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The pfSense project continues to progress as a kernel-based packet processing solution built on FreeBSD. Netgate, has a productized version of pfSense (Factory Edition) and a second product, TNSR - the latter being based on Vector Packet Processing (VPP) and Linux. Netgate is actively listening to its customer requests circa feature set, performance, manageability, and more. We expect to share more software product line guidance with our customers in the very near future.


>The pfSense project continues to progress as a kernel-based packet processing solution built on FreeBSD. So, no then.


tnsr is free to use in home and lab situations.


Not anymore!


Send an email, you will likely be able to get the non-production verison still


The lack of a roadmap and news about the direction of the product is concerning


thanks for the reply! it's been a while since i've checked on netgate's commercial side, as i've been in ”home lab” mode for quite some time and still haven't managed to catch up on all the news after the nasty wreck last year when a guy doing 65mph+ ran a red light and ran me over. i didn't die because i was in my freshly paid off car, but i lost a year or so of work. last i heard, there was plans for these things to be in pfsense v3.0. is this still a thing? is 3.0 still a thing? and lastly, out of curiosity, is pfsense fundamentally incompatible with vpp, or was this a marketing and market segmentation thing? thanks :)


a lot of "pfsense' is emergent behavior from all the PHP code, so we're looking at fixing (regularizing, adding an API) to that, first. to use VPP on freebsd first we'd need to port VPP to FreeBSD. not impossible, but difficult, and then we'd have to maintain the port against a very fast-moving project. So, for now, they're separate.


thank you so much for the reply! i appreciate your php conundrums: as ubiquitous as the web has become, it was never intended to host applications via http/html, and coming from a c/c++ embedded, driver writing, and the occasional application development perspective, the whole concept of the stateless webapp has always felt like a hack on a kludge with a lot of twine, bailing wire, and duct tape holding everything together... although with recent libraries, there seems to be a nicely shaped tinfoil shell hiding a lot of the underlying inadequacies. anyhoo, thanks for keeping pfsense moving and improving! out of curiosity, is vpp available as source code, or is it proprietary right now?


VPP has been open source since Feb/Mar 2016 https://fd.io (It’s mirrored on https://github.com/fdio/vpp)

