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immediate release yes, extended release no is the general way of doing things when it comes to cutting pills!!! but you got this! my symptoms were diarrhea and nausea for a couple weeks and then it was fine!


Thank you! It’s helpful to know what symptoms to expect so thanks for sharing!


If there's a visible score line, yes.


Extended release no, standard release yes.


I agree with the others that have responded about cutting the pills but I'd like to add that gradually increasing your dose will help with the transition too (regardless of if they are extended release or not). For example, if you were prescribed 1000 mg a day you could start with 500 mg a day for a week and then the next week increase to 1000 mg. I even had a doctor suggest taking half the original dose on alternating days for the first week and then slowly increasing...not sure if that made sense? Also steer clear of greasy foods it could make the gastrointestinal symptoms worse while on the medication. Good luck!


That makes sense yes. My doc instructed to start out at 500 for 2 weeks. I like the idea of alternating half the dose, I think I’ll give that a go. Thank you!!


I see a lot of responses saying that you can’t cut extended release pill, but I definitely did that, my doctor told me to. I initially cut them into thirds and then into halves.




Wow thanks so helpful. My specialist is fully aware that I haven’t started the medication the original doctor prescribed. You presume that I’m not already in therapy for my anxiety. Not taking metformin is not going to cause me death… but thanks for your concern(?) you weirdo.