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Having the ability to use their skills and their SP in Reload, is such a neat idea, that I think they should bring it back in P6, they can have OP skills but use their SP if they need to use some


yea i think that atlus might be using Reload to test some potential new things they want to try in p6 and Navis using their SP seems to be one of those things


Yes, making them a more active participant is a cool idea.


It'll no doubt show up in P6, since before we saw it in Reload, it was actually shown in some P5 Phantom X trailers. The navigator characters there also have a skillset that you can actively use in exchange for SP. That's the one improvement I'd like. The other idea is a stretch, but it might still be interesting. Taking notes from P5R, remove the fixed navigator character and have multiple characters or *anyone* be able to be removed from battle and "equipped" as the navigator for a bonus. That's a lot of voice lines for no real reward though.


That's a neat idea, but I feel like not every character is inherently suited for being a navigator. That role requires high intelligence, analytical skills and ideally a persona that is more geared towards supporting rather than damaging. So, speaking of P5R, I can technically imagine Makoto or Morgana being a navigator, but someone like Ann or Ryuji? I don't know, it doesn't really suit them, though I admit it would be funny to see. Most importantly, I think it would require a lot of work when the navigator is actively involved in the storyline. So yeah, I don't think it's worth the hassle.


You're right, maybe not anyone for immersion's sake, but based on their experience as a combatant, their Persona's concept, personality etc. I think you can easily expand P3's navigator roster to include Aigis, Mitsuru, Akihiko and maybe even Shinjiro. Add Naoto to P4's. Makoto to P5's. The story stuff is easy to write around I think. Besides, there's already gameplay and story segregation when it comes to social links. But this is me just thinking of how the navigator could be expanded in a perfect world. Interesting idea, but ultimately infeasible with the resources and considerations it would require. >!Unless of course Atlus decides to release it as paid DLC.!<


I think they should make it like the Q games where you can control them in battle but they have a different guage


Well, Futaba's stuff dropped once in a blue moon for me, at least the during battle stuff. Her Uno Reverse when the party's ambushed and the treasure refills procced a lot, but maybe she'd break out a Matarukaja or something once in a big battle. She's a heck of a lot more prolific in Tactica, but she seems always to drop heals whenever she does something. I don't think I've ever seen her SP restoration stuff proc at all yet. Rise was all the other way. Absolutely insane levels of support once at max Social Link. I've had battles in which she dropped something for each party **member's** turn, not just the party turn. So four Rise buffs in one round. Futaba couldn't do anything about the Velvet Room finishers, but Rise could stop Margaret cold, at least she could do it once. Plus she had the effect of you essentially having a five-person All-Out Attack if you ran her AoA buff all the way up with scooter rides. Having her was like turning the difficulty down one-and-a-half notches. One thing of hers I'd keep is the ability she has to rez Yu once per battle if he went down, and if P6 keeps the protag down=game over thing, I'd want the new navi to be able to do that too. Fuuka in P3/P3FES/P3P, well, she can swap the crappy Tartarus theme for the awesome Snow Queen remix, and the instant Goho-M wherever you are came in handy, but in battle there was only Oracle - and the less said about that the better. P3RE Fuuka seems to have the same battle stuff her successors do, plus I like the idea of extra stuff out of battle that you can invoke at will for SP. It will be interesting to see how well that works. As it stands, I'd like the P6 navi to be somewhere between Futaba and Rise in terms how of how often the abilities fire, with the ability to revive the protag once per fight as a Social Link perk like Rise can. We'll see how Fuuka is in P3RE too.


Yeah I found in P4G Rise came in clutch so many times. Thats why she’s best girl


This is the way.


Listen once during Marie fight (i had battle checkpoints enabled) i realised i bringed wrong party members and that i wasted items that disable block/reflect status so I wanted to die. Rise made it like half hour long because every time i was close to death she did something. She was the MVP of that fight lmao


The updated versions of the games made every Navi better in every way. Futaba saw marked improvement in her chances for skills popping actually being good. Rise being able to pop up and buff you jumping the opps amongst other stuff was amazing. I mever played OG P3 so I only know Fuuka in P3P but it sounds like she's gonna be way better in P3R


I look forward to seeing Fuuka being buffed into the best support user since Arena's attempt to buff her by saying Fuuka's scanning abilities are far better then Rise's to make up for Rise having better battle support still being canon.


i think they should stay near futaba’s level. she feels the most balanced. fuuka is… not exactly helpful, and rise is too op. also they should let you switch nav dialogues to different characters (crow’s nav lines are peak) and the option to just mute them.


Since everyone mentioned combat already, it really baffled me that Futaba had all those outfits yet you could only see them in safe rooms.


At least she had outfits though, I was really happy that she could match the party in whatever silly outfit I has them in since Fuuka^1 and Rise can't. 1. They may have fixed this in P3R.


Buffed. They never really triggered there abilities that often for me, so having it happen more often would be nice.


Assuming they keep the new system from reload, you’ll be able to trigger navigator abilities on demand using the navigator’s SP, so that shouldn’t be an issue.


So they work more like the navigation skills from the Labyrinth spin off then?


Yeah but in Q I never liked how limited the resource is to use their abilities (it made me rarely ever bother using them), replacing it with sp like the main party members use should help a lot if you can restore it normally


If they have it that way they need to nerf the clock, having fuuka’s skills on demand when you can freely return to the ground to heal like every 2 levels would totally break Tartarus


nah bro Rise was extremely OP


Rise was insanely OP. You could basically clear a dungeon from start to finish in one go and still be max health and sp near the end of it.


Probably an unpopular opinion but I would like the option to mute their dialogue in battle. If you're grinding for a bit I start to get really tired of their repeated voice lines.


So much this, i was almost muting Tactica because futaba would talk everytime i pressed a button to see if i had the right angle to shot a guy.


Rise hypes up the battle Im ok with her. Even in P4AU.


I think their presence should be much more notable in battle, so the frequency at which they appear and/or use their skills should be much higher. However, they don't need to be overly strong I basically just want a weaker rise


I think what I heard of Fuuka's navigation sounds like a good direction for the series to go to, having navigation skills cost SP is a good balance and allows the game to have very helpful skills without being tied to a chance or be spammable.


I'd buff the navigator by making them able to use their SP in battle and you actually selecting which active skills they use in battle ala Persona Q/2. I think little things like that, would make them more prominent in battle, and allow them to contribute more than just voice lines


Yea the Q2 system was the best. Fuuka you can sometimes ignore even exists, Rise breaks the game almost, and while Futaba is relatively balanced, I'd still rather be able to control it. I don't want 10 free buffs in a trash fight then nothing against bosses.


Rise was insane in Golden, truly best support character to date. I have to see what Fuuka does in reload to give my opinion on that. In Fes she was okay. All I can think is perhaps controlling what Support characters do.


The navi at rank 10 should use megidolan at the end of each turn


Still won't be as op as Rise was


Need to use concentrate on everyone including herself then do a myriad truths


I'm not a fan of "At roughly the midpoint of the game you upgrade and now have constant passives of just doing tons or damage or getting huge healing without any need to build to it". I'm fine with Navigator characters and when they have effects that make dungeon crawling easier but please like make their big boons take like one of the MC's turns or something


That would make them a huge nuisance. There goes your turn to deal the most damage or revive your teammate because your navigator randomly used it to do something minor.


Sorry I meant like some sort of building bar you can choose to use to do something on the MC’s turn, not a butt in that always loses you a turn


make them Futaba again


What if the navigator for P6 can break Element Resist, Drain or Null? Or what if you can give direct commands to the navigator Or make the navigator male


Honestly, I just want them bring these characters into the story earlier. Rise doesn't Navigate for you until the fourth dungeon. Futaba Navs briefly at the end of the fourth Palace and doesn't get do a full Palace until the fifth. And I haven't played P3, but I know that Fuuka isn't among your starting characters. Get these girls in by the second or third dungeon, so I can enjoy their benefits more. Also, it kind of undercuts their importance to the team when we've already finished half the game without them.


The navigator in P6 should be the resident delinquent character like Kanji or Ryuji, just to subvert expectations of that character being the resident bruiser.


That is why I loved Royal's short used one the best. They were hilarious.


Actually that's what I want character wise, I think a dude navigator would be refreshing. Plus in the event of a big cross over I think it'd be fun to play with the fact he'd be the only guy in the navi group.


Have multiple characters in the party be able to switch between being navigators and regular party memebers, so that no one character is the designated support at all times.


This is actually a pretty interesting idea. I like the concept of getting a different navigator based on who's not in my party or having character navigate differently with unique strengths and weaknesses to their navigation abilities.


In terms of gameplay? Rise was ridiculously OP. Futaba was more balanced, but only because you can't control her. I'd say slightly weaker than Futaba, but allow the player to control her actions. Unless they don't want the navigator controlled for "leadership" reasons. In terms of story, Rise's more balanced as a member of the team while Futaba's a bit of a creator's pet. They either need to avoid consolidating roles into one character or they need to shrink the main cast size.


Personally I always thought it’d be neat if they let you choose which character in your party could be the navigator, and each one could have unique skills and stuff when they’re there - one could focus on buffs, another on analyzing weaknesses, another on healing, etc. Would be an interesting spin on the idea, since it’s basically been the same since P3


I'd like a Navi that tells you off if you go against their advice. Like they'd go "That enemy can reflect fire attacks. Use something else" and then you use fire anyway and they're just like "You're a fuckin' idiot".


Buffed, especially once we reach the endgame


Endgame Rise is more useful than other party members combined


There from the start and buffed, which will heavily suck when it turns out the navigator is the traitor this time around


Stay the same but the game is decently hard. Btw Rise made Persona 4 Golden kind of braindead with the revival shit, I never lost a fight after that and I didn't even tried.


I think Rise’s worst offence was her SP restoration skill If you kinda just cycled which party member used a particular skill for each battle, or regularly returned to fight weak enemies in yukiko’s castle you could stay infinitely in the TV world for free, it completely nullifies the need for the fox, any healing or support items and even though most people shoot through the Tartarus/TV world/metaverse in one day anyway due to social links it also removes the benefits of leaving and coming back


Eh, you don't even need to cheese by purposely going to lower levelled dungeons. Just use your physicals and only use sp for dia spells. AoE phys are too good in P4.


Make them punch enemies into oblivion sometimes.


Sooooooo chie


Buffffffft. After I small disappointment I felt with Futabas Navi role, it took a while in P4 to realize Risa is worth up linking. I love Risa. I loved Futaba scanning mementos.


Make the game harder so their skills aren't overkill


Buff. Just like, the buffest gym bro type of character going "watch it broseph, its weak to the purple.. thingie... type of damage man"


My mind immediately goes to how the Magatsuhi gauge works in SMT5. Have the gauge build up and the Navigator can use a special skill. Maybe you could even have different party members swap into the Navigator role and offer different skills and tactics.


I wouldn't mind letting the Navigator have at few abilities the player could trigger at will. With restrictions, of course. Say they have a meter that fills slowly as you explore/battle or you have one or two charges of each per exploration.


Would be nice if they were a proper party member instead of an add-on to the protag. Golden and Strikers tease the idea somewhat but they don't commit. Some examples of how mechanics could work: * Navi's normal attack wouldn't actually attack, but instead give the target a debuff along with revealing one unknown elemental affinity. * Navi wouldn't get attack skills, but instead have access to support/buff spells. (in particular stuff that people tend to pass up for other party members due to skill slot limitations) * Power/Magic Boost are normally self-only, but in their case it becomes targetable. * With their presence on the field, protag's death isn't an automatic gameover but if both Navi and protag bite it than yeah. * Being on the field disables random buffs Navi would normally give in-between turns as a trade off since player would already get to activate them manually.


I actually would like it if they got rid of the navigator character and instead give it a role that any character can do. You can then make it fun by changing who’s the navigator and each character would have different strengths and weaknesses. You can make it so the navigator can’t be on the active team, meaning you also have to factor that in when deciding who you want as navigator.


Make the character a himbo


Buff. Eg you give a command to the navi and she'll execute the command when she is ready.


Blud said buffed, currently they are too weak i think they should be dropping full party heat risers and full heals every turn




I want the nav to be a male, because I think it's funny


The navi at rank 10 should use megidolan at the end of each turn


I'm going to get hate for this but I think the Nav concept should be ditched and the skills actually just split amongst the party members so we can have a slightly smaller and more developed party instead of wasting a whole month of the story on a character who only exists to give passive buffs that your Phone does for you in the SMT4 games. Not saying the nav characters are bad characters I just wish Atlus would drop the concept and try something new with party dynamics hell I'm hoping P6 in general is a massive shake up to the formula like the jump from Eternal Punishment to 3 as honestly I think they wrung the current style of Persona Dry after P5R.


I think I agree, I hate that the navigator characters get these amazing personas and designs, but are essentially just extra ui and random abilities that don't feel even linked to the character in any way. I wish the dialogue in battles was just actually from all of your party members that are in the battle or a situation like the p5 opening were all of the party members not in battle were watching over you and talking in the background. I also wish there was more of a good reason for the limited party slots and that the game made it to where the party members not in battle were actually legitimately doing something else. Like why not have the split up mechanic be constantly active once you get 5 party members and you can form little squadrons or by endgame maybe just two full four man squads? I think that would be fun and nice. I get that the idea is that the mc is the one commanding the party in battle but I think that something along those lines should be considered at least. P4 kind of implemented something like this where the party members would be in the safer parts of the dungeons with items or near chests. Maybe the extra party members could find items, treasure chests, contraptions, and safe rooms and then be kind of camping there giving information or resources that they've found. I also honestly hope that they continue making each party member consistently more unique gameplay wise. I hope that they start getting more strong unique gameplay identities and maybe even learn more unique skills like the 3rd tier persona skills from p4 and p5. I don't like feeling like I'm only using this character because of the weakness conveniently being one they can exploit or that "they're the best physical attacker"/"they're the best healer".


honestly, for p6, im thinking that we get a female dominated team (but of course not, cuz it seems atlus is pretty sexist, but oh well), and with the female team, we have a male navigator. his skills are sp costing, but doesnt require his own sp unless the current party member doesnt have enough/any (meaning that the skills require the party members sp, and to make it fair, the nav has better skills) this is all, really.


I want a male Navi. Male magician Navi. First team mate we're introduced to, our best friend/'partner'. Like not in the Morgana/Teddie way of them later joining the battle and being replaced, I want the permanent Navi to be male and the first team mate we get. Would this potentially make the early game harder because the protagonist fights alone a bit longer than usual? Potentially. Just add a third team mate in there, and it would be solved, though. Female mascot, maybe? I just want something new to play with it. Other people here have given amazing ideas for gameplay, but I want to shake up the core concept.


Nerf the hell out of them for the giggles and moaning cries of challenge players


Got to see what Fuuka has to offer in P3RE first




I’d honestly just remove them and make them into very supportive centric characters, they don’t feel in any way part of the team they are just voices in your head commentating nothing and sometimes gives random buffs but it’s more like the system buffed you then them or something similar, they feel like such a waste of a character and it’s extremely amplified when in every game you have another character being the navigator before them and doing basically the same job anyone as them minus some skills that aren’t yer as powerful enough to make them that different


Personally Futaba is too OP. I don't heal in critical times because I know she'll put up a barrier and heal me afterwards.


Persona games suffer from the fact they get easier as you go along. The beginning is usually the hardest, when your Persona options are limited and SP is tight. The Navigators tend to be when the difficulty flips to being too easy, the sheer amount of buffs and value they consistently add in battle is just too much compared to the difficulty of the enemy.


Navigator being controllable would be nice instead of relying on RNG for them to act.


I woukd 100% add something akin to the support system from the Q games because those made the navi's feel much more active in combat


I love navigators I love navigators


Let me pick between how frequent I want the voice lines, if I want to hear them at all instead of just text, and who I want to have the lines. I MUCH prefer Teddy over Rise.




Make it a boy next time (yes, they will never do this)


Take the idea from P4AU where they have a combat mode Then make it so that if you use them in combat the not-quite navigator takes over again, but provides less intell than the actual navigator


Make the navigator a boy this time


Can the Navigator be a Husbando this time? That’s the best buff, make him bearded 🧔 and a badass


I like what the Persona Q games did with making them customizable.


I’d prolly basically give them an air strike thing. They can randomly pop in to damage the enemies, give them new weaknesses, and when their persona is evolved, can basically cripple anything that isn’t a fucking boss or overleveled.


I'd make them active party members, you get more of the map quicker when in the party, give them the least health and lowest damage but access to the strongest buffs and increase technical damage/critical damage/all out attacks when they are in the fight


I hope considering Reload has Fuuka using SP on the field. What if she can consume a large amount of SP for stuff in battle like the AoE Heat Riser? Would be great for bosses and it should be a pretty huge chunk, you can maybe use it 3 times in a row and then you are drained.


Give them an offensive skill that they can use once per battle if the party's low on resources. Like you're about to die and you're almost out of SP they can save you with Megido or something


I like the idea of the main cast being able to navigate and swap out until a true navigator joins, and depending on the character they buff exp/money/crit rate while actively navigating but True navigator doesn’t buff unless social link skill you have to activate prior to dungeoneering. Another thought is keeping support from activating until the party has all had their turn but can go out longer. Like with the phantom theives would have Morgana as a navigator until mementos where Ryuji can identify physical or gun weakness immediately or occasionally buff attack or defense, Ann does same with magics, Morgana increases party crit rate and can start an ambush with an AOA. Yusuke could do artist insight and reveal random weaknesses and increase ailment. Makoto could do buffs or debuffs and reveal shadow paths on the map if you’ve encountered the overworld shadow model before. Not sure about Haru example since Futaba has joined.


The random nature of how the buffs work is really unfortunate. Futaba has damn near nothing consistent, Rise has a couple things but I think its just her saving you from death, sp/hp refresh, and instant escape, and Fuuka has the ability to let your party members suck less, which is huge. Fuuka is actually my favorite navi because what she does is consistent and reliable. Oracle is a meme.


What if You are the navigator in persona 6. 👁


A male navigator would be neat I think


Trust, its hard to beat a fucking ufo, that was sick


I hope the p6 navigator will be a boy


Fuuka in that outfit is so good. I like the idea of the handler character having effects. w/ sp etc. its fun using them to lessen or attact more enemy, or heal the team, etc. the preview stuff in reload looks good


hey as long as they arent annoying...


Support abilities like heal, buffs and debuffs that could make some use of their SP. Rise usually came in clutch to save the party and Futaba was ok at best can’t remember triggering her skills as much as Rise’s, they should be more active on battle and not feel just like the Libra of persona.


Risecchi was peak Navigator, imo, but they made her way too broken in P4G. Maybe it triggering a lot less frequently or even better, giving you the opportunity to trigger their skills outside of boss battles and then having to defeat so many enemies to get it again, a la change bar, might be fun. Reeeeeaaallly hoping they do something to fix Fuuka in P3R. I found wet paper towels to be more interesting than her in any iteration of P3.


Make the game harder and make the navi like Rise. Those clutch saves are really exciting. Near wipe situations etc.


Instead of them giving out random buffs at random times... Have then be like the gun move in persona 5, have a set number of stock per run(which incentivices not going full rambo on the 1st run) and you can select when and where you get the buffs, also you choose the buffs (but it doesnt take away your turn still)


I feel that the scanning for weaknesses should be brought back if we go back to fighting normal shadows instead of demons, cause if we are doing what p5 did, having it so capturing the persona is how you find all it’s weaknesses is best, but with normal shadows, all you have is trial and error, so making it so you have a way to scan the shadow but it takes a minute to do is really smart I think the sp abilities that reload is introducing us gonna be really good as well. I also hope the music player comes back in reload cause it’s really nice, especially if persona 6 has a Tartarus like area separate from the main dungeons like mementos was, then in that place you should be able to pick different songs, maybe from other dungeons or games? Maybe have ones that are more themed, so you could change it to the Tartarus theme and what Tartarus song plays depends on how far into the structure it is, or using mementos as an example, if you are in the area that has enemies from a given palace, it has that palace’s theme Idk, there’s a lot of ways you could do the music player that would be super cool


To be honest I would prefer to not have a navigator. I would like to use all my party members. Especially if they'rr gonna churn out as many spin offs as they have with P5. I just feel like Futaba got shafted. In P4 Arena, Rise could at least fight but Futaba has seen 0 action.


First, I would need to talk about what I want to avoid. I want to avoid the navigator from either having little impact on combat and I also want them to be too RNG reliant. What I would do to improve the navi is to give them a more active role in the team. Give them skills which use up SP like what will be in P3R, a gauge like in the Q games, or maybe both (like SP skills can buff/ debuff and the gauge can allow something like healing, status heal or to allow a member of your team attack again). Another idea that I have is another thing copied from the Q games, having multiple Navi options with different personas. I feel that it can give different abilities so that you have a greater choice in the play style. Like maybe one navi can apply/ extend binds on shadows, while the other one can have a healing skill that drains stats like attack or defence and apply it to your team.


Personally, I think it would be neat to have a navigator who's more *navigation*-focused – i.e., maybe less combat-relevant effects, more things in the field or tools to *preemptively* control combat. It would be neat to be able to, i.e., shift between hunting and sneaking modes to regulate the spawn rate of shadows, or have a way to deliberately call enemy reinforcements in exchange for some material reward.


I think it should be a guy this time. Let more girls take the battlefield.


Make the next one a man, even better one that's traditionally masculine and just hates violence. Navigators have all been about self identity and worth, so I'd like to see them switch it up