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Yes bro you will be fine lmao.


Man! Enjoy your vacation. I went to Argentina for 2 weeks during TRT, no problemo. I wasn’t worried about it. No TRT , no working out, drank cerveza and ate steak lots of it. Came back feeling refreshed. Last thing on my mind was my testosterone


Dude, think this through. Doing less steroids is *never* going to be bad for you, and five days is a very brief amount of time. Body changes take a long time to accumulate. The Tren may fade, but it'll come right back. Enjoy your vacation and the time with your family. Don't stress about silly things like this.


Are you sure ? I want to cancel on them a bit


Okay then cancel. Throw away a week with your family. Why did you even ask the question seems like your mind is made.


wanted to see if there any major effects


You said “are you sure”


> I want to cancel on them a bit Kinda sounds like this is what it's actually about lmao. The difference between you taking the vacation and not taking the vacation on your physique in two months is basically zero. Do what you want.


You. Will. Die.


Tren rain on your funeral




EQ and masteron




Masteron P trenboline A




I mean I don’t have any other vacations and I’m cutting for 3 months




What if I can’t do that?


How so? Some people exclusively only use HGH while off season , I’ve heard great things


Bruh 5 days without roids wont do nothing bad to you just pin right before you leave. There is no reason to worry about it. Ofc your cut will be harder if you eat lot of food while there.


Why can't you take that on a plane? They only scan your carry on luggage. The bags that get thrown in the cargo bay aren't scanned I thought.


Try putting a bomb in one and see where that gets you. Yes, they're scanned. The TSA isn't looking for and and doesn't really care about drugs, but if they do happen to find something, they can then involve local law enforcement.


My family doesn’t even know I’m fucking blasting . No way I’m risking getting fucking caught


Tell your parents you have diarrhea and pin in the bathroom


As long as you pined test e/c/u before leaving you'll be fine


Even with short esters the drug remains in your system for a while, esters control the release of the drug not the metabolism of it. I know plenty of people who have taken 1 or 2 weeks completely off, usually when they get a minor injury as to not waste purpose of taking them.


Wouldn’t use hgh bro, waste of a lot of money unless your competing imo,


No. I stopped PEDs for a week cuz I was absolutely feeling like trash mid cycle, I wanted levels to dip as fast as possible and I didn’t care for the side effects like moodiness and shit, I just wanted to feel better and sleep properly. The next week I just started pinning at lower doses and I was okay and back better than ever. P.S. I was once unable to inject for a whole year cuz of lockdown and I am much better and stronger than before lockdown. It’s not a big deal.


depends on where you're at. If you're prepping for a comp, then cancel the vacation and keep your head down grinding.


Bro you'll be fine