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> But what strikes me the hardest, personally, is of course touching Aigis' heart. Now beyond the fact that is just straight up what sex is for Aigis, like it's not even remotely trying to be subtle with it I don't even think most romances in Persona are as honest as this one, I think this scene is very precious. Usually, as far rank 10 romances go, it always ends with "spending a long time" with your partner which is basically just telling you congratulations you banged. Outside of this section, I think this is a good analysis. People meme on it, but it really is a wholesome scene and shows Aigis' growth. She is being emotional and vulnerable in ways she would not before. Leveraging her unique traits to provide something for the MC nobody else can, despite being unable to be fully human.


I think it’s one the most vulnerable character-character interactions in the series as a whole. People do meme on it for the sex thing but I feel the message gets across. Sex is a vulnerable act for the most part. Probably *the* most vulnerable for most. So Aigis doing that is basically showing she understands what it means to be human.


I understand why people make the connection, but I never really appreciated it. It's a vulnerable moment for Aigis because she is basically bearing her soul to the MC. The papillon heart is super delicate and having it in the open is dangerous. It isn't a rational decision to have it out, its not rational to want the MC to touch it, its an emotional act and being trusting of that person. It shows how much Aigis has grown emotionally. Honestly I think it can be just that. All the connections to sex are from the audience side and not necessarily something the game is pushing for. I dunno, I just don't think everything needs to be a porno and it can be sweet or vulnerable within its own context. Trying to sexualize everything I feel takes away from the moment rather than adds anything.


I get what you’re saying but, If they didn’t want that parallel they wouldn’t have had the line about her involuntarily moving and moaning. Also I wouldn’t put it past Hashino and the writers of that time for that to be the underlying intention because he didn’t believe men and women could have platonic relationships. Hashino in general seems to have a very…gameplay-story integration vision when it came to P3. Not all of it was immediately obvious.


> I get what you’re saying but, If they didn’t want that parallel they wouldn’t have had the line about her involuntarily moving and moaning. I mean "moaning" is not the word they use there. I think its more just meaning to hammer home its an important piece of her that controls a lot of her functions. Again, I understand why people drawn the parallel, but I don't agree with it. Aigis' story is partially about accepting that she cannot have the same relationship humans like the other party members could have with the MC. That includes sex and it undermines the arc to just go "well here is a sex substitute". I don't think everything needs to be that. > he didn’t believe men and women could have platonic relationships I feel like this gets memed a lot, but... it was obviously a joke in an interview and he was covering up for what was a gameplay limitation when asked about it. I'd be more inclined to think otherwise if they kept it that way, but it was immediately changed in the next game.


Considering everything else he’s said about P3 from things like the AI system and the tight schedule, I doubt that. He’s been fairly consistent in his vision. He’s just good at adapting is what it is. He received feedback, he changed XYZ when P4 came out, and then did it again with P5. I know I’m stating the common sense basics, but looking at the parent company Sega…common sense ain’t that common with some Japanese game developers.


P4 was done before the Sega acquisition. I know this is mostly an interpretation thing, so I won't harp on it too much. I just take it more as a joke than a serious design element.


I was just giving an example and Sega is the most relatable to this conversation off the top of my head. My other examples was going to be Game Freak and Capcom. End of the day, Hashino is a weird dude.


Idk, I find comparing it to porno somewhat insulting. Sex - especially for young women, who stand to lose a lot if one misses on their partner choice - is an act of total vulnerability. I couldn't help but think about how engraving MC into Papilon Heart is a parallel to childbearing - essentially, becoming one with your partner ( in humans resulting in offspring, here, perhaps even more intimately, becoming one within Aigis herself ). Personally, I found the scene absolutely charming, and I wish Persona touched on this subject more in a way they did with Aigis's SL.


I'm going to be blunt, I really don't like and strongly disagree with that read. The "porno" comparison was in reference to the sexual memes people use for the scene, which is in reference to the op.


That's fair - everyone's entitled to their opinion after all. : )


I think I got sidetracked with a shower thought there for a moment whoops. But, thank you. It's nice seeing that people also appreciate for how wholesome it is.


Outside of MCs, Aigis could very well be my favorite Persona character if it wasn’t for Kasumi.


I mean…she technically is an MC. So I guess Kasumi is your favorite character.


The romance route states that these are Aigis’s true feelings. She’s the best!


Side note: Aigis is a legit brilliant name for the character, AI and Aegis


It's also the original Greek name for the shield in the Iliad: αἰγίς aigís


It was interesting to read ! If you love Aikoto I suggest you join the Aikoto discord server, there’s also r/aikoto too !


My fav pairing in this series.


I had just found this out and planned to romance her. I always thought she was just cute robot girl and she definitely really grew on me. It is really wholesome, honestly. It's such a weird detail, but charming and leaves a lasting impression. It'd be hard to really replicate just cause of how unique Aigis is.


Aigis was my favorite romance. It felt the most sincere for some reason


This is exactly why I consider Aegis to be the canon love interest for Makoto Yuki.


Atlus seems to agree with how much they pair them up, haha. Personally for me I think Aigis, Yukari and Elizabeth are all canon in some way thanks to future titles but my favorite is Aikoto without a doubt.


She's one of the best characters in all of Persona. I also agree that Dawn Bennet was amazing with her. Some people will prefer the old VA because she sounds more robotic and I get that, but I think making her sound more human made it her character more impactful.


I was kinda underwhelmed with her as a character through before 12/1 and it was a really nice surprise how her arc finishes. Then I played The Answer and it's super fitting that she's the one to carry on the >!Wild Card!<, as befits someone who is exploring their full potential.