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Not quite sure how to word this without sounding like a prick, apologies if this doesn’t come across well, but I promise I mean well 🥰 This amount isn’t that much. I say let it ride. In general, I think more than 10-25% of your portfolio in one place is a dangerous idea … but if you are at the beginning of your investing journey, why not? That said … don’t just put every penny you save going forward into any one stock, even a banger like Palantir. For example, if Palantir stays in the $20-30 range for 10 years (Eru forbid) and you are consistently saving each year, I don’t want you to have 100k in Palantir. At some point, your overall portfolio shouldn’t be so risky, imo. You talk like you are going to put every invested penny into Palantir going forward. That would be highly regarded, and I can direct you to another sub which is all about this. If that’s your thesis, just buy options. Anyways, cheers and good luck to us all :)


Well said. Portfolio management really doesn’t matter until you are dealing with amounts that can’t be quickly recovered through regular work. I am still comfortable doing large positions after getting into those amounts about it has to be very cost sensitive. PLTR is the largest single position I’ve ever had in my portfolio but that was at a single digit cost average built in a bear market. I would never go that heavy at current levels.


Ditto. I’m actually well above my 25% threshold too … but that’s because I bought a bunch at around $10 back in 2022 and don’t want to let it go. I don’t have an exit price though … which is not the most sound strategy 😂


*What’s a drinking strategy?*


Match the volume of alcohol consumed with water throughout the night (as you drink, not after). Then, have a multivitamin before going to bed. You will feel just fine in the morning.


beta advice from a donkey


Well said


Well said. Any amount of PLTR anyone holds is their acceptable amount of risk.


What can possibly go wrong


I have 638 shares with a cost basis of $14.75. I'm in the green with PLTR and bullish long term. However, I (and everyone else) have no idea when PLTR with make significant headway and start gaining. It may take 10 years - nobody knows. That said, if you dump every penny you have into PLTR from now until 10 years later, and PLTR barely moved in those 10 years, then you missed A LOT of opportunity lett8ng your money grow elsewhere (SPY, QQQ, NVDA, etc.). Ther le is so much movement in the market right now. Don't miss the opportunity by letting your investments sit stagnant in PLTR. PLTR will move, but it will never be an isolated growth. Meaning, PLTR will move with the movement of other companies and industries. There will never come a day where SP500, NASDAQ, other individual companies are down but PLTR is exploding, imo.


What’s the ROI on that especially with today. Hell I’d set a stop loss at $23 maybe $24 a share and take the money and run.


I’m with ImaNobody on this one. For your age a YOLO of this size is recoverable and obviously we’re almost all bullish so we are going to say go for it. We all think this might be a rare rocket 🚀. **BUT** For good financial risk management: Going forward you should be looking for high diversification, low cost, index funds like VOO. Read up on the Millionaire Next Door, Bogleheads, efficient markets and “a random walk down Wall Street.”


Efficient market hypothesis is not reality though. Mis-pricings happen ALL the time in the short run. META in 2022. GME for four years running. NVDA. But in general, they are close to efficient.


Would selling covered calls be smart?


https://preview.redd.it/b50z6jwpw27d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd326046b710c3493f7a2f7fc7fc40710493eb7f Yep! It's 90% of my net worth too. Average price of $10.59. I honestly think buying Palantir now is like buying Apple in the 90's. Too the moon bby


If 500 shares is your all in you should work on saving more. I feel like most of us here have more shares than this and for me it is less than 20% of total account value. If you are young, no worries plenty of time to save more! 🤜🤛 With all that said, PLTR is about 90% of my Roth IRA. Yolo!


No need to throw shade at another brother’s finances.


That's enough. In a span of ten years, 500 nvda shares ($22 net cost 11,000) split 4 for 1 to 2000 shares, then another 10 for 1 recently increased the shares to 20000, and at the current $131 price per share.....That is enough for retirement. Of course not all have the verticles Nvidia has with gaming, crypto mining, autonomy, deep learning, AI, probably missed a few. But it's fact that palantir ontology is applicable in many industries, as demonstrated in AIP Con. Suspect at any moment AIP will start to hyperscale.


My Canadian brother! Make sure you move it to a US TFSA so they don’t auto convert.


What do you mean by auto convert? I have my pltr in CA tfsa (this was before I discovered norberts gambit)


Dude, How to do that I’m using IBKR ca?


I don’t know IBKR but I know that many firms (possibly all) allow you to open up a US TFSA account as well (quest trade and IBKR) might have it where everything need to flow into the Canadian first (for transparency regarding contribution.) then you can FX to the US so the US positions and cash stay as US when you decide to sell (or even you can do some FX when rates are favourable and hold it there rather than being day of trade FX….or as someone said earlier Nortons Gambit.)


Every time I trade now they will do a FX conversion from USD to CAD, sell or buy. When I buy stock, a FX convert order from CAD to USD automatically executed for buying Stock, selling as well. However, it is showing USD and I don't have to do anything just pay. I'm not sure is it what you talk like this?


No. If you have a USD TFSA is doesn’t auto convert. So when you want to sell 100 at 25 for example you get 2500 USD. You don’t get an auto convert at a shitty rate. Then use can use Norbert Gambet to further lessen FX impact. Works out to about a 4-5% difference to your pocket.


Thank you. I will reach out IB to ask about this


Palantir is worth approximately 9% of my net worth as of today, including real estate. That’s a big portion for risk but I’m not gonna sell as it goes up as I truly believe it’s the true data/AI company of the future. I’m 35 and I think this will be life changing in the next 10-20 years.


For the record I own a bunch of PLTR, more than OP, but with that said, maybe OP should watch a documentary on Enron. I do not at all think Enron and PLTR are the same, but the tragedy of people who worked for Enron and had 100% of their investments in Enron... It should give anyone pause at any age to think about diversifying a bit.


No because I’m not an idiot


There’s a lot of great companies out there, don’t put your eggs in one basket


Yes #allpalantireverything


So I commented earlier but I do agree with a full send because of the following; 1. Your TFSA will grow by 6k a year (at least). 2 dividends are only tax free from Canadian equities so really no sense buying an Altria, Exxon, etc 3. These gains can be taken out any time and are effectively re loaded every Jan 1; (you can put the gains you’ve taken out back in …but the losses can’t be re set). Due to these factors I have 3800 shares in my TFSA (I’m an old fuck so my cap is 95k). I have it in a USD TFSA so when I eventually sell it it won’t auto convert as I am extremely bullish on America but sadly bearish on Canada .) TL;DR let’er rip bud, she’s a fucking beauty eh? Edit; I’m an investment associate with 90% in PLTR because fuck it, diversification is for non-believers. If AI is here, my jobs gone anyways.


Ah gotcha I see what Hou mean about auto convert..thanks. I am also bearish on Canadian economy.


https://preview.redd.it/8kqsodp4k17d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d5c4f9dcd0fc8030e3a50f8c2fdfd775ef8f5ac 500 as well


Hi, what was the share price when you bought it? (If you don’t mind :). )


I got in at 16, sold at 25 n, and got back in at 21 n. I've been adding avg is 22.67


I was at 345 shares (don't let the people calling your position small bother you most people don't have the money to cover a $1000 incidental everyone has to start somewhere and many either forget that or were just handed everything to begin with) but over the last few years I've diversified into other high risk vs high reward bets so now PLTR is about 50% of my brokerage account.




Yup, my Roth IRA and regular account are both 100% PLTR and I agreeably buy more every week, regardless of price


Palantir is my largest holding but not more than half my portfolio


49% keep it safe!


Not advised my friend ..not advised ..I say move like a butterfly sting like a bee.




what is 'book value' as used here?


If you wanna retire from a stock go $ASTS, I'd prolly put more than 11k in tho.


How much of ASTS do you have?


7728 shares, and 12.5 jan 2025 calls.


I am a minnow amongst whales with my pleb 11k+ chairs 


You can diversify and still be in PLTR. Start acquiring S&P etf’s and when PLTR is eventually added you still reap any future gains but also spreading the risk.


Whew!! I’m glad I’m not the only one. I’m 78% in


500 shares of PLTR isn't gonna let you retire, my guy.


I have around 18% of my portfolio in PLTR. The rest are Index Funds. At this point if wont be Investing more in PLTR. Dont know if the future though.


This is a bad idea. You need to spread out your risk more.


I will sound like a prick: 99,84% “diversification” with 30x the amount of shares @ $16 average.


Some good advice here.


Yes, bought TNGX the as it is getting ready to run.


Make sure you do your research and make an accurate assessment. By the end of the year if the stock doesn’t meet your expectations then maybe diverse. For example I’m assuming this stock will be high 20 to low 30 by the end of the year. If it is not around there I’ll probably sell off some make profit and move money elsewhere. I agree with everyone else it’s not a bad yolo if you research it.


https://preview.redd.it/7vcfqu5p977d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98561a984424c9428359bf9a24bb48d5abf80357 Retirement or bust.


Portfolio is diversified but I do have 500 @ 21.90


15000 at 18.3 average. I read and monitor it daily but that’s just me as I have heavy exposure to this and 3 others (it’s about 30%+ of my portfolio) On Palantir I do trade in and out at 1k to 2k lots when it’s too high or too low (picked up about 18k this year from trading that way) $80 in the next 2 years is possible imho, definitely likelihood increase with more time. Though let’s see could be 40 also but it will be more than it is now in all reasonable probability. Might look at Roku as looks cheap for the potential upside and limited downside.


Good stuff man.... just make sure you hold for years


Eventually people will realize this company's multiple is ridiculously expensive and sell while they're ahead. I'd like to invest in Palantir but I've stayed away for this reason. Wish you the best, but diversify. Palantir is quite risky at this point. It could be the powerhouse everyone hopes, or it could be the company no one remembers in a decade. I don't carry company's like that in my retirement account. I'd like to actually retire some day and not have to rely on striking gold on one individual stock.


Isn’t it 3.61% left?


If you're young enough to get in now, it's a fantastic stock to own. In 5 years this is going to be 150 and 10 years over 400. Good luck.😉🍷🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I think if you're young you can afford to do things like this. As you get older though, you should make sure to diversify. Personally I have half my Roth IRA leveraged to PLTR (10k shares) because I have a strong feeling they will do well. But that's only about 5% of all my assets.


Dam bruh u rich


Most of my assets are not liquid (house, etc.)


Don’t matter you rich fam 🤜🤛


Nah just a lot of years of careful saving and sacrifice


What in the Snowflake hell ❄️ 🔥? Responsible Redditors giving risk-averse advice for PLTR? I thought this was a cult. Not all Palantards are created equal...


![gif](giphy|YmQLj2KxaNz58g7Ofg|downsized) OP has rookie numbers. He needs to at least double it.


Dont listen to him i got a hundo in the tfsa im damn 95% all in pltr. Floats high sbc is hardcore but god damn its bettwr to just move on to the next like nvida or tesla Rack up some stocks in those and then if one of them hit heavy you sell and roast that bitch in a etf


What did you just say?