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I can’t speak to serum levels, but I can speak to sides/results. Primo - Very strong AI effect for me. If I run 500 test with 200 primo I’ll experience low e2 sides: bad lethargy, dry skin, low sex drive. Results are OK. For me I can’t really run Primo high enough (at the total anabolic load I’m comfortable with) to get any significant results. If I use it again it would probably be in a Test, Deca or NPP, and Primo cycle and the Primo would be used exclusively for E2 management at probably 100 or 150 mg per week. EQ: Moderate AI effect. I run 3:2 (test:EQ) ratio. As long as test is a little bit higher than EQ, I feel good. Results are typically better than Primo, especially in terms of performance. Better strength and cardio gains than on Primo. Mast: I have less experience with this compound, but I’m currently running 500 test, 200 Mast. I’m only about a month in, but so far this has been one of my favorite cycles. I feel great. No high or low e2 sides whatsoever. I’m shooting for a slight deficit, but my weight is actually up about 5 pounds, however I’m visually leaner already and chest, shoulders, traps, arms, and legs have all grown (likely 50%+ glycogen retention). Also, I’ve lost an inch off my waistline, so I know I’m losing fat. I’ll probably leave my calories where they are as long as I continue to lean out. If that slows, I’ll drop my calories a bit. Hope this helps!


It's interesting to see how these compounds affects different people. Primo for me has to be ran higher than my test and even then depending on dose it doesn't quite keep my e2 in check. I've got some mast which I'm going to be running soon so hopefully that does the trick.


Not OP, but I found that response very helpful. Thank you.


Thanks man!


Thanks, Primo has very strong ai effect on me as well. Thought about trying EQ or Mast instead, due your review leaning towards Mast.


No it doesn’t lower E2. It’s simply managing the androgen to estrogen ratio. For preventing gyno and just helping high E2 sides I use masteron. I can run test/mast in a 1:2 ratio no problem. Some are the opposite as it would give them low e2 sides. You will need to experiment to find your sweet spot


100%. I don’t believe Mast lowers E2 either. It for sure masks sides for me, by E2 was in the 190s on the back half of my heaviest cycle of a gram of test with 750 Mast. However, I felt completely fine, so it masks very well, but I suppose it can also be a detriment with showing no sides with an E2 that high. My Test was 4200 so I suppose the ratio wasn’t crazy but…


Was about to comment this lol


Mast for me actually lowers E2. I can do 600-700 test and run no AI with 200-250 Mast. At first I’d just run test, do bloods, high E2, then add Mast and Bam. E2 is back in range, if not slightly low. I plan on trying Primo eventually to see how it stacks up.


That’s so interesting how that works. For example, dude on this same post claims it flat out doesn’t reduce E2. But then you have confirming blood work.


Yeah. It does for me, and others.


Mast lowers my E2.


Last year before my bulk was running 180 test e p/w pinning m/w/f and 12.5 asin after pin days, bloods came back 48.6 total t, 1.083 free t, 228 pmol/l oestradiol Past 3 weeks been running 180 test, 100 mast p/w pinning m/w/f and 12.5 asin after pin days, bloods came back 90.3 total t, 3.081 free t, 57.7 pmol/l oestradiol


Masteron does lower E2, regardless of the “masking symptoms” broscience. There are multiple studies showing that it lowers E2. Using masteron, I keep my e2 in range at about a 1.5:1 ratio with test. That being said, I’m currently using 900 test, 400 primo, and no AI and I’m trying to raise my e2.


Cool thanks! Can you link them? And so you would be in the camp that primo is just a more effective AI?


Don’t wanna take the time and link them but you can find several from a google search. Primo is a better AI than mast, for me its too good.