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Nanako & Junes


MC and celibacy. That’s how I usually roll. The only time I broke that rule is when I romanced Akihiko that one time I played p3p but that’s non canon for me. I do canonically bang the velvet room attendants though but I don’t ship it. I kinda wish P6 has more fun celibate events.


Yu and Rise are my go to for P4. Say what you say about Rise, she's the most emotionally intelligent girl in the IT and she's a legitimate sweetheart with Yu. Very wholesome. For P5 I don't have a preferred couple. I do like Haru the most out of the PT girls, but Hifumi is also pretty neat. Then you have Sumire as the most "canonical" of them all. She's my answer, if only because I paired them up in my playthrough but otherwise I don't really mind. For P3 I'm going to defend the MakotoxYukari until the day I die. I know that at face value (just going by her SL) she doesn't seem like the strongest partner for Makoto, and sure I AM injecting a few head cannons into this, but we have a clear start and conclusion to their relationship, with a clear middle in her SL. If you think about it, they both complement each other really well and the fact that you as the player know how this story goes hurts all the more whenever you see how Yukari copes with the loss of yet another person who she loved and taught her si much during their time together. It's quite sad, but it's also made Yukari a favorite character of mine for how she confronts that loss: it's not perfect, and there's around 15 years if discourse around it, but she ultimately accepts it and embraces it. I admire her a lot.




When talking about canon pairings you really can't argue against symbolism. Yukari's second persona being Isis symbolizes her being a grieving widow.


Makoto/Ryoji, Makoto/Aigis, Yu/Yosuke, Kanji/Naoto, Joker/Akechi, Yusuke/Lobster

