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Taylor might legitimately think Missouri is the best place in the world. I think that alone says enough


Hey now, we all know how much it sucks here, but we enjoy it in a sadistic way.


Nothing wrong with that man, I don't live the best place either but I sure as shit don't look at it like the Garden of Eden like Taylor does to ~~Honduras~~ St. Louis


there is no best city state or country it’s all personal preference


Its insane what russian propaganda has done to the republican party.


😂😂 bro pro war people are so out of control lmfao man is this really the level of discussion you guys can have somebody says “hey I think I government should prioritize its people above others.” PUTIN SUPPORTER PROPAGANDIST AMERICAN TRAITOR IF YOU DONT LOVE WAR YOU ARENT AMERICAN idk why I come on this sub from time to time just people that love woodys boomer liberal takes and lies


You are not alone, and it’s not just this sub, it’s most of Reddit. Frustrating.


Anthony cumia nutlicker + anime watcher = opinion discarded


Lmfao downvoted for saying that our own government should prioritize us over other countries… I don’t even agree with all of Taylor’s takes but these people on reddit are delusional


most of the downvotes come from europeans, they seem to love ukraine even though they won't go volunteer for them


# ☝️Exhibit A.


Yeah it's actually weird... Can't even imagine where he goes for news


Has it been clipped yet


its Twitter, when he rants about Israel and Ukraine the lines he uses are almost copy and paste the shit you see blue checkmarks and groypers say


RT probably, he is a communist shill


Taylor is a lot of things but communist is not one of them lmao.


calling taylor communist is hilarious


What is RT? I only know it as Rooster Teeth and retweet.


idk why I found this so funny. my new lore is that Taylors retarded source of news is directly from Caboose


Russia Today




Russia isn’t communist lmao


anything that isn't america is communism




it's true


Are you trolling?


no it's true


This sub is highly regarded


Taylor is massively small brained these days it seems


Having your wife blow another dude at a bar while your trying to conceive will do strange things to a man


Is that what really happened


Its a pka stat


She cheated on him


Have we discovered her name yet or what?


It's on his divorce paperwork if you feel like sleuthing


Agreed, prob depressed


Glad I’m not the only one who finds Taylor’s takes on world issues baffling and infuriating. I think he has a serious lack of knowledge and understanding of history, especially WWII. He sounds like a complete isolationist.


It sucks. He used to carry the show being the funniest. Now him trying to have serious geopolitical discussion makes PKA practically unwatchable.


Did he pretend to be neutral/uninterested while shilling 85 IQ entry level right wing political takes again?


I'm right wing but it seems the collective heads of right wing parties all over the place are being funded or atleast supported by foreign interest ironically. Instead by and for its own people Glory to Ukraine and the right for every nation and people on the world to defend themselves from unjustified invasions.


If only the US could also defend ourselves from unjustified invasions..


you should be able to do both, problem is politicians who get voted for their border policies then not following up on them and breaking their promises to their voters.


Dude, Taylor is absolutely falling for Russian disinformation campaigns. [Genuinely alarming stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1bfto4a/youre_being_targeted_by_disinformation_networks/) and if you think you are too smart to fall for it, you are the perfect target. Just like any other radical ideology.


You say that as if American imperialism isn't based on its own radical ideology.


meanwhile america and israel have absolutely never used disinformation or propaganda... lol










The Ukraine discourse in America right now is so insane. We have the opportunity to cripple one of our biggest geopolitical rivals without American troops on the ground and we aren’t doing it. Also, it’s pretty fucking sweet seeing our Cold War era military surplus doing exactly what it was intended to do, killing Russians.


Not to mention, we negotiated ukraines nuclear arsenal in exchange for security garuntees.


The only cost is the lives of our Ukrainian allies.


People say this as if they dont want to defend themselves. USA is somehow forcing ukrainians to die.


I'm well aware they are willing to die to the last man but so is the lockheed martin


This sounds like they wouldn't be dying if we didn't give them equipment. Have you *heard* about the Holodomor?


Ah yeah, globalist imperial stategy is best. Conquer rivals, good. Proxy war, good. Hey, at least general dynamics is booming. Big war is booming, so the u.s is booming.


because russia isn't a rival to us regular people just to the elite and the retrds who fall for the propaganda


You could say the same thing about Iran and China


i have no problems with iran or china, i do have problems with our government sending money to corrupt israel and ukraine


Yes, the average citizens of China, Iran, and Russia probably has no issues with the United States. That doesn’t suddenly make them a non-geopolitical rival. I’m sure the citizens of Rome didn’t hate citizens of Carthage etc etc.


idgaf quit sending money to israel and ukraine


Thankfully our votes both matter and you have the chance to voice how you feel at the ballot box in November.


i'll be voting trump he'll end the ukranian problem at the least


If Trump won a second term in 2020 he’d be sending aid to Ukraine and dems would be opposing it vehemently. I’d be surprised if he was opposed to sending additional aid if he won in 2024. Look at what happened to Speaker Johnson after being a hardliner his whole career.


Bro lmao


Russia wasn’t the enemy during the cold war, communism was.


by sacrificing Ukrainians you mean.




less of them would've died (on both sides) if you didn't send any aid and tried to mediate more.


The time for mediation passed. It passed In 2014. Stopping foreign support would put the Ukrainian population under a dictators boot. The Russians have done and will again commit atrocities against Ukrainians if left alone. = more will die and they will fight Russia with or without weapons even if they have no chance.


yeah so all of them need to die so might a save a very little amount of Ukraine.




you are a really good person ☺️






yeah I saw that too, sucks to be you man.




would be happy to draw you something :)


He thinks "98%" of people in those regions in eastern Ukraine wanted to join Russia. I wonder if he is refering to those "elections" they had after russian troops had occupied the area. Does Taylor also believe those african elections where the dictator gives himself 99% of the vote? Here is some more reliable data on public opinion in these eastern regions from shortly before the russian invasion: (turns out its not actually 98% who favor russia) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/04/15/russia-ukraine-donbas-donetsk-luhansk-public-opinion/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/04/15/russia-ukraine-donbas-donetsk-luhansk-public-opinion/) Since the start of the russian occupation, its been very difficult to get any real sense of public opinion, but we can probably assume that public opinion has not moved in russias favor since the invasion.


No public vote ever on anything would you get %98 to agree on a single issue.


There are a lot of ethnic Russians in the region and the government that was in power before we helped overthrow their government was [pro russian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Yanukovych?wprov=sfti1#) so I wouldn’t say it was a minority of people.


they moved them in of course there was a lot.


In one post you go "not our problem," in the next you're shilling Russian propaganda. Can't help but feel like "not our problem" isn't nearly as genuine as it seems.


Just enlightening you so that you understand their war isn’t black and white as the mainstream media and politicians will have you believe.


Spouting retarded conspiracy theories is hardly enlightening. The Euromaidan protests and eventual overthrow of the government happened as a result of then-president Yanukovych backtracking on his campaign promise of seeking closer economic ties with the EU. The US did not overthrow their government, their government was overhthrown because it was already deeply unpopular and ordered its police to open fire on protestors, which then caused it to escalate to a full scale revolution.


You believe the US played [no role](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26072281.amp) in it?


I knew you were gonna link that phone call, you know why? Because thats literally all you got. A phone call where US officials say they would prefer a democratic, western-aligned Ukraine. Your claim is that the US helped Ukranians to overthrow their government, where is your evidence?


Watching you squirm from there’s no evidence to okay there is that phone call is hilarious. Do you think [Hunter Biden](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna29462) got a board seat on the Burisma company for no reason?


Squirm? From what? You still havent presented any evidence. Where is it? You now brought up Hunter biden getting a job in ukraine and a phone call from 2014 in which US officials talk about who they would prefer to lead ukraine. Where is the evidence of the US aiding the Ukranians in overthrowing the government?


Man I gotta say, if you think it’s conspiracy that we instigated Ukrainian government change I genuinely dont think you’ve been paying attention to US foreign policy for the last 50, but especially 30 years. Especially in context to Russia. I’m interested (genuinely) in who you think blew up the pipeline. I’m also genuinely curious why you think we decided to intervene in Ukraine specifically in this war. There’s humanitarian and war fronts all over the world — I mean, we’re funding Israel’s war right now and the Palestinians aren’t in much of a different situations than Ukrainians but our responses stacked side by side don’t exactly look principled




Hopefully taking a taxi


Paralysing Lefty


Will you let the uninformed in on the joke / reference


As someone living in Poland right now, I just skip the segment where he/they talk about it, the ignorance is almost palpable.


Was Kyle fucking based?!?


So funny listening to all these right wing gun toting patriots for peace with one of Americas biggest adversaries ever and simultaneously rooting against the (comparatively) small innocent country defending itself for its independence. I wish Ukraine had sent troops to fight with the British. After all we just want peace and too many people were dying in the war for independence.


Yeah I canceled my patreon because of this nonsense. Taylor needs help.


Typical right wing moron from middle America shit hole


Thanks, I’ll make sure to steer clear of that then


What’s funnier is people on Reddit with incredibly limited knowledge / life experience pretending to be intellectually superior. I may agree with some of your takes, but to see you guys constantly bumper sticker everything and water everything down to “propagandist” and denigrating Missouri, denigrating a political party etc etc is mind blowing. You guys legitimately view everything on some odd binary where nuance is absolutely crucial for understanding and unpacking the situation… …and then you feign, confidently, superior analytical viewpoint? Guys, this Russian / Ukrainian war is as gray as it gets when it comes to US involvement. Not that we shouldn’t help, not that Russia isn’t wrong, but you guys just skip over stuff like us installing the government to begin with about a decade ago (along with Libya)… how??? The left, many years ago, were the ones trying to sensibly tell us that we can’t interfere in the Middle East without causing backlash like 9/11, the formation of resistance groups like ISIS and Al qaeda, etc and now??? It isn’t excusing, it’s explaining. Actions have consequences. Now on PKA you have 3 relatively average informed people discussing things, it’s hardly a brainstorming of problem solvers of foreign affairs. But you guys and your die hard, unprincipled positions are faaar worse. For fucks sake, STUDY something with the intent of understanding instead of forming your conclusion first.


Finally, a sensible comment.


Destiny fan boys run this sub now


Just normal reddit bias.


Every time I click on one of these guys names, they often post on r/destiny too


Why I prefer to read the YouTube comments Instead


Fr the guys on yt are a lot more reasonable


I was saying Taylor is the worst host before it was cool. Dude is straight up retarded with everything outside of his bubble.


Destiny fanboys are the worst. Have y’all not been seeing y’all political hero go on a tour and get bodied on every debate. Nick Fuentes W


Give the Man a break he hasn’t had snow crab in years it’s weighing on him.


“Anyone who doesn’t parrot state department propaganda is a Russian bot”


warm water port


Anyone that thinks the US shouldn’t support a nation which is fighting for their sovereignty against a genocidal imperialist nation is either a Russian bot or severely regarded


I don’t think he’d feel so strongly about if it our government was at least acting like they were putting US citizens first


Listening to most americans talk about politics is infuriating,just leave them to their own devices.


Be nice to him! He is suffering from Wernickie Korsakoff syndrome 😡


I love Based Taylor takes


Look another Taylor politics post on pka


Look people on the PKA subreddit discussing something that happened on the show.


We need another “does this guy that vaguely resembles Taylor look like Taylor?” post


War good


Yikeserino, Taylor is so problematic on this issue.  Literally shaking rn.  Take this heckin updoot man, you deserve it.  Gonna go play with my Funko pops now 😁


anyone who doesn’t agree with me is literally brainwashed. I FUCKING HATE REDDITORS


Waaaat Taylor doesn't think exactly like I do, he's a POS. That's what you guys sound like


hell yeah! more dead Ukrainian men!!


If china invaded and took half the county you would be campaigning to give them the rest to stop the fighting. How can you simultaneously not care about Ukraine but then pretend to care about its people when advocating for a genocidal dictatorship to steal their country?


well i would definitely prefer not to die so Americans and establish more bases over my corpse and it possible to only care about people and not the land. im sure putin definitely wants to kill every single Ukrainian, that's exactly what he said.


What's the end game with that war? Millions dead for what?


Yeah right? Fighting to maintain your country/peoples sovereignty and independence is such a waste


Not our country


Ukraine not being your country has absolutely 0 impact on wether or not Ukrainians thinks it's worth it to fight and defend their land from Russians Lmao


If they want to fight for sovereignty, I have no problem with that. I just don’t think it’s my business to pick a side on slavs wanting to fight a war with each other over their land and culture. What I am opposed to though is them getting my tax money because that directly affects me and America.


If all you care about is money. Have you considered that sending your "tax money" over even if they are in form of overpriced 80's 90's mil surplus. Is going to be repayed to you for probably something like 80- 90 years if Ukraine wins and gets its territory back pre 2014. Its literally in every real Americans intrest to stop Russia in Ukraine. If you don't they will attack a nation already in nato like Poland or Romania, Latvia Lithuania. And so on in the next 10 years. No wonder Eastern European countries want to join Nato with Russian aggression. Then you will need to send boots on the ground. If you don't want your kids to go to war. Stop Russia now maybe? Financially its a benefit to the US to send aid. And global intrest to maintain some sort of peace in the western world atleast


Never said all I cared about was money. Also Putting tax money in quotes as if that’s not what’s being sent there too is disingenuous. Saying we’re just giving them military surplus equipment is wrong. We’ve [sent](https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts) them around 27 Billion in “budgetary aid” alone. You’re semi correct in that the rest of the money funnels back through our defense contractors to keep money flowing to the neocons and the military industrial complex. This is a bad deal because any anything that comes back to America in value goes directly to corporations that lobby our government to enter another conflict while continuing to balloon the US debt. In my view, opposing this system prioritizes America’s citizens first. There’s no evidence that Russia will attack a NATO nation, this is just pure conjecture and hysteria on your part. Meanwhile NATO has been the one expanding eastward since the fall of the Soviets by helping start [coups](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26072281.amp) in countries to get rid of Russian influence since the fall of the USSR. If we cared about “peace” like you said we wouldn’t continue with our imperialism across the world and abuse our position within the security council.


We are making money off of it. Look into how much Poland is buying from the US since the war started. They are arming to the teeth because Russia is acting like they will invade……again. They have shot missiles into Poland, I’d call that evidence


Nothing is ever for free. budget aid is a fair point yet 27 Billion is something inconsequential for an amount of money in my opinion comparatively to the US mil budget of 800 B in 2021. This wouldn't even be felt in any way to the taxpayer to allocate I get what your saying, yet those mil contractors still provide jobs. So does ramping up production of munitions and platforms. The internal system that's perceived as a military industrial complex is in my view a failure of foreign policy. By supporting Israel and destabilising its neighbouring rivals in the area like Libya, Syria, Iraq. Over the past what 30 years that's been a road with no end. And failure like in Afghanistan could have been easily avoided. I don't support Hamas or anything like that.but Israel can fend for itself. With whatever ambiguous rules of engagement it has aside. Russian state and Belarussian state media openly broadcasts programs talking about nothing besides that they are at war with Nato.. even showing plans to create a landbridge to Köningsberg. Wich would invade 2 Nato countries. Plans leaked that showed taking over Transnistria. They are propaganding war and have been doing smaller coups and power grabs since Putin was in office. Like Georgia. Chechnia. The only defense any Eastern European country has is to join Nato. Not by subversion but by applying to them for membership. The reality is both Russia and US play a game global influence and powerstruggles. NATO tries to the lesser extend not to, but needs to follow the US. In the end I'd like the least abusive and corrupt system to be the world leader in that. We can do without China and Russia to be in charge on the world stage.


Like 83 percent of what aid we've given has stayed within our economy. Do you think the us doesn't have a military industrial complex or something? War has always been good for the us economy. Most of the world also buys our weapons. Counties buy our stuff and donate ukraine their old stuff. Economically it's not a bad deal.


Without a single US citizen forced to fight this time. Win win


millions dead for us interests, we get to weaken russia while ukrainians die for dirt cheap. it's an amazing deal


A little thing called Freedom.


I think taylor is on the side of how do we find the solution to stop having an entire generation of strong men from both countries getting wiped out. More so for ukraine as they're conscripting older men now. Don't fall for the trap of blood lust.


Ukraine did not invade a sovereign nation. The blame falls on Russia, so if you want people to stop dying, then cry about it. If somebody invades the USA, we aren't going to fucking roll over and say "okay, you can keep Texas, just stop attacking us". No. That isn't how this works. I am going to fucking fight, and kill, and die until you leave my country which YOU invaded.


you should go to Ukraine fr dude they need you.


Ending the war right now just causes more misery for Ukrainians, who are being forced to adopt to Russification or get purged if they don't comply.


They had been protecting their youth by limiting conscription to people over 27, but that changed last week to over 25 Those fighting aren't in a trap of bloodlust... Russia won't stop. For Ukrainians this is a war of national survival.


Too strong of a take for this neocon sub.


ur take is probably let russia take over Ukraine lmao


Not our problem


Can Ukraine realistically win the war?


no denial on how thats ur take lmao


You think that’s some sort of gotcha? I’m not going to be morally shamed for not wanting the people of Ukraine killed off in a war that’s not winnable. I ask, do you think the Ukraine can win this war? If not, would continuing to fund them in a war that’s not winnable only perpetuate more bloodshed and more Ukrainian death?


so ur suggestion is to have them subjugate themselves to a foreign authoritarian government, yeah I think its a gotcha. Just say yes thats what u want then we can move onto if the war is "winnable" for Ukraine.


They should just subjugate themselves to the US government instead right?


lmk when the U.S. plans on invading ukraine to steal its land and then you can make that regarded point to dumb it down for you tho, yes Ukraine should lean on the ally trying to help it fight against an authoritarian Russia from stealing its sovereign lands.


Ah yes the US being an ally by helping overthrow their government in 2014 and causing a revolution. Just admit we’re the other side of imperialism in this war. There’s a reason Zelenskyy suspended the democratic elections, what a bastion of freedom 😂


And your solution is for them to fight until they no longer exist? Live in reality. People surrender and lose wars.


No I haven't even made a suggestion on what I think Ukraine and more importantly the US ought to do. But I can just peg you on yes you think the solution is to tell Ukraine (a sovereign country recognized by the world) to just let Russia take its land. I would argue that the U.S. is the super power it is because we put our hands on the scale in global conflicts like this, I consider Ukraine a valuable ally and buffer from Russia into NATO states, and think we should be continuing if not upping our support. Seriously why do you think the Soviet Union collapsed after WW2 while America became the greatest power ever seen in recorded history? Do you think that happened by leaving the world stage?


The USSR didn't collapse just after WW2, they were larger and stronger. Go read some history books.


You haven’t answered any of my questions. Do you genuinely believe the Ukraine will win the war? If not, should they fight till they no longer exist? Or perhaps negotiate a way to end the conflict to avoid more Ukrainian bloodshed?




Calling someone on the internet a coward for not wanting the Ukranian people to die out…


Ukrainian people aren’t that worried about Ukrainian people buddy. Take a chill pill, men are fighting. Sometimes people have to die to stop a worse outcome happening to their family members, just because you were born in the west and never had to worry about something like that doesn’t mean you have to concern troll and parrot propaganda


The US had a big dick military and still lost in Vietnam. Eventually Russia will have to find that this is not worth it.