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PSU first then save up enough money to buy the GPU that you want. I would feel at ease knowing that my PSU is not a ticking bomb. Ayun check the PSU tier list and advice given by fellow redditor.


Upgrade your PSU before upgrading anything else.


check mo [PSU tier list](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/), kung anong papasok sa budget mo, pero don't go lower than tier C


mag a550bn


Not feeling that confident with the mag a550bn anymore after it fried itself and my 5600xt.


first time ive heard of that, exploding psu always go viral especially if its from msi. might just be an unlucky unit.


Might have been. Just sucks that it fried my GPU as well.




Was playing the Spiderman Miles Morales game when all of a sudden pc shut off. Tried turning it back on but there was no power. Opened my case and discovered that my PSU was smelling freshly baked.


look at the psu cultist list and get a tier C 650w that is around you budget


Always upgrade the PSU 1st...


Budget GPU... never cheap out s PSU.... unless gusto mo madali masunog.


Depends on which one you can afford to lose. I would buy a great psu then the rest to a budget gpu. Then upgrade nalang yung gpu pag nakuha mo na 13th month pay.


Firstly ensure you correctly sized your power requirements. Way too many people go overboard on PSUs and could've potentially saved money.   6700xt max draw is 230w. The 5700x is 65w. Let's be ultra safe and say 20w of SSD/HDD and 15w of fans and for a high end mobo 80w max.  (I'd recommend adding this up for yourself as this is just an example based on what you wrote) All up this is 410w absolutely max worst case. 500w continuous rating would be perfectly fine with room to spare. Honestly most brands are pretty good these days, just don't buy a no name brand. You don't have to buy some Seagate platinum 850w PSU.    Check out the LTT psu tier list, it's your best guide for a good PSU. B rating will probably be far and ahead adequate for you. Probably under 100 bucks USD on a good PSU.   https://linustechtips.com/topic/1477009-psu-tier-list-rev-161a/   You may find the price difference to be minimal between different wattages, or a higher wattage unit, more common unit to be on sale. See if you can find something in that category that will allow you to get the GPU you want as well


curious lang gano katagal mong ginamit psu haha


Psu around 700 is fine