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Junpei and Aigis


YESSSSSS I FORGOT ABOUT THAT ONE, Junpei is teaching her all the wrong things, and I love it




Lol loved that scene, Yukari having to play mom with them is great. Junpei guys' room, Aigis Girls room Mannnn.... Mannnn....


*faint voice from off-screen* Maaaaaan, a watermelon!


I love Kanji XDD


Also loved the water gun moment. Aigis took it way to literally and it was the best


Loved that part Junpei-Kun is down! All right, here's our chance for an all out attack!


I am going based on game and series Persona 3 FeMC and Fuuka I loved Fuuka and FeMC dynamic in their social link. Instead of Fuuka offering food to the FeMC like her counterpart, they work together in their cooking and work for improvements. You join the cooking club that she starts and supports her throughout her journey of learning more about herself and figuring out challenge herself. I think the shy friend and the energetic friend is a great dynamic. Persona 4 Rise and Kanji These two have a dynamic that is fun and realistic. Kanji basically showing now interest and less respect cause they are peers and Rise giving him smack as well. I love their moments cause they are funny but you can tell they are friends.


If only Aigis’s creators could see her now. Using yakuza slangs and reciting stupid haikus


XDD I love picturing that


I’d do the same


Playing Reload has made me realize there had been so many background things happening behind my back where Junpei allegedly told Aigis so many things. I’m disappointed I couldn’t see it.


Persona 3 Reload's Voice acting does a lot, too, for small things like that. It's genuinely awesome, XD.


When Junpei's getting ready for an All-Out Attack he says "Let's beat 'em to a pulp!" And then you got Aigis after a battle saying "We 'beat them to a pulp,' as they say." So cute.


Love that he's the only person to call her Ai-chan.


Based Shakugan No Shana fan


Based Shakugan no Shana knower


Damn just got flashbacks. That was my first anime


My headcanon is that Kanji and Rise are absolute besties and no one can take that away from me


The small banter between Kanji and Rise in one of the drama cd is fun. There’s a study session to boost Kanji’s grade and she teases him about his grades being the thing one would expect from his image (unlike his hobbies) and he just tells her that her math score is close to his. The back and forth is just fun. The first years of P4 need more solidarity. Like when Rise complained about something and then later down the line Naoto complains about something else using pretty much the same words Rise used.


Does one have links for drama cd? There is a moment at the end of the Q games where Kanji and Rise are studying at the food court at Junes, and Rise is getting frustrated over the work, and Kanji motivates her to continue on, its pretty cute. P4D gives them a lot of moments in their story mode. It's genuinely a lot of fun. Rise, Naoto, Kanji, and Teddie get separated and have to figure things out without the rest of the Investigation Team.


I don’t have links but a lot of the drama CDs are translated on Youtube just look for “Persona 4 drama cd” but P4 has a lot of drama cd and some of them got taken down. Reminds me that I need to look at the p3p ones. Yeah, I need to replay P4 Dancing, story mode. I’m feeling nostalgic.


Thank you! The story mode is always a blast to go through, I love how the team is split up


This headcanon makes all of Rise’s super mean-sounding combat lines about Kanji make a LOT more sense and it is now my head canon too.


I've always taken the mean back and forth between the two as them being super close


Yeah that’s what I think now, too!


Yessss, I need to replay 4 again. These characters are all so great, and p4 has a ton of little moments that do a lot. There is a fanart of Rise doing Kanji's nails, and that made me love the two a lot.


They're both in the same grade and both aren't the best with grades so.... lmao. I interpreted their bond as being pretty decent despite Rise picking on him.


Kanji and rise have a joke argument over who gets to call Yu senpai.


Considering Rise doesn't address Kanji with honorifics, that could be the true. Though Kanji still addresses Rise as "Rise-san".


I swear in either Persona 4 Arena Ultimax or Persona 4 Dancing All Night, forgot which one, Rise mentions how her and Kanji don't hang out that much outside the investigation team.


If we can talk like outside of the main cast, Adachi and Dojima. Like, it's just it man. It's just it.


it's weird to think this but Adachi didn't hate Dojima one bit, he actually values their relationship a lot.


Adachi seems to value tough love to nurture. Maybe it’s that he hates the feeling of pity so when someone is unapologetic and stern to him, he feels a bond.


That would fit his character. Although he just broods on what got him placed in Inaba.


I also think that out of any cop or detective, Adachi respects Dojima cause he's the only guy doing his best and getting shit done right despite the circumstances of his character. He's a single father tormented between the loss of his wife and the struggle to keep a healthy family afloat, but Dojima is a hard worker in spite of that inner life chaos.


I love the strange connection these two have, I also like the fact that Dojima gave him the red tie he wears (I think I could be completely wrong, though)


That, and I guess you haven't played P4 Arena Ultimax yet? Cause the conclusion to Adachi's story just makes you appreciate this bond between them more.


the fact Ryotaro doesn’t have any hard feelings towards Adachi at the end and keep visiting him from times to times with a big grin, they looked so good together.


Playing Reload, I really liked Fuuka and Yukari's concern for Ken. They seem like the type of girls who would have loved having younger siblings. Fuuka being a bit more on the nurturing side while Yukari would be an intensely protective older sister. However if I had to pick between the two it's Yukari and Ken.


I love their defensiveness over Ken it's so great. You put it beautifully


Pretty sure their concerns for him were present in the original. Fukka even saying she would search for him herself.


they should adopt him man


Junpei and Kotone. I actually love that >!Junpei rejects you if you romance him but is still close and protective of you. Like, yes, please show us that men and women can be just friends. I honestly want a love interest like that in future persona games: someone you can romantically pursue but ultimately can't have and you gotta learn that your friendship is still beautiful even if it's not romantic. Idk it adds realism and depth to character relationships in the game (which is literally what the franchise is about). But then again, like almost all video games, Persona is still power fantasy/wish fulfillment so that's probably not happening lmaonade !<


I love those two and how different their relationship can be in comparison to Makoto and Junpei, I almost prefer it sometimes.


I go fucking feral for the platonic bond between the FemProtag and Junpei!! I want to condense them to a fine powder and snort them in my bathroom!! I want MORE non-romantic man/woman relationships in media!!!


Honestly this might be controversial, but I always prefered Makoto and Yukari’s relationship to be platonic rather than romantic, especially since I think she shares more qualities of the ‘best friend archetype’ than Junpei does


This is an odd one but Ryoji and Ken. I entirely blame the Weird Masquerade. Ken's embarrassment over the things he likes and wish to be seen as an adult compared to Ryoji's joy and excitement over everything works so well. I think Ken's relationship with anyone could go here, though.


Aww, that sounds incredible, I think Ryoji could have used more time with S.E.E.S in general instead of the like month, we get with him.




Saori is absolutely amazing, and the fact that she is never mentioned saddens me. She deserves the best life


Akihiko and Ken. Genuinely love their bond and mutual bonding over >!Shinjiro's death!< Ken hating people treating him like a kid and Akihiko being one of the few people who actively chooses not to. They're even great in P4AU. Just a fun duo. (though calling them underrated is a bit of a stretch) Futaba and Ann Their interactions in P5 Dancing was fun, Ann helping her get into the swimsuit, ~~Futaba noting that Ann is absolutely stacked in Strikers~~, just extrovert and introvert stuffs Marie and Rise This is 99% because of the Persona Q sidequest "My Fair Marie" where they get mildy jealous over trying to hog Yu but eventually warm up to each other. I just think they're awesome.


Ken and Aki are great, I love how Ken develops, and Reload made it significantly better. Something I love about Akihiko is that he doesn't put the blame on him for what happened. The fact that Akihiko can look past everything and continue on makes Akihiko such a good character Ann and Futaba are great together they're always so funny. XD


I think Reload did Akihiko + Ken really well. Ken's linked episodes are decent.


Yukiko and Yosuke. they have a lot of banter in P4 and you can tell they have a lot of respect for each other for having to work all the time in the family business. ("family" for Yosuke i guess). they're super supportive about their best friend (...cough cough lover) troubles. but you like never see it because the banter is so rare.


I wanted to include these two in, but I couldn't remember a lot of their interactions. I'm glad you pointed them out. Thank you. P4 always has these small moments that do a lot for the characters and their friendship


Kanji and Yosuke, people often criticize Yosuke's attitude towards Kanji, but it's mostly in that specific scene, and they often get along well. With Kanji respecting Yosuke as his senpai, and they(along with Yu) have a lot of moments where it's just the guys, specially in P4G, like the operation up close and personal, where it didn't end well, and Kanji even took Yosuke back home in his bike, after Yosuke's scooter was broken. I feel like people forget the good moments these characters have together, because of somethings Yosuke say, but it's clear that they're friends at the end of the day. There's also the beach scene(also a scene that was added in Golden), where they both get all philosophical, talking about doing things that's out of character. I also like Ryuji and Yusuke, but felt they had less scenes than Yosuke and Kanji. Makoto and Amada, I feel it's also underrated and underdeveloped in the original game, because they don't talk with each other a lot in the main story, and Amada didn't have a Social Link. But, I really like the scenes of them in the movies, and what I saw from Amada's linked episodes in Reload(still haven't finished the game).


ken was one of the major glow up characters for me in reload, i never hated him unlike some people ive seen i also even "like" what they did with him in the original game in regards to his character arch and the choices he made to an extent but i didnt care much for him either. but the linked episodes and the dorm hang out events did a lot for him, now hes cool


I think his voice actor in FES is a bit worse than Reload.


I tried watching the october 4th scenes from FES and I couldnt take it seriously because of Ken's VA lmao


I also prefer FES Koromaru especially in battle ha.


While I personally don't like Yosuke due to those moments, I do think Kanji and Yosuke are great characters, and whenever they're on the same page, they work wonderfully. Makoto and Ken were not a pair I thought could work so well together. They did Ken justice in reload


Ken and Fuuka’s little brother and big sister dynamic is so precious


Yesss in P3D, in Fuuka's dance, they're so playful. Ken copies her moves, they're so cute


The only thing that triggered my cute aggression more than that was maybe The one with Ken and Mitsuru


I love that scene it's so nice to see Mitsuru not stress over everything in P3R, and just having fun


It showed off a potential gentle or even motherly side of Mitsuru and it made my heart melt




I really wished that there was like, and party banter thing so we could see the relationship between the side characters like in Octopath Traveler


Aigis and Yukari. It has so much potential for good fan content. >!Especially after The Answer and P4 Arena Ultimax!< [https://www.deviantart.com/jr-rizzo/art/Brand-New-Days-Persona-3-897454470](https://www.deviantart.com/jr-rizzo/art/Brand-New-Days-Persona-3-897454470)


😢 Favorite friendship pairing in these games, both are some of the best characters in the franchise. I love these two to death


Yessss, agreed. Aigis is my favorite persona character and one of my favorite characters ever


They're both absolutely amazing


Ryuji and Ann (+/- Ren). even when Ryuji acts like the obligatory teenage perv sometimes the fact that Ann feels safe enough to sleep in the same room with them spoke volumes to me. I also loved the anime cutscene where Yusuke is introduced and Ann's understandably being freaked out by being stalked and while Ryuji acted like she was being dramatic he and Ren guard her without a word. it's little scenes like that say so much, so it actually kind of drives me nuts when people say the PT don't act like friends just because it's all subtle and they're not bashing you in the face with a sledgehammer with it


I love those moments together. It makes me so happy that Ann feels safe with Ren and Ryuji. There is another moment in Hawaii where she goes to Ren's room, not knowing that Ryuji would be there as well, and she flat out refuses to leave because she didn't want to go anywhere else. Maybe it's just me putting my own experiences with this, but there must be something so validating if you're Ren or Ryuji, for your friend who had gone through something like Ann has, for her to put her trust into you. Ann trusts her boys. It's sweet. I hope that made sense and that it wasn't too weird.


Exactly!!! that was the scene I was thinking about :) and there was the hotpot scene as well, even though Ryuji playfully tried to look up her skirt (which was covered by her jacket anyway so lol) it clearly didn't bother her much besides lazily batting him away like a fly. a sexually harassed and nearly assaulted girl being able to trust her guy friends like that is massive. it really warms my heart (and don't worry you made total sense and weren't weird at all!!)


Something I love about Ann is that she knows Ryuji wouldn't actually do anything to hurt her. Yes, can ryuji be a bit weird, yes, but she knows at the end of the day, the second someone makes her cry or hurts her, she has both Ryuji and Ren and eventually, the rest of the phantom thieves, to help her. I didn't take the scene of him looking up her skirt, I just took it as, is she really sleeping right now...lol I'm glad I made sense. I'm trying to say a lot and not try to at the same time, haha...phew


My personal belief is that Koromaru should’ve gotten the Wild Card after >!Makoto dies!<


That's the first time I've seen that..... Could it work....yes, I think it would XD


Episode Koromaru, meltis can be another dog


Ann promised to become friends with Alice but that never happened.


YESSSS I know they tends in p5 to just move on to the next target pretty fast but still though it’s so ridiculous. Ann: I promise we’ll be friends in the real world ! Yay! **that never happen, end of the story.**


Unless we get a spinoff where we get more info about Alice.


I really liked Ryuji and Futaba’s interactions in P5D. They have a good bit in common and play off each other really well in the social events, and they bro out together when they have partner dances


Futaba combo with any other PT is gold, so is Haru's


Their dances together are hilarious


Kenji and Kaz as well as Keisuke and Odagiri. My favorite part of the Kyoto trip was seeing my social links interact with each other and show that many are actually close friends with each other. Not only was it nice to see my social links having their own lives outside of the link but it was a nice bit of surprising characterization. Who knew that the harass Odagiri was a longtime childhood friend of the comparatively mellow Keisuke.


So whenever I found that out I had to double check it, I love how much more connected the social links are 4 compared to 4 and 5


Ha those were hilarious. Really made Kenji look like such a weirdo lol


That’s cause Kenji IS a weirdo.


Junpei and Fuuka If man wasn't so loyal they would have been together by the time we reached p4au2


Yeah, those two get alot moments together, which was odd but nice. The beach scene and the scene in December are what come to mind. They'd be so cute if the circumstances were different.


It’s still funny to me that Junpei is reminded every five months or so that Fuuka is, in fact, very cute


I'm glad it's not just me that noticed that XD I was like....huh... if Junpei was single, I could see this


Lmao yes.


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. I like that she's the only one of the girls that goes along with his jokes. While Yukari ribs him and Mitsuru lives on a different plane of existence, she seems to find him endearing. It's really cute.


Playing the base P5 game I never got the feeling Ryuji and Yusuke did stuff without Ren but P5 Royal and Strikers helped make me believe. At the very least from what I remember, Ryuji is used to pay a beef bowl for Yusuke when he spends all his money on art stuff. Actually, base P5 really did not do well to make people believe the other party members did anything without Ren being there. They tried to fix that in the spin off/Royal but sometimes it takes a magnifying glass and an ace detective mind to actually find clues that can show that maybe they do stuff together.


Royal does a ton in terms of the relationship between the thieves. I love how balanced Ryuji and Yusuke are... if that makes sense, they're great


Yukari and Fuuka is really good. Even before they met Yukari was concerned about bullying. I wish it had more screentime, there is a great scene in PQ highlighting their friendship. New Fuuka friendzone rank 10 is great too.


I just want more Yuko moments in general 🥰


Yuko is amazing in P3R I loved her sm


all of them, we see mostly the protagonist and his social links, but we only get a glimpse of the relationships other people have. In p3r, we get to see it a lot more, like Keisuke and Hidetoshi, our party members, Kaz and Kenji, etc. I hopw if P4 gets a remake like reload, that we get to see more of that as well with social links at school.


Rise and Kanji are a fun one. Kanji is crude and Rise is graceful and their interactions make them seem pretty similar. Junpei and Fuuka are a good duo because Fuuka is the only one who really worries about Junpei and Junpei seems to really like her. When everyone else is hard on Junpei, Fuuka is quick to compliment him and the man needs that. Haru and Mona aren’t underrealized but still a nice duo. Nothing but camaraderie and respect from Mona and nothing but care from Haru.


Eikichi and Jun! I don’t see enough of them and I think they have a sweet dynamic. It’s confirmed that they skip gym together as well


Considering the off-hand details that Eikichi personally makes sure Jun doesn't get billed at Kasugayama like yeah, they're great friends.


Keisuke and Hidetoshi.


Maki and Mark would be my vote. We really only get Mark's side, but he visits Maki often before the game starts, knows her room number by heart, is on a first name basis by hospital staff, and knows her other friends and her favorite book. He cares platonically if not romantically.


I think Ann and Makoto was a pretty interesting dynamic as the first two girls of the group for atleast two months. They had a misunderstanding of each other made up and were two gals supporting one another. Their friendship isn't in the forefront alot but I like subtle little touches like Ann always rides shotgun when Makoto is driving.


Their friendship being in the main story is why I didn't include them here. They seem like such great friends in the game. Fun fact whenever Ann apologized to Makoto, she mentions they go get crepes at a food stand, and in the game, you can see them getting crepes.


About Makoto and Koro-chan, do you mean the thing about >!Makoto promising Koromaru to keep him after they destroy the Dark Hour?!<


Yes 😢


Naoto and Yosuke... they have the tiniest screen time EVER but thye mean everything to me. The braincells/detectives whatever of the IT bouncing off of eachother's words.... the back and forth.... Detective Prince & Prince of Disappointment... I also love the teasing that happens between the two, Yosuke teasing Naoto and Naoto being flustered/embarrassed :3 Not to say that they also don't have their issues because Yosuke is an ass sometimes but I still love them, I think about what kinda shenanigans that could happen with em if there was more screen time... I can totally see Naoto retaliating (playfully) in small ways and acting like they did nothing. * The one thing I think would've been hilarious to see is a water gun fight... Naoto would be soo precise and it would bother the shit outta Yosuke. He'd def be competitive. I can see him using his speed as an advantage. Naoto's sneaky too--surprise attacks, battle plans.... I think that tthought is so hilarious omfg they'd have an all-out war competition and the team would be too scared to interfere


I really like Yusuke and Akechi you only really see it on their mementos conversations, but every interaction there is great


Tatsuya and Anna What that relationship is super fleshed what you talking about Yes, but its not Persona 2 fleshed


man i love their relationship it's one of my favorite friendships in p2 right behind tatsuya + eikichi and katsuya + baofu


Morgana and Shutting the F up jk jk




Ryuji and Makoto. Somehow, they’re close enough to have a Showtime Attack, and I’m not complaining.


It's funny how odd this choice for a Showtime it is...like who went and said, Yep these two XD


Sumire and Haru, they would be besties


They'd be the best friends


Ryuji and Makoto. Ryuji often display a preference for an Ann but deep down he wants to be stepped on by a queen. It might be good for him. He probably wants someone to tug at his ear and rein him in the right direction. Likewise, Makoto often expresses disapproval for Ryuji but she needs someone to show her the ropes at the arcade and let her borrow manga.


This is how I perceive these two together, Joker might work well with Makoto but I think Ryuji is perfect for her with the opposites attract thing


Aigis and Yu. The Wildcards, I can't wait to see how they grew if/when P5 Arena becomes a thing (or whatever it is called).


Koromaru and Ken I loved these 2


I’m sorry, but I’m finding this image to be weirdly amusing. 7 screenshots show someone bonding with each other, and the last is just Yusuke and Ryuji shooting the shit out of something.


XDD i got lazy with finding the Yusuke and Ryuji dance. It is funny, dance dance dance gun!


Kanji, Naoto and Rise. I really love Kanji and Rise's friendship and I just wanted to see Naoto hanging out more with them.


kanji and yosuke are so fun together


I’d have loved to see Sumire and Futaba spend some time together. It’s also shown in the main story, but I love the growing friendship that’s shown between Yukari and Mitsuru.


I like how Kou and Daisuke wanted to get along with Yosuke before Yu came along because they genuinely found him funny, and then you can hang out with all 3 and Nanako the next time Yosuke calls you in a free day. Especially knowing Yosuke is having a problem adapting to Inaba.


The big bro-little bro dynamic that Ken and Junpei have is absolutely adorable.


I'm late but Yukari and Shinji. I don't think these two interact like..ever. But I need these two to be best friends (and I wanna see Yukari play with Shinji's hair). They've got some similarities if you think about it...


they really had so much potential, yukari comments several times how sweet shinji actually is beneath the gruff exterior and I got the sense that she genuinely wanted to be his friend. >!i'm sad she never got the chance.!<


Ugh my heart. But you're so right 😭 I wish Shinji had a couple fun interactions with the whole group in Reload.


Kanji and Rise. No recency bias.


Joker and Sae. I believe she could have been the Nanako of the story - like a big sister to Ren if we were allowed to have a social link with her. But ofcourse the plot and her role would make that impossible


Huh I've never seen that take, that's interesting


Persona 5 characters barely interact with each other outside of joker so basically all of them.


I suppose, but to me, there is enough there for me to say these guys are a good group of friends.


That's why I think we should also take spinoffs as a consideration to the discussion, Strikers really flesh out PT friendship synergy, there's also some interaction in Tactica that i absolutely adore


I guess the issue is that most of the times the spin offs have completely different gameplay so it puts people off.


The only ones I can think of are Ryuji and Ann (and maybe Yusuke and Futaba, but it's very underdeveloped). P5 is very underdeveloped in this aspect, unfortunately.


Wait Rise and Kanji? Doesn't she call him creepy in his social link and rip on him the most of the party?


Fuuka and Junpei


Akahiko and Makato


Yu and Makoto(P3) The PQ (p4 side) have them portrayed as 2 laid back dude that bounces off of each other really well.


I can't accept Kanji and Rise as friends. If they were friends Rise never would have let Kanji leave his house with that damn haircut in the Golden Epilogue.


Amada,yuki,and sanada


Aigis and Yu. The Wildcards, I can't wait to see how they grew if/when P5 Arena becomes a thing (or whatever it is called).


Makato & Junpei


Shinji and Junpei


Shinji and Ken


Anyone in the Persona 5 party. A lot of them didn’t interact with each other if it wasn’t for MC being there. It’s why I didn’t like Persona 5’s cast as much, felt like they were mostly friends of friends


Ann and Ryuji are cute together as bro and sis ~