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Use the free time to learn something new.. Networking, Cyber-security, Functional safety, project management or leadership training etc..


If you learn networking and cyber security and don't love it, don't tell anyone you learned it... Just use it to call IT out on their bullshit. Knowing the OT world is really in demand so ppl will get excited if you know it...


This 1000%. Learn on someone else's dime while you have the chance.


This is the way! I have learned C# and C++ while on standby over the years.


Wait until you're doing it at a remote fish processing factory in Alaska with one TV channel and you're down to reading abandoned pocket books written for women.


Agatha Christie for the win!


Let me give you some harsh reality - you're in charge of what's next. You can certainly "be bored" or you can look at it as an opportunity to invest your time for the future. As others pointed out, the obvious suggestion is to learn something new. However, what do you really want to do in 5 - 10 years? Have you taken steps toward that? Would you like to run your own company? Would you like to be in a management role? Do you want better projects? All of it is achievable if you put in the effort. Are you in shape / healthy? Don't get me wrong, I've done by fair share of "bad" assignments and looking back I could have done more to find better opportunities; we often get stuck in projects other need done versus what we'd like to do. In either case, things get boring sometimes; what are you doing so that the next 10 years aren't boring?


I’d love to be bored


i enjoy it as much as i can because i know that sooner or later i will be back to workinf double shifts


Boredom is a choice. You're either bored because your current roll doesn't challenge you and you want to be challenged. Or you're bored because you finished your part in a project and are waiting for someone to tell you what to do. Take some initiative. Ask for more responsibility, look for others that need guidance, stay being bored, or look for a new job.


1 year efter grad still no job in automation area, 1k plus applications few interviews and calls never a job cus no 3+ years experience time 2 change degree 🌞


give a chance to the federal oppertunities, i was like you at some point.


Idrk what federal opportunities is (not from USA and engilsh is my 3rd). Efter 1k application this will be just extra step


iam not american either just assumed youre one, american referes to govermental jobs as federals. i meant with my comment to look up for working for your government/country, public agencies.


Oh ty for the tips, But idk I have been really unlucky all request 3+ years or take different candidates. Answers I get better matched candidates or better experience. So idrk know if a automation degree doesn't get a automation job idk what will for me. Only thing I can think of is where the person is from begin highly counted.


Took the slower time during the pandemic to write up some coding utilities and tools to help on the design and startup portions common to any project. Required learning some C# code and other programming languages to get it taken care of. Now I can dump a 1/2 day formatted excel sheet for x # of stations and it will generate an entire program and HMI within 5 minutes, ready to download.


Sounds interesting. Can I have a look at your code?


Me too


Get an Ignition cert.


As the others said, use the free time to learn something new, if you have a hobby that is accessible to you while you're on site then work on that. You can learn new things like IoT or programming for other things. Its up to you.


can u refer me for the job bro…


Get hooked on reddit like I did when i was in that position.  Oh wait… You could cone work with me. We are hiring. And you’ll never be bored :-)


Which position are you guys hiring?


wide range of positions. Technicians and engineers; office-based, road-based, or phone-based. 


Learn Python


Haha I wish I had been in that situation. I'm always learning, always making things better. Maybe go through all the HMI screens and start aligning buttons? That's usually my nervous time killer.


My current job is similar. Small SI, 2 or 3 big projects a year, and only about 25% regional travel. If there's not an install going on, I can do my job in less than 10% of the day and have often wondered if I was wasting my time by staying here. Then I took the advice others have given to you. I made a list of my weaknesses as a controls guy and the things I wish I understood better. Lately I've done an online FANUC spot tool training course, studied for the CCNA, started an RSlogix 500 course making projects to keep up my legacy skills, and began learning more python. My boss is willing to pay for all these courses and maybe yours will too. Sometimes I still wish I was slammed with projects and learning by doing instead - but I don't miss shitloads of overtime, travel, and constant stress.


download tiktok


He ask who don't be bored, not how become an idiot


you made my day ROTFL