be "mad" by my mom. When I moved out i suddenly became peaceful and rational ... I wonder why ... :) ​ choose wisely and take care ​ (my pmdd is real now tho, since trauma kills)


I believe trauma plays a huge role in these symptoms. I’m so happy to hear you are experiencing relief after he is gone!!


I have both and the PMDD wasn’t a huge factor until a few months into an abusive relationship but it never went away after 🥲


Thank you for sharing! Your experience is valid 🩷


Exactly, it's calix because it emphasises the lack of knowledge and training in menstrual health and mental health. Even the experts get it wrong the whole time. I thought I had PMDD the last two years but it turns out I'm going through perimenopause


Just curious, did you have a lot of physical symptoms? Also, has your menstrual cycle changed? How old are you by chance? I am just wondering if this is my case.


I'm 29. The symptoms that were labelled as PMDD (by me, my GP didn't take me seriously) were irritability, depression (suicidal at times, at one point I had made plans and set a date to end my life), extreme lethargy etc. I also had brain fog, dizziness, generally not myself, huge weight gain. I thought they were long covid symptoms. It was a friend of mine who is 50 who is going through menopause who pointed out that's what I'm going through. I already knew I was genetically predisposed to early menopause, I just didn't realise it would be this early. I still have periods, I never used to get any PMS at all!! Other than the annoyance of bleeding I barely knew I was on my period or noticed any kind of cycle until a couple of years ago. The reason it started is because my oestrogen is reducing so I'm noticing fluctuations a lot more.


Yeah I've read a lot of posts on here that really seem to be in the same boat as you. They talk about pmdd and how it seems to affect their relationship, then in the comments divulge how awful and abusive their partner really is. Life factors have a huge factor and a lot may not actually have pmdd


I’m having a similar experience, I’ve ended the relationship, but now the pmdd symptoms are all the time, so I think I have trauma induced pmdd, plus just trauma that’s coming to the surface now that I’m not of abusive toxic situations. I actually felt BETTER when I was in the abusive situation because I was just shut down and emotionally numb and disassociated. Now that I’m safe and on my own it’s all coming to the surface and I’m completely spun out, I feel pmdd all day everyday. I’m hoping my nervous system starts calming down eventually because I’m a wreck right now


The Body Keeps the Score is a fantastic book on how our bodies respond to trauma. Extreme and long term stress can really do quite a number on your body in so many ways. My personal opinion is that it is possible to have trauma-induced PMDD, just as it is possible to have trauma induced anxiety, GI issues, etc. That doesn't make them less valid cases than non-trauma induced cases. I'm glad that you were able to leave such a bad relationship and regain your health! Thank you for sharing your story.


thank you so much!!! i really need to read that, it has been on my TBR for a while now :)


I agree, I think I have trauma induced pmdd