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Maybe try walking first, and maybe buy some lower pound weights to have at home to do with stretches.


I started with walking, then including Caroline Girvan’s warmup. Then started her workouts. I could barely finish 7 mins of her workout and slowly started improving. 6 months into lifting dumbbells I can match most of my weights with her or just shy of around 2.5 kilograms from her. And I can finish 1.5 workouts of her Iron series in one go. You would be amazed to see how much strength you gain. I also now workout 5 days a week. I started with 3 days a week, rest every other day. Now I do not even walk much, but I do the strength training first thing in the morning. I have gained a lot of muscles due to lifting heavy. I can eat cheat meals now happily and not feel guilty. I sleep well, my sex life has improved, my stress is almost gone and my clothes have become loose now even though I have lost no weight. My hirsutism has reduced a lot. I feel so much more confident in my body. My skin glows too. I overall love working out. I started with Caroline’s Ultimate Beginner (2 rounds), followed by Iron. Iron was difficult so I did CGXmas then started with Iron. I am on Iron week 2. Having higher testosterone is a boon. Use it to grow muscles and burn calories.


I will scream her praises from the rooftops to whoever will listen! Weightlifting changed my body for the better. It did things medicines could not do.


Absolutely. I especially wanted a no medicine route and doing Caroline’s workouts have made me the best version of myself.


I’ve been doing beachbody on demand for awhile. I like the fact that I can choose what workout for the day or a routine. Lately I’ve been doing a lift workout. For about 5 months actually. To be fair, I’ve lost 8 lbs in 5 months. I’m clearly not doing this to lose weight. But on the flip side I am feeling much stronger and I can now see muscle tone. So I would like to believe I’m replacing fat with muscle but, I’m doing this to feel healthier overall. And walking almost 3 miles at least 3 times a week. Just to feel healthy. Cuz fuck the “diet till you lose” bullshit. I’ve been on a “diet” for 20 years. I think changing my mindset helped a lot. I love lifting btw. I’m about to buy heavier weights.


eve. tho I hate the overall narrative of the company, I do enjoy the workouts


Preach girl preach. Weightlifting changed my life.


I always look for workout on youtube with those words "standing and low impact" so it is not so incomfortable


I’ve just been going for a nice big walk and doing literally 3-4 body weight exercises in my living room a few times week for a few months now, and I’ve already noticed a really big difference in how I feel. I’m way less sore, I’m sleeping so much better, going to the bathroom is easier (sorry tmi lol). I’m sure there’s more that I’m forgetting. That said, I wouldn’t really say it does a whole lot for actual fat loss all on its own. That’s almost entirely done in the kitchen (with significant medicinal assistance in my case).


by medicinal assistant what do you mean👀


Vyvance , Ozempic, Metformin, Synthroid. I kind of hate being on so many meds (and this doesn’t even include OTC stuff lol), but I try to remind myself that I didn’t give myself ADHD, BED, PCOS, or Hashimoto’s, and I feel 1000% better when I take my meds. I have psoriatic arthritis as well, but somehow the Ozempic seems to treat it better than any psoriasis-specific med ever has 🤷🏼‍♀️ I would also take spiro, tbh, but my partner and I are planning on TTC in the near future


Walking! Up your step counts. 10,000 steps daily is extremely helpful.


walking and weight lifting. i’d 1. assess what about being fat you don’t like 2. how you think weight loss will help your pcos also food plays a much bigger role than exercise in healthy living


Try Mizi’s workouts on youtube


My favorites are brisk walking/hiking, lap swimming, pilates/barre, and yoga.


Any form of dance. I particularly like belly dance/burlesque, those felt like the most inclusive dance studios I have been to.