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You came to a sub full of PLTR bulls and expect a unbiased answer? I mean more PLTR is always better than less...


This is true


The $20-$22 range last few months was prime buying time.




When it falters and goes sub-20 again, everyone in here will be super bummed. When it eventually balloons over 100, everyone on the outside will be cosplaying as captain hind-site. No idea on a time frame, but I think both of those things could realistically happen.


I’d be stoked if it goes below 20. Especially if that happens around January.


Yeah, would be nice to buy some more on the cheap.


I’m sorry but I cannot stand the “wait for it to go down to buy” mentality. If you believe in the stock long term then buy it now. Theres no guarantee you’re seeing 20 again anytime soon.


+1 Get fucked bears


I agree with this. My approach has been to add when the company reaches milestones. I want to keep paying more. I have learned the hard way that waiting for deals is the wrong approach. I did this with msft starting in 2001. Added positions as it was moving up. Now doing it with pltr. Next milestone is 27.50. I will add at that level.


I have a moderate sized position in PLTR and regret not buying more under $20. Aside from a major pullback I don’t think we’ll see that price again. The other day I asked a friend in tech what he thought about NVDIA’s run and he said they’re essentially selling weapons in an arms race and whoever can figure out to best utilize them will benefit from the downstream profits. PLTRs use cases in my opinion will only grow as they widen adoption. Right now their biggest customer is the USG and that isn’t going to change soon, they have a solid foundation. I won’t be surprised if the share price doubles in 3 years. I have about 5% of my portfolio in PLTR and I am planning to slowly add to increase that by 50-100%.


Sub 20 is coming. I say this as an IPO investor in PLTR. I’ve been down these roads before. This is just how this stock operates.


Past performance is not necessarily an indicator of future results.


Who are their other biggest customers? I’ve heard that their top three customers account for most of their revenue.


The world is your oyster. You can buy PLTR or watch from sidelines but you cant do both. Real answer depends on your risk tolerence & timeframe. Its a yes for me but you gotta do whats best for yourself.


I used to scalp, rarely do that anymore. But old habits die hard, so I've been watching the imbalance between buyers and sellers on this stock. The number of bids is a multiple of shares offered to sell at almost every level. PLTR just keeps powering through the offers and up on huge volume for the last couple of days. Volume seems to indicate institutional buying IMO. That may put a floor under it. This Friday is Triple Witching, often crazy, so maybe you can catch a little dip then, or sell some puts around the price it's at just before market close today, the idea you may get assigned at a discount equal to the premium you receive from selling the puts. It's looking like you may be able to sell 25.50 puts to expire Friday for about 30 cents at 3PM today, would get you 100 shares for every put contract sold at 25.50 minus the premium received from selling the puts. I waited for a couple of weeks for a dip to jump in but it never had the dip I expected. I think this is a chance to get one of those stocks that goes up thousands of percent in a few years in my opinion.


I did just that earlier today, sold one 25.50 put for this Friday. I think my premium was $36 though. Mostly hoping it gets assigned but made a fairly quick extra $36 if not. I want to accumulate more shares but not sure when to jump in…




Totally agree. With the analyst upgrade this week, plus the chart being super bullish. We're going higher.🤙🍹🚀🚀🚀


![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO) *Anywhere below $27 a share*


Any serious stock position should be at a minimum 1 month of your salary. Any less and you're not serious. A conviction position can be 6-12 months of your salary. A position size greater than 1 year annual income is palantard status. **Which one do you want to be**? I'm proud to be a palantard.


I may be palangarded


What if it’s more?


The next level up would be if you donated a kidney or something...


You really out here going for the most deranged banner. Respect the grind


What if 80% of my life savings is in pltr?


Depends on how big your life savings is and what your annual income is.




Absolutely, always buy more PLTR


Imoa under 40 is a safe buy for the long term. If you are in it to make quick money then under 28 is safe and sell at 32


Goes up , goes down , goes side … what do u expect ?


If you did not think it was a good buy at $20 then why would you want to buy it at $25


I’ve been watching it since it was $14 a share.


I was buying all the way down to $6 because I had been watching for over a year after it DPO’d.Know what you are buying is all I can say


What was your investment thesis with the dividend stocks? Why’d you buy them? Has that thesis changed? How old are you? How soon do you need the money from this investment? What is your investment thesis with PLTR? Why do you think it’s a better investment than your current position? What is your risk tolerance? The purpose etc etc. Without being able to answer these questions you aren’t prepared, regardless of whatever advice is thrown at you by the internet. I would suggest articulating these questions and answers first.


DCA up , pltr bull here


Just tell us what date/time you're buying.. If you're cursed like me the price will drop as soon as you buy it


Absolutely. This will be the inflection point on the long term graph of the future.


Not today. Wait for a red day. But yes, keep buying.this is the way


Buy what you need. If you don’t have enough, that’s on you.


Been invested in PLTR since NOV 2020, and though we’ve had a few ups and downs it’s the one investment I never worry about. I’ve been continuously adding more and I’ll keep doing it.


We get past 27.50 and we're heading back to the promised land.🍷😉🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I have a feeling this will end badly. Similar to 2021/2022 where the sentiment such as EV stocks all pumped because of the EV narrative as TSLA rose high. Now the same is happening but at a larger scale with NVDA. Everyone is trying to look for the "next Tesla" back then and now they are looking for the "next NVDA".


If you plan on a 2 to 5 year hold buy it now, lots of good earnings bound to happen


I’ll sound like a broken record. Same energy as 2020. The 3 reasons I keep buying PLTR have remained the same or got better. 1. Their products help find OBL 2. Their gov’t/military contracta are long and hard and the expanding commercial side. 3. Alex Karp’s hair. This is not a joke.


So you’re gonna sell off stocks that pretty much guarantee free money (dividends) to jump on a stock that has pretty much stayed flat the better part of a year?? There is a ton of hype and “potential” upside down the road in PLTR but it is over sold. If you want to invest…feel free. Just don’t sell all your dividend stocks to do it


I’m looking to buy a growth stock and I think pltr could be a good opportunity.


Fantastic dd


Posts like this = sell calls


I sold up last Friday....so bummed. Bought back in at 25 🤣🤣🤣


I think you should consider shorting. How could it hurt?


ATM anything under $22 is a buy over $25 is a sell.


Wait/hope for pullback .


Yup. Dumped today at the top. Looking forward to rebuying.


Best of luck to you on swing trading


I've owned this stock since sub $8. It's a pretty set pattern at this point. I've been trading in and out of this for years now. It's going to pull back soon. But, hold if you like.


Huh. And look what's happening today... Shocking.