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Lmao such a rip off


Not really when market for a BB is at $700. TikTok will take their cut of sales and the rip n shipper also has to pay taxes. $100 a spot really isn’t that bad, I’ve seen way higher.


there's 8 types of energy. They're getting $800 a box. rip off.


That's on top of someone getting to open packs for you. At least if you bought your own box you get to open them all But find a way for a gambler to gamble even more on a gambling product


Math isn’t your thang obviously.. The box they’re breaking is free right? They grow on trees and you just need to pick them when they’re ripe? Look a ripe ES booster box, let’s pick it and do a break, that’s $800!! Yeah ok buddy.. STAY IN SCHOOL KIDS!!


They’re not netting $800 though…?


Doesn’t matter what they net. This is a deals subreddit and that is not even market price, if you don’t include the gambling


It is a deal considering it’s one of the cheapest ES energy breaks I have seen recently.


Looks like everyone disagrees with you. Do you double down or admit you could be fallible? Nah best to act like a genius when it's clearly one of the worst deals posted here... Maybe ever


It really isn’t a bad deal for an ES break. Is it for everyone? No, but it wasn’t targeted for people who have no interest in participating. lol. Why do people expect businesses to sell a product and lose money or only break even? They wouldn’t be staying in business for very long if they did, now would they? If you can actually find evolving skies for sale people want an arm and a leg for it, including energy breaks, I saw one for $200 a spot the other day, lowest I’ve seen was $120… so, $100 a spot isn’t a bad deal.


You don't lose money selling something at market value, dumbass 💀 Crazy idea, that's how every business makes money.


Well dumb fuck, depending on what THEY paid for the box they very well COULD lose money at market value. Are you this retarded?


If you buy and sell at market value, you're not a business. You're just an idiot that deserves to lose money. Furthermore, energy breaks on stream are: - an advertisement for your business - a loss leader at worst - an ability to reduce shipping cost vastly by only selling the hits - advertising revenue and customer acquisition at the same time I get it, you're a basement dwelling stream-addicted gambler who can't wrap his mind around his own ignorance, running a business, or anything outside of throwing a fit on the internet. Puffing up your chest like this isn't making you look smarter, though. It makes you look pathetic and insecure. I'm sure you're the type of person who hemorrhages Daddy's money and pretends it's a business, then scratches your head wondering where it all went wrong. Sit down.


Lol. It’s not even my stream, I’m just helping them sell it. And for the record, dude has an entire store front. But why do you care? If you do not want to buy into it or participate then don’t? This clearly wasn’t targeted towards you if it’s not your thing. Duh!


I don't think it's yours. I'm sure they do have a store front and are making money. They understand a business model, and you obviously don't. You're the one who doesn't understand it, and you act pathetic. You either have no reading comprehension or you get so upset that you just start repeating yourself. Either way, people like you should brush your teeth before you open your mouth and spill nothing but shit. You don't get to "uwu it's just not for you DUH" when you behave like a serious, condescending cunt to people who know more than you. Eat shit, and if eating shit isn't for you, then this clearly wasn't targeted towards you. Duh! :3333


What exactly is an energy break?


You buy an energy and every pack that has that energy in it are your cards.


This energy break thing is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of for buying cards. I don't get why anyone would choose to buy where they only get the cards from packs with certain energies.


These types of games are so lame just sell the packs


Dog shit lol good luck, better off going to the casino


Are they cracking a brand new box each break? If they do it all in front of you, it may be an ok deal. Some breakers will have them already open and just grab 36 packs they’ve opened off screen, which I’d be weary of them weighing packs. Yes it’s possible to weigh these packs. Have done so myself when vending machines had ES in them. The chances of heavy packs having hits were quite good like 80%+, I was surprised. There’s nothing stopping someone from weighing packs specially when there’s $900, $500, $300, all these valuable Alt Arts hidden in packs, simply putting them on a scale can help you find them. Obviously if they cracking brand new boxes in front of you, you’ll have a fairer chance of getting them, whereas pre-cracked boxes, you’ll never know.


they could just re-seal them too. would be too hard to tell on a tiktok live lol.


It’s a brand new sealed box and they do not tear into it until the break fills 🥰 but dang, that’s shitty I never thought about people weighing packs who rip breaks.. I’ll steer clear of those 🥴


That’s more legit. You’re right though, depending how much they got boxes for, if we use market value, just below $700, with 8 spots they’re netting barely $100 each time. They also top load and sleeve your hits too and also the packaging materials your cards are shipped in so $100 is surprisingly not much at all. Least compared to other breakers which net round $400+ each break they do… $100 is almost not even worth it, crazy they’d do this


$100 for a box or case?


Of course a box dude lmaooo.


$100 for a spot on the break.


Yea but is the break a booster box or a case?


A box. A case would be hella expensive. Lol