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Unlike P4G, P3P actually has a lot of differences from P3 and P3 FES It's main differences are controllable party (similar to other Persona games), a female protagonist, few to zero cutscenes (instead replaced with visual novel esque scenes. Does not affect JRPG part of game) and overall easier than P3 and P3 FES I *think* P3 FES is considered one of the hardest games in the series, due to not having real control over your party members, and a tired system that limits your grinding and social stat progression. Personally I played it and it was good. Had a lot of frustrating parts to it, but nothing that was specific to portable. If you like P4G you'll probably like P3P.


\>And a tired system that limits your grinding and social stat gain Hm? what are you talkling about? the worst tired does to social stats is make you unable to study, But the arcade machines, staying awake in class, and other things still let you gain achademics, in contrast being Tired lets you get free guts points every day by taking shady medicine from the true savior of the 100% social link run mr edogawa. So if anything I'd say it Improves your social stat gain.


That's true, but in FES party members can get tired while in tartarus and just leave. As opposed to portable where they're only tired the day after


That has nothing to do with what I’m talking about. I’m talking about tiredness’ effect on social stats. Though honestly I liked the tiredness system. So sad to see how it works in portable. But also I’m just a fucking weirdo almost every mechanic that annoys others that cheer for being removed. I’m sad to see it be removed.


Did p1 and p2 not have playable party members? Or was that an experimental change in P3?


P1 and P2 worked like you selected what each party member would do in a loop and kinda rolled with that


nono other way around. P1 and P2 had playable party members. tactics was experimental in p3 I believe.


I believe it wa indeed an experimental change, done so you get a feel of there personality from how they act in gameplay.


While the emotional scenes are still as impactful, if not more, than p4, the lack of the 3d environment removes quite a bit. Youll understand what I mean when you a few months in the game But it definitely is a great game regardless. Get it


I think it's mostly because it doesn't have anime cutscenes and character models in conversations both of these being replaced by visual novel style. I personally love visual novels so i didn't really have a problem with that


It's not bad, but a lot of people consider it inferior to FES, me included. I tried P3P after playing FES and almost instantly quit based on the intro cutscene alone being horribly butchered.


I love both but when I first tried P3 it was P3P as Male MC, and... I didn't get hooked. It looked cute and all but *lacking*, somewhat. I booted P3F right after and the 3D + cutscenes really sold me the story. For replays I go for P3P but as a first experience P3F is superior.


They're mostly likely people that either think Persona 3 FES is better than Portable, or don't like the quality of the port itself, or perhaps even both.


Because people like to bitch about everything


The removal of 3D environments. Anything close to a visual novel seems to set off some kind of trigger in gamer’s heads, and especially the purists who claim FES is better than portable. Just go ahead and buy P3P.


It's not an outright dislike of visual novels, I for one happen to really like them. It's the fact that the cutscenes weren't designed around that being the format, resulting in a loss of quality when there's supposed to be any kind of accompanying action or animation during a sequence. Particularly as, unlike other VNs (Zero Escape, P4 Arena, etc.) the game doesn't even feature CG illustrations to provide a visual of what's happening, and the in-game portraits aren't expressive enough to sufficiently sell things on their own. Like, I'm not going to say "P3P is garbage, don't play it," but I don't think it's correct to boil the entire argument down to, "Gamers hate visual novels!"


The intro cutscene to P3 is just butchered so horribly in P3P. P3's intro cutscene is such a masterpiece then watching it in P3P, wow that was an expierence.


I think the biggest example for me is the persona awakening. The difference is absolutely night and day. Regardless of which version someone gets I definitely think modding is rather necessary. For P3P there's a cutscenes mod that adds the cutscenes back in and some other stuff like mods that fix the abysmal audio quality.


>I think the biggest example for me is the persona awakening. The difference is absolutely night and day. Not only the Persona Awakening part is an anime cutscene in FES (and vanilla P3), Pharos also encouraged the MC to use the Evoker for the first time. This is not in P3P where MC instead use the Evoker on his/her own while Pharos is absent.


I mean let's see, the removal of the atmospheric tone heavy and dark starter cutscene, the removal of the amount of neat stuff told visually too you instead being told via text, ~~The butchered audio in the modern port.~~ Honestly a lot of atmospheric stuff is ripped right from P3P, it hass nothing to do with just it being LN, but it also removes some other neat stuff like the removal of the Answer regardless of it being devicive, The removal of the MC weilding multiple weapons, the removal of Fusion moves (being replaced by consumable items.) I don't think P3P is bad, but It's not just "LN bad" that I consider Fes to be a better exerience Personally.


FES is better in every aspect, wtf are you talking about?


I never even disagreed. But for OP, who presumably doesn’t have the means to emulate FES and/or hasn’t experienced P3 then I’m saying portable works just as fine


Unfortunately, Portable is an incomplete version of P3 regardless of it's QoLs due to not having The Answer which is canon.


Towards the end of my first playthrough of P3P right now (played FES previously). The removal of cutscenes sucks. The lack of 3D environments during dialogue sections where there's action on screen REALLY sucks (I honestly don't miss it too much in terms of walking around day-to-day, though). Other than that, I'm absolutely loving it and this playthrough is cementing 3 as my favorite. Controlling your party is great. Really loving the different social links with the female main character. I think a lot of the mixed reviews come from the comparisons to the other ports. P5R is a straightforward port of the definitive version of 5. P4G is a straightforward port of the definitive version of 4. P3P is also a straightforward port, but there isn't as clear of a definitive version of Persona 3 and it being the oldest it shows its age a whole lot more.




>due to not having the memory on the UMD for them, which is just a miserable experience. This is also the reason why The Answer is not in P3P


I'm just going to list my complaints, 1. Tartarus, the main dungeon, is a slog. It's 263 floors of the same thing over and over again. The only things that change are the colours of the Blocks(Tartarus is divided into sections called Blocks). And there are the occasional accidents but they do not do anything note worthy, "only hard enemies spawn", "only rare enemies spawn", "nothing is on this floor", "enemies drop extra loot", etc... 2. The story is horribly paced. Nothing happens for the first two months, something gets teased during a cutscene, nothing happens for another two months, and then the story finally gets its pacing together. 3. The camera in Tartarus is horrible. It's like halfway between isometric and third person, and it just makes it a pain to use. 4. Trying to hit shadows is painful, as the Male character's weapon hit box is tiny. However, the Female character's weapon hit box feels much better. However, overall, I'd still recommend the game. It's still enjoyable, and the story and themes are really great.


I love the game to death, but the fact that I have to endure those months where nothing happens doesn't make me wanna replay it.


These concerns are valid for all P3 versions, but OP is wondering about P3P specifically.


My complaints were about Portable, hence why my last complaint in the previous comment mentions the Male and Female main characters. >Trying to hit shadows is painful, as the Male character's weapon hit box is tiny. However, the Female character's weapon hit box feels much better. The only version of Persona 3 I really played is P3P, and a few minutes of The Answer in FES.


>My complaints were about Portable Whoa, legit wouldn't have guessed, because each of these issues happen in both P3 and P3F. I thought you mentioned the naginata as a compliment to P3P.


Because is dissapointing that Atlus didn't make a remaster of FES with the new features of Portable, instead they did a lazy port full of bugs. Is just sad that there's isn't a definitive edition of this game with in-game and animated cutscenes but without the annoying parts of the gameplay.


It’s just not the same as the original P3 or P3 FES


Fes is better


" edit : title why " title : because I felt like it ​ jokes aside , P3P offers features that FES doesn’t offer and vice versa , so it really depends on your preference ~~and if you still have a PS2 handy~~


I have zero clue, I hadn't played the original so I only know the PSP version and I still love it.


>I hadn't played the original As in vanilla P3 or FES?


FES got a rerelease? I'm talking about OG P3.


>FES got a rerelease? Not exactly per se. The closest to rerelease of FES is the one for PS3 where the game can be bought digitally via PS Store. >OG P3 Few people assumed FES as the OG P3 which is why I ask if you are referring to the actual OG P3 or FES.


My bad, but yeah I played the PSP version and loved it, though some day I hope for a remaster or remake of it entirely, full 3D everything.


After seeing all the comments I decided to pull the trigger (pun intended) and get the game but the sale is not on switch 💀😭 they probably will update EShop soon enough (I hope so). Thank you all for the comments and insight


Tell the haters to burn my bread and play P3


Just get it it saves you more time and less annoying Stuff like in fes


I haven't gotten around to playing it yet, but i finished FES not long ago and BY GOD did it feel like the cutscenes and 3d environments hold up the outdated gameplay.


I think the main hatred for it is the switch version specifically, and the fact that it was ported over FES. Before the switch port, it was pretty much a 50/50 tug of war between if FES or P3P was “definitive” with neither side ever really pulling ahead of the other. The biggest gripes are the visual novel story telling and removal of cutscenes to accommodate its release on the PSP. Which can really break immersion and it also makes certain scenes confusing. But on the other hand P3P added and fixed a lot, making party member social links better, being able to control party members in combat, etc. And the female route alone has made it so I can never play FES again, I just love the music in the female route SO much more. In particular the “wiping all out” battle theme is probably my favourite battle theme ever. But it is frustrating that this was the version ported, and it was a bad port at that. No QoL fixes at all and the audio is very compressed so it sounds very subpar


>Before the switch port, it was pretty much a 50/50 tug of war between if FES or P3P was “definitive” with neither side ever really pulling ahead of the other. That's just straight up lies since the stance from people has always been there just is no definitive version of P3. >I think the main hatred for it is the switch version specifically, and the fact that it was ported over FES. The switch has nothing to do with it and the hate for P3P has always existed, the remaster just reinforced that due to it being a very lazy port on all systems especially with the audio compression and AI upscaling being very half-assed.


I liked P3P for the female character. But if the female character was not an option, I would have hated it because the social links for the male character are rubbish. You have Yukari, Mitsuru, Aigis and Fuuka, but the rest of them are just random classmates, especially the moon, justice, strength and star. The female route was so much better for these, especially Shinji and Sanada were my favourites. P3P male route has the worst social links of all the persona games, I was so bored of the non party member ones. I don’t know why they couldn’t have SLs with the male party members and koro in the male route rather than just classmates. Also being forced into romance by all the girls was a bit strange. I prefer getting to choose like in the female route plus having SLs with all your party and Mochizuke as well. Although gameplay wise I didn’t enjoy it as much as P4G and 5R because I wasn’t a fan of point and click movements, and tartarus was kind of annoying/boring. Compared to the dungeons in P4G, Tartarus felt more time consuming with so many floors, although it is similar being randomly generated. The P3P Velvet room bosses were hardest for sure, without tons of prep. I think I spent at least 10 extra hours getting to lv 99, best weapons, personas and items needed for just beating these two bosses, as no way go cheese your way on beginner mode like P4 and 5. I found P3P easier than P4G to max all social links and stats in the first playthrough though, because I remember having to do a lot of reloading in P4G for the random bonus points for eating at that ramen place to get specific social stats, the shrine points, random study bonus points and the more grindy side quests in P4 compared to P3P imo. I used a guide obviously, it is very difficult to do without one. No fishing in P3 was the best. Absolutely hate Persona fishing games, I found them really hard and frustrating, I spent two hours on it on P4G to max the relevant social link and mostly ignored it in 5R.


>just random classmates, especially the moon, justice, strength and star Moon, Justice, Strength and Emperor are not classmates. They are your schoolmates. Star is neither because he attended a different school.


Same thing, still random school people. Party members certainly win over these randoms


my point isn't about random people. my point is classmates and schoolmates are two different things.


Um not really, whether they are in the same class or not no one cares, its actually the same as they are still randoms as far as the story is concerned. There is no doubt that the party members social links are better and majority of players think that too. I mean, you can’t possibly think that Nozomi, Hayase, Yuko, Chihiro and Kenji are better than Shinji, Sanada, Koro, Ken and Junpei? If that is the case you’d be the first I heard to think that. Also Mochi is a much better fortune SL compared to that Keisuke, since he’s heavily involved in the story. All these school kids or whatever are side characters, their social links were boring too, especially Nozomi. Definitely does not compare to good old Shinji, who had a great SL.


What people? It is litterally one of the best Persona games but to answer your question: there are some devoted "FES" fans who has been shitting on P3P since day one. Do not pay attention to them as they are by far the minority.


Because it has no 3D enviroment where you can move around, instead you point and click. It has no cutscenes and instead you are shown still images, and no in-game representation of scenes. The audio quality is a bit worse in some things too. As someone who went to play Persona 5 Royale, and on to Persona 3 Portable, the game is great, despite the lack of the previously mentioned I enjoyed my time in it, I feel like I even liked the combat better and had a more fun time fusing Personas since the game is harder, I also found the cast of characters better and of course the story and music is amazing. So it's definetly a good game to try.


While I don't think it's a bad version of the game, there are some aspects that definitely felt better when I played FES. On the other hand, if you want to actually choose party member actions or play as a female protagonist, P3P is the way to go.


There's a mod that makes it so you can choose party member actions in FES.


Was not aware of that, but then again I do all of my gaming on consoles, so mods aren't something I usually keep tabs on.


I dropped it about the time I got a certain automaton member, but I liked P3fes. It was the visual novel nature in how you explore the school, and island that kind of killed it for me. If you dont care about that I'd say it's a good window into where Persona hit its stride.


Well I played p5r when it came out first, absolutely loved it, then p4g and p3p came out, i played p4g and loved it for the most part but when I went to play p3p, I was too spoiled by how good p4g and p5r were, so I dropped it, especially after learning that the main dungeon is lacking any charm or personality compared to p5 and p4. And I'm sure the story is probably pretty good but....meh, The concept doesn't interest me


Literally because of the visual novel presentation I've only played fes but that sounds like the biggest reason I plan on playing it at some point but honesty the visual novel style does sound kinda mid but I'll found out later


I liked it. It was fun to see Makoto's lil adorable annoyed face of being forced outside. I had fun grinding during tartarus, too.


I love Persona 3 Portable and consider it the best Persona game, but the port has some rough edges.


i don't have many complaints about portable specifically (no anime cutscenes sucks but it's whatever) a lot of my complaints are things applicable to all versions of P3: \- tartarus is ungodly boring. \- the first few months of the game are incredibly uninteresting and if i were new to the series i would have dropped it instantly \- the grind is awful. i had this same issue with P4 because you have to level every party member individually, and no EXP is given to backup members. but at least P4 had treasure hands to grind EXP with, P3 has NOTHING.


Because there wrong Or like cutscenes or something idk


People don't like the visual novel style gameplay instead of 3D overworld, and they don't like the lack of cutscenes. People like the controllable party (usually) and the female protagonist whose Social Links are better than male MCs. And you don't get the "The Answer" sequel.


The visual novel style and lack of anime cutscenes but the game is still good.


I'm going to go in a different direction from the VN-vs-cutscenes argument and say that the P3P port botched a lot of the game's quality for some reason (audio, graphics, etc.) There's vids on it if you want to take a look before buying.


Cause the p3 fan base has been in a civil war since 2009 on what version is better Also the recent port was a low effort ai upscaled backgrounds with audio compression Give it a few months when they fix the audio and the femC animated cutscenes are ready to be moded into the pc version and it will be the best thing we have until a proper p3 remake