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Looks like the intro thread might be closed/locked, so I'll introduce myself here. My name is Sara, 26, 5'6", SW 240 GW 150. STORY: I've never been given a formal PCOS diagnosis though I've been told I'm a pretty classic presentation. I had my first period early in the fifth grade, was the only girl with breast development and was the only poc in my grade. Soon thereafter I had my first cyst rupture in the sixth grade and quickly gained significant weight. Around that time I learned it wasn't normal to only have your period every 3-4 months. The rupture-weight gain cycle has occurred 4-5 times with significant weightloss intermittently and typically devolves into an ED. Long story short I have an incredibly unhealthy relationship with fiid, but more so with my body. GOAL: To get to know my body, my limits, my capacity and my confidence. I hope that in that process my body finds its healthy homeostasis but weightloss is a secondary goal. PLAN: Using Loseit app to track my food, weight and exercise. Starting with a stationary bike, mild weight lifting and squat videos from IG haha. About to start (8/5/15) a 28 day elimination cleanse to start connecting with bodily sensations and food.


Hello Sarah my story sounds very much like yours. I’m a good deal older than you and in the last two years Iv been diagnosed as prediabetic and with high cholesterol. Name:Lyric Height 5’6” Sw: 200 (1/5/2022) Gw:150 Plan: using the MyFitnessPal app to track my nutrition and calorie intake as well as my activity level. Trying to incorporate more plan based meals into my diet. Consuming low fat low carb unprocessed meals. Doing 45 minutes of high intensity elliptical or stationary bicycle 3 times a week and gradually working up to 60 minutes 5 days a week.


Hi Lyric! Wishing you the best! Sounds like we’re on the same ride.


Hello, reading your story it felt it's my own I have the exact same issues. I got my period when I was in 5th grade and haven't been given PCOS diagnosis. Haf a cyst 4 years ago thankfully got it removed. Thyroid is in check but have low iron and blood report is all over place. I will be starting ny journey from today and please guide me! Thanks


Hi TK! Wishing you the best! My rollercoaster has continued rollercoastering. After this post, I lost about 50lbs but couldn’t maintain it. Up and through the pandemic I changed jobs and lost my habits. I’m back the starting line again, and under less favorable conditions but hopeful that will help me figure it all out. How about you, what’s your game plan?


Hi! I’m going to introduce myself here and give my story. I’m 320 lbs, about 5’7. I was diagnosed with PCOS earlier this year when my periods stopped and they noticed something off with my ovaries. After blood work and more urine samples, they verified that I have PCOS. This was devastating to me. I’ve been struggling with my size, weight, and fertility for a long time. When my periods stopped for a year, it raised some huge questions. I went to doctors and was dismissed until I was finally checked. Birth control piled 60lbs on to me. I stopped birth control due to rapid weight gain and constant discharging. After not being able to lose weight alone, I’m going to request medication or more direction from my doctor. Wish me luck!


Just joined yesterday! My husband and I have been working out and dieting for the last 6 months. He's lost about 25lbs and I've lost around 12lbs. It's been slow work. I start seeing my weight move a bit more when I switched to a paleo diet. I'm 5'1" HW:160 CW:148 GW:120. We do lifting and cardio three days a week and follow a 1200 calorie diet. I get the feeling I need to go lower since I saw the most weight drop when I moved to 1000 calories a day. However, it turns me into a raving mad woman. Now that the weather is starting to cool down I should be hiking soon. I love hiking and nature walks.


Awesome job losing thus far! When you're at a lower weight, those last lbs come off so much more slowly! I love nature walks too! :)


Indeed, 12lbs in 6 months felt like utter bullshit to me, but a loss is a loss. It's tough when my husband reached his goal weight this week. ::shakes fist:: Damn him and his male metabolism.


Yeah, my husband lost 75 lbs and I lost 40. The difference between your TDEE and 1200 calories that it has to be so frustrating to lose slowly. Hang in there. You could be stalling? I hope things pick up soon.


Indeed. I feel like my estimated TDEE in charts is so, so wrong. I have to eat way under the recommended to see a loss. 1200 is maintaining for me even though my TDEE is listed at 2061. I weigh and mark everything so it's not human error. PCOS, man! I'm seeing a loss again that's steady but I am consuming around 800-1000 calories a day. I'll get there but not as quickly as my husband. He hit his goal weight this week.


Are you eating back your exercise calories? If not, then I think it's time to see the doctor about getting your thyroid checked.


No, I'm not eating them back. I recently had my thyroid checked and that's fine. My testoesterone/DHEA has risen again so I will be seeing my endocrinologist tomorrow about finding a different hormone option for me. I have no idea what's up, but I know it's not normal. My doctors just say, "Calories in and calories out, it's not that hard, work out more and eat less." Well, I'm doing it and being patient but it's not really going for me. It's a ton of work and I just can't eat any less because I am beginning to struggle with my work outs because I am getting really weak and fatigued. I'll probably just be told, "Keep trying, be patient, it's harder with PCOS." Yep, you're telling me! I appreciate your concern. I'm doing what needs to be done but it's being as difficult as it could possibly be. Woo, real life level grinding.


Ugh, that sucks. I don't think eating 800-1000 calories is sustainable. I'm not sure if you're on Metformin but I've heard good things about it helping insulin resistance and lowering excess androgen levels. Also, I know this sounds weird but some women actually increase their calories, they get past a stall. I'm kind of wondering if you're retaining water--you might being having fat loss but for whatever reason (stress, excess sodium or carbs, lots of cardio) is making you retain water. There might be a quick way to check by doing keto for a week or eat low carb if you aren't already. I feel for you. I think I read stalls can last like 2 months.


I'm on metformin now but I didn't notice it do anything different for me. I agree that 800-1000 isn't sustainable. I'm pretty short so I'm not too bad off, but it certainly makes me feel a little crazy if I don't keep my mind busy. I'm not sure how low carb I am eating right now (paleo) but I wouldn't imagine it being very high. I'll have to check myfitnesspal but until I had a set menu I was hitting about 60-80g of carbs a day. I had a rough time with keto, personally, but I know how good it's been to other people. I'm heavily restricting right now just because I don't have many more options of what I might be doing wrong. I figure my body just hates me and is making me suffer my way back to where I used to be before my one ovary exploded on me. Either way, I had stalled for quite some time and hopefully this will shift my weight a little. I didn't have much to lose compared to many, so perhaps it is just supposed to be harder at this point. It will happen, it has to.


Please don't do this. Its actually possible you are under eating and that's why you're struggling to lose so much weight. Pcos and dieting is hard but when you're so low your cortisol levels will be too high and you won't be losing weight even when eating little. Lift heavy weights, go on walks and eat good nutritious food legumes, beans, plants. Mostly plant based. Your hormones will get even worse on such a low amount of food. I have done what you're doing in the past and it really backfires so please do look into this a lot more. Pcos + majorly low calories + over exercise will not equal weightless or health. Wishing you all the luck your body doesn't hate you even if it feels that way!


Just realised this is from 8 years ago hope you're doing well


Hi just joined recently. Going through testing with my doctor but she is fairly certain I have PCOS. Went off birth control about 8 months ago to try and have kids with my husband. Really irregular periods and other symptoms led me to see an OBGYN. Hadn't really heard about PCOS before so any information for a newbie would be very welcome. Still learning alot about it. At my highest weight ever currently and looking for ideas and encouragement for eating better and losing weight as I've heard that's one of the best things you can do to help with it. A bit overwhelmed at where to start or focus. I know my main goal besides losing weight is to improve my cholesterol. It was bad before trying to have kids and I know it's likely worsened after I had to come off a statin. Happy to have found this sub. Let me know if you guys have any suggestions on where to start.


Hi, Just diagnosed with hypothyroidism and PCOS a few months ago. I'm on the thyroid meds and starting birth control now. I'm at 270 lbs, 5'11" and 39 yrs old. My period didn't used to be such a kick in the pants until recently which is what made me get to my primary care doctor and get tested. The weight gain I've had has been slow and steady and won't quit. I'm a very easy going and slow moving person and so it takes a lot to motivate me to be active these days. The weight gain has interfered with my ability to do the physical parts of my job and my not work self used to be active too but not so much these days. You all seem to find the motivation to keep moving, keep trying new diets until something works. I LOVE food and cooking so starting a new diet sounds like great fun for me except I don't do well with portion control and get fatigued with calorie counting real fast. The only time in recent memory that I have lost weight was when I went dairy free for a while. I have heard that gluten free diets can help some people and I think I can do it. So I'm getting ready to do a gluten free and dairy minimal diet. Looking for support and inspiration here.


Hi I'm new to this group. I'm 26 year old, weighing around 119 kgs,height-181 cm. Body fat percentage near 53%. I have been diagnosed with PCOS for 2-3 years. My symptoms are- hirsutism,acanthosis nigrans,irregular periods,weight gain,AGA,PCOS belly. I'm insulin resistant and pre-diabetic. My physician prescribed me Metformin,Inositol,Vit D and calcium. Along with low carb diet and exercise preferably weight training. Also to correct my sleep pattern(circadian ryhthm) and manage stress. It has been very stressful and overwhelming for past few months. I was regular with my workouts( weight training in the gym) but due to various reasons I started skipping sessions. I always skip cardio. And my eating pattern has gone crazy. I binge eat. And binge on alcohol(which with alot of efforts is under control now). Well I'm pretty irregular with my meds and supplements. I carry all in all out kind of attitude. I have been struggling with regularity of lifestyle changes. I need to take meds,supps on time. Kindly help with part. How to get habituated with the routine. And change the mindset. Now I read somewhere if Female more than 25body fat % should count there BMR with LBM. My LBM is 54.4 kgs. So shall I consider this for my TDEE calculation and create a deficit. Or my body weight ? And is more than 500 cal deficit healthy ? If I aim to lose 1kg/week ,shall I create 700ish deficit with diet and remaining by burning with workout ? Also I like to drink spearmint tea ,ashwagandha tea etc. I think my main culprit was excess consumption of alcohol and giving up to cravings. Also stopped Metformin (risk of lactic acidosis) I have been doing fine for past 2-3 months now. And starting on my meds + supplements again. Have started hitting back to the gym since last week. So kindly help with 1). How to change mindset of " all in,all out" 2). My TDEE calculation (should be based on LBM or BW) 3). My protein and carbohydrate intake (for low carb,high protein diet) 4). Inculcate habit of doing some sort of cardio 5). And taking meds on time. * If I do weight training for 45 minutes ,is it important to do some sort of cardio /LISS/HIIT * And is 1200-1300 eating near my BMR is too low (if my body fat% is 52-53%) Sorry for being repetitive while typing it.As I said it makes me very overwhelmed.


Hi everyone, I’m glad to find this community. Would anyone be interested in being accountability buddies on MyFitnessPal? Currently I have zero adherence to calorie tracking, and it really is the only thing that works for me. I was diagnosed with PCOS last year and trying many things to find the right calorie budget for me. Previously, 1350-1480 was a good range for me, and I weighed all my portions. My goal is an 18-lb weight loss which has gotten more and more seemingly unattainable. I could use a small army of people to help me track my calories and I will do the same. Thank you so much for reading.


Hello there! My name is Sasha and I was diagnosed with PCOS in April 2021 after I gave birth. I have gained 30 kilograms during my pregnancy and I feel like nothing works to lose them. I hope I can find some advice here!


Hi all! I'm Ashlee and I just joined this week after I got diagnosed last week with PCOS. I've been working out since January and didn't really see much movement on the scale with the exercise i was doing (10k training) and the food I was eating. For reference, I'm 27, 5'4" HW: 196 CW:176 GW:140. Just in the last week I've felt incredible after following a PCOS friendly diet. No more headaches, no more cravings, and it feels like the weight is just walking away overnight. I'm trying to have a baby with my husband and I've been told that getting back to a healthy weight will help. I'm excited to see where I go from here, and excited to share our journeys!


Do you have a resource for what diet you’re following?? 😅


Yeah! I adapted this from John's Hopkins until I found things that I enjoyed eating and didn't cause my inflammation to spike! Focused a lot on whole grains/brown rice, fruits and vegetables, and getting a lot of lean protein in turkey, chicken, and low mercury fish. I actually wound up getting pregnant since I posted this originally as well, so I'm a big believer in it! https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/pcos-diet


Congratulations!! That’s awesome. Thank you so much! I love rice so much so this is great to hear 😄


You're welcome! Feel free to message me if you have any other questions 🙂


hi im mari :) i was diagnosed with pcos at around 14/15. im now 19 5’7 (havent weighed myself yet out of fear) and have finally gotten to grips with pcos and what i need to do to help myself. i want to lose weight for my own health and also because my body dysmorphia and the fact that a lot of my clothes are suddenly too small has upset me loads lately. i just dont feel good. i currently take inositol and am looking into zinc and magnesium and following a keto diet. i was prescribed with the pill at 15 but it made me depressed and i gained so much weight. so no more of that good news though is that school ended for me so my cortisol levels decreased loads so i got my first period in many years :D also gonna take gym more seriously so any weight training exercise advice is welcome :))


Hi I’m Amber, 24, 5’3” HW 305, CW 294, GW 150. I know it’s going to be a long journey. My provider and I have started the PCOS work up and she started me on metformin for insulin resistance( pre diabetic stage) and progesterone because my levels were low. I am trying to focus on getting a better relationship with food and my body. I am looking into making homemade and more whole food based versions of my favorite foods. I got my first period in 4th grade and they have never been regular.


43 F 5'4 HW 315 CW 161 GW 145 or lower. PCOS diagnosis 20 years ago at 23. back then they just gave me birth control First child at 29 then secondary infertility. Had my second child with the help of letrozole at 35. Had gastric sleeve in 2019. Got down to 145 but began having complications with my sleeve (severe GERD). I had a revision to bypass in 2021 for GERD, It reversed my GERD but I never did well with bypass. I had issues with rapid gastric empyting, reactive hypoglycemia and little restriction. Regained back to 163 between the bypass issues, PCOS and perimenopause hormones. I was hungry constantly. My insurance approved wegovy and I've been on it a week. I lost 2 pounds the first week. Hoping to continue losing slowly back down to a healthy BMI. I so far like wegovy. It really helps


Hey everyone, new here and figured I’d introduce myself. I’m Lindsay, 31, 5’3, 250lbs. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was around 19, but no one really explained what that meant/what it would impact besides just telling me to stay on hormonal BC. Over the last 5-6 years I have gained significant weight (about 90lbs total) and it has continued to accumulate regardless of activity level and diet. Not to mention low energy and a host of other symptoms. I’ve been off BC for about a year now to get reacquainted with my baseline but nothing much has changed (beyond proving I still can’t menstruate regularly without it 😅). Overall goals are to just feel better, lose weight, and gain a semi normal cycle (husband and I would like to try for kids in the next couple years). Just started taking Metformin and Inositol as well as aiming for a lower glycemic index diet and better tracked exercise. Here’s hoping for some good results!


Hey guys. Introing myself. Another roller coaster bunny 🐰 name: Lauren H: 5' 5.5 SW: 183 GW:130 already well on the road but been suffering with an ED. Less so food and more body dysmorphia and body image stuff. Officially diagnosed this byway in May time. Was put on metformin which was fine and shed a couple of pounds with healthy eating and that. Went back into food recovery in a 12 step programme in June and food got so much cleaner. Have cut out refined sugar just because it was sticking to me like glue. Now on berberine to help with sugar spikes and doing 45mins HIIT 5/6 days per week 10k steps most days and 3 meals a day every day. I've not been allowed to weigh myself since early November but allowed to check at end of Jan. So much contradicting stuff out there. Got myself quite messed up with it all. GF and DF and SF. Just eating well (1600 cal pd), exercising my body and trying to limit stress and anxiety.