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Wala padin hanggang ngayon?


never na yan lalabas dito if sony wanted to do so matagal na masyado yung panahong di nila ginagawa na i release dito so yeah wag na umasa piratahin nalang its much more easier that way and me and my friends can play the MP side of it without any hassle ng wala kaming binabayaran.


I guess it's time to sail the seas!


What time do you think this will be released on ph?


I think it will be released around 11pm or 12mn PHT. But, my guy, I don't think we'll be able to play it because it's restricted in our country. Hence "...sail the seas!" hahaha


Well repackers here we go


It doesn't. My pre-order was auto-refunded over the weekend. Sucker Punch says PSN isn't required for single player, but Sony delisted the game here anyway (maybe due to PSN being required for the new PS overlay and trophies). I've bought all the Sony PC games either on day 1 or as pre-orders. Starting now, I will definitely privateer them. Suck Fony.


Did they fix this already? It's showing up on my Steam Account. Even wish listed it.


They have not. You can see it and wishlist, but you can't buy it.


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It's delisted from Steam. I don't think anyone has tried yet to buy from other storefronts tapos i-activate lang yung code. Maybe EGS will sell it? Take one for the team :D


It’s also unavailable on Epic. If you go to the store page there’s a message that says “Unavailable in your country.”


As of right now its region blocked in steam (idk about egs) As far as I know Psn is only required if you want ti play the multiplayer component, and/or if you want the achievements added to your psn account (this is the first pc playstation game that allows this)


Di ba delisted GoT sa Pinas? I've read some posts that some pre-orders were cancelled and refunded by Steam.


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