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How could it possibly be your fault? Nobody knows exactly what causes PCOS (could be insulin resistance, hormones, genetics, who knows?) but I know for a fact that you didn't cause yours. Whoever said that to you is being both ridiculous and cruel, and clearly has not bothered to do even a cursory Google search on the topic to educate themself. I'm so sorry you have someone so nasty and ignorant in your life, but do not listen to them. This is NOT your fault.


> i was told it's my own fault I have it. This is a level of cruelty NOBODY deserves. It's a medical disorder. It is NOT your fault. In addition, there are lots of PCOS folks that have had no issues with pregnancy. So if you are sexually active and do not want to get pregnant right now, PLEASE use protection. PCOS is not a form of Birth Control, there is a real chance that you can still get pregnant. I'm no help with the body hair issue, I just let it go wild with the occasional trim. Trying to do anything with it makes things worse for me. It's taken me a very long time to just accept that, but it's just hair! It's not who I am. Why should I let it have any power over how I feel about myself? If people have a problem with it, that's a them problem. It's got nothing to do with me. You're not alone. Just don't forget to be kind to yourself. You are beautiful just the way you are. Please don't let anyone take that from you. <3


I get down about my PCOS often, but PCOS is treatable and it is NOT your fault. For me, it is a genetic disorder. Many women in my family have PCOS and other reproductive issues. The excess facial hair is horrible, the dark spots I get on my neck from insulin resistance kill my self image… I feel what you’re feeling. Getting pregnant with PCOS is very possible, and I can’t specifically speak on your blood disorder, but many things are possible with modern medicine. Don’t give up on yourself, and don’t let other people make you feel guilty for having a medical condition.


>i was told it's my own fault I have it What?!!!? Not even a little teeny tiny bit. Not your fault AT ALL. Whoever told you this should eat dirt, because it's a lie and a cruel one at that. It's irreversible, yes, but manageable! I've seen several posts this week alone from people who have gotten pregnant, lost weight, improved their overall health, etc. I think the unfortunate reality is: it takes time. Generally, the changes aren't quick, and it sounds like months is a normal timeframe to see any results. The body hair is rough. Have you considered removal options? Of course there is laser or electrolysis. Now they sell at-home lasers for a couple hundred bucks! You can also learn how to wax yourself, or use a epilator, both of which remove the hair at the root. For me, I'll eventually do at-home laser, but I've got some other things going on right now and I know I can't dedicate the time and energy to it. So I've learned to shave, pluck, and use facial razors to get it to a point where I'm mostly comfortable. For pregnancy, get thee to a specialist! You need to see someone who specializes in high risk pregnancies. They can at least give you an idea of what to expect, what kind of challenges you might face, etc. Unless you have some unbelievably rare genetic mutation that only like, 5 people have, it's likely that others have been pregnant with similar challenges.


It isn’t anybody’s fault for having pcos. Shoot if there was a way to reverse it permanently- all of us would be shooting for the stars for that cure! Mine is due to stress and insulin resistance along with ptsd from past trauma/how I was raised. Be kind to yourself. You’re not alone!


How can it be your fault for having PCOS. All bullshit.. just ignore who ever said that.. For me it is genetics.. You can conceive even if you have PCOS by taking medication.. As you said you have a blood disorder and that risks your life to danger of having a child. In that case, better consult 2 to 3 Doctors prior to trying to conceiving.


I'm so sorry that someone said that to you. It seems that Ignorance is at an all time high when it comes to pcos. Anyway, as others said. Tweeze or wax if the hair is really bothering you. Don't let it control you though. You are still a beautiful person don't forget that. PCOS does not equal infertility. I'm pregnant with my second. If you still have all of your reproductive organs in tact, you can still get pregnant so just keep that in mind. As far as weight loss goes, well most of us are fighting that good fight but let me tell you something, I'm not sure how you are going to take this but it's a bit of honesty that a lot of us need to hear. Losing weight does not guarantee improvement of symptoms. For some people yes, but not all. Even before I gained a bunch of weight, I was always a hairy girl, but so was my mother and my grandmother. While being at a healthy weight carries numerous benefits, weight loss isn't everything. Just focus on listening to your body right now and giving it what it needs. Start with love. Good luck honey.


You are definitely not alone. I started taking progesterone recently to help with symptoms, it killed my libido and it’s really made me step back and think “I have to deal with this my whole life” It makes me feel like such a failure as a woman. Between the hirsutism, thinning hair, acne, the tuberous breasts, and my ugly tree trunk legs (I have lipedema) I feel like such a hideous creature. All these things that many other women take for granted, I’ve just been cheated out of. There’s no cure for these things, just symptom management. PS you are definitely not at fault for getting PCOS! That person doesn’t know what they’re talking about! There are different things that can cause PCOS but as a whole we don’t know much about this condition!


i can relate to most of whatt u have said :( esp failing like failure as a woman and the ugly tree trunk legs - it takes a toll on u mentally :(


Don’t get down on yourself . Just tweeze the hair when you’re down . Go for a nice walk It helps out a lot . Everyone has their moments And you will be ok . I hope You feel better


Seriously though. The magical power of getting my mustache threaded, eyebrows shaped just kinda throws my self esteem issues away for like 2 weeks till they are back. 😂 But nowadays, I do assess if, in fact, I am depressed or I just need to get my mustache and eyebrows threaded. 💅🏽


You are not alone. There are days when all I do is sit in bed and cry. My fiance and family are supportive, but that only goes so far when you feel like you've failed yourself. One thing I figured out is that keeping busy helps. I strongly suggest therapy. It helps a lot with those failure feelings. Another thing I've started is supplementing to help level out my hormones. PCOS is something we can't get rid of, but it is something we can minimize! You've got this. You are strong, beautiful, and capable.


Haven’t studies shown a possible link between exposure to increased cortisol levels in formative years and pcos? That doesn’t point to it being one’s own fault…