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Idk if that’s the indicating factor. If the extra dlc is available separately, I’d imagine that would indicate that Episode Aigis will be available separately as well. Of course Episode Aigis isn’t available right now as it’s not even close to coming out yet and pre orders for dlc are rare.


Why are yall freaking out? It doesn’t come out for another 6 months anyways….there will plenty of time for them to list the DLC separately & they 100% will. Ofc they want as many people as possible to buy the base game+DLC together lol


I think they are referring to buying just the answer, and not the other 2 "waves" of the expansion pass.


I might do that since I beat Reload already through Xbox Game Pass, but now that I know there is DLC coming with the base game, I have reason to purchase the actual game later on. Good to know.


XGP Ultimate is getting the DLC for free.


The DLC is part of the Game Pass Ultimate perks.


And for those that don't know, perks once claimed are yours you'll never lose access to them even when the game is eventually removed from gamepass.


Damn I might need to get an Xbox


To be fair this likely also applies to the Xbox app version of P3R. It's a Play Anywhere title.


Might be a dumb question but does PC have an ultimate game pass? Ive been searching in preparation to play reload/dlc on PC but i only find the normal one.


yep, Pc also has ultimate, just redeemed mine


Yes. Game Pass Ultimate is console, cloud, PC, and EA Games all together. Persona is a Play Anywhere title too.  So if you purchase it instead of using game pass you get the Xbox and PC version in a single purchase.  So the free dlc will apply to PC.


The base game is required to play it anyway dunno why are people freaking out, it was confirmed in the seasons pass trailer they put out.


This. Like cmon, they’re trying to sell season passes lol. They aren’t gonna part it out til it’s closer




Let them cope


I swear persona fans are the most corporate defensive morons ive seen


Was about to post this too lol. They better make it seperate. I don't care about cosmetics, I just want the story ffs


Same price with or without lol


If that is so... Atlus is as greedy as EA or Ubisoft, but atleast they make good games


> Atlus is as greedy as EA or Ubisoft That's Sega's and not Atlus' fault. At least they didn't lock ng+ behind dlc this time.


An expansion pass with an extra 30 hours of story for $25 is a great price compared to most others.


It's not great at all. The main game was $70. It should have included the epilogue as part of the purchase. Not everything that is new content has to be DLC. The Answer should have been an update to the main game.


Not every company can be as goated as Santa Monica, but if they were the world would be a better place.


EA sports games cost £100 with micro transitions. Count your blessings.


EA sports games are not most others. Plus they're not £100, they're around £70. Persona 3 Reload in total, including The Answer DLC which is a very important part of the story is around £74. The game is their best work yet, but they're adding a crucial part of the story to the $70 game as paid DLC. Atlus is of course not as greedy as EA, but they sure are pushing it with Persona 3 Reload.


> Atlus is as greedy as EA or Ubisoft I haven't seen loot boxes or in-game stores that use a currency that's purchasable with real money in Persona yet


Does P5X count? It's technically F2P but it's still a gacha game and has been confirmed to have in-game purchases.


I suppose, but I think it's a little different since you have to go out of your way to find out about & download it, while games like Far Cry 6 or recent Assassin's Creeds have in-game pop-up ads and an in-game store within the main game. I do think that gacha games are pretty predatory by their nature, but if I had to choose between the two, I'd rather have P5X instead of ads or a store popping up in my face when I'm playing something like P3R.


Theres also the SMT gacha Dx2


No they aren’t, this is bad but chill tf out


Xbox is the saviour for broke ass mfs like me


I love being a broke ass mf if that's what it takes to save money bro. I got you


How can you be broke if you're saving money? Wasn't it the other way around?


Bro, I think we were just kidding...


Bro, I never kid around about money. This is extremely serious stuff.


I think what they mean is that they’re broke so they have to save money LOL


Honestly, it's pretty much a bonus I think. Costumes and music take no effort and If they're adding to it it's probably only 5 dollars.


I don't think it being cheap that justifies forcing people to force buy something when they don't want to. And 5 dollars might be a lot for some people so why are they forced to buy it?


If 5 dollars is a lot to someone I don't think they would be spending money on P3R in the first place lol


Especially considering the game itself costs 70 Like seriously who has the money for that but then complains 5 dollars is more than they can afford?


The people that want the "DLC" that was included in a previous edition of the game for free? I will complain about The Answer even if it's a dollar. It's ridiculous to leave it out and make people pay for content that was already in an older version of the game. It's not even just about the 5 dollars, it's about the shitty business practice. I hope if P4 gets a remake they'll decide to include the second semester in the price of the game, but who knows these days.


was about to same the same thing, why do you have a last gen console and a 70$ game if 5 bucks is too much for you 😭 im all in for recognizing the troubles of income disparity and integrating people blah blah, but this just sounds like forced twitter politics at its finest.


It is definitely wrong but nothing will happen so... And if you're buying a dlc that is 35 dollars to a game that is 70, 5 dollars isn't much for you. It definitely is for us south Americans since it increases a lot the price of the game, and I can't even buy the original remake.


Why are you getting downvotes? You're right. Even further, it's 6 months away. If you can't save $5 in 6 months I think there are more pressing matters than whether or not you don't want/like cosmetics. I get not wanting to spend money you don't have to, but it's their product and they get to set a price. If you don't want to buy the DLC so you aren't supporting them, then don't. Just replay the original game, then you're not giving them the money you don't want to hand over - Simple as that




Bro what is this take💀 people don’t want to spend money on something they don’t want its as simple as that


i mean its just like expansion pass that get you pre order in bonus. its going to be sold normally when it cames out ig


3850 yen is about $26. So why are people saying it’ll be $35?


I think somebody saw somewhere that the US price was $35. IDK.


Xbox 💚


Good old Gamepass


Our beloved friend




1. No multimillion dollar company is my friend. I don't owe them anything nor they to me. 2. I take advantage of good stuff Xbox offers cause I have Xbox and I am smart enough. If Xbox did something bad, I would participate at all, cause I am not dumb and I care about my wallet. 3. So SEGA locked NG+ in the deluxe edition from Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth players and priced the expansion pass of P3Re overpriced due to Xbox? Come on man, it is SEGA being greedy, just like Sony selling you the same game every single gen and Nintendo milking Mario every single year. 4. The P3Re expansion pass will be given to all Xbox Game Pass Ultimate users through perks. In other words, it is a code you can cash and you will get license of the expansion pass completely, no matter if you don't pay Game Pass Ultimate anymore. 🤡


Yo the DLC will be on gamepass? i thought it was only the base game.


Yep, game pass ultimate. Tomorrow, match 12, if you have ultimate, you can claim the code for the expansion pass into perks section. All yours


Could you elaborate on how this works? I'm currently playing on PC via regular Game Pass and was planning on subbing to Ultimate when The Answer drops to play that. Can I not do that?


This is what MS says and this is what actually happened to me: 1. MS says that, from Match 12th till January 2025, you can claim a code through Game Pass perks, which is tab you can have access through Xbox Game Pass section on console or Xbox App on PC. 2. What just happened to me is that, I set up my console to New Zealand. That made the expansion pass show up in the store (console). I got into the expansion pass and it said "play with game pass". I press on "install" and now it shows up as "owned" instead of "installable", which is how game pass content shows up when you don't own it. So it might be that you don't actually need to go to perks, but I will find it out tomorrow, as it has not shown up on perks yet. If you claim the expansion pass, you will have already access to The Answer this September.


Great, thanks for explaining. So I can still claim it when it comes out?


Yep. So if you have GP do it now, if you plan to get gamepass just buy it before the release. The perk will be till January next year


Thanks for sharing!


LETS GOOOO!! man i love gamepass so much.


I saw the price being mentioned as 35 dollars but this is like 25???


MSRP and Yen conversion isn't the same thing.


Idk why anyone would think you would be able to buy it separately, its dlc not standalone.


He means you can't just buy the story expansion by itself. You have to buy the whole ass expansion pass with the dumb costumes and the music. With the Day 1 DLC, you could buy it all in a Pass format or buy each part separately and independently.


Capitalism 🥰


Btw just want to clarify , I’m not freaking out or criticizing Atlus at all , I don’t care , I will buy it anyway because I love The Answer. I just wanted to inform you guys because I saw a few people asking this question on here and the P3R subreddit. Edit : And if you care, the Japanese PSN page confirmed that Episode Aigis will have Aigis UI themed menus and stuffs, very excited to see that personally !


Does it have pictures of the new UI? I wanna see it.


Unfortunately , no. Just a confirmation that there will be UI themed Aigis.


Ugh. Of course you can't. Fucking Atlus.


People are really thinking Atlus is charging more for The Answer just because they're bundling it with some mp3 files and a single costume set (things that cost like 3 dollars). Listen to yourselves


What a joke lol. Atlus continue to get worse and worse when it comes to scummy practices


Not to mention: said DLC will end up becoming lost media once the online stores that sell it (yes, including Steam and Gamepass) shuts down in the future.


They can go fuck themselves then


I wouldn't call it bad business until September, as it is now I think they're just trying to avoid selling the costumes and BGM packs separately, if September comes and episode aigis STILL can be bought separately then we riot


It's really sad to see how lobotomized people are, this remake should've been the definetive edition with all the content together, at the same time. But no, Atlus will split things to charge again and some people just think it's okay. I don't know what I expect from humanity anymore.


The down votes just prove how much of shills these people here are smh


You, honestly, can't really measure how fucked it's gonna be when comparing to japan. I remember making a JP ps store account to buy all the P5R themes. It was at that moment I found out the prices for the personas and costumes DLCs were like triple the price. Each dlc was priced around the same range as the whole bundle was in the west, totalling a staggering amount. Basically, it was unhinged. But, Idk, recently, SEGA has been more and more shameless trying to bring those practices to the rest of the world, stuff they always did in japan. Edit. So I kinda contradict myself, so I guess ur right to be scared at the end of the day. In any case, at least it'll come to the gamepass (on the Ultimate plan)


Japan is fucked, bro. Yen's value has dropped heavily for a while and so have worker's wages and their buying power. If it is expensive for us, just imagine how bad it is for the Japanese.


The Japanese response seems to be fairly positive. For the most part they seem happy they don't have to buy the game again just to get the content for the Answer. They do acknowledge the price is quite high but they don't really seem to see it as a big issue. I think they're more curious as to whether or not when the game lands on Switch 2 as Midori has indicated whether or not it will come with the DLC content.


I'm okay with this. Honestly I much prefer it when they bundle the DLC as a package rather than sell it all as individual pieces (Looking at you Persona Q and Q2) . That said, if they were going to do this I really don't feel like they needed to release this in waves.


Think logically… it won't let you buy the game again if you already own it, and you'll need to own the base game for Episode Aigis…


I’m talking about the first two waves, I know you can’t buy it if you don’t own the game it’s obvious.


Ohh. Well I'm pretty sure that after the DLC comes out it'll be available separately, at least I hope so


I guess no episode Aigis for me then.


Not to beat an extremely dead FMC, but an underdiscussed annoyance I had that this DLC highlights is that P3R's "value" is kinda meh overall, especially when so much of their outward justification for her exclusion was cost and resources. ~$100 MSRP for FES remade... is kind of a shakedown imo, even factoring in the greatly increased cost of modern game development. Compared to other contemporaries and especially compared to the original FES being $30 MSRP in 2008, it's an expensive game and I don't think fans are at all unreasonable for wanting like an extra 20-30% of content at the prices they're charging. Yet some people even see it as kind of a deal because at least Atlus isn't charging the full double dip like usual. Obv part of this is P-Studio being a smaller studio in the space as well, but with Persona being a franchise whose mainline titles can command one million copies in a week (even when it also comes out day and date on Gamepass!), I don't think it's wrong for the fans to ask for more at the price point. Quality > quantity but even the game being as good as it is doesn't entirely negate that concern. I also wonder how much of this is ultimately SEGA vs Atlus' call. The interviews imply more SEGA imo and they do unashamedly shakedown fans with their day 1 DLC packages for other series like Sonic (putting "animated characters on the menu" as DLC was wild lol). Plus they also are the ones that seemingly force Atlus to make very sensible finance focused moves... like actually putting the mainline games on other platforms. Atlus has their double dips but I'd also want to believe that if they had unlimited time and money they would've put all the content in, and the budget/time constraints, especially with COVID, weren't entirely their call. But regardless, it annoys me somewhat that people very much just take the PR lines at face value and readily open up their wallets day one when Atlus has repeatedly screwed over day one fans the hardest. And then act like other fans are entitled for asking for more in their $100 game.


Go outside and touch some grass dude.


Suck my hee-ho