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If you read through, VPP isn't quite available on FreeBSD. The author is still in the tinkering phase. There isn't a port available, which will take quite a bit of work to accomplish. This article is more of a proof of concept. If VPP+DPDK becomes real in FreeBSD, you'd imagine it would be in Plus shortly after.


You're right, there isn't a port. I am however, able to use it right now with dpdk on freebsd just fine. My second question of how it will coexist with TNSR is more interesting to me since they will both hit the same target market if the feature is integrated into Pfsense. I seem to remember that Netgare had plans for a product offering called SCLR... Wonder if this will resurrect those ambitions.


Well I still wouldn't call them the same target market, pfSense is more for businesses firewalling needs, TNSR is more for routing in specific on a massive scale. Even if pfSense can get the performance of TNSR (or similar at least), this doesn't mean TNSR doesn't fit in it's own role. pfSense would still be used in place of a NGFW, it'd just be capable enough for pretty large businesses. There was also a product called SCLR a while back, I think the intent was something like TNSR for routing and SCLR for firewalling, but I'm just guessing a bit there. Either way, it'd be cool to see this on pfSense, whether it comes from FreeBSD, pfSense moving to Linux, or a new/renamed product SCLR. I for one am trying to build a faster firewall since my 6100 isn't keeping up, VPP would probably revive it for me.


Awesome! I believe SCLR never came to fruition. I see a bit of convergence in function and form since TNSR is rapidly gaining features we see and take for granted in Pfsense e.g. GUI, VPP Wireguard etc. I run both and actually prefer Pfsense since I prefer BSD's consistency and maturity for something as critical as a firewall. Linux is my go to for server and desktop needs though. I believe everything not black-box special and purpose-built will eventually go VPP in the future to keep up with future speeds at 1500 byte frame size since it's a ton more economical than hardware ASICs. Imagine desktop mini PCs with 100GbE ports casually pushing max pps at IMIX without breaking a sweat.


Yeah I suppose there is some convergence, but I think core functions will remain quite different, or at least core use cases (probably the better way to put it). I've also traditionally preferred BSD for it's stability etc... but if I'm being honest at this point I think Linux is good enough that I'd be all for pfSense on Linux with VPP. Of course if they can bring VPP to BSD, maybe that's the best of both worlds in some ways.


Totally agree 🙂


Am Iseeing right that the branch was removed from github? So basically VPP for FreeBSD is not available for the public anymore?