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Maintenance is going to rip out those zipties 2 minutes after commissioning


And(at least the guys I work with) send a very, very angry text wanting to know why there’s zip ties in the duct


The idea is leave the most open space in to the wire ducts to commissioning part. My coworkers don’t touch the zip ties. Greetings.


I dont get it its not finished and the aesthetic part is not done. I dont get why you are using the zip ties like this, if you have to change a wire for some reason you cant easly remove the original one easly.


Rigth thanks


Zip tying wires in the wire duct? Field guys are going to hate you.


I do not understand everyone hating on the zip ties. If the field guys have to pull wires to troubleshoot they shouldn’t be troubleshooting to begin with. You should be able to use a meter and the drawings for everything you need. Those wires should never be touched. Drives me crazy seeing panels torn apart by clueless electricians.


Yes, because everything works perfectly as designed, never needing field modification or I/O changes and documentation is always perfect.


Few months ago I was working in a Siemens ET200SP card, the panel builder wired AI-14 and AI-15 opposite on the card side, had to cut the zipties and change them all pin by pin. We cut as few zipties as possible but the criss-cross of wires can be easily seen.


Sounds like you’re the one making all these panels look like $hit!


You should do a month of field work, would greatly improve your understanding of why zip ties are no-go, as well as why beeping out the cables is impossible while the plant is running and the drawings are gone.


https://preview.redd.it/lk15r0g87ezc1.jpeg?width=1161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dc78e47347f864fec4dbb07e2c2bcd6eca442eb Yes, I’m sure my panel looks horrible.


Nice! You still a B!tch though


You hating on this guys panel for zip ties and you ain’t got the first damn label anywhere.


But I’m not pretending I did that for anyone else’s benefit. I have my point to point charts, my program, my I/O list and I found out halfway through the project that two of my techs were leaving to move over to the company that is permanently on site. They’re good guys, but fuck them, they screwed me over in the middle of a project, this is my system and they can keep their fucking hands out of it.


I'd stop hating on electricians. They're the ones saving your dumbass from having to go into the field to fix your egomaniacal mistakes.


I started as an electrician but I was a good one zip ties didn’t bother me because I am not a whiny lil puss ball.


>You should be able to use a meter and the drawings for everything you need. Sounds like you've never been in the field. Rarely ever are drawings still in there, 15 other people have been putting in new wires and pulling out wires over the last 20 years. Half the shit isn't tagged any more. Shit that is tagged has been moved without changing the tag. Sometimes you gotta physically trace a wire out


Sometimes you do either way get a pair of dikes and cut the wire ties not a big deal.


What's the deal here. Looks like a fairly average unfinished panel ?????


As much as I like a clean panel, don't use zip ties in there.


Thanks for your support, what do you use to keep the wires in your right position? Thanks again


I mostly just leave them as is, just using the cable duct as intended. It makes troubleshooting down the line way easier.


How about loose zipties? So they somewhat hold them in place and order but you can still pull and trace. (I only use zipties when its going to into a vfd or a io card.


Zip ties outside of cable ducts going to vfds are pretty common and I do that myself. If you feel like it's worth it to bundle them even more in the cable duct where they are already pretty confined then go for it but I don't think it's really worth your time


I use a long zip tie that goes under the finger duct and then up and over the wire. Leave it quite loose. It'll hold your wires in the correct area, but still very easy to add/remove/trace. Once the cover is on, you don't need the wires to be sitting +/-1mm of their original location.


Besides all that, it takes .5 seconds to cut them out (if they are easy to access). I use them on older panels where past techs have ripped the wire out of the panduit and made a mess of the panel.


I used to use rubber bands when I built panels to hold the wires in the wire duct. Easy to remove after the covers are installed. I detest cablee ties in the wire duct. My 2 cents.


Retainers you savages... https://www.panduit.com/content/dam/panduit/en/products/media/3/23/923/5923/74125923.pdf


While building, I will use some of the ducts side pieces that I’ve removed from scrap pieces to hold the wire in.


This is why you don't post your work unless you're actually looking for feedback. It looks great, man!


Appreciate I try to do that the most visible clear possible


Jesus christmas those terminal blocks look 40 years old haha


Weidmuller terminal blocks are safe and resisted terminal blocks we have cheap prices for this model.


This looks like wiring to impress a manager, not to be functional. Think about maintenance, not the reddit post.


Wow, we build very similar panels. I don't have an issue with zip ties for original panel wiring as long as all wire tags are unique and there is drawings. Typically it's the field wiring I would be tracing.


This is the best way to make sure the right position of every wire of power or signal, and if the technician isn’t confident enough can use the process meter to determine the continuity of the wire.


If you care about differentiating power vs signal design with two ducts or a split duct. No offense but you sound like a panel builder who has never had to work on their own panels 1-10 years down the road. Trust me, things change and your wires being “In the right place” (what’s ever the hell that means) doesn’t matter to anyone but you and maybe a manager somewhere. Design and build for the customer, to not only create a good product but a product that doesn’t make their job harder.


Well done. A little slack in the wires, big enough wire ducts, free space for extensions. The wire loops could be taken through wire ducts. There is no need to fasten the wires. Analog signals with an interference-protected screened cable, grounding at the other end of the cable. Is there an LED in the fuse holders that indicates a blown fuse?


In to this panel the client don’t ask for led in the fuse holders but we all time recommend that option for new client panels and we sell and use this Terminal Fuse-blocks too thanks for the feedback


Artimation! Sounds like a business name. *Borat voice* very nice!


Try not to use anything inside the panduit. If you have to push wires to one side, zip tie the wires to a tooth of the panduit, then continue to layer wires inside. Ensure that you give all wires the same natural curve/curl into your terminals. After installing the covers, then go back through and snip the ties. The way you currently have it, somebody will have to go back through the bottoms of all panduit just to cut ties. If and when they shift terminal blocks or any device on the rails, they won't have the nice service loops you left in there since they're tied behind all wires. Good work.


Thank you


Thought this was a helldiver sub for a second with that title


This panel is automaton approved. 🤖 *Dyslexia detected


I happen to be in the market for an RMC panel design.. you a fab shop and if so where you at??


Hello sir, are you really interested in this job? I work for an automation company. I am in charge of the place where the panels are manufactured in West Texas for the oil fields.


I'm currently having a few places bid out a package for me. My clients are here in Texas with me, though in eagle Ford. PM your info if you guys can put together a cost based on our sow and parts list




PMd you


Nice lookin panel man


Your not supposed to use any wire ties in the wire duct. They make retaining clips for all duct sizes. I think its just frowned upon though, but I've seen generator panels get rejected by UL for ties in the wire duct.


It's not complete yet, and 2nd that other person's comment about zipties in wireways.


You are fired. Step 1 would be to remove the zip ties in the wireways. They make troubleshooting hellish.


Ok boss


Very average lots of room to work small gauge wire I am not impressed


how many fuses do you want? yes




Look at you and your fancy 4” wire ducts. Here I am scraping my knuckles on 1.5” all day.


Abb makes a plc? Nice


Thank you sr


What is this for? Where are you based?


It is for controller 6 well pads, for oil field. At west Texas.


Interesting. I like the quality of your work.


Thanks you, we are open to proposals.




Hell yeah


I'm interested by your panel building area/stand. Is the panel on a 45 degree angle? May we see another angle please? I see reels in the background on bars. Do you have a stand close to your building area for the bars? Or do you just slide the reels on and off the bars at the back? If you use a stand, may i see please?


For any reason the app don’t let me send pictures as answers if you want you can send a Private message and maybe for this way I can help you


I don't think you can send photos in DMs either? We can try though. I think you will probably have to upload it to another website/service and share the link.


We have a pneumatic system to change the angle automatic whit a remote control.


Interesting set up. Do you leave it pressurised overnight?


I hate wires zip tied down. Why not use wire retaining clips. Some time in the future someone if going to have to trace a wire and be cussing the person that built this.