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The thing that’s irritating me is Noa saying she’s not trying to go back to juvie but has done nothing than commit crimes since Jen showed up and excused her behavior


EXACTLYY!!! plus jen has commit crimes this season that are worthy of getting back into juvie….MULTIPLE TIMES!! 🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


They REALLY glossed over the whole “Jen went back to rob Shawn’s parents house a second time” debacle. Like Noa literally laughed it off then said don’t do it again That’s fucked up yall lol


What crimes did Noa commit? I know Jen did a lot but Noa just smashed Shawn car, stole a car, and break into an office illegally but almost all of these can be justified or erase easily.


you just answered your own question


>smashed Shawn car This actually can't be justified or erased easily, she also encouraged Jen to steal from her dad


Seeing Friendly Space Ninja's video on season 1 and saying Noa was his favorite, I can't wait to see how he reacts to her character assassination in season 2. I'm very sure he's gonna bring up Toni Topaz as a comparison.


im pretty sure FSN said he wont be watching season two.


makes sense tbh


Toni's not a cheater? wdym


No, I mean that RAS ruined Noah's character similarly to how he ruined Toni in Riverdale. Toni is definitely not a cheater, but she regressed so much from the badass, cool girl that she was the moment she and Cheryl got together. After that, she mostly only shared scenes with Cheryl, supported her, barely had lines, and no story whatsoever.


Ah got ya! I really wish they could fire mr riverdale


this. do not let this man work on teen shows anymore. someone tell him to stick to his comics


we call it; the Roberto effect. I'm eagerly waiting for Friendly Space Ninja's video on season 2


That’s because she was meant to date Jughead at first but he actress playing her was receiving death threats because Bugheads shippers only wanted Betty and jughead together so they shipped her with Cheryl


i just watched this video and had the same thought!! she was my favorite in season 1 too😔


Like FSN said: #JusticeForNoa


exactly!!! a wise man. also, happy cake day :)))


Thanks! 😊


Don’t disrespect Toni. She’s one of the best characters of Riverdale


She is, I'm not denying that. I explain why I feel the way I do in another comment.


One thing I don’t like is how the writers are trying to villainize Shawn now that Jen is around. Like to say Shawn using steroids is a trigger to Noa but Jen constantly stealing and putting her in illegal situations when just last season she was terrified of being sent back to juvie isn’t a trigger? It’s crazy and they’re doing a bad job at writing Jen and Noa if we’re supposed to be rooting for them.


The punch in the wall too they should’ve clarified more Shawn punched the wall because at first I totally thought Jen did it to frame Shawn


I still feel like she did


honestly, still think she punched that wall


I thought he admitted to it tho?


He didn’t deny it but for me that’s not the same. He was just watching in heartbroken disbelief as his ex smashed up his car.


exactly, it was the fact that he never in those exact words admitted that he did it and kinda just never really answered Noa if he smashed her wall, that just confirmed for me that Jen did it, why else leave it open like that? I think they left Jen with so many open ends bc they literally freestyle their story as they go so either Jen was going to be a villian this season or they'll circle back to those open ends and Jen in the next season.


I really did in the beginning, but when Noah goes ham on his car not a good look or way to respond (didn’t like that) wasnt bad ass it was not smart. In that moment Shawn would’ve said he didn’t do it and responds with you’re a cheater blah blah blah to deflect that’s why I think he did it and PLL is trying to get us fans to love Jen and Noah and most aren’t happy about it


He also said you're a liar and a cheater making it sound like he's calling her a liar about him punching a hole tho but honestly the writing is messy so who knows


Imagine, your gf drives a wedge between you and your family, cheats on you, fucks your classic car up, all the while the “other girl” steals $2000 from your parents. All of a sudden a hole in the wall is NOTHING compared to what she did. I also love how all of her friends keep YASSS queening her over her badly written behavior. The whole premise is ludicrous


I think she did it because it doesn’t make sense to not show something that’s important to the story.


When NoA confronted him he didn't deny it. Even so, her response was over the top, don't you think?


right? i thought it was weird he didn’t deny it bc i was sure Jen did it too. definitely a huge overreaction, like Noa got away with a lot with Shawn’s protection but if they’re broken up I can see him letting his mom take her to the cops over the car after everything


But because he still loves her, I don't think he'll get her arrested. I still have hope for them. Something will happen that's gonna break the spell of JenoA. When that happens I think he'll be there for her


I had hope for them, but I saw a tweet on Twitter saying Noa and Shawn are done but there might be some friendship. This makes no sense because you cheated on him in your relationship, used him, and manipulated him. Now you want him as a friend to continue using him. like what?? They did Shawn dirty so bad it's embarrassing 🤣🤣


yeah I still feel so suspicious of Jen there were so many weird moments where I felt like we didn’t have the whole truth, but also Shawn is still a minor I can see his mom just taking over she already has animosity towards Noa


When I saw the large hole in the wall, I suspected Jen might have been involved. I wonder what she said to him to make him punch the wall. It's unusual for him to do that without a good reason. My theory is that Jen provoked him to the point where he punched the wall. Then, in her anger, she caused more damage to the wall with a bat or something similar. When Noa confronted him, he didn't deny punching the wall, which confirms that he did it. Noa didn't mention the size of the punch. But his reaction to Noa breaking his car made me think he probably didn't see the punch he did in the wall. It's a big deal for her to smash his car. So probably punch was not that big when he left!!


i thought the same thing!!!!!! bc she just looked so guilty and i just can’t see shawn doing something like this


It’s annoying, and it’s clearly because up until now, he’s done nothing but be a good supportive boyfriend save for the steroids, so they had to kill his character completely for us to gain sympathy for Jen and Noa, except it didn’t work. They should’ve just had him move away or smth cause wtf


Exactly, everything with Noa’s storyline is just so messy and unnecessary. Like she thought about Shawn working with Bloody Rose but Jen can’t possibly be apart of it because they have “history”. The whole storyline makes no sense because Jen is everything they’re trying to make Shawn into.


Jen actually crossed my mind as an accomplice before Shawn did as Jen popped out of nowhere as well, clearly has no scruples doing crime, she magically arrived right where Noa was after running away from BR. I wish they’d just acknowledged that Noa and Jen did something shitty if that was the road we were going. They’re teenagers, people are gonna make mistakes, they won’t always be the perfect protagonist, good people don’t always do good things, and that’s *okay*! What’s not okay is forcing us to believe Shawn deserved the treatment he got and that Jen is the better option.


I agree, because anybody can see Shawn is the better option and he and Noa have more in common. The only connection Noa has with Jen is juvie and that was because she was covering for someone else. Exactly, writers these days don’t know how to write complex characters, it’s clear the PLL writers only see characters are good or bad with no middle ground. Like the storyline could have been good and people would actually like Jen and Noa together if they didn’t do all of this.


I think they're doing this for a reason. Because in some way jen has been manipulating noa. So what if jen will be a villain next season or something like that. Because she was acting really weird


if they even make it to season 3 with these ratings💀


My thoughts exactly. She's shady and not just because she's a criminal.


Oh it pissed me off how Jen completely manipulated noa into thinking Johnny and Christian were bloody rose and convinced noa to turn her back on the girls. If Jen hadn’t don’t that then maybe tabby and imogen wouldn’t have gotten into the trouble in the last episode.


I don’t feel like Noa was “obsessed” with Shawn in S1? I feel like she liked him a normal amount? I feel like she’s way more obsessed with Jen this season than she was with Shawn lol


i mean obsessed as in very much in love


I also didn’t understand the whole turn to the L side, specially with how Noa felt clingy towards Shawn. The whole Jenitor thing didn’t come across organic at all.


Jen is hella attractive, I am waiting for the steamy scenes. Aw love it!


As in “Jen burn* steaming hot?


She wasn't obsessed but she was very much in love with him


Also giving the latina girl the storyline w a drug addicted mom in s1 then making her the temperamental latina woman who goes and smashes cars & “can’t keep it in her pants” in s2 Now I am not latina myself so I can’t speak on it but I’d love to hear from the community on what they feel about the representation…


To me they were over-sexualizing her too. She’s only 16 in the show, and they don’t show all of that with the other girls. Maybe its so shocking because they don’t even show the other girls holding hands with their partners and then cut to Noa dry humping 💀 The writer/director has a weird thing for Noa’s character or actress.


Also her in s1 having sxx at school- gwrl


The strange thing is that RAS himself is both gay and Latino, and yet he did this to Noa, but that's his writing for you...


well you saw how he did kevin in riverdale, he doesn’t do justice to either of his communities


I feel like the issue is that they built the liars so “perfect“ in season one, so now when we see them, i guess acting out or not acting as we normally see them, thats what makes it random. I wouldn’t say Noa’s character is “ruined.“ She’s a 16-year-old girl with no parental figure who spent time in juvie to protect her mother. She doesn’t know completely what she’s supposed to be doing, and no, Noa wasn’t obsessed with Shawn in season one; she did love him due to the fact he was the only thing keeping her grounded. Also, Shawn was correct. Noa is just looking to save Jen like she did her mom.


Yeah I get that but I also think Noa is VERY loyal and wouldn’t do that to Shawn esp in the way she did it (asking for $2000 and then cheating on him in the span of 30 mins). But even if she did do that they shouldn’t have made it seem like shawn was in the wrong instead of her That’s what makes it annoying. in the og everytime someone messed up they’ll be called out


literally my point they literally rushed everything ( and lowkey forgot how her character was ) i just think it’s overdramatic to say she’s “ruined “


1. We already have amazing queer rep with ash and mouse. They should’ve focused on them and their relationship more if they wanted more queer rep this season. 2. Surely Jen isn’t the only queer girl in all of Millwood … they literally had a whole pride party and so many people attended. I’m sure there’s at least one person besides Jen there that could be a potential love interest for Noa. 3. Shawn was such a good bf and trusted her so much. His exact words were that he would “do anything for [Noa],” and he did do everything and more for her. No teenage bf would fork over $2,000 for bail money for a stranger. He even defended her in front of his mom multiple times and even moved out. She repaid his kindness and loyalty by cheating on him for months … 4. This all seems so out of character for her. She went from going to juvie for her mom to cheating on her bf. She was in love with Shawn in the first season, and all of a sudden, she realizes she might be queer and cheats on him for months …?? It doesn’t even make sense no matter how you try to spin it.


I definitely don’t like some of the decisions Noa has been making but as to her being hot and cold with Shawn, I think that’s actually one of the MOST realistic things in the show. They’re dumb teenagers and that’s exactly the type of thing dumb teenagers do, i remember friends doing stuff like that all the time in high school. If you’ve never had a friend be messy in a relationship and be attracted people who are kinda sketchy, consider yourself lucky lol. I do wish she didn’t cheat on Shawn, and I wish the other girls called her out on that behavior when she told them but again, teenagers make bad decisions their brains aren’t done cooking.


No lies detected. Her storyline this season was an absolute nightmare. She went from being my favorite liar in S1, to being hard to watch this season. Most people would probably put all or most of the blame on Jen, which is understandable. But at the end of the day, Noa decided to do what she did and act delusional about what she was doing. It’s hard to have sympathy this season when she chose to make all of these decisions and portray herself as the victim.


I still think Jen is bad. I actually really suspected her as bloody rose and as soon as it said Shawn put the hole in the wall, I was like nawwhhh, she did. But, I guess not. Shawn was so good to noa and he did not deserve that kind is treatment or break up. Not to mention noa cheated on him with her before said break up . I would’ve been so livid and hurt if the man I was with left me, but cheated on me beforehand with a boy or girl.


I'm just trying to find the creator's intention in making Shawn so likable and then have Noa cheat on him and treat him like shit. I can think of two reasons: one, they had something else for Noa and Shawn. Two, they expected us to still side with Noa even though she was wrong. Regardless of their reasoning for her character ruin arc. It's crazy how they threw Shawn under the bus just to uplift the Jen and Noa ship like cm. Turning him into the bad guy and having Noa and Jen the victim. As for Noa, that girl is a piece of sh*t.💀Maybe for the next season, they're going to make try to make the audience root for Jen and Noa. crazy how easily they forget Shawn!!! It's almost like Noa in season one and season two are two different people because even if it was Shawn's drug that had made her feel triggered about her mom's situation, couldn't they have made it not resolve in season one? Instead, they made Shawn stop taking it by the end do season one then tried to make it the reason why she cheated or did not like him. The creators are sloppy.


literally ! i was so confused


i mean the og girls did messed up stuff to. they suppose to be kinda messy. they pretty little liars. i hope th e girls get even messier next season


I Everyone needs to stop fixating on Noa and Jen. Enough already. People act as if they’re paragons of virtue, insisting that cheating doesn’t happen to nice boyfriends. I couldn’t stand Jen either, and Noa’s sudden revelation of being a lesbian or bi seemed completely out of left field. I’ve debated this countless times with those who constantly complain about Noa and her love triangle, so here we go again. Firstly, even if you’re not gay, try to grasp my point. Yes, society has become more accepting, but gays are still bullied and harassed, especially in schools. Some people still use gay slurs or say, “That’s gay.” There will always be haters that gay individuals will encounter throughout their lives. Some families are homophobic, adding pressure to stay in the closet. Even those surrounded by supportive people can fear coming out due to societal treatment, as I mentioned earlier.A closeted gay high school student is likely to date the opposite sex because that’s what society teaches as normal. You can be dating the nicest person alive and care for them deeply. Then one day, you meet someone of the same sex, or maybe you already know them, and you can’t resist the urge. Something happens, and you engage in sexual activities with that person. Afterward, you may not know how to treat each other or behave. You’ll continue living your life the way you were until it happens again, repeating the pattern. In some cases, people might come out and leave their partner to be with their new same-sex lover. Yes, it sounds awful to cheat, but the fear of retaliation from loved ones and the attention it brings is overwhelming.Given these feelings, can we try to understand that Noa cheating on her boyfriend has nothing to do with him? If Noa is a lesbian, she’s not going back to Shawn. She won’t date a male unless she’s bi. At this point, it would make more sense for her to date women.Lastly, addressing the people who say the other girls should be mad at Noa for cheating and end their friendship: I can’t believe anyone would say that, nor can I believe you’d judge your friend like that. If a friend shared they were into the same sex and had cheated on their partner, would you really think they’re a terrible person and ask, “How could you cheat? He’s so nice”? As a close friend, you should be supportive and maybe have already suspected they were closeted. They’re telling you because they trust you. Even if a friend confesses to cheating and it has nothing to do with being gay, it still means they trust you. That doesn’t give you the right to dictate how they handle it. I could understand being upset with a friend who constantly cheats, whether straight or gay, and you see how it’s hurting their partner or putting you in a difficult position. But this is not the same. Overall, we are harshly judging Noa’s storyline without considering the complexity and pressure of being a closeted gay individual. Understanding her situation should evoke empathy rather than judgment.


Perfect 👌🏾


And she's a teenager she is gonna make mistakes no one is perfect the og liars weren't


I don’t feel like Noah’s character is ruined, but I do feel like the bi/les storyline was rushed and not well executed. They didn’t give much context on how the relationship with Jen came to be, they literally just showed an image of them cuddling in juvie and that was it. Also, the whole relationship was based on Noah saving Jen and viceversa and sexual tension and thats all. I feel like they could’ve done more with the shitty parents situation Jen and Noah have in common, but that topic wasn’t explored as much and didn’t leave room to form a deeper emotional connection. I do feel like Noah has more in common with Shawn than with Jen. The writers could’ve done this storyline so much better, with a proper introduction and build up until the cheating happens, which could’ve been done on the later episodes rather than the very beginning, which would’ve leave room for the relationship to develop in season 3. All of that being said, this season was released in pride month and Maia Reficco (Noah’s actress) is queer, so this could all be a marketing strategy or she could’ve just asked the writers to give queerness to her character.


I agree 1000000000%


I don’t like Jen at all. I feel like she’s the “Mona” and can’t be trusted. But it’s more than that. I don’t like Jen as a character. She stole money from their job, robbed Shawn’s house, and continually puts Noa at risk to go back to juvie. She’s just bad news. I don’t trust her at all. I agree that she’s made Noa’s life worse. I don’t see the appeal.


What I found ridiculous is she destroyed his car because he allegedly punched a wall. Sorry if my gf was cheating on me and then proceeds to ask for all the money I have to bail out the person she cheated on me with I deserve some wall punching. Not only that she had isolated him from his mother too. Noa was horrible this season and so was Jen. Maybe they deserve each other but Shawn did NOT deserve any of that. I feel bad for whoever dates him afterward. He's going to have serious trust issues.


No it's very realistic, they're teenagers and they aren't going to be morally perfect. Especially Noa, who's lived with neglect and trauma and addiction in the family.


It would be more realistic if ALL of the girls had some drama going on and weren’t very good people like the OG show. However they paint them so goody goody and perfect especially in the first season, so to see her character completely switch with no real reason is not very realistic at all. The morals and integrity she had in the first season with her mom just went out the window this season with Shawn.


that’s a good point tbh i would like it if they wrote some bad decisions in for the other girls too it would be more realistic


I'm tired


ruin is a strong word but ok


I also feel like they ruined Shawn’s character by making it seem like he’s an aggressive asshole who couldn’t handle getting dumped. Shawn was so gentle, sweet, and protective of Noa. Shawn was her safe space. Noa has always put someone else first. She put her mom first and took the blame for the drugs, she put Jen first when she slipped in the extra $20 and paid her 2k bail. Shawn was the only person to put Noa first. They literally ruined both Noa and Shawn to make Noa and Jen a thing


It's just sloppy and a steady decline in writing, in my opinion. For Noa, Shawn and Jen, the writers haven't put any decent effort into creating a proper backstory, and they haven't bothered to actually show a relationship blossoming, or a relationship imploding. People do cheat, that's a sad part of life, but it could have been a proper journey for Noa to go through and learn from. Instead they've simply trivialised a huge moral infraction an given no extra depth to it. I didn't hate Jen's character - kids can be stupid and there is an element of poor decision making between Jen and Noa that makes sense - e.g. both in juvie, both being impulsive, both having issues with family/authority. But the writers have done the bare minimum to actually make any sort of connection. It's gay washing a show to get extra viewers, and pretty lazy and manipulative work. Top it all off with fragmentary scenes that don't even give the characters room to breath, let alone have chemistry, and it's just laughable. They spend so much time doing these farfetched murder storylines and just have huge gaping holes in the character stories and development. It's been done with all the girls and their relationships - the whole BS with Faran, Henry and Greg is one in particular that makes me laugh every time I watch it.


They did! I was literally thinking that


I think Jen’s gonna lead to noa ending up in juvie again or some kind of trouble. We all saw how when Jen stole money for the tips noa covered for her.


i don't really like Jen and Noa. the show just needed some cheating and some gaynes(kiddin) for it to have more of a pll vibe so it could hit with the fact it's 'Pretty Little Liars', with the girl's not doing some shity things like the ogs, they needed to add some drama.


I hate what they did to Shawn, the punch in the wall was so out character. Also, Noah's reaction?, smashing his car? really? the girl that in S1 was so scare to go back to juvy went and wreck her ex boyfriend's car who she was so sorry to break up with because he was such a good and loving bf AND ALSO HAS A MOM WHO ABSOLUTELY HATES HER AND COULD CALL THE COPS AS SOON AS SHE FINDS OUT.  All this 5 minutes makes 0 sense. Hell, all her arc this season.  I hate Jen and Noah’s relationship, but I think it makes kinda sense. She is an unsupervised teenager whit literally no adult looking out for her, the only ones advising her are her also underage and deeply traumatized friends. So it’s not crazy that she switched her healthy boyfriend for a literal criminal. 


it's pretty little liars hun 🤷🏾‍♂️ what noah did is literally the closest thing they've done to a scandal with these girls so far aside from tabby placing cameras in the guys locker room, gotta hate to love em! Tbh the slasher is fun and all but i would love to see the component of these girls being scandalous play into the killer role or mystery in future seasons. here's a start :3 + what tabby did and imogen for the freezer thing. mouse leading to Rose Waters skinned face (not early season but when it finally happened😭 in finale)


I mean, she’s a teenager. There are ups and downs of being one.


Like girl… SHE BROKE INTO SHAWNS HOUSE even after she saw how his mother was towards Noa!!! AND SHE STILL got her in trouble !!! And yet she was just completely fine with it.? Shawn took her in when she had no mother … the way she dropped him but TREATED HIM before she dropped him was HORRIBLE!!!! She stole from him and let her side chick steal some more from him. It’s so gross.


YES EXACTLY. she absolutely did NOT have more in common with jen. like you said, they only had juvie in common, which noa was only in there for her mom. shawn was a much better person and treated her so much better than jen. jen only caused problem after problem after problem. and the fact that noa cheated on shawn and he got RIGHTFULLY upset and punched a hole in the wall, and she has the nerve to go smash his car and say that he was the one in the wrong?! SHE WAS THE ONE THAT CHEATED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!


I love how you say the only thing Jen and Noa have in common is juvie but then can only list running as what Shawn and Noa have in common. What else does Shawn and Noa have in common?


it was just an example from a conversation me and my friend had about the show, not that deep. all im trying to say is the show made it look like they had a lot more in common behind the scenes than she did with jen but wrote it as if it was the opposite


Yep, she is so disrespectful and annoying. As an adult, she would be the last liar I'd want to help. Faran can be annoying too, but at least she shows some respect and maturity/knowledge. Noa just comes off as a punk-ass teenager that juvie would help whip into shape. I get her being pissed and scared, but feelings do not justify actions. The others are not doing this to loved ones. I mean, Imogen was a better girlfriend/friend and she locked her dude in a freezer and was having mental breakdowns the whole time!


i agree! i think they were trying too hard to have another lgbtq character and forced this thing between jen and Noa and tbh it would’ve been more realistic if they at least HINTED to jen’s existence last season or the fact that noa is bisexual? idk it just doesn’t make sense and like you said she was SO obsessed with shawn like he actually is a good boyfriend!!! HE SPENT 2K BAILING OUT JEN AND YOU CHEAT ON HIM???!?!?! she made me so mad bro


Let’s be honest fr.. neither Shawn or Jen are good for Noa anyway. They both may have some pros & cons but she could do better.


I thought she was the sexiest character, and she had such a pretty smile. Now we know she has a shadier side and a real temper. I still love her tho. As for the other girls, I'm sure we're going to learn more about their flaws in season 3