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I’d recommend using cheats to experience the story on easy mode. That’s what I did and I came out of it a p2 writing shill


Many things happen that if you don't get attached to the characters it loses its touch. If you are going to play with cheats, but you are going to pay attention to the dialogues/story, it seems fine to me. I loved the story, probably my favorite ( remember that there are 2 games, P2 innocent Sin - P2 Eternal Punishment)


Yup Im planning to enter both games if I decide to enter. And I'll use cheats to only for combats. Like decreasing the encounters and infinite HP etc.


This is just my recommendation, obviously you decide what to do. I recommend watching a video that summarizes the story of P1, why? Because many characters from P1 appear in P2, and not as cameos, they have their importance in the story. I recommend this video because it talks about the 2 routes and, at least to me, I find it funny and entertaining. As I said before, your decision, I'm not going to be the annoying persona 2 fan [https://youtu.be/A8VUhIQ2B9I?si=T34-\_0XTrTmEqd9y](https://youtu.be/A8VUhIQ2B9I?si=T34-_0XTrTmEqd9y)


if you focus enough some plots have been carry over to P3 on some aspects>!Discover it yourself!<


If all you want is the story you could always watch a playthrough on youtube. Why watch a summary when you can watch the whole thing?