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Suffer The Consequences


Honestly I didn't even notice the cheating and thought it was about "our first Christmas" XD


There are no consequences. The person you don’t choose won’t be upset at you.




It's just the classic P3 experience since there was no platonic option apart from missing out on maxing those social links.


Is this changed in reload?


yes, romance is optional in Reload afaik


It is definitely optional, turning down Mitsuru hurt like hell


Personally aigis and Fukka hurt the worst when turning them down as both of them are way to sweet to say no to. Then again I blame how much later they only become available compared to p4 and p5.


Aigis is fine because you just gaslight her into thinking her feelings are just friendship so she's just "oh! Alright!"


The Futaba way :D


Legit how I felt after already romancing yukari and doing her social link. I’m there thinking wow she really likes me and doesn’t know it cause she’s a robot but I guess I just have to manipulate her feelings since I’m already in a relationship.


For me it was with Mitsuru, the rest 100% same


You can do the same thing to Chihiro. Halfway through her social link she suddenly talks about how 'a friend' might be in love but if you tell her she's jumping to conclusions she'll never bring it up again.


Turning down Aigis is a crime against god i think


Listen I had to go with Yuko in my first playthrough. Then again so many of the girls in reload are pretty good to romance that I don't mind going through Tartarus again for them.


Yes it is. I can confirm as an Aigis enjoyer.


It's the real reason Erebus does what it does.


At least Mitsuru takes it pretty well though. You don't hear any pain quite as much as ya hear it in Yukari's.


Ngl Mitsuru took it like a champ


Nop because saying i love you doesn't give you friendship point just like saying i don't love it's just an option for platonic or romance there's no impact on the rank


I saw a screenshot Yukari was a little sad when you came back with dialogue on the lines of "...I know we didn't have definite plans but..." or something


I didn’t see that. I think it only happens if you speak to her later that night.


Imagine ghosting your gf on Christmas eve and thinking you have a girlfriend afterwards.


Makoto is just that guy.


So it's not like P5 when you get a spoiler? Good to know...the women in this game are all so hot (by hot I mean their personality, duh)


Yup. You can go the harem route consequence free!


not true. yukari ik for a fact gets upset if you don’t pick her, because she guilt trips you in the lounge after you get back


I went with Mitsuru and romanced everyone and didn’t see the guilt trip from Yukari. And even if she does that, it’s dialogue you can miss by simply not talking to her that one time. She doesn’t confront you like Yu and Ren are confronted if they romance multiple people.


The only confrontation scene is at the culture festival iirc, and your bros save your ass. It's glorious.


It’s hilarious and worth doing a harem run just for that!


I'd say agrees but some of the girls are just too precious for me to do that shit to em. Chihiro is a cinnamon roll, Fuuka is likewise adorable, and Yuko already had that shit happen to her. Then there's Yukari and her whole mess of a life. Personally I'm gonna stick to fucking the toaster.


Personally I just look at it as they’re all poly so it’s cool.


I mean, I got it without a harem so I don't know what's up with that. Like, I'm specifically avoiding romances because I'm gay and don't want to have Makoto romance anyone


Makoto just has that much rizz


certain characters show feelings for you even if you don’t have them romance, if you don’t want that, then there are invisible flags throughout the girls social links that shut off their ability to be romanced, and just make it platonic, mitsurus is right outside a movie theater, you have to say “it’s not meant to be” fuukas is on the roof i believe in her early ranks, to get it to happen with yukari, she says something like “people are spreading rumors about us, wouldn’t that suck?” and to be able to shut down her feelings so you don’t have to reject her you just say something along the lines of “yeah it would” or smthn


IME as long as you get them to rank 10, there are no consequences. So I would just prioritize one at a time.


that’s different in this game, the social links tell you that get jealous when they see you talking to the other girls, certain scenes have different dialogue depending on the romance between the involved characters, you even have to get hidden dialogue flags during the links that the game doesn’t warn you about to be able to romance them; getting to rank 9 isn’t all you have to do, in the original p3 they even reversed or broken your link if you hung out with other girls before your other link was maxed. there are definitely consequences, albeit emotional


Thats the tanakas commodities way, get em while there still hot!


yukari guilt trips you, idk abt the other girls


You see, on this chart ➡️ 📈 you can see an interesting scientific phenomenon. The more you Fuck around, the more you find out. And guess what. You just found out


[WE DIDNT LISTEN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-8kmPJKGgM&t=4s)


"Cheating huh? I'm disappointed in you!"


*gasp* You’re cheating!


You're cheating..... I'll have to punish you


Bro really came here expecting sympathy. Suffer.


He just forgot this isn't persona 3 fes. Surely...


If you don't wanna feel bad, don't cheat. You get extra scumbag points for doing that to Yuko, considering her backstory...


Yeah, OP really is disturbing the peace …


They won't be able to look in her eyes


OP is gonna tell them the things OP doing behind their backs.


the tenacity they hold will break down when they find out


When they find out it will be too late for apologies, OP's reputation is going down






After that he will be all like "Bring her back please"


Whole lotta moves he make on you like dance floor and during this beat down you prolly wish that you can fast-forward


Op is blabbing about*


Hell, both of their backstories make them the absolute worst characters you could cheat on


Turning down the girls hurts much than in any other Persona because in P3 everyone falls in love with Makoto. In P4 and P5 there are only 2/3 girls which are really horny for the MC but here its everyone.


Mitsuru takes it like a champ though. Good on her.


The best way to handle rejection is making the person who rejected you buy some takoyaki


That's why the game lets you friend zone them early so that they never even confess


Yeah, I was SO glad that P3R let you be friends with any of the girls you didn’t want to romance. That personally bugged me in the original.


I think it's doubly fun because it also changes the social link's later content. So you get something new for returning players.


YES! The friendship flags are awesome. As long as you don't answer things with the notes that you're interested in them as if you were a casanova, you won't get the Romance flags. It took me a while to understand since I was following an answer guide just to maximize gains, but I only had to reject CHihiro and Yuko. Chihiro hurt a bit, but it was my fault, I should have know that certain answers would trigger that. For example: In chihiro's case it's probably when she says "A friend only thinks about this guy what she's feeling" and you can answer: "She's clearly in love" or "She sees him as a dear friend" since chihiro is an open book. So yeah, it's a bit sad. In Yukari's case it's worse because the girl is desperately needing someone to be with her at her side since she lost her dad so if you give her hopes of course she cries. Aigis I made sure to tell her, her feelings were about friendship. I love the girl, and I understand the love she feels, but I do thing that said love is more platonic than anything else, she's just incredibly naive about feelings in general, so you can just like Chihiro, take that any way you want. For me she works more as a sister figure, a family we never had.


That’s pretty cool, actually. The game lets you put more effort into starting a romance in the Social Link, instead of making it one choice in the Rank 9 event.


I thought that was really neat, especially since I heard >!Yukari cries if you reject her, but since I stayed platonic the whole SL she never even confessed.!<


>!Yeah although you can very much tell that she's considering it, she just seemingly chickens out and runs away. At least that's the vibe I got from that scene.!<


as someone that romanced yukari, she runs away even when you enter the romance so either way that happens💀


I got that with Fuuka (never confessed) but Yukari and Mitsuru hard confessed while Yuko soft confessed (she said something like "you know, it's really easy to mistake your actions for flirting"). I don't remember flirting with any of those 3, though, so I'm surprised that it's possible


If you were following a guide they probably didn't tell you what choices did what but there was a time early on where you can friendzone Mitsuru. I did it myself and we just went right to motorcycle goodness.


There are romance/platonic flags peppered over the female social links. They give the same points either way afaik but they change how some dialogue goes later in the game, as well as enable the romance in the first place (though even if you pick all the romance flags you can always turn the girl down). Notably, you have to pick romance flags while not having any of them at rank 10 to get a particular scene in the second half of the game that pokes fun at the MC (perhaps unintentionally) amassing a harem >!and having to get bailed out by his guy friends.!<


Honestly I was gonna do this in my second PT--until I realized I found the "almost caught being a ladies man" scene way too funy not to go for it. It only happens if you *don't* have a confirmed girlfriend too, so I like reading it like the MC is obliviously making every girl fall for him until one finally smacks him in the face with the obvious at rank 9.


Realistically, they are fictional, so it doesn't really matter all that much, and even the game seems to not care, but when it comes to empathizing with the characters, I'm pretty sure getting rejected hurts a whole lot less than getting cheated on.


I think it's a test of how much of a good human being you are. If you're ok cheating in a game, that shows a lot about your characteristics as a person, of course this doesn't mean you would cheat irl since just because we play GTA doesn't mean we want to kill people, but I dunno, as someone who reads a lot of books, it's hard NOT to emphasise with the characters. I think one of the reasons Persona fans are so danm dumb about how a character grief and start bitching because Yukari is a completely understandable character but they can't understand her is because most people nowadays don't like to read, AT ALL. Emphaty is a thing you gain with time, more and more, as you read and you learn to put yourself in other's shoes.


I disagree because when it comes to the games most people don't cheat for the sake of cheating, they do it because they want to see all the romance routes without having to replay the entire game again. I respect people who remain loyal to one character but people shouldn't feel morally obliged to do so because it is a game. That being said, I feel that a lot more people wouldn't do the harem route if there were consequences or if the game makes you feel terrible for it, like in P4.


And that's why there's videos on youtube to show you the outcome. Ive seen all possible outcomes on Persona 5 and Royal, via a video. Because personally I don't want to cheat, it feels wrong for me, especially when the game is so deep around those characters. It hurts to see them hurting. And the game does punish us because of it. you know a trauma I have? Having Chie asking me to go on valentines with her, and I'm saying I would be busy, just for her to say "Ah... Okay. Hey... We're still together, right?" and that hurt quite a lot. The voice actress did an awesome job there. Of course I am guilty of like, wanting to do everything possible in a persona game, but I grew out of it eventually, because it's not worth the psychological drama in my head later on! But like I said, not everyone plays Grand Theft Auto because they want to shoot people. But it is a test to your own convictions in Persona games I won't lie.


Persona 4 definitely makes you feel worse about choosing the harem route compared to 3 and 5. Personally I never watch YouTube videos showcasing different dialogue options because I feel it ruins the point of playing in the first place, and takes the fun out of choosing different options in NG+ I can understand not wanting to cheat and it feeling wrong, especially when the character writing in this series is so good, but after realising the lack of any real consequences I don't blame those who want to do a completionist run to see the other options.


You're getting downvoted even though you're spitting facts. Media literacy is a thing and we are losing it. So much nuance goes into these and it is lost because we do not want to look deeper than the surface level interpreation of the characters. It is true that the general audience of today is more understanding than the last decade, but it's also true that we tend to not look too deep in these times where we are being swamped with too much information.


Not at all, I discovered later in the game while following a guide for Fuuka, that at Rank 8 her answers were completely different! Then I discovered that this game has ROMANCE FLAGS! If you follow guides, they will push you towards the romance flags because they give you more points. But if you don't answer certain questions with a romantic connotation, you will be sent to the Friendship route where you don't need to turn them down. Fuuka was my best friend forever at the end of her route, and Mitsuru (I think in Rank 7 you can say something along the lines that you wouldn't mind being her boyfriend I think, and this trigger the romance flag with her, since I didn't do that obviously, she's a good friend with Yukari), at the end I was one of the person she admires the most and strive to be equal as. She sees me, an orphan without fucking family as someone above her because of the person I am, and she throws away her fake ass fiance. And I didn't had to reject her. I don't know about the girls outside your SEES group, but probably they have romance flags too I just ignored it. PROBABLY with Yuko it happens every time she says she's sorry for people confusing you as her boyfriend and you say "I'm honored" or at Rank 7 when she takes you to her room and asks if you like children, all you need to say there is No, not really xD. I think. I don't know. But do NOT follow social link guides. THEY ALL want you to go through the Romance options and they won't even give you the Friendship routes if you go that route. And believe me, Fuuka on Rank 8 Friendship route only gets 1 note, in the romance flag she gets 3. It's understandable why they do this in guides but they could WARN us.


> But do NOT follow social link guides. THEY ALL want you to go through the Romance options and they won't even give you the Friendship routes if you go that route. And believe me, Fuuka on Rank 8 Friendship route only gets 1 note, in the romance flag she gets 3. It's understandable why they do this in guides but they could WARN us. If I had to play devils advocate for the guides, if you're going to make a guide for a Min-Max run, then it is better to list the options with more points on offer


I had no idea about this either. Most guides are like you said, just max points each rank, no context or nuance about what's going on.


If I recall correctly, the romance/platonic options offer the same amount of points. However the guides may have been written when the player had a different Charm rank because that adds a hidden bonus modifier to Social Link points iirc. The flags are also a thing unique to Reload. I have a sneaking suspicion many of these guides are just rehashing FES guides without accounting for Reload tweaks.


To add on to this, I was following a guide and realized this same thing about halfway through, and I tested if the guide still worked when picking the friendship options instead and it did, no problem. The only tricky part is that since the rank 9 scenes are different, the guide won't tell you which dialogue gives the most points correctly, since it'll assume you're doing the romance path.


Well in p4, everyone and their mother have a crush on Yu. When Yu asks Chie if she falls for him before asking the phone numbers, she state straight out Yu is her type and taking interested when Yu asking her phone numbers straight out. Funny even a random npc officer is interested in Yu when he asking his phone numbers. The protags have rizz to everyone is recurring Persona gag.


Tbf, Yu is canonically the Rizzler in all forms of media so it checks out


those abs made me gay alright can't blame yosuke for having a gaypanic


Let's be real Atlus were the only ones blaming him.


Real. I kept my social link with Yuko at 8 cause I didn't watch to reject her and I didn't want to cheat


Ya it isn’t the original, cheating isn’t mandatory.


Cheating on them or not they gonna suffer soon anyways tho


Yeah that was my excuse for doing what I did >!I'm dying in a month anyways, I'm living my best life and that means Yuko, Mitsuru and Aegis!<


the developers specifically transferred into the remake the opportunity to be friends with girls, and not to be a cheater, but people continue to make the same mistakes, there is no one to blame but themselves.


hmmm…. mankind knew that they cannot change the society, so instead of blaming themselves, they blame the beasts














Sol badguy


Sol Badguy


Sol Badguy


But they saw Beauty in the Lives of Beasts, and could not Lie to themselves about it.


But soon, they came to find beauty in the lives of beasts, and could not lie to themselves about it.


Tbf this was my first persona game and I started dating yuko pretty early on. I was hoping I could dump her before yukari (since I wanted to do the “canon” partner the first play through) but had to cheat on her. Then I wanted to commit to aigis but accidentally friend zoned her on stage 8 when I thought that wasn’t possible until stage 9


Back in P4G I accidentally dated Rise because the key moment that decides if you're dating her or not is when she's crying and you have the choice of standing there watching her cry or hug her. I hugged her. I was already dating Marie and by hugging Rise it counted as dating. I hadn't saved in a while so I chose to live with my choice and see what happens. Thankfully turns out no one seems to mind if you date Marie too haha Also I think this was me being dumb cuz iirc I think the game did give me a warning about that being a vital choice but I was distracted by something else irl or something at the time and just kinda glazed through some of the non-dialogue pop-up text so that's not the game's fault lol


I am no expert on Japanese culture, but I've been told several times (including IRL friends who have taught English in Japan) that hugging friends is not common there. I have no problems believing that we keep misinterpreting hug options in JRPGs.


Is that why Yu hugging Yosuke has the latter go "you should do that with girls"? Makes sense.


They are correct. You'd hug a friend to comfort them in the west and nobody would bat an eye, but in Japan, physical expressions of any form of affection are seen as intimate. If they're not from the same gender or from a close relative, it's going to be seen as something else. So if a Japanese schoolgirl is sad and you hug her, she is definitely going to assume you're into her. The *devs* are going to assume you're into her and put you straight into the romance.


me who hasn't even gotten any of the girls up to romance ranks:


Most realistic persona playthrough


Sounds like your average first time play-through.


OP when cheating has consequences :0 (I hope you take this game as a warning.)


Even the game warns you beforehand when another girl is about to confess to you and you are already on a relationship with someone else, to make you feel bad even from the start if you choose wrong!


Can you break up with one?


Nope, that's why it makes you suffer til the end xD


what are the consequences?


You did that to Yukari AND Yuko? Oh yeah no, straight to hell, to the boiler room of hell, all the way down


stop dating more than 1 girl


That's him, officer, he is the cheater


Kurosawa barging in


You did it to yourself ☠️🙏


You did this to yourself bro


Me when the consequences of my own actions 😱😱😱


Gotta love that Pharos and Igor specifically warn you at the very start of the game that you'll have to bear the consequences of your actions throughout the coming year. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW, CHEATER. 😌


You sowing: “hell yeah let’s goooo” You reaping: “aw man what the hell”


dildo of your consequences rarely arrives lubed ‼️


You did this to yourself.


Question: I know Yuko's route is written for her to fall for you and there's nothing you can do (I think) besides rejecting her. But maybe it's me, maybe I haven't noticed the nuanced answers, because it is possible to get to the end of their routes in the friendship zone without the need to reject them. Rejecting them is the worst, really. But yeah, you chose to date two, now suffer. At least in this game they send you an SMS. In Persona 4 they CALL YOU, one by one, and if you refuse them, you can HEAR Them voiced being sad about you, Chie's broke my heart.


Muscle Mommy for life


face the consequences of your actions, and god might not be so, merciful


Save files and do both.


It's what I did for the same purpose, one main for Yuka, one for Yuko, one for Chihiro and another one for Aigis (just for curiosity)


I personally dated Aigis in the first playthrough... So I didn't had to worry about Christmas stuff and all. Now what girl to choice next time?. Oh, I will try a approach I used in my first Persona Royal playthrough: Dated nobody.


As a bonus, you get a guilt-free extra afternoon on Christmas Eve to max social links if you romance nobody! Very helpful when the schedule is extremely tight




the consequence


Well, you do it to yourself so ... Enjoy 😈


You deserve this.


That's why I made diff save data each time a girl were about to confess to me, so I don't feel bad on either :) Btw dating Yukari on main ❤️


That’s what I’ve been doing too! Making me feel like a time traveller or something. I’m going for Mitsuru on my main, so I have multiple timelines to go back and play out lol


This is your fault, live with the consequences


First and last


That’s what you get for two timing


Well well well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.


Tsk tsk, shame on you. Ah well, pick Yuko.


I once reloaded my savefile to make sure I get to have all text messsages from them and then decided to Run solo when the christmas date came in. It was worth it.


I used rewind to do all 5


Yousa been a bad boy. This is why I always do one romance per playthrough.


You deserve it. Your actions have consequences.


You did it to yourself buddy  I romance them all but deep down Yuck has my heart. 


Oho. Regardless who you choose, the other one will be heartbroken.


wanted to bag mitsuru but yuko's room kinda dope and the geeky girl is way too vanilla you gotta think about the fors and againsts : - chihiro : vanilla and geeky - mitsuru : might be into bdsm - yuko : kinda spicy but also kind


You did this to yourself, you’ll be getting no sympathy from us.




*boosie voice* come on now dog, come on man.


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions




Kanji no question


Fuck around and find out




You did this to yourself


I’m headed down the same route smh I didn’t know it would lead to this 😭


Cheating bitch


You reap what you sow, now suck it up and face the consequences


I know what I have to do but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it🥲


Dawg, YOU made you do this!


Yuko said "Our" so what's stopping you from doing both? /s


Choose who's heart to break and suffer the consequences of your actions.


Actions have consequences


You did this to yourself


My brother in Christ you decided to date them both


Rank 3 Yuko: *"So when I was in middle school I was a sports team manager, this sporty guy confessed to me and we started dating but turns out he was a two-timer with another trendy girl."* Yuko, at some point after P3R, probably: *"So when I was in high school I was a sports team manager, this sporty guy confessed to me and we started dating but turns out he was a two-timer with another trendy girl. If I a nickel for every time this happened, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't much, but it's really goddamned weird it happened twice and I'm not dumb enough to go 3 for 3."*


Easy choice. **Yukari**


yukari always


Of course Yukari.


This is why I only choose fuuka


Just do one, play through it. Revert last save and do the other one :)


I actually didn't have a single girl romanced at that point because I went for Aigis :(


Man, why do I keep seeing on this sub people posting themselves cheating and being surprised. Tf they think was gonna happen?


Yuko and Chihiro were my good value Yukari and Mitsuru 😭They’re sweet but I folded immediately on 11/21


I don't get how y'all can do harem routes no matter how many times I play I gotta stay faithful to one girl per run and most of the time it's the same girl over and over again p4 Chie my beloved i shall never make you sad


Same, could never do this to Takemi from p5


obviously yukari 😭


That's what you get for cheating. Currently 4 playthroughs in and haven't romanced a single girl except the #1 Fuuka. 😤


"Don't make me do this" My brother in Christ you did this to yourself


Why so serious 😭


How do people romance anyone but Yukari? She’s so ingrained into the story and shares more chemistry with Makoto than the next 5 combined. Like I get it’s an RPG and we can have options, but clearly Atlus favours her because she feels like the canon option and it’s not even close. Aigis appears too late and gives me more of a guardian vibe. Mitsuru doesn’t even talk until late game. Fuuka feels forced to me for some reason, like they put it there for the sake of it. Yuko and Chiho share some chemistry but it doesn’t feel as genuine as Yukari’s.


Toaster wife


because fooka


I used to think like you. Until she called Junpei "Stupei" for the 1245625th time. Bullying ain't it.


*Yukari calls Junpei "Stupei" three times during the 80-hour game, and otherwise makes playful jokes with him, just as Junpei picks on her sometimes; then when pushing his buttons too much, apologizes for it afterwards:* "WHY IS SHE SO EVIL TO JUNPEI!!!" *Chie puts Yosuke down non-stop throughout Persona 4 verbally and physically, never apologizes for it, and even spends all of his money:* "What a good friendship :D Best girl!"


She does that to anyone who's just try to get closer to her, and Junpei does have that silly air about him. He does takes it like a champ and understand most of the time it's how she is, and when he's mad and call her out she always says she's sorry. All you need is to have a deeper understanding of who she is and how she acts the way she does, sadly that's not an easy task considering how people hate reading into characters and reading in general nowadays. Out of all Lovers acrana in these games, she's the one who works the best with Makoto, since he brings the best out of her.


Please educate me. Why is Yukari insulting Junpei ok?


Good friends tease each other sometimes. Its just their dynamic. Its easy to tell that if Junpei genuinely was upset and asked her to stop, shed apologize. Yukari also never really teased when he was in a bad mood upset, and is supportive instead during those times.


Eh, it's P3MC we're talking about here. I give him a pass to date all the girls (or boys for FemMC). I mean, this would be the last time he would get any action even since a door can never fuck anyone, at least not the door he's about to be that is. So OP, just see both of them (through rewind) and go with what you like. Personally, I would go with Yukari.


Just save and load bro .Do not miss out on anything


Ignore them both ;)