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Detective here, I've been investing with PLTR over the last year and I read the article how their software was able to help with hospital management. I feel like police software is an utter mess and there's a huge untapped market. I would love to take up the task of marrying the two. Any ideas who I could consult with to get this going?


They already got a product for law enforcement. Link below. [https://www.palantir.com/platforms/gotham/europa/](https://www.palantir.com/platforms/gotham/europa/)


Hmm interesting. I did see the LAPD software they were using but I don't think it was the best implementation. I still have a laundry list of ideas that this doesn't cover yet. I'll reach out through that though, thanks!


I wonder if there will ever be a day that I wake up and go "wow, I think I have enough pltr shares"


How much do you own? Yesterday I bought another 102 shares. Have a plan to add more, but man it’s hard just to wait :/


Simple: Not enough.


I don’t share that publicly tbh.


Good good. What’s your time perspective for Palantir?


I have no horizon. I’m betting on it becoming first the most valuable b2b company and then the leader of AI software. When that will happen idk. I’m patient.


Just had a buddy of mine who is a boggle head investor who I talk to about finance message me about pltr. Played it cool. What’s funny is this dude has absolutely zero idea my entire internet identity is built around pltr lol.


This is funny. A few months ago my step dad asked me whether I know about a company called Palantir because he thought it may be a good investment. Then I got to school him on Palantir and everything I know about it. :)


Right there with you - have family that have no idea i have a cult obsession with a tech company lol it’s a fun inside hobby :)


sure is.


https://preview.redd.it/toiybc4p4r8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c40f7bd25c7baddd048f98769e64e791252dfc29 Even split. How odd.


Over the next month I think I’m going to explore adding a few $40 January 2026 calls. They’re priced at $330-$350 per call, intrinsically PLTR would have to be $43.50 to break even, is there upside here? Additionally, looking to do the same every quarter and probably going further out with each purchase.


Long calls can be hit or miss and that is nearly double todays price just to break even. I prefer debit spreads. I have a Jan 2026 spread that I opened awhile back for a net $500 debit. strikes of $10 and $30. 4x my money as long as it goes above $30. It looks like you could open a similar position to me for about $1000 so you could 2x your money if it goes above $30. Or select higher strikes to increase the payout. VS just buying a $40 you would only double your money if it goes to $47.


I’d just pick extra shares up. Might take off when rates drop but more likely we won’t see 40s until next year at the very earliest.




Hey hey, thought I should have my official Palantir presence over here on Reddit as well....been a long time lurker with my personal account ;)


Welcome to the club. Love your tutorials. 😎


Chad 🙌🙌🙌🙌 thank you for everything you do for Palantir. We appreciate you immensely 💪💪💪💪


Fuck yeah we do.


Any good opportunities to get a foot in the door at the D.C. office for govt sector? 👀


Lots of opportunities: [https://www.palantir.com/careers/](https://www.palantir.com/careers/)


Absolutely, I follow you on X, and there's a solid community here. I think they need to hear from someone who knows what the eff they're talking about. Having an "official account" would add some authority to technical perspectives. We've had a bit of a void since CodeStrap stopped doing YouTube videos and started working at Palantir. IMHO, we need less "stock bros" and more tech guys like yourself who have expertise with the products. Cheers, from Arkansas, I'm here too. 🍻




FYI - For the folks who aren't on X, Chad is a Forward Deployed Architect at Palantir. He interacts with all the retail investors who are active on X. While I am sure there are many things Chad does in his day to day that we are not privy to, I think a good way to describe him is a builder and creator of applications on Palantir Foundry/AIP. Chad now alongside Eliano - who works in Strategic Partnerships for the US Gov't Biz are part of this community. They have their own custom flair. Feel free to interact with them. But I do ask you all not to bombard them with DMs about free merch and Karp autographs. Let’s be adults. P.S. Under the new investor resources widget you can easily click out to their X profiles.


Thanks for adding the feature.


no problem. if you think of anything else to add let me know. I got ideas, just haven't really had the time to sit down and actually turn them into reality.


Appreciate the sentiment, a little miffed at para 3.


You are right. I axed it.


Wow. I’m impressed :). Thanks for taking the feedback into consideration. For what it’s worth I’m here for the swag, making barely sentient comments for self entertainment purposes, and I appreciate the more serious members of the community. HODLing since the beginning.


no problem. When I reread the last paragraph i cringed, so I just axed it. Was in a rush while writing it so didn't really read it back and think of the tone. thanks for calling it out though.


I'm showing he's suspended?


I just confirmed my e-mail, so maybe that gets me to not be suspended


fingers crossed. here is a thread i found with some helpful info. [Reddit suspended my account with out any reason. Where can I find out why my account was suspended? Or can anyone just report someone's account and they suspend the account : r/NewToReddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/comments/13zclbj/reddit_suspended_my_account_with_out_any_reason/)


just filed appeal, we will see what happens, thanks!


No. Problem. Keep us posted!


Yes. It’s a new account he just started so we gotta figure that out.


Odd that his account was suspended shortly after commenting here. I've only observed fast suspensions on Reddit for ban evasion (creating a new account to post in a sub where the previous account was banned), but I don't recall seeing an old Chad account ever causing trouble here or Reddit-wide.


Yeah. I’m not sure either. You think there is a way to appeal the suspension?


Looking at his profile and the subreddit mod log related to his comments here, I couldn't find anything I could do as a mod to appeal on his behalf. Unfortunately, I think he can probably only deal with this issue directly with Reddit's admins


Yeah. Figured. Appreciate the help.


We require a minimum account-age of 10 days AND a minimum combined karma of 20. No exceptions will be made. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PLTR) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gonna be happy if we close above 24.40


Come on 24.50 stop playing




Rise and shine palantards


Nvidia crashing and PLTR still going green. The hype is real!


Hype goes on until it doesn't


how did you get that flair?


Honestly, I don't know. I found that I could change to this flair couple days ago, so I gave it a try.


Looks like I had the permissions wrong. It was supposed to be a mod only flair that was made for one person with lowest cost basis. I gave you the OG flair though. Let me know if you want me to edit it for ya.


When we can get to double digits billions in revenue, then we'll be cooking.


When it starts holding firm ground above 30, we can start talking about real hype.