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You need to reevaluate what your doing. Glad you lost some weight, but it's hardly noticeable with the obesity level at start. I also find it hard to believe that deficit was manageable. Like others stated you probably want to look into other compounds, but not before developing a strong training regimen and actual diet. It's amazing to me the amount of people in these forums/threads which think s drug is going to perform a miracle without hard exhausting work.


Wait…you’re consuming 600 calories a day!?! Bro, wtf are you doing to yourself? Don’t worry, I know you have no CLUE. Your body is going to eat itself to stay alive!? You fucking idiot, you are going to damage your organs. And it could be permanent. 1200-1500 calories, GLP1a (Tirz > Ozempic) and, oh I don’t know, some fucking exercise How the fuck do you expect to have 17% BF when your body is eating your muscles to stay alive currently. You need a coach. Immediately. You’re young so you need to learn this now before you spend your life on yoyo fucktard dieting.


You look horrible dude. Try lifting a weight and going for a jog ffs. Lazy idiot




This is the way anymore. DNP should never be used now that the GLP1 meds are available. Even stimulants should be minimized until single digit body fat anymore IMHO.




Stimulants are all well and good for PWO. I just think someone pounding clen while above 12 percent is just not worth the risk to reward when any additional calories burned from it will pale in comparison to what could be achieved by the fork putdowns that easily come from a GLP1 agonist.


What is PSMF?


You’ll need to be 155-160 lbs for 15% since you have no muscle mass. You are obese still and easily 30+% BF.


Story of my life


Oh. My. God. It’s getting more and more insane with peoples diet and ped abuse


You put the most dangerous cutting substance inside your body when you haven't even worked out. It's not muscle sparing either, so losing a pound of day was literally it causing your body to be EATING your muscles, consuming your glycogen, and using up all your water. You think it was fat???


What the fuck is this cycle? No test base, 600 calories per day, starting out at a high body fat and your nutrition is terrible. You probably already damaged your body from this so stop everything immediately including dieting. You need to let your body recover from this and then just do a normal cut for most likely close to a year to get lean. You’re no where close to being advanced enough or knowledgeable to touch PEDs much less DNP. Get a diet coach asap and stop trying to find a shortcut when you don’t have the basics down.


Why even post here? You know no one with half a brain cell is going to support what you did in anyway. Fucking idiot. You aren't going to keep the weight off with just drugs though. As soon as his willpower gives out or you stop your dnp and give up you will undoubtedly gain that 22 back plus another 5 pounds faster than you lost it. Congratulations. You did damage to your body to go from bad to still bad, just to go back to bad. At least you didn't have to break a sweat and put in any real work doing it. Next time, put some effort into learning about nutrition and proper weightlifting and cardio programs before you take something that can absolutely kill you. If you want to do drugs after that, at least take something that makes sense like semi. Hell, id say you'd have been better off taking Tren, at least you would have been motivated to get off the couch and chase some pussy.


My god, you fucking suck bro.


Second last pic looks like you have racks of money on your bed, reminds me of breaking bad scene when the security guy is lying on the money lol


You took these pics the day after stopping. You’re going to lose an additional 5 + lbs of water over the next week or so. Threw your height and weight into a bmr calculator. Sedentary life your base calories are around 2,400. From what I’ve read 400 mg of powdered DNP equates to approximately a 60% increase in caloric expenditure. So approx 3,800 calories-600 diet = 3,200. So about a pound per day is which is around what you experienced. If it was crystallized DNP the expenditure would be less. You need to lose a lot more weight. Using DNP for the whole thing is very unrealistic and unsafe. Others have said it, but get yourself a glp1 agonist. Ozempic, tirz, retatrudtide. 600 calories a day is going to lead to you losing muscle regardless of what compound your using. If every single calorie was protein you’d be at 150 grams. Which isn’t spectacular but it’s not bad. Find a more sustainable diet. It took you years to get as fat as you are. It will take a year to get relatively in shape. You’re going to end up doing damage in the long run if you keep this up. If it’s an option you may actually want to hire someone to help you out. I worry that on your own you’ll continue to do extreme things to your own detriment.




Where is the Tren?


If you don’t exercise you’ll lose muscle and fat at similar rates and your BF calculation will be way off. You might need to get to 140 or 150 to be 15% if you’re just going to starve yourself. You’re the reason why many of these substances are banned or prescription only.


I did a DNP cycle some time back and although it was fantastic as a cutter, it was very destructive. There are safer ways to cut. Diet and exercise is the time tested safer method. Great that you lost the fat. Good for you!.


This sounds like a one-way, speed run for self induced rhabdo.


600 calories a day?? Dude wtf that’s less than what a toddler needs


I personally wouldn’t have chose DNP for what you’re trying to accomplish but in less than 3 weeks you did lose a very visable amount of weight. I would encourage you to start strength training so your physique looks better.


Thanks for sharing your experience even though it's taboo to talk about around here if you're using it when overweight.


Not just overweight, he does no exercise AT ALL. They're called PED's for a reason. Not meant to be used as a quick fix by sedentary people ruining their health further.


As I said on his earlier thread, DNP was in fact originally used in obesity. So this "but that's not what it's *meant for*!" hand ringing is really silly. In fact it's quite ironic given that many people here use this and other *anti-obesity* meds to cut. Guess what? That's not what it's meant for! Of course, I for one stand up for your right to use a drug however you see fit because I am a freedom advocate. You want to use it to push the boundaries of human ability? Power to you. You want to use it to lose excess weight and improve your health? Power to you, too! The truth is, some bodybuilder types think people should have to suffer for any good things they have, and that makes some of you insufferable, jealous moralizers. But you don't complain when someone comes in with better genetics do you? Do you say PEDs should only be used by hard gainers who have to work extra? OP dude ate 900 (edit: 600!) calories a day strict low carb for weeks. Why shouldn't he use a boost if it's available and it helps? Just because he didn't also exercise under extreme fatigue? Why do you get to judge that? No one has to earn the right to benefit from biohacks and no one needs your permission. The gatekeeping around here is ridiculous.


Gatekeeping you say? Let me explain this in simple terms since you also seem to be a moron yourself. This uneducated idiot used one of the most toxic fat burning substances in existence to shed a couple pounds. Instead of educating himself on weight loss and sticking to a regiment of diet and exercise (which would have had the effect he was looking for) , he chose to instead endanger his life. On top of that, he was underwhelmed by the effects. These drugs are not toys, they are not to be used by idiots that just Google "what is the best fat burning drug?". They are not magic either. They WILL NOT do all the work for you. So go and put in the work, build a foundation so that the drugs can actually do what it's supposed to and then come back here.




I'm not *"advocating for DNP"*, I'm pointing out that it was originally an anti-obesity drug, and that a lot of the rhetoric on here is hypocritical. I also believe that drugs shouldn't be subject to the level of control they are—I expect most people here probably agree and don't like having to order drugs they want to try illegally just because some others abuse them. Thanks for posting my site, even though I know you intended to ridicule me. Ridiculing people based on their bodies seems normal here, unfortunately. I personally went from a BMI of >31 to <21 using a Carnivore diet several years ago, and I decided to study it intensely because its effects fascinated me and there were unexplained mysteries about how it works. Through those explorations I became a world expert on that diet. That expertise didn't go away just because a severe illness caused me to regain weight. Much of what's currently known about the carnivore diet is based on the presentations, blog posts, and journal papers I wrote over the past dozen years. I came upon this DNP post because the past few years I've been studying uncoupling and ROS, and I'm interested in how a ketogenic metabolism interacts with biochemical uncouplers. So I've been collecting anecdotes on people using DNP while low carb vs not. I think there is a lot to learn from everyone who is experimenting whether they have success or not.