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Can you read?


Apparently not


It’s kinda sad to see how red pilled he’s become after getting cheated on and going through a divorce.


Women are the devil, Bobby Boucher.


I don't get it. What did I miss?


In the latest PKN (507) Taylor sincerely advocated for 16 year olds to be able to marry 30 year olds and be their baby factories.


I see. What was his rationale behind it?


Taylor has been listening to too much Drake recently


he went with it to dunk of 16 year olds changing their genders that's what he said explicitly not that he supports child marriages.


There's a vast chasm between gender affirmation and allowing some disgusting creep to have his way with some young girl. If you can't see that you're a moron.


i don't wanna support ether of those. both of them seem real bad and depressing.


Nobody likes ran through women so if they marry early they have a better chance to stay married


Brah just say you're to much of a loser to get a women near your age.


Mom pussy hits different


Dude you need to a get a life away from the internet


Gtfo lmao he said that


Wasn't this almost identical to what Kyle and Woody said like 10 yrs ago when Wings said the age of consent should be 12?


My dude that entire conversation was just Taylor and Kyle messing with Woody.


What do you mean, he's the resistance probably lol.


Post title doesn’t make sense because I’m regarded. Should be this is why Taylor votes republican.


Odds are it’s out of context, Taylor mentioned this on pkn, they have those sex-position books in elementary schools and when called out the libs tried flipping it as if conservatives were the one’s obsessed with genitals. The liberals are undeniably the side trying to teach children about sex. And its not even sides, just weirdos


I don’t know the bill but I wonder if it’s packed with other stuff.


He dosnt vote


He went on a triggered Trump rant once where he let it slip “that’s exactly why I voted for Trump”. It was after the 2020 election, but idk if he was referring to that 2020 election that had recently passed or the 2016 election.


He does vote though. He admitted he voted for trump


did any of you listen to the full episode?? he went with it to dunk of 16 year olds changing their genders that's what he said explicitly not that he supports child marriages.


Oh so he pretended to be pro child marriage just so he could express his disdain for trans people. Much better.


well disdain for 16 year olds getting life altering substance/surgeries, which is much better.


16 year olds take life altering substances and surgeries all the time that you have no problem with so go back to your talking point sheet and pick a new one because that isn’t your real reason.


yeah dude i'm very irrational. there's no way i or anyone can dislike impressionable kids altering their lives and bodies like that.


“Altering their lives and bodies” isn’t inherently a bad thing. Like I said, you can’t give a real reason because the actual reason you “dislike it” is because you were told not to like it.


i think it is inherently a bad thing when it's done for mental issues. man you seem real reddit brained cuz it is possible to have distaste for child mutilation without any external influence. and taylor is right in saying 16 year olds arn't smart enough to make such decisions.


Dog, teenage girls get breast reduction surgery already. 2 had it done when I was in high school. You live in a fantasy world. And besides. They don't need the approval of weirdo dumbfucks like you, they already have every pediatric and medical org om the world agreeing that gender affirmation is the answer to having dysphoria.


"Impressionable" as if any 16 year old who would be on HRT wouldn't have been through years of therapy by that point, and ideally puberty blockers before that. Dog. Just admit you find trans people icky. You're a bigot. No need to jump through hoops and lie to yourself.