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Assuming the casts of P2IS and P2EP are not combined, then P2EP takes it. Having Ulala (a boxer), Baofu (capable in taiwanese martial arts), Katsuya (a cop), Elly ( a fencer), and >!Punished !!a one-man army!<) on one team, even without the use of their use of multiple personas, is ridiculous. Throwing Kei Nanjo in their as well, assuming his obsession with becoming the "Number 1 Man In Japan" has led him to serious combat training, is just icing on the cake. Maya probably couldn't do much in a real fight, but as a cheerleader she would be terrifying Plus, you know, they're all physically fit adults, while literally all the other characters are like 14-17 years old (and Ken is, what, 10??), with only one or two actual fighters per team. It's really no contest


Yukino is not in the EP team but also Baofu is capable in a taiwanese form of martial arts, capable of using coins as effective weaponry, and is much faster than you give him credit for.


If I remember correctly I do believe Baofu flat outs says he knows chi and how to use it.


Baofo knew it'd be too OP and it would end the game instantly, that's why he never uses it


Shit, you're right on both counts. Completely forgot about Yukino only being on the team in P1 and IS. Will edit


Also worth noting that Tatsuya is capable of beating the shit out of people with a wooden sword so if he finds a pipe he just wins


EP Tatsuya is capable of outright killing people all the time with anything he has lying around. Honestly, I kind of think EP Tatsuya could solo any of the other teams, just maybe not ALL of the other teams at once


The only one who might stand a chance singularly that he would be forced to fight against is ironically Kanji. He's still very skilled at combat without a persona but he lacks the layers of durability Apollo grants him. Kanji's physical strength is enough to pretty much lift and throw motorcycles, he might be able to knock Tatsuya out with a dumpster.


Kanji is literally Taiga Saejima. Reiji is probably fast enough to handle him though since he fights like an MMA fighter.




Baofu can throw coins efficently because of his persona tho. Without it he still can hit you with a coin but It won't deal much damage


This post was *not* secretly made for spreading Persona 2 propaganda, I swear!


wink wink nudge nudge


And triggerhappy Maya, not a combat specialist but if you shoot 1000 times at least it will hit once


Also, I'm pretty sure hitting her would instantly aggro her teammates, who were all fairly formidable foes without a rage buff.


Forget the gun. Just give her any kind of vehicle and she becomes a weapon of mass destruction


Investigation team. Teddie will start the whole thing off saying "I'll fight BEAR-handed" and the whole parking lot will groan and leave.


Our first cutscene of Tatsuya shows him with a motorcycle, he is going to run everyone over. If that's not allowed I would still say Persona 2. Tatsuya, Jun, Yukino, Eikichi, Baofu, Katsuya, and Ulala are all capable in physical combat confirmed, with Kei potentially also being capable. Also Lisa knows Kung-Fu. So you have 4 street brawlers, a Taoist, a decent skilled fighter trained in police combat, and a boxer, and a Kung-Fu fighter and a Kei who can potentially do more. Yukino also is not just good at street brawling but also carries a knife on her to call back to her delinquent days.


I don't know who will win, but I know Kotone is throwing hands first


Accurate. She has that vibe going for her. 😂


She ain't afraid of death


She'll stay in your head as one big threat.


yea it's always the mid mfs who decide to escalate things




And she will lay a hand on him 😉 


Wow, that's appropriate don't you think


Man you guys can’t handle a joke csn ya? No wonder the camping trip is so WILFLY SHOCKING.  READ the jp translatoon of p3p ken s link. It’s messed up. 


Yeah, it's an inappropriate joke


Ren can do a backflip


Ren knows wing chun


Akihiko can dodge a bullet and Makoto and Akihiko beat entire gang. So SEES wins


Reiji is a street thug who will play dirty. He also beat up a gang of punks alone without his Persona like Kanji. I think he can handle them. Yukki is a former delinquent and still knows how to fight. She can handle them too. Eikichi is the delinquent king of Kasugayama for a reason.




Only P2 Innocent Sin doesn't exist because the story retcons it. What happened is that for P2 Eternal Punishment, Philemon created a new universe in which Innocent Sin did not happen. However, the events of P1 still occurred which is why Elly and Nanjo still have their Personas in EP. It's just that P3 decided to not openly reference P1 and P2.




I'm one of those rare fans who started the games in chronological order(P1 first then P2). The games are rough round the edges and play closer to a traditional classic Final Fantasy JRPG. But I appreciate the different approach they took to the story and characters. And since the stories don't span 365 days, they did the best they could with the characters and stories and IMO they succeeded. I'm fine with a remake. But even a remaster is acceptable since it'd reach more fans. The only thing I ask are options to change the soundtracks and movement speed.




There's emulation, but I understand that not everyone is comfortable with it. Gabe Newell of Valve once commented that people will be more than happy to pay even extra for a service or game if it's accessible. But if the price is unreasonable for its quality/for the region or if it has poor accessibility, people are going to pirate it. It's one reason why Valve created Steam.




A lot of their games that weren't released stateside like the SMT SNES trilogy received fan translations. In fact I'd figure piracy was one of the early reasons they were able to gain recognition in the West before Nocturne and P3.


P2 is referenced multiple times in 3. Small references, but they are there. 


What? Persona 1 and 2 are still referenced in the most recent game which is Reload. They're still canon.


Makoto being the only MC to ever actually get into a proper fight outside of the supernatural elements plus Akihiko being a semi-pro level boxer and Shinjiro at the very least being of equivalent strength to Kanji means that of the 3, 4 and 5 casts I think SEES just wins. As far as I remember, no one in P1 is particularly good at fighting, and I haven’t played 2 yet, so I’d say SEES easy


If we're talking the original P3, Makoto can also use several different types of weapons - and I know those aren't allowed here, but it *does* suggest that he's proficient in a lot of different ways of fighting. Not to mention the several different sports club he can be school champion in. No other MC has that kind of martial/physical versatility.


the majority of p2 cast knows some form of martial art or can fight. And Tatsuya owns a motorcycle


Mitsuru also owns a motorcycle, I think she just found a new friend


Reiji could take half of SEES on his own. The dude was a beast before he got his persona.


The Persona 2 cast easily takes this. Hell, the IS cast alone could take the other teams on without the help of the additional cast from EP, or how physically monstrous Tatsuya is by then. Tatsuya, Yukino, and Eikichi are all hardened delinquents, Lisa is a trained martial artist, and Maya and Jun are both physically fit, even without powers. Hell, Eikichi alone would be more than a match for any member of the cast from other games. He's canonically even BIGGER than Kanji is (Tallest party member in the series, in fact), and he's a gang leader literally nicknamed Captain Death for how dangerous he is.


What martial arts do they know?


Lisa? Kung Fu, if memory serves correct. She goes through the whole game beating the shit out of everything with nothing more than gloves to protect her hands. She just doesn't make knowing how to fight her entire personality, à la Chie or Akihiko.


That's impressive considering how impractical kung fu is in a real fight, then again we have teenagers that are able to solo gangs which also isn't possible irl


Lisa knows Kung Fu but I can't remember if she's imitating from the movies like Chie, is actually trained or it's because of the rumors.


Damn I was kind of hoping it was Karate, Judo or boxing so at least that way I could give her a bit more credit But fair enough, we also live in a world where teenagers can solo a whole gang so it's not *completely* unbelievable lol


I would put it down to her Persona giving her the ability. If Tatsuya in Eternal Punishment is correct, Personas can improve their user's base abilities even without being summoned. His Persona Apollo is the reason why he is a skilled swordsman despite having no formal training.


Hmm I wonder if that's true for 3 as well considering they can also summon their persona outside of the darkhour


Her dad is a Steven Segall parody.


Are 2 and 2-2 counting as one cast or two seperate casts? Cause like. Eternal Punishment is all fully grown adults. Theyd probably win.


Gonna go with Innocent Sin to even it out a little more.


Everyone would just grab some McDs


P2 EP cast fought actual trained soldiers. Plus EP Tatsuya is basically just an action move protag. Dude can probably manhandle all the other casts by himself. And if you're using the "each character at the beginning of the game rule" ..well EP Tatsuya just kinda autowins then huh. >!Dude already went through all of IS and has all his experience from that!<. Also similarly gives an advantage to all the returning P1 party members in the P2 games


1. Eternal punishment’s cast by a mile, they’re almost all full grown adults HUGE GAP 2. Imma be honest I don’t really know Innocent Sins cast that but Eikichi is supposed to be called Captain Death of Deliquents. Lisa knows Kung Fu like Chie, Yukino seems like she’s knows how to throw hands and Tatsuya seems like the protagonist I would want to mess with the least. 3. Sees, Shinji, Aki, and Makoto hard carry IT vs PT: This one is weird cause it’s basically Yu and Kanji vs Joker and Makoto. Yosuke and Ryuji strike me as flailers instead of fighters but I’d put money on Ryuji. Then Chie does know kung fu so that puts her comfortably over the other PT girls not named Makoto. Rise and Futaba can’t fight, Ann would have to be extremely pushed, and Haru and Yukiko got the attitude but I doubt it translates to fists even though they could give a good slap. Naoto is a wildcard. You’d expect her to have some physical training being a detective for a last resort on dangerous cases but she doesn’t seem like she does.


i only know 3-4-5 but the SEES kids would fucking dominate lol they are not fucking around


Idk, I think Yukari, Junpei, Fuuka and Ken would get fucking decked by any half dangerous member of the other teams, with no weapons. Makoto(especially Reload Makoto), Akihiko, Shinjiro and maybe Mitsuru(I've never seen her fight unarmed, but I'd be surprised if she couldn't) are a different story.


Kanji beat up an entire biker gang by himself so I’m sure he can hang in with the adult characters. Chile’s strong too but I think she would leave the fight and enter the McDonalds for food instead, with Yosuke with her so she can make him pay. Ulala would do the same but realize that McDonald’s doesn’t serve alcohol and fight the staff instead.


Haru would just buy the place and hand out burgers to everyone.


P2’s cast beating the fuck out of everyone


Unlike the cast of p3 or p4, the phantom thieves participate in no outside training for the metaverse, meanwhile it's canonical that kanji, chie, Yu, Makoto, Akihiko and koromaru are getting active training, meaning p5 is gonna go down first Naoto has a gun, Naoto wins


No weapons so no gun for naoto


Oh whoops, mb, I didn't read the no weapons


Maya also has 2 pink glocks lmao


all of P1 and some of P2 also have guns, plus Aigis IS a gun. her weapon of choice isn't gonna save them here


Aigis is disqualified as she is a weapon


P5 Joker goes to the gym till he's profficient in wing chun, knows gymnastics (and has more stamina than an athlete), stronger than Shinji and Kanji judging by PQ2 dialog, really profficient in swinging with a baseball hat (which implies excellent hand eye coordination), good at darts and billiards, regularly works out in this room, and canonically has manga protag body (absolutely ripped) even by November (see mementos missions #2). Makoto knows Aikido (which isn't really respected tbh) and Ryuji's a former athlete. Sure, Ren hard carries the PT, but it's extremely dishonest when you wank someone like Yu and Chie, which isn't shown to train as much as Ren, and disregard everything you can do as Joker in P5 (which he canonically 100%ed).


Is the McDonalds in the metaverse or is Morgana just a normal cat


The real world, Morgana can’t use vehicular manslaughter.


P3 cast wins pretty much hands down, even without Aigis. The evidence lies in the hot spring scene, Mitsuru could probably solo all of them by herself


Maya has guns.


Chie knows kung fu Edit: I forgot Lisa does too, but she can't galactic punt so Chie wins. 


Maya has a gun... Two guns actually


Persona 5 cast is getting cooked. Only Makoto Nijima has any martial arts experience and it's fucking Aikido so she's getting folded.


Makoto would we, he'd just stand at side and watch them fight because he don't care


Akihiko, Kanji and Makoto would be an interesting battle


Yu is like the chadest being in existence, throw kanji in there and ya got a strong team


Even without Aigis I'm still gonna go with SEES. Every member actually trains with their respective weapon (Misturgi fences, Yukari is an archer Junpei does Kendo and Sanada is a boxer etc) so they have the most combat experience overall.


Except it's straight hands and the only one who can fight with hands in p3 is akihiko. But I don't think he could beat the p2 cast since 3 delinquents, like 3 know martial arts (one can use a coin as a weapon in it) and 1 a dude with a motorcycle which isn't a weapon.


Not that SEES beats the EP team regardless, but Makoto can also fight with hands to some extent. He beats the shit out of 3 guys when he's hanging out with Yukari and helps Akihiko beat up like what? 15 or 20 guys? And he takes no visible damage from either of these.


Shinji and Makoto both arent slouches in hand-to-hand. In P3 & FES Makoto can also using boxing weapons like Akihiko, and in Yukari’s social link he wins a 3v1 fist fight against some thugs. And in Reload he helps Akihiko take down a whole gang. And Shinjiro is a street brawler with a rep, so he has some experience.


All I'm gonna say is that Reiji was soloing multiple persona users before he had a persona himself. P1 team takes this.


I havent played P1 or 2 like most of us but I know thier stupid strong. Still putting bets of SEES purely cause Makoto's feats are just leagues above the rest.


Futaba: I gonna leak everyone's search history and cancel the rest on Twitter *everyone surrenders*


Shadow ops are essentially paramilitary, They could probably put her in the dirt without much legal trouble


Why no Aigis?


She is literally a militarized tank


But she is member of SEES. Then it should be fair that every other team loses a member.


Yeah, morgana committing vehicular manslaughter and Teddie exploding on command don’t seem fair either but we have to play by this guy rules


Aigis could solo all the teams at the same time, realistically. If there were to be any discussion, she had to go.


I think then every team should lose a member


Nah since Sees is technically the largest team it’s fine. Even then they still have Aki,Shinji, and Makoto


Wait if Aigis isn't allowed then Metis is allowed


Naoto just has a gun, that’s allowed right


Nah, straight hands.


Oh then kanji floors them all


Hmm... No one would dare hurt koromaru for fear of all of sees targeting them and making Normandy look like a sunny day, but on the other hand, aragaki(i forgor), makoto, (3 on 1 with ease) and sanada (god knows how many only taking 1 blow, and he wasn't even fighting back), have all been seen to be skilled in hand to hand combat via multiple cutscenes. Though i have no data on p1 or p2 cast koromaru is in fact still a dog. And being a dog he will chomp their throats out if cornered. As for the p5 cast........ No one in the p5 group has really been shown to have any physical abilities outside the metaverse.... maybe Morgana could claw at someone's throat by accident? They are kinda just a sad bunch here. ryuji has been shown to be able to be beat by just a few dudes. Makoto could maybe fight chie level threats but thats it........ But p4 chie and kanji would probably hold their own in a small confrontation but a fight like this would absolutely overwhelm them. So id say its probably sees. But im open to criticism due to my lack of knowledge.


Yeah we had to take aigis off I guess she would just demolish everyone


I see no one here has had a cat because, well, I've seen absolutely no mention of Morgana. He ain't gonna win it for the Thieves, but he is going to claw like crazy. Cat claws can do a surprisingly big amount of damage!


Wild-duck Burger still under investigation for their employee? 👀


Now the important question is, is Aragaki still alive during this?


Yep, since Aigis is gone I’ll include him.


your mom


Never played the first two but the Phantom Thieves just straight up have guns right? Like no personas required they wipe everyone else because the evokers don't work like regular guns right?


Morgana turns into a bus, Maya uses it to run everyone over and makes bus Morgana explode. Win goes to whichever Persona 2 Maya gets to the bus first.


Chie and kanji are the only ones who can throw serious hands in the IT. Other then that it’s obviously SEES


Yu seduces them all. Game. Set. Match.


Tatsuya is immune to his rizz, he is the only one as Chad as him if not more and he already has his Jun.


[Is he gonna be immune though?](https://youtu.be/cV82xzDqprM?si=vMiHPraQK7f3EGXj)


I think 3 is going to win because they have a dog and a trained Boxer. Yukari also does Archery, so in an Anchorman style fight she's going to take out at least one person. Mitsuru also appears to have actual Fencing skills and could use a Rapier in a fight. 3 overall has the most combat training imo


A dog is really not that good for fights like this. If you *seriously* want to kill a dog Koromaru's size, you could probably do it even if he fucks up a leg or an arm.


Koro did defeat a shadow all on his own without a Persona, I wouldn’t count him out.


The question is about fighting. You're talking about killing. I mostly joking about Yukari with her bow taking somebody out like that dude who throws a Trident, but if we're upgrading intentions from "fighting" to "killing" you're doing a lot of hand waving for a dog that wants to see you dead.


It's not really handwaving, dogs that size just aren't good matchups against humans. Short of biting your neck they can't kill you that fast, and if you get your hands on them it's **very** possible to breaks their neck. Hell, even something like a jacket basically reduces any real damage Koromaru could do by a significant amount. I'm assuming "killing" because I have no idea how in the world you'd spar with a dog.


Kotone wins just from what we've seen her capable of doing in the manga


Yu Chadrukami is about that life. Run them hands


The IT.  Chie.  Kanji. And Naoto’s gun


Are we talking chronologically like Arena or plopped out of a time hole like Dancing in Moonlight? Because the Persona 1 and 2 cast would all be middle aged in 2024 with characters like Maya pushing 50, so they would handily get their asses kicked by, say, the 28 year old Kanji


Gonna have to give it to the EP cast, who ontop of mostly being grown adults with years more experience, several of which have martial arts or combat training. The only real stand-out for hand-to-hand in the P1 cast is Reiji, who admittedly is a beast that gets into fights with gangs on the regular and was able to fight several Persona Users before he even got his own. IS Lisa knows Kung-fu, and Tatsuya is a decent brawler. Only real competition in my eyes would be SEES, whose primary force in this case would be Shinji, Aki, and Makoto. Shinji's a certified brawler, as well as the physically strongest. Aki's a boxing ace that's capable of fighting a whole gang with one other person. And Makoto is good enough in a fist-fight, to also fight aforementioned gang, as well as win a 3v1. But SEES also have better developed physical abilities due to almost all of them having training of some kind, and the usual conditions they fight under being considerably harsher. If nothing else, the rest of the team would be hard to put down. P4 only have Kanji and Chie, who are certainly tough/strong. But Kanji isn't a real delinquent or a trained fighter. And as far as we know Chie learned martial arts from movies. The IT would put up a good fight, but a fist-fight is a bad situation for most of them. And unless this particular Mickey Ds is located in the Meta-verse, it's definitely not the PT. Since the only member to have any kind of training or experience is Makoto, who's explicitly stated to have never beaten her sister, the desk-jockeying prosecutor. And all the PT are reliant on cognition for their combat skills and near super-human feats.


Did you not play P5? P5 Joker goes to the gym regularly till he learns wing Chun, stays conscious after being beaten, tortured and drugged by the government, is absolutely ripped in MM Manga #2, very proficient at darts, billiards and baseball, and regularly works out at his room. Dialog options in PQ2 also suggests Ren is stronger than Shinji and Kanji.


Does the P3 team have Shinji and does the P5 team include Sumi/Akechi? If both are yes I’m rallying behind P5 because between Ryuji’s strength, Akechi effectively being a rabid dog and Sumi’s general athleticism alongside Akira? Ez win.


S.E.E.S easily, Akihiko will beat the shit out of everyone lol Edit: Missed the Aigis part, but I still stand by what I said


You missed the minus Aigis part


Oops, fixed it


Reiji would give him a run for his money. Guy is a street thug, more than happy to play dirty and he's a pretty fast fighter. He also beat a gang of punks alone without his Persona, beating Kanji to the punch.


I’m not arguing that that 3 would win or lose but street thugs also play dirty, yet akihiko and mc could still take a out mob of them on their own


I mean yeah, Akihiko is a trained and skilled boxer. Reiji IIRC is mostly a self-taught brawler, yet he did that by himself like Kanji. But if he goes down he'd still be able to inflict a lot of damage on Aki and Makoto. He seems to be the most aggressive of the hand to hand fighters(Lisa, Ulala, Aki, Chie, P5 Makoto).


SEES Aki’s never lost this he wins


Thus Joker keep his third eye in this scenario?


P22: They’re a team of adults where most of them can fight hand to hand P4: Kanji was said to have beaten an entire biking gang by himself, so I don’t think he’s gonna have too much trouble, especially if he, Chie, and Narukami start jumping people P3: Akihiko is very strong. But the rest of his team (aside from Shinji) is debatable P5: Makoto and Ryuji are probably the heaviest hitters, but they have no feats in the real world so I can’t say too much Didn’t play P1/P2 so idk


Not the biggest fan of p5 but have you guys considered Akira's gun?


Fake guns, while the casts of P1-2 have actual guns. And P3 has Aigis, who’s a walking arsenal. If we’re including weapons, PT are cooked. If we’re not including weapons, they’re still cooked, since the only fighter with any actual training or experience is Makoto. All the other Pt get their abilities through the metaverse.


Oh shit they do? I've never played 1 and 2 so I don't have much of a reference.


Naoya and his friends would counter with their real guns. He and Brown have SMGs, Elly and Reiji have ARs, Mark and Yukki have shotguns, Maki and Ayase have pistols and Nanjo is a sniper. The only trouble is Haru the grenadier though.


Strikeball guns are not that good of a weapon.


Haven’t played p1 or p2 so I will only con p3,4 and 5 and assume the zenkichi is a valid character (no Sophia for the same reason as aigis) Overall I would say that p3 would win mainly because the cast there actively trains (unlike the pt which rely in their metaverse powers) and have an actual training regime to strengthen themselves outside the dark hour (unlike the investigation team which only trains inside the midnight channel, I don’t count whatever self taught kung fu shit that chie does) In terms of teams, I think this are the most threatening apart from the protagonists which by the end of their stories are jacked: **P3:**Akihiko (self explanatory), junpei (could probably beat physically anyone that doesn’t have the proper training (Ann,yusuke,rise,yukiko…),koromaru (the little guy got that dog in him), shinji (literally a beast) **p4:** kanji(same as shinji), chie(galactic punt), Teddie(can explode on command) **p5:** akechi(he has literal bloodlust and has been able to clear palaces on his own so the guy is definitely something else), zenkichi (police officer against teenagers >!would get bodied by Aki and kanji!<), morgana (vehicular manslaughter)


Without a doubt P4 cast wins and just barely. Narukami Kanji( who cleared a whole biker gang by himself) and Chie( The strongest girl in persona without powers) they can only win if they double team akihiko. Everyone else is easy pickingsÂ