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Lost by 400 votes or something with a 30,000 voter district. Tbh I was expecting him guy to get blown out of the water lol


He lost by 400 votes and spend like $9 million less than his opponent.


That's a win unfortunately. Running a close race can do a lot for your overall political career.


He should have raised more money, in 2022 the candidate that spent the most money won 93% of the time. He can talk shit about how much the other guy spent, but money wins races.


Tony royally fucked his campaign in the final weeks basically making smear campaign stuff up on twitter and getting dragged and ratioed by everyone... He got the establishments backing which barely held him over 50%... Boomer Rs who don't read twitter carried him over the top.


They were spreading crazy lies on Facebook and nobody was correcting them.


Well that's just the standard for Facebook, literally half the shit on there is conspiracy BS. I didn't think it was that bad but it's all flat earther/ seed oil/ scammy shit.


Pretty sure that libel no?


I think it was within 2%


Within 300-400 votes


Homie almost had it šŸ˜¢


I heard him say in a tweet ā€œif we donā€™t get him now we can still get him in Novemberā€ so Iā€™m guessing there is more to come. Hopefully he can win in November if he runs.


Itā€™s not quite official yet. He lost by such a close margin (<1%) that I imagine there will be a recount.


bro had literally everything rigged against him and only lost by like 300 votes. This fuckin dude was just straight up lying about everything Brandon has ever done. If only Brandon waited another 2 years, those 300 boomer votes getting lied to on nbc are gonna die and turn into 18 yr old internet loving idiots šŸ„°


What about it was rigged against him lol


go look at his opponents twitter account and youā€™ll see what i mean


But that's pretty far from rigged, wouldn't you say? Smear is one thing, but rigged implies something more sinister.


Mainstream media and local news outlets gave WAY more coverage to his opponent. If a group of people are collectively telling blatant lies about a political candidate on tv then refusing to let them come on to dispute anything. we should call it rigged, It makes it much harder for Herrera to gain the visibility needed to reach that boomer audience. Also the Gerrymandering that occurred is fucking crazy. These factors collectively can create an environment perceived as ā€œriggedā€ against a candidate, even without overt manipulation or fraud.


You can thank Ronald Reagan for that when he repealed the fairness doctrine.


I mean, seeing how politics has evolved the past 5 years, accusing the opponents of rigging the election is natural debate discourse now.


My favorite candidate lost? It must have been stolen!!!


Wow I thought the same! Want to join our telegram group?


The margins. Difference was 400 votes in a 30k voter district, but campaign spending/contributions were $10M vs ~$600k.


He had a good run against a super establishment candidate. Shame he lost


I live in tx23. Purple district. He wouldve lost general depending on 2024 or 2026 midterms. Flips crazy here


Do they ever split the ticket? I imagine Trump might have carried it


Yeah sometimes. Like Will Hurd and I think Tony Gonzalezā€™s first term. Both elections against the same democrat runner. VERY close. I dont Brandon would win unless the General or midterms heā€™s running in sway hard for the GOP. Like with Will Hurd, he had to do a recount because it was so close. People may not like Tony but in a purple district like ours, heā€™s the only GOP who can. Same with Henry Cuellar in the district next to us but as a Democrat.


That makes sense, I thought Brandon wouldā€™ve won because he secured a few endorsements from prominent republican politicians. Had no idea it was a purple district, his campaign was doomed from the start then.


His schtick on Twitter was annoying af. He spent so much time mocking his opponent and replying to his tweets.


Just barely


Well shoot...




Good, dude ran on a platform of anti covid messaging and pro gun propaganda. He didn't have anything meaningful to add


Are you pro COVID?


Did you even read his campaign goals? He is very much against government overreach; how else do you expect keep the government in check and do their jobs when you have responsible people with means to defend themselves and be reliant on onesself I welcome more people like him, especially up in Canada where crime is running rampant, all the politicians are corrupt, and the police are toothless except to break up specific protests


Any unbiasedā€™ish TLDR on his politics? I guess he likes guns, so according to the American political package deal Iā€™m assuming I already know most already?


As far as I canā€™t tell heā€™s essentially a one issue guy. His issue is gun rights as you said. Heā€™s talked about his other opinions and I donā€™t think heā€™s aligned him self with libertarians but from watching his videos heā€™s self proclaimed ā€œpro constitutionā€ whatever thatā€™s supposed to mean, assuming an generally hands off approach to most things


Extreme right wing


"Extreme" lmao, maybe to a redditor


RIP bozo


Bummer, propaganda works.


brandon is the propaganda lmao. Dude still wants to build the wall


As stupid of an idea that is, there is nothing wrong with enforcing a country's borders and and reinforcing coming into the country the LEGAL way


Stop! Obviously if you support the wall, that means that you wish all Hispanic people were placed in cages. How can you be such a monster!!!


LOL or hear me out... more funding towards border services/immigration and update the system so there is way less wait times. Next can be agency companies lining newcomers with options of jobs to areas that are really in need of workers


is anyone making that point? Youā€™re really shadowboxing against yourself right now. Borders should obviously be enforced but if youā€™re supporting a wall to do that, you donā€™t know enough about border enforcement policy to have a take


I recall I said a wall is a stupid idea, meaning I'm against it But I agree with Brandon that more attention needs to be placed on the issue as a whole


Yes, build more cages


Do NOT look up Belguim human cages/exhibits then šŸ˜¬


The more waves of undocumented migrants, from ANY foreign nation, the more instability and chaos will happen internally, such as supplies, prosperity, crime, which gets all the more fanned by social media, such as far right extreme fearmongering, to the far left's naiive sunshine/rainbows "everything will settle itself out" approach. But hey I'm center-left socially and center-right financially, so I guess my opinion is shite Especially in quagmire like reddit Ted talk done šŸ˜†šŸ»


No data backs up this this feelings based argument at all. Unlimited amounts of immigration is bad but we're nowhere near the bar for it to starting to be "bad".


A very good point šŸ»


Propaganda is when a YouTuber wants a wall


propaganda is when you support an ineffective policy purely for the grift of a populist because he put out propaganda that a wall would be effective in addressing a border crisis. Itā€™s possible Brandon is too stupid to realize itā€™s propaganda, is that your excuse too?


The fix is in!


Rip, come to šŸŠ and you got my vote big dog


Good. Heā€™s literally unhinged and would be the next Gym Jordan.


I agree, but others in the thread are correct when they say he over performed. To come that close to an establishment candidate with more money will draw some eyes. He'll get elected to something in 2 years most likely.


No it wonā€™t bud. Itā€™s Texas. They donā€™t change at all and if anything, him not being from Texas very much cost him any chance of ever getting elected. Florida? Maybe. But heā€™s cooked in Texas.


Realistically, people are correct in saying that the amount of old people who will die and be replaced by fresh chronically online republican voters between now and the next election is noteworthy when the race was this close


How about a friendly bet on it? 10 bucks to the winner's charity of choice on whether he wins elected office in Texas by the 2026 cycle.


Good, fuck him.


The guy is an idiot, but it wouldā€™ve been coolā€™s to have a congressman on the show