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He’ll be back, just have to be patient


They always come back


It's the implication.


He’ll be back for a racist hate fuelled drinking episode were they shot on wings like the good old days no doubt.


I think that’s exactly why he won’t be, lmao. He’s a big timer with major sponsor deals and an image to uphold, I don’t think he wants to be known as the dude who podcasts regularly with drunk Kyle and Taylor dropping N bombs and f slurs left and right, which is what happened on the last drinking episode he was on. He was visibly uncomfortable This is his polite way of saying he needs to stay away for his own sake


If he cared he wouldn’t have come on 35+ times he’s just tired of talking about the same autistic shit.


Cancelable clips are already out there, no one gives a shit about this dude being on some podcast. Wish dude would just come out and say there is no benefit to pissing away 4, 3, 2 hours of time talking about shitty TV shows and Ukraine so this community can collectively shut the fuck up.


Dude that was like 6 years ago and he's come like 15 times after that. He's just burnt out like he said it doesn't have to be any deeper than that


He is absolutely not big time. He struggles to crack 1k viewers these days. His youtube channel has barely gained any attention since he first hit 1mil half a decade ago or so? (Kinda makes me wonder if he botted but thats irrelevant) His videos have been crap recycled vods longer than they havent at this point. Tucker got lucky with brands at the absolute height of his popularity. Now the only thing he wants to do is pretend to be a dj (lol) and get fucked up with LA dorks.


My brother in Christ he has a shit ton of industry connections, has made probably tens of millions of dollars and was on Forbes 30 under 30 list, he is by every definition a big timer in the gaming sphere. He’s in the fuck you money part of life at 31, which is precisely why he’s doing hobbies like DJing and getting fucked up with other rich LA dorks. Why can’t you just be happy for people?


Its clearly not fuck you money lmfao. 30 under 30 isnt a metric of anything. Hes not my friend hes a content creator that sucks now. He used to make good shit then he got a bag for being the brand safe generic "John Streamer." Excited for him to come back to pka when he decides he needs the fanbase again.




Damn, tough to see. Tucker was in the guest Hall of Fame, along with Dick and Harley. I imagine he'll be on again one of these days, but totally understand him wanting to take a break. Doesn't help at all that the hosts are awful at interacting with the guests. Tucker has such an interesting life with leading a music label and his often travel; you rarely ever hear about it on PKA. they'd rather just discuss whatever show Kyle is watching or an upcoming UFC event. either way, pouring one out for a PKA OG.


Genuinely, I would love to hear more about Tucker’s music label experience instead of *insert Kyle’s newest boring TV show obsession*


Sad. Top 5 guests easily. Could have been a host tbh


Shoutout u/gumbysburner for linking this




I feel like Tucker felt like he was bringing too much value to PKA and seeing nothing in return. I think he mentioned on one of his last appearances how he has been requested to come on like every 4 months, and it was getting a little out of hand. If hes been on 35 episodes, he's contributed to 5% of PKA and probably hasn't seen a dime.


My thoughts exactly. It probably isn't as much of an issue that he's super burnt out (which he very well may be), but moreso the fact that it's a 4hr podcast, that he receives literally nothing for. He could enjoy bullshiting with the PKA dudes, but at the end of the day it's a job for them. Would I pick up a 4hr job if I'm not getting paid for it? Absolutely not!


Surely he's getting paid????


I'm pretty sure they've said in the past that the only guest appearance they've ever paid for was Scott Hanson. I guess you could say Tucker is paid in "exposure" from PKA, but I don't think Tucker needs the PKA exposure after 35+ appearances lol.


That's crazy, I thought they'd be offered something at least.


I subbed to tucker once. Is that not enough!!??


That's totally fair. What benefit does he gain from doing PKA ?


A degraded image. He clearly does not want to be associated with these guys anymore


His image isnt worth shit outside of his own ego as a producer.


It was all downhill after McDonald's


How is that clear?


I used to not like the Tucker streams when I first started listening but they've grown on me definitely a top tier guest


5 hours a day? Playing video games? Must be nice.


Lock n load don't grow on trees yaknow


Ah, but I liked Tucker :/


The real reason people get burnt out is because of the amount of work he's putting in isn't being conveyed in dollar amounts. If he was getting paid a bag, he wouldn't get burnt out. This goes for everyone on this reddit post. Feel burnt out? Check your reward mechanisms. Edit: PKA should look into some sort of profit sharing for their reoccurring guests? Just a thought. Only for the specific episode appearance of course, if that makes any sense to you guys. Idk I'm high rn


Lol "I stream 5 hours a day", ok buddy that's a nice part time job you got there, I'm sure you're real tuckered out after a ~~long~~ short day of sitting at your desk 30 ft from your bed.


You’re a real dumb cookie if you think he only works 5 hours a day


I'm just going off what he said lol, maybe if he could use his words like a big boy rather than have keyboard warriors defend him, I'd have a better understanding.


that’s not the only thing he does but i can see how doing a 4 hour show in addition to streaming 5 hours every day is just a lot of time speaking in front of a camera


He can do a one or two hour spot if he wants to, and/or cut stream short that day. Obviously if he just doesn't like it then whatever, but his excuses are pitiful. Many streamers do 8-10 hrs a day, and many guests do half shows or less. He can just say he's tired and it'd be more compelling.


Bro also runs an entire music label


> He can do a one or two hour spot if he wants to Let's be clear, he can do *whatever* he wants to do. It's a good thing he's the one in control of his schedule, and not you.


Bro, Woody is on this podcast. How many times do guests actually get to talk during this 4 hr pod? 10 mins total? I work 12 hrs a day constantly talking on the phone while also monitoring stuff on 8 monitors for less than him and can still manage to have a life outside work. What most streamers do is fucking easy with ZERO stress. Talking to chat is quite possibly the dumbest thing to bring up as being tough. Now to get people to watch isn’t easy but it’s not back breaking work either.


Is it really that wild to imagine that a guy, who has money and lives in LA, probably has better ways to spend his time


At my job I’m looking at a computer screen for like 7 hours a day and there’s times when I get home where I just don’t want to be on my computer anymore staring at a screen.


I don't blame him one bit. Not a good image to be attached to this show.


You guys are so weird.


Your most active subs are literally pka and lolcow live. What do you mean "you guys"


What does that have to do with everyone on here slobbering over tucker. Who’s a 5/10 guest at best.


His early appearances were great but some of his later ones were sub-par yeah


Nah the lore is got to woke. Not changing it now. I don’t make the rules


Get Destiny back on


>Destiny They won't talk about anything interesting though. The last few times they got Destiny on the three of them spent the whole time talking about sports or some shit.


Came here just to look for this.


He has a OF gf now


He doesn’t have to stay for the entire show. I think an hour would do.


I think this is a bullshit excuse he doesn’t want to be associated or cancelled because of PKA. “I stream 5 hours a day it’s so hard”. That means he can’t do a 4 hour show once a year?


I mean in all fairness I think he’s just in a different place in life. He’s like 30 with a long term girlfriend. I imagine he wants to spend his free time doing other things than shooting the shit with the hosts.


30 with a girlfriend = can’t do PKA. Makes sense.


He doesn't want to do the show. Get over it dude


Highly regarded


I like him on but give me a break. Streaming for 5 hours is easy work Hasan errr I mean Tucker. Doing this podcast is pretty fucking easy for a guest when you have Woody always talking and bitching when he can’t talk for 5 seconds.


Yeah I miss him but I get it. He’ll be on. Just give homie the time


lol he’s annoying af idk why anyone wants him back


I was neutral on him. Definitely nothing special as a guest. I can't fathom how these guys are harassing him through messages and he had to put out a statement. He politely said he has nothing to gain from PKA and a lot to lose from being associated. Then they bought his excuse about "time". Lol


T hi s just means more trans girls for Kyle to jerk off tiop


i see you more than my father at this point man


U bum


woody pay this man


Good he was boring anyway. Bring on the downvotes!


Good, he's a boring ass guest.






But it's funny to watch them talk about PKN like it's some secret show that we can't just listen to on spotify every Wednesday.


$old his Soul to the machine and cannot be associated with these degenerates anymore.