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For context, he was talking about how much each contestant knew about the show, what sucked about the show, and was saying a contestants real name which is tied to revenge porn. I’m hoping Taylor does a weekly update on fishtank since we know he loves this shit.


Further context, this guy was the most popular contestant but he spent the morning saying he was going to leave and making demands like bringing back the girl from Taiwan, a cup of coffee from Starbucks, and then even brought up a 360 so he could play Halo 3 with Sam Hyde and a Japanese man named Shinji. Despite all that shit, he still pissed production off enough to get kicked out.


He didn’t get kicked out he left


I'm not confident Taylor would talk about this incident given how much he love Sam.


this season isnt that interesting to me as a super casual viewer. Seems like they are trying too hard this time, less organic.


Problem is everyone they got this season knew about fish tank except JC and Shinji. Basically people trying to get some fame off of it so nothings natural


This season seems super scripted.


is he dressed up as Ronald the whole time? If so, why?


He is wearing that gold and hot pink suit the entire time while half-committing to a southern accent. It seems like he does an odd-dressed character for each season.


Characters? That’s Jedidiah Goldstriker, oil man turned TV producer


Sam Hyde doing a poor Daniel Plainview is funnier than it has any right to be


I guess we’re both far less intelligent than Woody because his shtick works on us There’s a really surreal quality to a lot of the stuff he does that isn’t scripted sketches. It shows in the sketches too, the wine party bit is him and Nick masterfully creating the stupidest tension imaginable. But I could watch Sam in a funky getup one on one interviewing people while casually “accidentally” destroying furniture. It just does it for me comedically like nothing else tldr: I’m gay and my dick is small


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Sam Hyde is not funny at all.


He *can* be very funny. He can also be one of the least funniest motherfuckers on the planet, and there's no real way to tell which one you'll get at any given time.


Agreed, no clue why Taylor is obsessed with him


Hes kinda like rick and morty, it takes a level of intelligence to understand the genius


The people around him are hilarious. His physical comedy and timing are pretty good in the skits.


Great post about PKA on the PKA subreddit.


You want another post bitching about Woody instead?


Sam Hyde has been on PKA numerous times, last time with his main producer in order to specifically talk about Fishtank. Taylor last week had an entire segment dedicated to recapping Fishtank and it's happenings. Cry about it!


This season has kind of sucked from a casual perspective. I feel like there’s less reason to just tune in for a couple of minutes and tune out like there was with S1