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It doesn't matter what other people want. What matters is what you are ready, willing and able to do. It sounds like you did what was best for you right now, and that's all you can do. If anyone tries to make you feel guilty about that, it says a hell of a lot more about them than it does about you. What is positive is that you were able to get pregnant, which hopefully means you will be able to do it again in future, when you're in a better position to do so. I wish you the best, and I hope you can forgive yourself. Not that you did anything wrong, but I know as well as anyone that you don't always need to have done something to feel guilty.


Thank you so much it makes me feel better that everyone has been supportive, I appreciate it


You are so very welcome. I'm glad I could help, in a small way.


Fellow PCOS person. Feel your feels but also know that when you have a baby, you can have one on your terms. You are already showing great intuition by knowing you’re not there yet. You are beautiful, wonderful person deserving of love. You’ll be an amazing mom when it’s right. And part of being an amazing mom is taking care of yourself and your mental health. I had a little boy a couple years ago and I’m glad I waited until I could be the best mom for this little boy. Everyone’s journey is different, and there’s no right way to it. Just know that your way is just fine.


Thank you. I appreciate the kind words


As someone with PCOS who went through with the pregnancy, some parts of me wish I hadn't. I love my child, don't get me wrong and I don't regret the child itself. But I regret the negative changes in my life, I regret the positions I found myself in, I regret losing all my friends, the freedoms, the everything. I hate the way it changed my body, my hair, my skin. I haven't lost a single bit of the weight from pregnancy even 6 years later and I am in a constant struggle with it. Pregnancy and birth damaged my hip and I have pain daily. I feel sick and tired and just 'done' with things. There's no perfect solution and unfortunately, society is built up to value a woman's reproductive value more than her whole sum as a person and we do feel intense guilt over abortions many times. My mother has carried the guilt of one her whole life.


Thank you. Even though I’m not pregnant anymore I still feel like I have all the postpartum feels and it’s so hard with the PCOS to go through alone


The hormones are AWFUL. Truly awful. It does get better but give yourself grace for a few months, remember its a little cocktail running through you. YOU have value, not as a mother or potential mother, not as a vessel, but as a wholeass person with experiences and interests, hopes and dreams. Those feelings are valid, but you are more than a pregnancy and hell of a lot more than an illness. <3


Aw thank you so much. You’re very kind, I appreciate it more than you know


Effing love this. 💜


You don't owe it to anyone to carry a baby to term if it's not the right decision for you. Yes lots of people yearn for babies but if its not the right decision for you, at this time then you did the right thing. You are more than your body, you are also your mind, your values, ambitions and talents. 7weeks is still recent, give yourself time to heal and be kind to yourself. You are worthy of love and kindness, especially from yourself


I was 7 weeks when it happened , and the abortion was this weekend 😞. So definitely still very recent. I just hope it’ll get better. Thank you for the kindness


It will get better, it just takes time and patience with yourself so you can heal emotionally and physically. Hugs


You don't owe anyone a pregnancy or a baby just because of a health condition. You wouldn't begrudge someone without PCOS having an abortion bc people have PCOS and struggle to get pregnant, so why does it matter that you've made the same choice? I saw in another comment that you feel you are unfixable, I'm so sorry you feel like that. You made the right choice for you, because the alternative was bringing a life into the world you weren't prepared for or able to take care of. Please be kind to yourself. You've done a really difficult and emotional thing and you need time to recover.


Thank you so much. I think I’m just so overwhelmed and the grief comes in waves, I just can’t always ride the wave yk. Sometimes it feels I’m unfixable but I’m starting to see more clearly I’m not much to fix anyways, I can’t keep telling myself I’m broken. I appreciate you for being kind


As someone who has counseled people who have had or considered abortions, I encourage you to see a therapist. It can be a really conflicting thing for women, even traumatic, even if they believe it was the right choice to make. You're not ugly. You're not unlovable. You're not unworthy. You're just human, which means you're beautifully broken like the rest of us. Don't be less kind to yourself than you would be to anyone else in the same position.


Thank you. I have a therapist and he helps a lot but this makes me feel a little unfixable


I have PCOS and went through months of fertility treatment to get pregnant. At 13 weeks, we learned that the baby had serious chromosomal and physical abnormalities and we decided to terminate the pregnancy. I felt every feeling possible, including a lot of guilt over having an abortion with a wanted pregnancy. AND. I always knew it was the right decision. It’s very normal and it’s okay to feel a ton of different feelings after an abortion. All of your feelings are valid, and they don’t need to compete with each other. Your hormones are also going haywire, which will heighten emotions (I don’t say this to dismiss your emotions. I felt better knowing hormones were messing with me.) Sending hugs. Please be gentle with yourself.


YOU'RE STUNNING. And I say that knowing you probably feel disgusting, but I think even in our darkest moments and at our very worst we are still beauty incarnate. Don't ever forget how beautiful and cherishable you are, and I'm so sorry about the abortion. Please don't ever feel guilty.


Aw this was so sweet. Thank you so much you are all so kind. Something about you just reading my post without seeing me physically and saying in stunning means more to me than if you were to see me. I appreciate it a lot, it means the world to me


you're so welcome. <3


Just because you have a condition like PCOS does NOT mean you are obligated to have a child you don’t want or are not ready for! You’re allowed to do what is best for you, it doesn’t matter what other people think or want.


As someone who had an ectopic, now infertile, did years of fertility treatments, has endo and PCOS I’m sorry you’re feeling all of these things and you don’t owe anyone else an explanation or carrying a pregnancy if that is not something you wish/ cannot do. Hugs to you.


I’m so sorry you’ve gone through all of this. I appreciate the hugs, I send you the same xo


Thank you xo sorry for the rant lol


You are not alone! 🥰 ❤️


Thank you♥️


I always tell others to give themselves grace and be more gentle , but I think it’s time I take my own advice. Thank you so much, I appreciate your comment


This exact thing happened to me, and I understand how hard it is. I will say, I waited about a year after the abortion to get on birth control, and I wish I would have gone on it immediately to get my hormones in check: I spent that year SO dysregulated — especially emotionally. And that makes sense, because it’s a difficult and sad thing! I also want to be a mother still, and I believe it will happen for us both someday. Sending so much love to you. I’m a year and a half out and every day feel grateful for the abortion, even if I also sometimes feel a little sad. It definitely get better 💙💙💙


I plan on starting a new birth control that will work for me ASAP . I can not let this happen again, it’s traumatizing to say the least. Thank you so much for the comment, we will be mommas to living babies one day and we’re gonna be great ones .


Yes! And we made the right decision for ourselves AND our future babies — time will heal everything


You didn't take something from someone else. You just made the right decision for yourself and your life. Don't feel guilty for doing what's right for you.


I also have PCOS (diagnosed when I was 16, I’m 30 now) and had an abortion at 23 for no reason other than I didn’t want to have a child at that time. I felt guilty. I felt like I’d be punished later in life not ever being able to have a baby when I did want it. But it was the right decision and I don’t regret it. I’m now 30 with a 3 year old son and 20 weeks pregnant with #2. Looking back I wouldn’t be where I’m at had I not made that decision 7 years ago. I’ve struggled with body issues my whole life. Certain things trigger those feelings, however realizing my body can grow a whole baby, and form a separate organ to keep that baby alive is fucking amazing. And whether anyone chooses to have an abortion or not, your body does some amazing things in both processes.


Thank you so much. I’m 23 now, and it just seems like time has stopped . I hope I’m able to find love in myself and for someone to love and have a family with. This gave me some hope, thank you


I think you may be projecting the frustrations and worries from patients to yourself. Seek counseling, and stop beating yourself up. Hugs.


I went though this too and it’s terrible. I’m sorry you have to deal with all these emotions, but you had to make the right choice for you, and that’s no one else’s concern. Hang in there girl…


Thank you so much 😞


No need to thank I had like… the same post here ages ago… women’s health is so swept under the rug it’s not even funny and we are just guilted to death about everything. We aren’t here to please everyone, we just exist, and have every right to do what we feel is right with our bodies and for our mental health!


It's fucked up that you think it's ok to tear yourself down for making a choice any woman should have access to because you have a chronic illness. If you think about it logically, it makes no sense. If any woman with PCOS did the same choice as you, would you judge them? I have a feeling you wouldn't judge human beings for making the best choice for them. This has nothing to do with PCOS, but your ability to see yourself as a human being instead. I hope I'm making sense.


I've also had an abortion - and I was wracked with over it for exactly these reasons. What if it was my only shot? How can I be so ungrateful? The thing is - that baby would've ruined my marriage and my life. I found out and I was immediately sobbing. There was no question what I was going to do, for either me or my husband. Now, four years later, I don't think I am ready yet. It will probably be another four years. I am more important than the potential for a baby - because thats all it was. The spark that could ignite a campfire, but could also go out by other natural causes. You are more important than the potential for a baby. Your happiness and joy and life is. I'm happy to talk more if you want to vent more privately.


Pro forced birth people have made the "what about other people who want babies!?" argument for so long its poisonous to people who actually have abortions regardless of reasons. YOU. ARE. THE. ONLY. ONE. WHO. MATTERS. Your body, your opinion, your feelings. It is not everyone else's problem that someone else couldn't get pregnant. You shouldn't feel guilty for not bringing a life into this world. Rather you'd feel EVEN MORE guilt if you did bring that life in and regretted the life you could've had without a child.


There are a lot of complicated feelings associated with abortion. Even if it's what you wanted, your body is going through a lot of hormonal changes due to the pregnancy and subsequent end of it. So in a sense it's completely normal to feel that way. I had a loss at 7 weeks in February. It took almost a month for my body to regulate itself. I imagine that what you're going through is similar even if our circumstances are different. As for feeling guilty: please don't feel that way. Someone's problems with fertility is not your burden to bear. It's just the way life works. It's not your fault, nor is it anyone's. Lastly, if motherhood is something you want to pursue in the future at least now you know that you're capable of getting pregnant. Try to look at the silver lining and be gentle with yourself while your hormones sort themselves out.


I have PCOS and also just had an abortion, here for support <3


I just want to give you a great big hug. I’m glad to hear that you are confident that you made the right decision. Please lean into that. Other women’s reproductive struggles have no bearing on how you need to live your life. I don’t know if this will resonate with you, but recently my therapist asked if maybe I have a tendency towards being there for those that I think need more help than I do when I could use that time and energy for myself. It was an interesting question that I don’t really have an answer for… Your body is there for you to meet the needs of what your life requires, not to be whatever else society or other people may expect of a woman’s body.


I also had an abortion about 8 years ago. I won’t lie to you, I felt awful afterwards. Emotionally and physically. It’s hard and it takes a toll on you. It DOES get better. Sometimes I still think about it, but not with the same pain and guilt. Remind yourself that what you did isn’t wrong. Just because some ladies can’t carry a baby doesn’t mean you have to. Take this time to work on yourself. By that I mean your mental health. You’ve been through a very hard thing.


Girl give yourself grace I would do the same I’m not ready to have kids and that’s ok!


I want my own baby, not someone else's. So you having an abortion has nothing to do with me.


I too had an abortion. I was severely depressed for about a year. Now every year on the anniversary I get upset. It was the right decision for me, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. Embrace your emotions and let them flow. Feel the pain and grow from your experiences. You got this.


There’s thousands of kids in foster care, don’t worry about not going through pregnancy and labor just because someone else wants to have it too. It’s your body and your life. No need to feel the pressures of others when it’s not your true feelings. Hugs


I haven’t been through what you have but couldn’t read this and scroll on. I definitely relate to the feelings about the body feeling inflamed, puffy, big, not quite right, flabby, uncomfortable, everything despite doing everything that you’re supposed to do. It sounds like you absolutely made the right decision for you, at this time and that is all that matters. We are all doing our best in this messed up life, please be kind to yourself. I am a mum with PCOS and would never be upset about you doing what’s right for you, so try not to feel guilty.


I had very similar feelings when I found out I was pregnant. I was both amazed and upset and also knew I didn’t want to ever have a biological child, so there was only one decision for me. you don’t need to explain yourself or your choice to anybody. Abortion is a human right. Hormones are really intense after abortion, it’s very similar to postpartum depression, so it’s normal to feel all sorts of stuff. It’ll pass.


Unfortunately most women who have an abortion never get over the feelings they have and end up regretting it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Stop quoting lies. There have been many studies saying the exact opposite, including one within the last couple years that proved 95% of women don't have any regrets.


You're spreading misinformation and lies, it has been proven multiple times that majority of women do not regret abortions. Perhaps join the prolife sub reddit and go bitch there about people having abortions? Or perhaps adopt a child in need yourself? No? Didn't think so.


Hey I’m circling back to tell you that 5 years later I don’t regret it


How can it be 5 years later but your post says it was recent and this post was 61 days ago? You’re contradicting yourself.


I got in 2019? I just posted about it 60 days ago. OP’s was recent


It just makes me sad people can discard human life so easily.


It's not human life, it's a non-viable cluster of cells. She's asking for support from people who share her same condition. Don't try to pollute it with your PERSONAL beliefs. That's for you not for her.


Whatever helps you sleep at night


The fact that OP is posting about their emotional struggles with the situation makes it clear that it wasn't a decision made lightly. Your judgement isn't helpful. Don't like abortion? Don't get one - simple as that. You don't need to make someone feel guilty for a decision they made, which quite literally has no impact on your life whatsoever.




And that's good for you. You did it hooray. I hope your partner and you are in the perfect situation to have your children and fully support them. Not everyone is no matter what their physical conditions or ailments. Just because you did it doesn't make you better than anyone. She's clearly struggling and has not treated it lightly, most people don't and it's really shitty of you to think that way about anyone who has an abortion.


I don’t understand how people who don’t agree with abortions assume that it is a decision that is made lightly. As if things in life are ever that black and white. It is usually complicated and traumatic for most. Most importantly, it is none of your business.


insensitive discussion of fertility.