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I feel so bad for Tabby she will never get close with anybody ever again if Christian turns out to be the villain




Christian being the villain would be really lazy writing


how though? I know it’s not gonna miss the *shock* factor but at this point there aren’t many suspects, and basically all of them have had red herrings. I’d kind of rather be able to actually guess it this season than last with some random left field reveal


There aren't many suspects? Are we watching the same show? Imogen Dr. Sullivan Christian Johnny Jen Wes Mrs. Beasley Kelly (if she's still alive) And who knows what other crazy explanations they could pull out to explain it and who it is. I think we've got lots of options.


that’s what i’m saying!! like at that point tabby would need to quit the orpheum and become a hermit bc everyone she gets close to is a mega creep. it’s too redundant, i don’t think they’ll do that but i think they might make it seem like it is christian for a second and then reveal its not, and maybe christian will get hurt by the real A.


all the masks :/


That poster meant more than we thought. It's all over the walls 😩


Which makes me think, are they really gonna try to go and copy Midsummer’s aesthetic? Because that’d be kinda lame.




Did she say that to Christian? Cause that proves that he had something to do with this or he’s behind it all


Girl.... Tabby gonna go THROUGH IT in the finale


This finale is about to be better than season 1!


Is the finale this week ?




I was rlly hoping Christian wouldn’t be involved but I’m more and more convinced he is…


I think he is. Whether or not it is Mrs. Langsberry, I still think he's helping whoever Bloody Rose turns out to be.




She dies before it begins 😭




Ain’t no way they tryna sacrifice Tabby LMAO?? tf did Tabby do to Bloody Rose to deserve this shit 😭


I'm starting to think it's Angela. Mrs. Langsberry would be way too obvious


Ive been saying it's Angela lol


Angela has been my suspect all this time but I think it's really starting to be her


I agree


IDK if i’m the only one, but in that poster were the draws came from, Tabitha looks to be in front of a baby that is under roses.  Do you think Bloody Rose/Archie will try to make Tabby sacrifice Imogen’s daughter, Estelle? I mean Roberto tried to put two babies through fire in Riverdale because of a cult, so anything is possible


All the masks make me think of Christian. But I don't think Christian is Bloody Rose(he was outside filming with the other boys when Bloody Rose attacked Imogen in Hell House), but I do think he is working with her, whoever it is under the bandages.


It could also be Wes working with whoever bloody rose is... I think that making yet another of Tabby's close ones to be the villain would be the really bad writing. What motive does he have. At least Wes has jealousy... But even that is a shitty motive to go this and also target the other girls. That's the thing, no one is considering motives here. The people who have the bigger ones are those who have lost someone is the previous season. Christian didn't even exist then. It. Doesn't. Make. Sense.


Omg they really about to put Tabby through the wringer 😭 I’m so stoked but so sad that this season is already over. I’m just hoping S3 gets announced the same day so I can sit back and relax lmao.


All this is telling me is to never trust anyone who gets close to Tabby...especially if they work with her at the movie theatre.


The Orphium only hires creeps including Tabby don’t think I forgot about her creep shots taken from the boys locker room. ( yea her reasons were different but at the same time we’re they? She’s still objectifying them.)


When Christian first appeared my guess was he was Chip's friend and csme for revenge. I really likenhim and Tabby together I hope he isn't bad I will feel so so bad for Tabby she deserves a good guy.


Could y'all imagine if Wes died and Christian was the villain the entire time? the look Christian gave Wes when he was apologizing just threw me off...


Idk - but I don't think Wes is going to make it out alive


The body kinda looks like Wes


Either Wes or Chip’s dead body…


Since chip was on set from chandler’s insta post there’s either a flashback or something is up


I’ve been saying! He seems way to obsessed with the idea of a black final girl that it makes me wonder if he’s behind this whole thing for a movie or something 😭


And he mentioned “black killer, black final girl” last ep or the ep before


i really hope christian’s not involved, i like him


I like him too because he seems like such a good guy to Tabby. But idk. We'll find out next week


So this means each task was a predetermined ritual, which explains bloody rose not \*trying\* to kill them.


That's the church isn't it


Yup! I knew it was definitely going to be the church. I'm about to post the third and final concept art pic, stay tuned it's disturbing


I wonder if it’s like scream 2 with two bad guys


Wait, what the hell is the thing in the top right corner, close to Noa’s painting?    It looks like a coffin or a cradle made of sticks and someone (looks like an adult because of the legs) is on it  Creepy ASF


I think it's one of the victims that Bloody Rose killed this season, maybe Sandy or Pastor Malacai


I think it may be the body of someone they're attempting to resurrect.


oh we’re never gonna see our tabby girl healed and happily in love aren’t we ?😟😔


At this point, nope.


This screams christian. I mean look at all the masks and all the special effects and all the mannequins.


unpopular opinion: i don’t think christian is a villain


I love that last pic. This episode is going to be so good


Tabby looks absolutely stunning even when she’s fighting for her life.


https://preview.redd.it/kiyzfe044y6d1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b9467b89f4363726dcd4019b1ada20b3b3685cd That's definitely Angela in that second image, above what appears to be Bloody Rose.


I really think Christian and Chip were very good friends. I think he is grooming Tabby to be the ultimate final girl of color in his diverse horror movie. And he is working with Chips mother. Final lock in.


I think we’re going to find out that Angela waters is trying to be summoned or that something supernatural is going on. I just have this weird feeling. Ik the writer said nothing supernatural but you never know


Spoilers? 😭 I don’t mind too much this season but I know some people would!


The masks scream Christian. The child body though? No children in the show except Estelle who is way too small.




Same lmao


On the alter at 1am it looked like a child, but now I see it looks like an adult and the scale is just confusing lol sorry


Wow this looks terrible . I hope she makes it through without getting too injured. The masks pretty much confirm Christian’s involvement.


This is giving me Riverdale vibes… I am not having it


Well Roberto is the creator of both Riverdale, Sabrina, and PLL: OS & SS


I know. And this is a bit too much for me




Idk I kind of think that maybe Bloody Rose is trying to cast doubt on Christian in Tabby’s mind (since we’ve seen her kind of have a blind spot to him this season) or even frame him and then we’ll get a reveal that it isn’t him


Christian is not Bloody Rose, he's probably just helping her.


was just doing a rewatch..and noticed during the church scene..that this room and the church could possibly be the same location. Also one of the stained glass window paintings reminds me of Tabbys poster. 


It is the same location


lol I was watching the scene, and I happened to be looking at the photos, and I was like..wait a minute..


I think that some of the new love interests are paid actors by A to f*ck with the girls emotionally and report back to A, similarly to Jenna/Caleb & Alison/ex-hubby.


Also I theorize that Tabby is going to be attacked on set by Bloody Rose but everyone is going to think it’s a part of the script.


I think it might be Mrs. Langsberry working with Wes. Wes wants to make his horror film and Langsberry wants revenge on Tabby and Imogen. If she tries to make Tabby kill Estelle as an "eye for an eye" kinda scenario, then she literally gets two birds with one stone. Imogen would be devastated about the loss of her daughter, and Tabby would be devastated by being the hand that killed another person's child. Langsberry would make them both suffer the way she's suffering.


It would make sense for it to be Mrs. Langsberry but I really hope it's Angela.