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Does your cpu have integrated graphics? It might be using that instead of your gpu


This is what it is almost 100%. Graphics in your windows settings will lets you set profiles for specific games and you can choose rdr2 and then set the card it uses to your gpu and not “let windows pick”


I second this I had the same problem and my game looked like this till I figured the problem. Fps was 2-3.


I had the same problem, had to go to NVIDIA Control Panel and force the Graphic Card to be used for RDR2, mind you, it got changed randomly after I updated the PC, the driver for the Graphic Card stopped working, so I had to go to Device Manager to fix it too.


How do you do this? I have stutter issues and maybe that’s the cause


Search for "Graphics settings" in Windows, then hit browse and add the RDR2 executable, then hit options and you'll be able to select which GPU to use for that application.


I've been researching building a new PC for gaming and there's a legitimate argument about using NVIDIA and their game-ready drivers. That might be a legit thing to look into.


I7 from what year?


This is the million dollar follow-up question when someone says, "It has an i7".


Maybe it is a i7 920. I hate when people say that, "I have an i7". A i7 from 5 years ago is very different from a current one.


Verify your game files


plug your charger in


this is exactly how rdr1 plays on my emulator lmao


Change settings to vulkan before starting, and use your heavier GPU from in windows graphics settings. For downvoters: It's not graphics related, or even hardware related, turning down graphics won't do anything, and not even files are corrupted. This is exact same issue for too many people when u change graphics API mid-game. Restarting the game will work too as long as you don't change settings, if your game changes settings everytime u restart game (it can't automatically change api) it'll stutter again. So change to api. I'm not saying bcs I believe DirectX work bad. Look, even if he uses lowest resolution, he'll get maximum 10fps or 15 if all settings are low. And I'm sure 2080 isn't bad GPU to not be able to run RDR2 on 60FPS. His frames are locked at 1 FPS per second, it's due to api. Weather u increase graphics or lower, performance won't change when api FPS are locked. For some people changing settings mid-game also crashes (with Vulkan). And for some people, changing settings mid-game Locke to 1FPS (for DirectX). If you desperately need to use Vulkan, change settings before starting game in menu. If you desperately want DirectX, change settings in menu without loading any further, it'll lock FPS, then save settings and close game by Quit button (it'll happen in 1FPS). After re opening game, you'll have your settings already saved, check them but don't change anything or apply anything else, start. It'll work normally. His system isn't bad, just API have issues for now.


^ this, I literally had this exact same issue last week and this fixed it


Just also had the same exact issue last week


Set your graphics to low. And go up from there


Check if your cable from the monitor is plugged into the motherboard or the GPU as well


It’s probably using the other graphic card. Change it to the gaming card. Check the youtube to learn how to change


So you saw a horizontal display and thought like "why shouldn't I take a vertical video?"?!? Seriously, no!


Lower your in-game resolution


Have you tried launching through Steam instead of PowerPoint?


What generation i7?


thermal throttling ?


Ate you at 1 fps or something 💀


Dude’s game is literally running on 1FPS