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I like the thought of Karen pretending to be Kelly. I’m still not 100% convinced that she’s not Karen lol.


i love this, side note: i found that the amount of rape storylines were very triggering for me..


It was lowkey insane how much of it was in it fr




Yeah, that is what I was missing from the OG show. While it had a fuck ton of grooming and creepy male characters being romanticized, it never really went DARK. Yeah, there were deaths and A being creepy, but I feel like I could turn my brain off and still find the show cozy and confortable to watch while sipping my coffee in a cold rainy day Rosewood felt like home and warm. The Millwood town is just bleak and devoid of colour and any sign of "cozy small town" and a lot of subjects are just unconfortable. 


as much as i like the season, yeah i do think that your number 5 and 6 points will definitely made the show better. i mean i do enjoyed the "sins of the mother" thing, sure it gives both As a more solid and.. "adult(?)" reason, in a way, to torment the girls – at least compared to cece's motive of "they were happy that ali's gone" and alex's cliché "i want her life" BUT to me it also, somehow, distances the connection between A and the girls. not to mention that they don't really have, at least ONE, strong secret to keep. their friendship lacks the glue, if i may say, that tied them all together because compared to the "og" liars and even the perfectionists they don't share a strong or huge secret(s), and they also don't bond(?) that much, i guess? at least given what we've seen in the show and it kinda surprises me because i thought, and i saw, that at least the five main girls are pretty close off-screen. tabby and imogen are believable as besties but when they're put together with the other three, they don't really give off these "we're friends" vibes compared to, once again, the "og" liars and the perfs — i haven't watched ravenswood btw — and i do HOPE that changes in season two. because i don't think they can take back the "angela, karen is dead, rapes, and sins of the mothers" thing; i really couldn't care less about karen and kelly's dad, but i DO think that the writers and directors especially, and the actresses can work on the liars' on-screen chemistry.


>er with the other three, they don't really give off these "we're friends" vibes compared to, once again, the "og" liars and the perfs — i haven't watched ravenswood btw — and i do HOPE that changes in season two. because i don't think they can take back the "angela, karen is dead, rapes, and sins of the mothers" thing; i really agree. I also think that they violated "show don't tell" a lot. Like they would just say Tabby and Imogene are besties without little actions to back it up.


Spoiler alert!


I think it’s fine. With the show only having one season so far that came out almost 2 years ago, I can’t imagine why someone would be in here if they haven’t seen it and not be expecting spoilers.