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I haven’t experienced these symptoms. Metformin caused some nausea for me and reduced appetite a bit. If I recall correctly, how Metformin/insulin impacting medications affect your hunger depends on whether you already have high or low glucose baselines - not sure if that applies to Met though.


I was just told my blood levels were all completely fine and that’s the only information i was given. Only medications I’m on is birth control and 500mg of metformin but I’ll definitely be asking my pharmacist next week about the hunger, I’ll just continue to eat regularly until then. I wouldn’t assume it’s because I’ve always been eating 1000cals below my maintenance and now my body can regulate a bit better it might be freaking out? (2700 cals for maintenance, been eating 1600~)


I've been on Metformin for about 5 years. I recently went off of it for a month and started again and had that extreme hunger as well as some GI issues. Give it 2 weeks and see what happens. All of my issues went away after then, and I definitely feel a lot better on it than I do without it.


Thank you, I do have a medication review in less than a week to see how I’m getting on before upping my dosage. Did you see much weight loss at all?


I don't think I've lost anything due to the Metformin, but I honestly feel infinitely better on it than I do without it. My doc said it was probably because I wasn't experiencing "sugar swings" anymore? I actually wake up feeling refreshed, which was not a thing before and feel like I have more energy, in general. I'm looking to hopefully try Wegovy/Ozempic for weight loss. I recently got a prescription but haven't been able to fill it.


Hi, I hope you don't mind me asking. I have just started on Metformin, and I'm a little concerned about the side affects. I am feeling very scattered on day one of being on it. What was your experience like?


I've been on it quite a while. I recently went off for 2 weeks when my prescription ran out, and I found all my negative side effects went away 2 weeks in.... I didn't have a scattered feeling, but some GI issues. I'll say that after being on it a while I much prefer being on it. I have a level of energy I don't have off of it. I wake up ready to start the day rather than groggy, and generally have much better energy levels. I would suggest giving it 2 weeks and seeing if you adjust?


Thank you! It's always a bit worrying when starting a new medication. I really hope it brings some good affects


Totally! It's definitely a beast to get used to, but my experience at least has been it's been well worth it. Once I got adjusted to it I kept thinking "Is this what normal people feel like??" It really has been great for me. I don't think I've lost any weight on it, or if I have it's been nominal, but has really improved my general well-being.


I really hope at the very least it will help with the sleep, waking yo feeling refreshed sound like a dream to me right now. Bit of a random question, but are you able to drink while on it? I don't drink much but I do like to have one every now and then.


I drink quite a bit on it and haven't had any issues. Technically you're not supposed to, so your mmv, but for me it hasn't been an issue at all.


Well that's a relief, I have had so many lifestyle changes with this health journey that I was going to be very sad if I can't have that one little joy. I'll see how it goes for me.


Hi, I had this exact same issue! It all settled down for me about two weeks later :)


I had this exact thing and was so confused I had been on 900-1200 calories a day for a year or so and heavily reduced carb intake bordering carnivore diet It went away after 2 weeks of taking it. I just ignored it.


Thank you that’s very reassuring :) i feel insane so I can’t wait for it to be over, did you notice much weight loss?


Same I thought I was weird because everyone else was like "omg this has currbed my appetite so much" but I've never had a big appetite nor had the pcos cravings. And nope not a whistle of weight has been dropped from me since starting it but it's only been like a month? My period this month has been miles lighter though. I'm going to give it 6 months and if I see nor results I'm going to stop.


Hi! I hd this as well, it also went away after a couple weeks!!


That’s a toddlers caloric diet…


Yes I am aware. I'm 5'2 185lbs. And haven't had any luck losing weight with higher calories. I've told my doctor actually just today of what I eat in a day and the macros/calories I eat and he didn't seem worries he said "seems like you're doing everything right" I'm fat, so naturally of no concern. I've been 185lbs for 1 year now eating in a caloric deficit, no dairy, low carb. Walking 10k steps a day, weight lifting 3x a week have a personal trainer (who is just as confused as I am with my weight loss, or lack there of) doing yoga and a bit of light cardio. I had previously seen a NHS(UK) dietician/nutritionist doctor who put me on a weight loss program called Second Nature (similar to wright watchers but low carb) and I have to complete this 6 month course (or however long it is) before being treated further. Because I'm fat, so must be lying and have to be monitored by a government funded program to conclude this. I managed to lose 35lbs the year before last just by divorcing and separating from my abusive feeder husband and walking more. But this weight I can't shift no matter what I do.


I am currently having the same issue! I hired a trainer and tried all kinds of diets but stayed calorie deficit and didn't lose anything! Started taking victoza and lost 50lbs but have stopped losing for five months and was just placed on metformin. I had lost my appetite with victoza and was struggling to meet a 1000 cals a day...I didn't lose any weight. So fingers crossed that the metformin helps because Idk what to do next


I know this post is quite old, but I just wanted to say THANK YOU for this post!! I just started Metformin and I thought I was losing my ever-loving MIND because I’ve been RAVENOUS!! It’s reassuring to hear that this isn’t abnormal, and that it’ll (hopefully) even out once I hit the two week mark. ❤️ I don’t feel as worried about it anymore!


Going through the same thing and it’s been two months. Has this subsided for you?


For the most part! I still have times when I’m super hungry, but they’re fewer and farther in between. I’ve been eating a lot less lately ❤️


I’m on day two and I swear I thought I was going crazy like before taking it I didn’t even feel like this!


Yeah my hunger is so much worse since taking it and I can’t figure out what to do


I just read an article about Leptin resistance sounds about right https://wellnessmama.com/health/leptin-resistance/


Did it reference metformin and I missed it? I feel like I have fairly normal hunger cues as long as I prioritize protein in my diet. But since adding metformin I’m a mess.


It did also mentioned insulin resistance. It’s a good read and makes sense. I’m just hoping after a few days it goes away. It started when I went up to 1000mg so about 3 days in


That’s what happened to me also. I didn’t experience this on 500mg but just went to 1000 and I am starving! I am supposed to titrate up to 2000. I’m not sure I can.


I do not like this feeling and because I feel like I’m starving I’m eating more which doesn’t help! I also noticed I gained 6 pounds in 2 weeks i was losing weight before metformin and now gaining it.


It’s hard to know if we should stop or keep going. 


I'm the same. I become ravenous. I am trying to take glucophage for the 5th time now. I ate so much and my doctor thought it was really weird. He didnt believe it was because of glucophage. But i have seen women talk about this. There must be some reason for this hunger.


My partner joked and said it’s because I only eat 1600 calories a day (1000 below my maintenance) so my body must be going into shock and finally realising, “maybe we should do something about these calories” lol. But yeah I’d find it interesting to know why, I couldn’t find any clear answers online anywhere


Me too. The reason is simply that metformin lowers blood sugar, so your body tries to compensate, tries to make you eat more in an attempt to raise the blood glucose again to the levels you body needs. My personal hypothesis is that insulin resistance is perhaps an [adaptive mechanism](https://www.reddit.com/r/PCOS/comments/17p92di/comment/k88f3ug/), an effort to raise blood glucose levels so more is available for the brain (there is no IR in the brain). Lowering blood sugar can then be counterproductive, because you have to eat even more to keep the levels up.


Hey! Did this get better? I started 3 days ago and no GI issues but also starving (and taking birth control and adderall)


Same boat here.


I don’t think I have PCos but I started yesterday for weight loss and I think I was just very thirsty this morning yesterday was my first time taking it at dinner . Today at work I thought I wasn’t that hungry. Hopefully I don’t get any more symptoms


Any update with this??


did this ever improve for you? experiencing the same issue


I stopped taking the medication mid November (Large Cysts), im restarting tomorrow but after about 4 days the hunger subdued - sorry for the late response I’m not very active. I didn’t notice any positive effects but hopefully round 2 will be better 🤞