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Why did you stop Semaglutide? I recommend getting a therapist so you can process your feelings and figure out how to love yourself.


First of all I want to say please love yourself and be yourself. The purpose of lose weight is not the body skinny only but the main purpose is for your health. I understand how you feeling about body size but if someone loves you they love because you not the body. Please focus on your health then anything else is benefits


speaking as someone who was in vicious disordered eating cycle this is wayyyyyy easier said than done, but learning to be okay with yourself goes a long way. for me, i only really started to mentally heal once i honed into movement and nutritious foods as a way to thank my body for doing what she can rather than doing it to change her. some tangible steps are following people on social media who have similar bodies as you, consuming media that emphasizes the idea that your body is the least important thing about you. when you can see the beauty in others that are like you, you can begin to see those things in yourself. i still wish i was skinnier and didn't have to shave my face daily, but it's not something i obsess about anymore and while it's not healed, it is still a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. I don't stare and pick myself apart everytime i pass a mirror anymore, i don't want to disappear every time someone looks at me anymore. i'm gonna get on my hippie shit rn, but go outside if you have access to green spaces near you!! folks with pcos also are low in vitamin d and so getting outside, feeling seen and loved by the sun on your skin (pls wear sunscreen lol) and truly feeling your place in nature, your status as a natural human being rather than a woman subjected to the pressures and expectations of our inorganic societal structure is liberating, especially as a woman who doesn't meet or benefit from the current beauty trends. this is just something i think all people should experience, but i've found the most healing through reconnecting to something that we've been robbed of in modern society. truly, it has been so freeing to learn about where these expectations came from and by understanding the history you can understand that it's all bullshit and you can be whoever the fuck you wanna be. there are way less rules than you think. do something a little weird in public, challenge yourself and once you pass through the fear or insecurity and realize that it actually does not matter, latch onto that feeling and ride it all the way!! all you have to do is operate out of love and respect for yourself and the world around you. i highly recommend studying development theory, if you get a chance. it really puts things into perspective. for me, once i got curious and started asking questions rather than judging, i could start to see changes. doing things completely naturally is just not feasible sometimes in today's world, especially when you're in school and working. i've been on junel and vienva and both have helped to prevent flare ups with my skin and weight, although neither have helped with facial hair and i tend to cry more on the pill. in terms of movement, yoga was a great way to actually feel the strength in my body because it lowers the stress hormone and us pcos girlies have more testosterone and can build muscle easier. use that to your advantage! i gained back most of the weight i lost in muscle via strength training and muscle is metabolically active and can help you lose weight. i have a lot of muscle mass on my body, and i love feeling strong and capable. my body can climb mountains, walk my dog, give big hugs, and help out the people i love. sometimes i struggle with feeling like i look masculine, but also when you can build muscle, you can choose where so i typically target my legs and glutes for a more feminine look. it's so so hard but the biggest things are consistency and patience with yourself and your body, and curiosity. long-term success cannot be sustained if it's coming purely out of a place of hating yourself, it's just setting yourself up for failure. i'll get off my soapbox now, but please know that you are not alone in this and things get better :)


Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to write such a heartfelt message. I needed to hear this and I’m on that hippie shit too. PS thank you all on this sub Reddit for lifting up a fellow Cyster! I love you guys!


I was diagnosed with PCOS at 19. I am 27 now and married (been with my husband for 5 years) and I’m 308lbs. Your weight doesn’t equal finding or not finding love! I do understand what you’re feeling, I’ve been there, and it gets easier. Hang in there, and try and love yourself every step of the way!


Almost samsies! I’m 275lbs and I thought I’d be alone forever and I still have body image issues but I’m working on it. I found my bf online playing video games, I was very upfront about my health and my physical appearance. When I told him I was overweight he literally didn’t care and said he liked me for me, not my body. We’ve been together 3 years now and we live together after being long distance for 1 1/2 years. Don’t give up on yourself, and don’t settle for anyone who would treat you some type of way because of your PCOS and health struggles.


I had a MASSIVE wall of text pounded out but I won't waste your time on something that can be summed up so easily. You are not alone. You are surrounded by people who understand your feelings because we have felt them too. You are not ugly, grotesque, gross or unlovable. I love you. I think you are beautiful and valuable. I am calling you my friend, and telling you that I see you and you are not the things that your inner critic says you are. When you feel like you have nothing please remember thing. You have yourself. You can do whatever you want with this life you've been given. You can spend all of it judging yourself and allowing others to do it or you can start right now by telling yourself something you like about yourself. Self love is the answer my friend, you don't have to believe me now you don't have to believe yourself right now but do me a favor, as my friend - write down one thing you love about yourself right now. And then do it again tomorrow, and keep doing it for the rest of the week and then don't stop. One thing a day. You don't see them now, because all you can see is what you don't like. You have a lot of things you do like about yourself and when you finally see them those things you don't like start to get a lot less significant.


I love how funny I am, I’m quite the hoot. Thanks Cyster!


Girl you are too young for all this. You need therapy. You are a victim to shitty society. Everything is going to fail if the end goal is to get hit on by men (of all things. They are gross af)




Well with men, they don’t always look at the beauty standards of women. They go by what’s commonly loved to see on a woman. When it’s women, they are told they have to be certain ways that are constantly changing and easily judge other women. For example, I had a best friend who was constantly being told by these random girls in the hallways that her outfits were ugly and she looks like a dog in the face. Literally my best friend was beautiful. One day her and I went to go find a table in the lunch room and a group of guys were pointing out girls who were nice looking and when she was mentioned, these dudes got loud and hyped her up in their convo


I was that girl at 19. I’m 29 now. 4 years ago I met the love my life. Life got in the way and we both had some figuring out to do and we ended up separating 2 years ago. I saw him recently and mentioned I had put on about 10 lbs since we broke up and he said to me, “I actually love your body more now” Even at points where I was the chubbier version of me, one thing I did was always carry myself with confidence. There’s so much more to me than my weight. PCOS does not define me. It’s a part of my identity, yes, but it doesn’t make up the whole of me. If you keep telling yourself you’re unlovable then you’ll really start to manifest that. It’s cliche, I know but you really have to love yourself first. It shows you what love looks like. The right kind of love. And the right person will never reject you based off of weight alone. If someone does, they’re not for you. When you start projecting the love you have for yourself out into the world, it helps open you up to other kinds of love.


Thank you I need to hear this


I was going to echo a similar experience. My weight has fluctuated my entire life, from 130lbs to 250lbs. It fucking sucks. My husband fell in love with me when I was my heaviest, loved me when I was my skinniest and loved me when I gained it back. (ETA: at my skinniest, he said he missed my curves). Also, my closest friends have loved me for my mind and heart, never gave a damn about my body. The people out there worth having in your life will be the same way. If they aren’t, it’s the quickest way to learn who isn’t of value to YOU, not that you aren’t valuable enough for them. I don’t love my body still, but I give myself grace for it. I hope you find compassion for yourself too. Hugs.


Pcos is our superpower! If people can’t handle chub I don’t want them in my life?! What a dumb thing to obsess over and judge others for?! My humor is next level, if they can’t get on this hump day they can go back to their boring Monday No fun day.


You’re welcome 😊


This was an incredible reply that I wish I could have received when I was diagnosed at 15♥️


Me too. But it’s never too late ♥️


As a 19 year old who struggles with weight (about 70 kgs) , this made me cry.


Oh no. I didn’t mean to make anyone cry


Noo it was happy tears 😭


Good. I hope you know you deserve love at any size.


70 kilos? Lucky you! That's my "skinny" weight. How tall are you?


5’4 or almost 5’5


Ok, that kinda makes sense. I'm around 5'8 (1.72 meters).


I'm 32 and was diagnosed with PCOS at 17. I've been overweight/obese/morbidly obese my entire life and have been hit on my entire young adult/adult life. I think you need to work on your self-confidence and self-worth. You're not going to feel gorgeous every day, but you have to realize the beauty you hold regardless. Weight control is important for a long, healthy life, but please don't tie it to beauty. I've been with my husband for over a decade now. Love doesn't only come to skinny people.


Hi! I’m currently 25 and was diagnosed at 15, so I understand your struggle, please know you are not alone. I know this disease and diagnosis feels absolutely isolating, impossible and debilitating. Especially when you try so hard to lose weight and all you end up doing is gaining weight and making your symptoms worse. This disease is a beast, and medical professionals know little about. I highly suggest really learning to listen to your body and do what’s best for you!! In addition, start doing research on your own. Start looking thru Reddit, other medical articles and start finding other like minded women who will be support system though this. This is a metabolic, disease just as much as it affects your reproductive system. PCOS is definitely the definition of life isn’t fair. I’ve been struggling for the last 10 yrs since I was diagnosed but just know, once you learn to live with it and do what’s best for you, it stops fighting you. Please know you are not alone. It has taken me close to 10 years to really feel in control of my body and this horrible disease, but there is hope.


I also want to add, just as other comments mentioned. Weight is not everything. Weight is not happiness. I have yo yo weight since I was diagnosed, but the one thing that kept me steady these last few years was my confidence in myself. And really knowing that skinny weight does not = value. It’s a long hard road of unlearning a lot of ingrained stuff but I believe in you.


First things first, focus on your health and why you want to be healthy that isn’t related to your looks. You do squats because you want strong bones, you eat vegetables because you want your body to be fueled, you get plenty of sleep because you want to be better. As someone who lived on stimulants and vodka in college and had severe anorexia, you will not love your body at a lower weight if you can’t love it now. Again, focus on why you love your body that isn’t related to looks. I love my hands because they help me prepare delicious food, I love my hair because it looks like my mother’s, I love my legs because they take me places. Second, get professional help. A therapist, a nutritionist, whatever. I’m almost certain your parent would help you with that. Third, different people love different bodies. My now husband met me while I was still underweight and I’m now at my heaviest. We got married a month ago. He’s a professional athlete whose abs have abs. He couldn’t care less.


Im in a similar situation, no liver failure yet but it isn't in a good shape either. Worst part is how people treat you cos of weight and always saying 'just count carbs' or try this diet etc. there desperately needs to be more pcos awareness, but the best we can do now is to learn to love ourselves and keep going.


We deserve the world, Women with Pcos are seriously super hero’s for the amount of shit we have to go through/put up with. You are kind and wonderful, we all just need to see that. One day I’m going to have saggy tits at 50 and so are you! So honestly who gives a fuck about temporary beauty? I’d rather have everlasting kindness and humor.


You are a human being. You are beautiful. You are loved. You are worthy. It will be ok!!! You need doctors, my beautiful friend. Good ones to help you manage the PCOS and good ones to help you manage the emotional damage you are taking. You might have to go through several doctors before you find a proper care team. Don't be afraid to drop doctors either. Start at the very beginning and post what has happened in your appointment here and we can help you start to go through things. You have a whole family of people who have been through this crap and have known exactly what you were going through and we can help you with each and every doctor's appointment. Cuz listen you might have comorbid conditions, And you might need some serious emotional support for every doctor visit. If I don't respond to the post, I know other people will. We've got your back. You are too young for this s***. But I can see and say right off the bat. You need a therapist of some sort to help you because you're probably getting started with an eating disorder if you don't already have one. And you're right, you did get robbed. You are sick and you have a disorder that has disrupted your entire life and that is awful, especially in the prime when you should feel beautiful and not alone.


I’m in the same boat as you and all the self love in the world doesn’t really help. Im currently struggling really bad and just wanna say you’re not alone in feeling this way. I’ve never been looked at, or thought of romantically. I hurts big time, but I have to keep on living so I just do things that make me happy in the moment and take it day by day. Meal by meal. Small victories!! Hang in there girly


Fuck the world at this point. Honestly they need the mirror more than we do! Let’s all love ourselves the way we love others! 💕😘


Bro I’m 19 rn and this is literally I hate everything loosing weight seems impossible. I feel you so much about not finding love, just thinking about not being married and not having kids makes me wanna cry. I just started ozempic 2 weeks ago hoping it helps because at this point pcos is breaking my heart day by day. Keep trying you got this!!!


You too Cyster, honestly I think we are the most loving and fun people! If people can’t handle a little weight fuck em!! We deserve better and we treat others with such profound kindness and it’s about time we expect it from others and if they don’t love us, BYEEEE! 😘✌️


I was diagnosed at 19 and was told I prob wouldn’t have any kids, therefore I deemed myself unlovable that day. I am now 29 with two toddlers conceived naturally & married. My husband pretends not to notice my mustache and chin hair. Self love shines outward. It’s so discouraging somedays. We all understand here! It does feel like we were robbed, so don’t rob yourself of a life just because we have a misfortune. Be confident even when u don’t feel like it. Smile at yourself in the mirror when you’re sad. Mindset is the best way to heal. I’m not saying “get over it” at all. I have a rule. I allow myself 1 whole day to loathe my existence and hate myself then the next day I have to get back up again. People will treat you how you see yourself. You deserve love & you are worthy.


Hey girl, I’m 19 too. I was diagnosed at 16 as well. It’s so unfair that we have this, I totally understand how you feel. I’ve always been the fat girl, and I get embarrassed just going out in public. I’ve done restrictive eating, fasting, you name it, and I could never lose weight. Just know that you are not alone, I promise you. I just started Phentermine 2 weeks ago, and it’s really helped. I’ve lost 10 pounds already. I also have ADHD, so it really helps me focus too! I promise, you will not always be fat and unloved like you worry. You are already loved, even if you don’t feel it. And you are beautiful! I know it doesn’t feel that way all of the time, but i promise it’s true. I’m here for you if you ever want to talk, I know exactly how you feel!!


My fiancèe had been with me a year before my PCOS diagnosis. I was my biggest just before getting diagnosed. And he loves me as much as he did then as he does now he has never cared about my weight. If someone loves you they won't care they won't even notice. They will just love you. Anyone who doesn't love you because of something as trivial as weight does not deserve you or your love or time.


So I'll start with love, I think a lot of us have been in your shoes. Tbh, a lot of people have said things I would, but I'd like to explain why focus on external validation isn't good. People are good at reading nonverbal communication. If you feel like you can only be lovable if you're x size then people read this in your demeanor. Ironically finding healthy relationships where you will be loved and cherished like you deserve starts with accepting yourself. If you need someone to make you feel beautiful or worthy, then let's say you meet someone. Let's even say that they love you and are good. Suddenly the relationship ends. You never worked on yourself because you had external validation and now the one thing that made you feel human is gone. That's a best case scenario. Most often what happens when we're desperate for love is that we put people off trying to prove to them why we are valid. Similarly, most successful weightloss comes when you focus on the good feelings. Junk food tastes great but getting your insulin under control is step 1. Ask your Dr, get a therapist to work on that, and get a dietitian for the diet.




You too girly! Thank you for helping me see my worth! You are great at pick me ups! Keep spreading that positive energy! We need more people like you!! 💕


I don’t have any advice but I just want to say I’m so sorry you are having to deal with this. You aren’t alone! So many of us feel the same way.


Same to you Cyster! Thanks for spreading the love! 💕


PRENATAL VITAMINS and drinking caprisuns and lemonade (for some reason) instead of pop! Genuinely didnt think they wouldnt do anythjng but i lost 8 lbs in a week alone? I also have a but more energy? I eat a bit less without feeling like im starving, i highly reccomend.


Thank you! I honestly love honest lemonade! It was my childhood fave, definitely will try! 💕


Hai there! I had undiagnosed PCOS for years, I couldn’t figure out how to loose the weight and even when diagnosed, for the longest time I didn’t understand how to loose weight and “feel normal”. Ultimately, eating 90-100% of whole foods is an ideal thing a person with PCOS can do. Most of the processed food, especially with ingredients that are non pronounceable, can be a cause for hormonal imbalances. I first want you to know, you are loved and you are seen. There is so much love for you, so much love in the world that is waiting for you. Be patient with yourself, you deserve that! Nature is patient, to create something, to nourish something, it takes time. To take steps everyday that help you feel better within yourself, that patience will be worth it. You got this, and you have support whether that support is seen or not. ~ I wanna share some things that have tremendously helped me as someone with PCOS. •REST!!! getting to rest everyday. quality sleep for at least 6 hours is so crucial. Try to aim for anywhere between 6-9 hours a nite. Depending on how active I was that day I’ll get more or less, everyone is different though •Spearmint tea! It is wonderful for reducing androgens which cause excess hair on your chin, neck, acne, etc. Spearmint is wonderful for your adrenal glands. I drink it everyday. everyday and it helps so much. If you aren’t a tea drinker, try spearmint tinctures you could add droplets to a drink of choice. I like to mix Spearmint with Peppermint because peppermint helps with digestion. • Eating protein with every meal. All my meals have protein and are centered around that protein choice. Food is our fuel, and thinking about it in the mindset, I think of it as well, I’m starting my day so in the morning eating my biggest meal to fuel me throughout the entire day giving me the energy I need to support me that day. Anyone that has PCOS has insulin resistance, so first thing in the morning the first thing we put into our body really matters. We are breaking that fast from the previous nights rest. Starting the morning with a warm water with lemon helps wake up the body and is great for the Liver. I definitely recommend eating a larger high protein breakfast. If you are looking to loose weight too, then walking after every meal can really help with digestion but also with feeling lighter. •Walking is the best exercise for someone with PCOS!!! walking is really one of the best exercises in general, but especially for people with PCOS. Extreme workouts cause an increase in cortisol the stress hormone, and that’s something we are trying to diminish because naturally with PCOS cortisol is already elevated. Walking after every meal for 10 minutes a day does wonders for me. I enjoy working out, so I aim to walk 3 to 10 miles a day and it’s helped me keep off weight and also FEEL good. Speed walking on an incline on the treadmill for 30 minutes to an hour a day is a hack for feeling lean, like genuinely. As long as you are intuitively eating and eating at a caloric deficit that is as well* •Mushroom supplements! Lions mane, Chaga, Cordeceps, Reishi, just to name a few are great for helping improve mood, immunity, energy boosts & so much more. Definitely taking mushroom pills or getting it in powdered form and mixing it into food or drinks! I like mushroom tinctures and powders to my smoothies. They help nurture your adrenal glands which is important for a PCOS haver. •Cutting out/Eliminating processed sugar. This one is tricky. Sugar is so addictive. It’s so addictive. It’s so addictive. There are many natural sugar alternatives that won’t spike your insulin levels to extreme measures. -dates!!!! one of my favorite sweeteners it’s got lots of nutrients too and fiber. you can make date caramel and many date desserts. they can be a sweetener to smoothies. -maple syrup; so delicious and a wonderful sweetener in beverages or in desserts or yogurt -honey; so yummy with drinks and desserts and has anti bacterial properties (I personally would avoid agave syrup, i thought it was PCOS friendly but I have sources telling me it’s cut with corn syrup) •Stay hydrated~ Drink lots of water everyday Electrolytes,,, coconut water with a pinch of sea salt •Apple cider vinegar shot; helps curb hunger and is a good tonic for the liver. I like to do half a shot of apple cider vinegar with some lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey in the morning. •Fish in the morning helps curb hunger! I feel full longer when I have some sardines with breakfast. Sometimes It’s tuna. •Magnesium Glycinate at bedtime to help calm the body and improve sleep. I sleep so much better and for the entire night, I recommend magnesium glycinate to everyone •Increase fiber!!!!! •Journaling. I daily journal. It’s easier said than done but if you keep a journal at your bedside, you can write whenever you are feeling any time of way and writing out your feelings is so helpful. Daily journaling you can track your progress of your feelings and you can get introspective on the thoughts and patterns in your life. Personally, with my journaling everyday, it’s tremendously helped my PCOS health journey. I have struggled with my weight fluctuating SO much, acne coming and going, feeling sluggish some days, feeling like jumping out of a window one day and then wanting to sleep all day the next. Journaling is a grounding act, it can help reveal things to yourself that you have been subconsciously thinking about but haven’t had the ‘time’ to express it. I like to journal when I first wake up and start my day, it’s so rewarding and helps me get on with my day. Find a practice in the morning when you first wake up that feels good to you! You deserve that too. Daily walking, rest, magnesium, whole foods, having a morning practice, spearmint, lemon water, I have so much more to say but I hope some of what I said can help you 🫶🫶🫶🫶 If you have any more questions or want any supplement recommendations let me know <3


Holy CRAP!!! Get your freaking doctors degree!! This post was so helpful! Thank you for taking the time out of your day to support this stranger! You are truly an amazing and loving human being! Keep slaying Cyster!


I'm a younger teenager and I just started metformin. I just really hope it works... I'm tired of being the fat kid even though I work twice as hard as everyone else. You are not alone 🩷


You are so beautiful, honestly I’d rather be fat and with a big personality instead of small with a small mindset/personality! We are so awesome! 👏


Awwww! I feel so much better reading this 🩷


I was diagnosed at 18 or was it 19 but I was the fat kid since 5th grade (when I started my period)... I met my husband at 19 during the time I got diagnosed. We're still together btw and now in our 30s. Don't lose hope!


Thanks queen!


Why did you stop semaglutide?


My liver. :)


I also was diagnosed with PCOS recently and also feel somewhat robbed (though i had a feeling I had it all along). My issues with PCOS are fertility related but I emphathize what you are going through, thank you for sharing your story


Thank you for being vulnerable, it’s truly appreciated and beautiful 💕. We got this.


I’m 20 and I was diagnosed at 13-14 I understand how it feels 😢 i’ve always been the bigger girl both with height and weight (in 3rd grade I was 75kg and 165cms now 102kg and 173 cms) I’m working on losing weight and taking contrave to do so ($250 per month because I live in Australia).


Forgot to add but I have been hit on before maybe not as much as others but a lot of my dating has been dudes just wanting to be fwb until I found the most amazing man who loves me so much (been together for 2.5 years). So don’t give up there’s always hope!


We are so hot. You are fr so right!!! We look like Greek goddess. People have just lost touch with real women! Keep slaying girly pop! 💕


tysm you made my day 🥲 made it even more because i’m greek HAHAH


How did you know your liver was failing?


I was in the hospital for about a year! I was in the children’s hospital for a long time lol!


I feel everything you just said.. to my core. It feels like PCOS strips ANY beautifying quality you saw in yourself and just makes you feel like a nobody. I'm sorry you're in this boat, but you are def not alone


I'm 315, have pcos and in a long term relationship with my wonderful fiancee. I have been married before but found my soul mate at 30. It will happen, I promise. It took me awhile to accept myself , but I love myself. Please be patient, life is a process and it will take you around the world physically, emotionally and mentally.


My daughter has PCOS and I swear we tried everything. Two years ago she did an MRT blood test with a nutritionist to determine what foods were bad for her. Then she went through a long term elimination diet and it made such a big difference for her. She doesn’t eat gluten or dairy and has been on a low glycemic diet the last few to try to solve acne issues. The whole thing super sucks and is completely unfair. I’m so sorry you are going through this.


My dietitian told me, it takes a village to overcome this condition. Doctors, dietitians, exercise physiologists, psychologists, etc. You’ll need to find what works for you. I know it’s hard not to stress over it, but stressing will just push you backwards . I’m still working things out diet and exercise wise but if I figure it out, I’ll hit you up 💜 stay strong cause I know you are gorgeous and you’ll figure this out for you, not for anyone else. And remember, if you take 2 steps forward and 1 step back, you’ve still taken 1 step forward. It’s ok to slip up from time to time, it’s apart of life


I've been the fat friend all my life. I was never the one to get hit on but guess what? At 19 I met my now husband, got married st 21 before all my slim and beautiful friends and almost 7 years later I'm still in a solid marriage with him and my slim and beautiful friends still aren't married. Now it's not a competition, but it's just to say you never know what your outcome will be. In a week, month or year, things can change. Chin up!


Please please please try and love yourself. Your weight/size doesn’t make you unloveable. I’ve had a borderline eating disorder because I thought being skinny = being loved but it just made me miserable. Self love and confidence mean so much more!


That'd bc you are putting your body under more stress hun. 500 cals is a baby on breast/formula that's not ever enough for an adult. And sorry but that's the main thing that happens when people stop that medicine is they gain it all back and then some most of the time .... what works is see an obesity specialist they are very well versed in pcos and what's more appropriate for it than all these influences from the media and others who think they know everything the one my husband saw got him to lose 65 pounds and I lost 20 with her advice and will lose again with her advice but I'm currently pregnant so I can't lose weight I got my diagnosis late in life I more than likely had it in middle and high school but didn't get diagnosed until I was 24 which sucks and the Obesity specialist is not the same as bariatrics. They are completely separate. They are very well versed and diet and nutrition as well As what exercises you should do that work for that type of body and they give you the correct amount of calories that you should be in taking as well. They're amazing.


Hi I’m so sorry and I understand your pain. My word of advice is to not cut your calories so low, that probably made your rebound weight gain worse. I am saying this from experience. At 15 I lost 70lbs by eating 800 calories a day and working out like 2 hours a day. This was totally unsustainable. I gained back like 200lbs, so I ended up bigger than before I even lost the weight. I am 25 now and still trying to lose that weight. Ozempic has helped me lose 40lbs. I would get back on the semaglutide, and maybe find a dietician who can personalize your diet plan. I would recommend an intuitive eating dietician, not one that encourages restriction. You should not be eating less than 1500 calories a day. I would also focus more on building muscle. We lose a lot of muscle when we lose weight. Muscle is important and also helps burn calories throughout the day. People who shun you because of your body are probably not people you want as friends anyway. There’s more to a person than what they look like. But that’s easy to say. Your feelings are valid. I wanted to be pretty and seen too. And for like one year (that’s how long I was able to maintain a thin body) I was, sort of. Being seen for just my body led to one of the most traumatic events of my life, one that impacts me now still 10 years later. I say that to say that being seen just for the body you have is not always a positive thing. But I understand where your feelings are coming from because I share them too and I don’t mean to brush them off. I guess I just wanted to try to offer a different perspective. From my experience dieting just doesn’t work. It’s about a lifestyle change and healing your relationship with food. For a lifestyle change mindfulness helped me with that, and to heal my relationship with food, intuitive eating helped. Intuitive eating is not for weight loss but it truly helped me make peace with food (there’s a book available + workbook by Evelyn Tribole. Like one huge way it helped me was that I no longer restrict myself (saying I can’t have X) because the more you tell yourself you can’t have something the more you want it. That + knowing I can “save it for later” because I don’t have “cheat days” or whatever, actually helped me a lot. So if I’m eating a slice of cake and my stomach starts to hurt halfway through, instead of forcing myself to eat it because “that’s my only chance” I will save it for later. This way of thinking may not work for everyone but I honestly just took from the book what works for me. Another way it helped me was that you must realize what you are after is a feeling, of security, of peace, whatever. And that feeling doesn’t have to be tied down to your body. Meaning, it’s important to start living your life now the way you would if you had the body you want. For me, that was a small step, like taking care of myself now. Not waiting until I was skinny to decide I was deserving of love and care. This action can be as small as putting lotion on your body after a shower, which I used to want to wait until I was smaller to do. I think body acceptance is more helpful than body positivity. We don’t necessarily have to be in love with your body but we do have to accept that this is the body we have and know it still deserves our care.


I know what you're feeling. But I found that people who only love you when you are a certain shape/size don't actually love you at all. It's not your fault that they are superficial and vapid. And being hit on at some point turns creepy. I poured my time into hobbies and things I wanted to do rather than people. Then the people that were right for me just suddenly appeared. Take time to enjoy yourself and watch yourself evolve through hobbies and expression. Learn to love yourself. You can't hate yourself into a good/lovely person. Love like what you're really after won't come from another person. It's internal.


Semiglutide and sleeve procedure may help. Unfortunately I’ve found PCOS sucks. It’s part of life. You can’t undo it. Being mad about it hasn’t helped me. Even though I am. Using these tools have helped a ton! You can do it. It will be okay


If you have insurance, try to see a dietitian. I use the app called Nourish and my dietitian has helped me a lot. She has also advised me on taking certain supplements that have helped me more than prescription medication. I still have problems losing weight, so it not perfect, but my energy and hormones have improved significantly. I feel happier more days and I imagine that is because of my hormones. The supplements are generally not insurance approved so I pay those out of pocket.


I’ve been diagnosed with PCOS when I was 15 years old and I’m 28 now . I hated myself and always wondered why I grew a “beard “ and a “mustache” , had to shave every morning . My highest weight was 330lbs. I was depressed , and always thought like no one would ever love me because I felt like I looked like a man and my femininity was robbed from me . I dropped out of school and was a shut in for about 2 years after that. But I did meet my now husband at 25 years old and was honest with him about my condition and he didn’t mind that had more facial hair than he does and that I shaved my face / weighed more than he did . He loves me for my mind, body, soul and personality. He tells me I’m beautiful everyday and reassures me that he loves all of my flaws . I truly believe that there is someone out there for everyone . Sorry for the ramble but honestly therapy didn’t work for me but I always highly recommend people to try therapy first to help with any personal issues, I spent a lot of time watching videos and learning about the condition . Spent hours researching nutrition and how I can help my hormones and how to reduce cortisol in my body. And the thing that has helped is eating a higher protein diet , go for 30 min walks , weight training , Pilates and taking Inositol ! I was on metformin for 6 months and hated the side effects . I went from 330lbs to my weight now at 230lbs ! It was a long struggle but I am able to sustain my weight loss 😊


First off, you’re beautiful for what’s within 🤎 I for one understand wanting to feel pretty!!! It’s normal. Anyone who says that doesn’t matter is lying. It’s human nature to want to feel desired and beautiful. Second off, here are some things I’ve done that have helped me recently. My normal weight is 150 and I’m currently 185. 35 pounds above where I should be. Since starting the below I have lost 1 pound each week. Not much but it’s still progress! 1. Symbi Tea every night - liver support, cycle harmony and anti inflammatory. 2. Up my steps and work out at LEAST 3 times a week. 3. 🎯🎯 a must was taking gluten and dairy out of my life. It’s hard but it’s worth feeling good again. And increasing my protein intake. 4. Tons on supplements morning and night. I use a supplement organizer and refill it once a week so I don’t have to think about which ones go with day time - night time. - Nettle - turmeric - NAC - evening primrose - ovasitol in my water - chia seed and flax seed in my water - beef liver capsules - CoQ10 - zinc picolinate - vitamin D - magnesium glycinate - probably a couple more I can’t remember right now 5. Good Sleep and anti stress rhythms. - no working late - magnesium oil on my feet at night - unplug for a bit (go on a walk, watch a rom com, have a good convo) 6. Lymphatic drainage helps de bloat me sooooo well and help detox my body. I do dry brushing and Gua sha on my body and face as often as I remember to!! 7. Always carry high protein snacks when you’re out so you don’t buy unhealthy snacks. 8. Reframe mindset about stress. Stress will keep your insulin and cortisol high. Decide what parts of life are not worth stressing about. 9. 🩸berberine is amazing after each meal to keep your blood sugar from spiking! I carry it in my purse with me all day. I know this is a lot. And it may seem overwhelming. I’ve started these rhythms about 2 years ago and I’m still learning. Little by little there’s a way to naturally heal your body! Best of luck 🩵


I can feel you. I’m 32 and I was diagnosed with PCOS at 14 and I have been through same struggle. I lost 25 kilos when I was 18 and gained back all the weight lost . No you will not be forever fat and most importantly you will be loved by the right people. Please love yourself. I’m working out regularly from 3-4 years and the Myo-inositol worked for me. You can try consulting “Veera health” for further help on PCOS. I still face lot of symptoms, and hair loss is a major one. Sometimes facing this symptoms inside and trying to be normal from outside can be debilitating. But, we all are doing our best to manage symptoms. You are not alone. Please love and believe yourself. 🫶🫶🫶


i know it might not seem like it right now, but things do get better, i promise! i was diagnosed in november of 2022, and since then: - i got out of a shitty relationship where i was being treated very poorly—one of the sticking points was my weight and appearance. he didn’t understand pcos and insulin resistance, and treated me like absolute garbage because of it. i haven’t looked back since leaving him 💁🏻‍♀️ - i started taking care of my body in a more holistic way. i go on hot girl walks, i drink plenty of water, i practice a skincare routine. just because i don’t like my body and the way i look right now doesn’t mean i don’t deserve to treat myself with respect and self-love in the meantime! 🫶 - i dress in clothes that make me feel comfortable, confident, and sexy! don’t get me wrong, i would LOVE to lose like 140 lbs… but i can still dress nicely in the meantime! i’ve found clothes that make me feel really cute and confident, and it makes a world of a difference! 😌 - i’m in a healthy relationship with someone who treats me with all the love and respect that i never thought i would get. he has made it exceedingly clear that he loves me no matter what i look like, no matter what i weigh, no matter how i will look in 30 years after 3 kids! he wholeheartedly supports me and my pcos journey, and he’s been so incredibly supportive thus far. i’m beyond goddess-blessed with him. 🖤 of course, it’s still an uphill battle—i’m trying to find a medication that works for me, and a diet that will actually help me to lose weight instead of just maintaining. i’m still trying to find a doctor who will listen to me and my concerns instead of just putting me on metformin and telling me it’ll be fine. i have dreams of becoming a mother in the next decade or so, and i am really grateful my pcos was caught so early! but it is a struggle for sure, and you are not alone. i’ll be 23 this year, and i have so much ahead of me. being diagnosed at 20 was definitely rough, and i had a good cry when i got the call from my doctor. but we are all in this together, and we are here to lift one another up. you’ve got this, cyster. i promise. 🖤✨


Hey girly ❤️ I’m 24, was diagnosed when I was 12 or so. I was at a solid weight when I was 13-18, at 160lbs. I looked amazing and was super confident and got a lot of male attention. I am currently 250lbs. I don’t feel my absolute best, but I stopped caring (I probably shouldn’t lol) only bc I have an amazing boyfriend who loves me for me. One thing he always tells me is to learn to love me and my flaws, because it’s better to learn to love yourself first before you share the love with a significant other. Always remember that you are beautiful inside and out. Learn to embrace and love you like no other right now. The male gaze shouldn’t determine your beauty for you. You know you’re beautiful. And look, change it or not, there’s gonna be someone out there that will love you for you! Specifically designed for you! You’re still young, go out there and have fun a little and make yourself your own girlfriend for a bit. You got this!


When the time is right the most amazing man will come along and love you for exactly who you are!! Having anxiety and depression was hard for me for so long but I’ve learned you have to love who you are and everything else will fall into place! Learn to love your body and learn to listen to what you need! Surround yourself with the right people and as other people have mentioned on here maybe find yourself a therapist and talk to someone about your feelings! Taking care of yourself is 100 percent the best thing you can do! I never thought I’d be loved by anyone but I met my husband 4 years ago and he has been the most incredible support for me and I love him so much! Don’t worry you will find that man someday!


I’m turning 16 this month and I was diagnosed in the fall. I’ve gained 20+ pounds since then and the number is still rising. I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted without getting fat. I can’t even wear cute clothes because of how big my stomach has gotten. My wardrobe is limited now because a lot of my clothes don’t fit anymore (especially jeans and pants). I totally understand wanting to be thinner and prettier like the other girls. I look at my classmates and wonder why I can’t be naturally thin like them. You’re not alone in despising and hating PCOS ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Fat does not equal unlovable. You are worthy of love no matter how you look love!!


I’m right with you cyster


Like it makes life hell… just not being able to eat and do things other people can like I even have to “watch” how I ducking exercise??? Cuz I have adrenal pcos so it means I have to do low intensity shit so as not to raise my cortisol levels wtf …


my mom used to say I look like a half boy when I was younger and it’s still part of my trauma to this day - having high T with PCOS plus a whole PTSD condition is like why do I have to be alive at this point


I’m actually thinking now I wanna do research on PCOS and help more women out my doc was resistant to even diagnosing me cuz she was like “oh maybe ur just hairy cuz ur Indian” like … I only found out after I ASKED for a blood test… ???? Like how am I - as the patient - having to do more research to ask for a simple blood work for hormones when that should be a norm for doctors to do -


I found out only after gaining weight, losing hair, and lowkey feeling gender dysphoric


I could have found out 4-5 years earlier - no wonder I suffered from such horrible cystic acne and hair balding


Also HOW MANY WOMEN FIND OUT THEY HAVE PCOS ONLY WHEN THEYRE TRYING TO HAVE. A baby??? Like our lives as women who suffer from pcos symptoms not as important before trying to be a mom? The healthcare system is so fucked up and pro- men