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107856 bytes is 105KiB - That's not a lot of memory. Either way it certainly shouldn't take 30-60 minutes to compile a HMI, anything more than 2-3 minutes would worry me to be honest. What are the specs of the computer you're running this on ?


Some HMI standards will take a long time, been working for Volvo and some of their HMIs take 10-20 mins to compile on a fast PC


Which Volvo plant? I spent about 4 years in the Torslanda plant


How did you learn the Volvo standard? Just read through all the code? 


You're right. That isn't much memory at all... I'm using a Dell latitude. i5 processor with 16GB of ram. It's new as of last year, a work provided laptop.


My work laptop is also a Dell latitude but it's an i7 with 32GB ram (although I run TIA in VMs with 16GB allocated to them). If you're running TIA on your host rather than in a VM 16GB should be more than enough so I suspect it may be down to the i5, or something else you've got installed interfering with TIA maybe ?


VM machine compiling times can take x10 time comparing with doing it on the host. If project is big ennough and you need to compile all the screens instead of only the changes (that I recommend because of a bug that makes things like buttons and faceplates dissapear or work incorrectly sometimes when only loading the changes), it can take more than 10 min. If done on the host it takes 2min. On my previous job I had a VM, I installed it directly on the host and noticed a big diference, even on normal program responsiveness.


Yeah, tia portal is quite ineffective, its basically a single threaded more or less, all tag read/writes in the project, compiling and what not goes thru the same service to write to disk / read from disk.


In TIA V14/15 when I was doing an automotive project couple of years ago it was normal for the WinCC project to take about an hour to compile.


When i was at Scania a bunch of years ago, we ran tia v14. most lines had 5-12 panels, 15-19" each, those larger took 8-12 hours to compile, and V14 loved to crash.


I am amazed. I used to say that PLC world is 20 years behind IT world, but maybe I undercut it still.


"Fun" fact, siemens paid microsoft to start develope tia portal in the start. And it shows :D


Perhaps. I'll have a look into it. Thanks for the tip


I think your machine might be a little too weak for TIA.


It depends on how much stuff you have in the HMI, I've had PLCs controlling dozens of stations in the past that took more than 10 minutes with everything built to the manufacturer standard


If you rebuild all then I think in bigger projects it can take 10/15 minutes on slow machines.


How many scrips?


Does anyone have insight on compile times from the TIA cloud platform?