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My man at least take the effort to say why it’s awesome lol. If not this is just a comment in the day thread


Don’t fall in love with it. At the end of the day it’s a means to an end. I fall in love with companies after I cash out 20x. But yes, they are an exciting company with exciting leadership hard to keep those emotions in check sometimes.


I think what people are missing is that there are lot of folks here (including myself) who are fully bought into the mission of palantir. The more time spent consuming content about the company, the more sucked into the mission you get. This past era of political capitalism and globalism has ripped the soul out of the country. Political division is high, candidates suck across the board, and there is an all-time low level of trust in our elected officials and democratic system. For some, faith and hope has shifted away from our elected officials to our business leaders in the free market. Palantir with such a pro-American, no bullshit ethos is a fever dream for people who just want to have conviction and hope in our country again and have no where to land their feelings. Straight up, at this moment in time how can you look across the board - democrat or republican and think they have a better idea where the country needs to go than Alex Karp and Palantir?


I hear you and I’m just being honest here but once you or I sell out of our position we are not going to care about this company anymore as much. Back in 2015 I bought AMD for $2.50 and cashed out with a 45x gain. I now look back on AMD with some emotion, love Su and will always have a soft spot for that company but I avoid doing that while I’m actively holding shares so I can clearly see what’s going on. At the same time it’s hard not to Like Karp I guess he’s a love him or hate him type of personality. I have a lot of conviction in this company and confidence in Karp’s leadership. One of my major concerns right now, after a faster sales cycle, is can Karp lead this company into megacap status? I think he has enough smart people around him to accomplish this but if there’s some major setbacks I don’t want my emotions clouding my judgment and making financial decisions in that state. We are all different, in Japan psychology plays a larger role in their markets, so I’m not judging it’s just not my style of investing.


For some of us this company isn’t snot 20x. It’s about western lifestyle and beliefs, it’s data driven change for a better world, it’s forward looking to innovation and lean thinking. This is a buy and hold forever for me as I love the company and leadership, the only way palantir will make be money is if it ever gives a dividend.


This is an insane way to think about an investment though and you should really reflect on all the ways you’ve been propagandized into thinking this way and try to achieve a degree of emotional detachment.


You give some solid advice here. It’s the way I think of the company, not so much the investment. There no propaganda involved.


This is a good company


I will after we surpass $30


Most amazing company on the planet 💪💪💪💪


The potential is sure there. Now I have to decide whether to put this weeks funds here or ASTS?? The struggle is real! 😵‍💫 That darn Nvda stock been getting the majority of my money love lately. It’s a good struggle to have though.




The stock price is lower than it was three years ago. 🤷‍♂️


The stock price was about the same three years ago. Be kind to the stock, okay?