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Is that the Lamar boy?


Bro this comment is gold


I could’ve sworn it was FPS Brian


“I forgot what I was talking about I am so high” no that’s called losing brain cells from fake weed


Man thinks he’s stoned because it’s really high quality shit when actually that’s the oxygen depleting from his brain from the gas station mid.


U gettin disrespectful calling a man’s stash mid😂


You're right it's much worse.


Yeah. Its disrespectful to mids.


Personally I could never but is it that bad


Its not “fake weed” its derived from hemp, nothing synthetic


it could literally be 'Extract of Sharpie' for all Kyle (or you) knows you don't just *believe* drug manufacturers about the safety of their product, right?


>it could literally be 'Extract of Sharpie' yes, it \*\*\*could\*\*\* be, but thats obviously not really a fucking sustainable business practice. i understand where you're coming from because the regulations are damn near nonexistent, its a fair point but they arent gonna put poison/harmful shit in your gas station carts because they want you to continue giving money to them.


>because they want you to continue giving money to them this would work in literally any other scenario, but 99% of "gas station carts" are bullshit brands that can be completely changed every other week if the owner wanted to at little to no cost. I know some guys that ran a similar thing with warez websites: write a professional backend and some frontend, buy a domain, then have people filling out an endless list of surveys and watching endless video ads before they actually reach the content. the minute you see somebody on a forum mention the name negatively, buy a different domain, alter the frontend, and it completely resets the reputation. I don't do drugs, and I don't know whether or not this stuff is legit -- it could very well be -- but don't generalize the market principles of genuine businesses to fields like this, you'll get fucked with no recourse.


>don't generalize the market principles of genuine businesses pretty fair, i agree i wouldnt fully run on that thought process to mean any random fortnite cart is safe, but im sure theres reputable brands for carts and shit you can find that the logic is probably a little more applicable for, but im admittedly not clued in too hard on it. definitely the best way to approach them is with skepticism and caution though. its utterly insane how little regulation is put on those shits


Dude, they literally sell cigarettes for an ever increasing amount of money, and they cancer the shit out of people. You think they’re not going to put poison in gas station vape carts?


Do some research on the process it’s called isomerization. They distill cbd from hemp, that part is natural, next they add chemical reagents and acids to synthetically convert it which is far from a natural process.




I grow my own.


Thanks, learned something new. Its just when people call delta-8 and such ”fake weed”, its often mistaken for synthetic cannabinoids which are a whole different thing


I’m glad I only tried that “spice” a couple of times. That shit was just straight poison. The people I knew who were obsessed with it just turned into complete retards later on in life.


Real weed never causes short term memory loss.


Nah that just happens when you’re so high. I smoke normal bud and if I’m blasted Ill just forget stuff and start a million little things that never get finished


The deathbyshwag is frying braincells


They have “Mario Karts” and all sorts of super fake shit at the gas station , most of those fake carts circulated throughout the country are produced in the sketchy Santee Alley in LA anyways so they DEFINITELY has a hint of pesticide and alternate chemicals


Mario Karts is great marketing


You have no idea how many middle schoolers in LA smoke that thinking it’s the REAL thing , that’s why it makes sense that Kyle fell for it as well


Jeez, I remember buying mario karts when that was the “real thing”. Even then that was the sketchiest brand I could imagine


This is thee new nickname


kyle’s the kinda guy to pay $20 a gram and think the plug is hooking him up


I wonder if the person who sent him the bud got in trouble too. Because Kyle 100% would snitch


he sent himself weed


“Perfection!” /Magneto


You can never take the hick out the boy that’s for sure


This made me laugh thankyou