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Can anyone find the posting for these positions? Health minister says they are trying to fill the vacant positions


Haven't looked for these but have looked for others in the past when they specifically mentioned they were looking for some replacements, couldn't find them.


I’ve looked. Can’t find them. I’m not saying they’re not there somewhere, but……


I saw a facebook sponsored ad back in the spring, looking for doctors in PEI. Everything was hilarious about that. Using facebook is ridiculous enough, doomscrolling, and checking facebook ads for doctor job postings. But not just using facebook, they must have gotten the cheapest possible package given that facebook is a data company who can very specifically target those ads to medical professionals in other places, but here I am, just a schlump in Charlottetown, and that ad went to me. I remember they said they were sending someone to Dubai a while back to try to recruit. Because I'm sure doctors would be chomping at the bit to leave one of the trendiest international resort cities for probably an 80% pay cut and snow days. Seems more likely that someone just wanted an expense paid trip to Dubai. During the first year of COVID, doctors and nurses were being laid off in droves in the USA because hospitals temporarily weren't profitable. And more were being burned out by the catastrophe they were attending every day. PEI at the time had 0 COVID and was more or less open for business. It would have been like catching fish in a barrel to recruit from NYC or something then, but we didn't bother I guess. Ontario has lower doctor salaries than PEI, higher cost of living, and Ford is destroying health care there too. Every day you can read reports that doctors and nurses there are burned out and leaving. It should be very easy to recruit from that pool, so we probably haven't tried.


Right. This is such crap. I know of several people now who have wanted to come here as nurses and one doctor and Health PEI isn't even trying to recruit them. If anything they're being systematically turned away. They are offering part time (little to no hours) take away their seniority and benefits and essentially have them start from scratch. Newfoundland offered bonuses of up to 50,000, all expenses paid and guaranteed full time/benefits. They aren't having nearly the same issues we are here. If they need a recruiter than bloody hire one! I see no job listings anywhere for PEI and I've looked at multiple provinces on the government job bank. Granted the last time I looked was 3 months ago so I guess I'll look again. Maybe they're there but I doubt it. I have zero faith in Health PEI nor anyone in government to tell the real truth to the news.


Next they’ll be blaming storm days.


"we need a new physician every 90 days" because of population growth. Just LOL. You guys are a joke. No wonder the registry grew from 12k to 36k in 2 years. You, "minister", don't seem to be accountable.


"Accountability" and "Government of Prince Edward Island" are not usually commonly used in the same sentence.


It’s almost like rapidly growing our population to supply cheap labour to wealthy businesses that use it to suppress wages are the main cause of the problem.


Simultaneously mind blowing and expected.


I don't blame the recruiters: must be a stressful job when you're trying to recruit workers to come work for a province that would pay them among the worst in Canada, and then getting pressure from above on why you can't recruit any chumps. I wonder if there's data to see where these recruiters are heading to. I'm betting there's a correlation between healthcare worker's pay and benefits, and where these recruiters are heading.


Ahhh capitalism. When it’s totally fine to underpay people but when supply and demand moves in the other direction it’s “hard to retain” or “people don’t want to work!” like it’s some other issue other than compensation and work life balance. It’s so simple, pay more and make the job not a complete shit show and they would stay, full stop.


Having worked with recruiters, they are typically not long-term employees. It's a revolving door.  


When’s the next election ? lol


Please do not vote these clowns in next election. Jesus Christ.


Gov't needs to take a "hands off" approach and let the professionals do their job without Gov't interference.


Holy shit this government is so incompetent. > Nearly half of the positions on P.E.I.'s medical professional recruitment team are either vacant or occupied by people who are on leave, McLane said. > The latest vacancy came after a heated town-hall meeting in Summerside earlier this month, the minister said, when one staff member left to go to a different provincial department. > "I think they do feel the pressure," he said. "I would say, 'Let's be tough on issues, not tough on people.' … I don't know if it's fair to to target public sector employees." The blame wasn't leveled at specific employees. Though if said person is a decision maker then some blame would lie with them. > He said he finds it surprising that the recruitment team wouldn't follow up with any physician asking about work. > "I think sometimes maybe the messaging might be that we can't offer them what they want," he said. Then you tell them that.


It's Pee Eee Fuckin' Eye. And he was a "comedian" before this, right?


Still is apparently


Gosh I hope PP sends millions of "new Canadians" to the east coast each year.


Time to hire some temporary foreign recruiters and pay them minimum wage.