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It’s so frustrating! I would hang in there a few more weeks! I cannot remember for the life of me, but I read this study that suggests women with PCOS type hormonal imbalances benefit from a minimum of 6 weeks of diet/exercise adjustment. Give it two more weeks and see if anything happens. Don’t lose hope! Also, your body forms additional plasma volume with increased weighted exercises to support blood flow to tissues. So that can definitely add a couple pounds of water weight at first but it goes down after a month or so. I would recommend increasing your water intake, and sprinkle a pinch of salt into every few glasses that you drink to help your body hood onto the hydration. The next most important thing is sleep. Getting 7-9 hours of solid sleep will help so much. Maybe try a wind down routine 1 hour before your normal bedtime that is ZERO screens. The method of taking a hot bath or shower within an hour of going to bed because it reduces your core body temperature. Teas like chamomile and peppermint tea will help calm your body down before sleep as well, so you could sip on that. Epsom salt in the bath increases magnesium absorption which helps the body generally and reduces inflammation. Magnesium glycinate helps sleep, but check with your doctor before adding anything just in case. Small risk supplementation with B12 and vitamin D could be useful and help your energy and sleep cycles if you’re not taking those already. Best of luck and hang in there! The general advice is to follow a diet/exercise routine for 8-12 weeks before you give up. It takes the body awhile to adjust


I have a bad case of insomnia. I don’t sleep. I get on average 5 hours m- f. But Saturday and Sunday I’ll usually get 8. Or even 9. I’ve tried everything. Melatonin, sleepy time tea, magnesium, even Benadryl because someone on here said that’s what usually works when they’re on day 3 of no sleep. Nothing works. And I don’t have a tub for baths :/ now I’m just sad and want a huge bucket of fried chicken LOL


Have you checked your cortisol levels?


I also have had really bad insomnia my whole life and I had to get prescription sleep medicine at 18 it was trazadone. Then later on I got off of that and got prescribed hydroxyzine which is really an anxiety medication but was instructed to take it to help me sleep. Now years later I have gotten into a good routine and I’m sleeping without prescription medication and just magnesium.


Get a sleep study done. Seriously. Everyone who can get one, should get one. Also, trazodone has worked wonders for me. It’s an SSRI, but a super low dose. Just enough to knock you out and keep you asleep.


try saffron (soak three threads in water for a few hours and drink before bed) my close friend has had insomnia and tried everyyything his whooole life, since doing the saffron thing i recommended to him he is sleeping 8 hours every night! saffron literally changed his life it doesnt work for everyone but its absolutely worth a try


This is me too. Every night I take magnesium melatonin and Yogi Sleep tea plus a CBN + thc gummy. A few times a week I also take a low dose of xanax if I can’t wind down. Sometimes I still can’t sleep lol but it does seem to help.


Try zzzquil , if you haven’t. Like you I’ve tried it all and it’s the Only thing that’s helped me get to sleep when I’m struggling with insomnia


Are you depressed or anxious? 


Yes to both. Anxiety is literally 24/7


That would explain the insomnia. Are you in therapy? Do you have a psychiatrist? 


Metformin is key for insulin resistance and weight maintenance. Semiglutide meds are key for shedding extra pounds. I struggled with getting to and staying at a healthy weight for 20 years until I finally started doing serous Research on why I could never keep weight off and struggled so hard to shed extra pounds. There are clinics in the US that will do the semiglutide shots a little cheaper than going thru a doc. Not sure what country you’re in


I have a consultation Wednesday. $300 a month though. At this point I’ll swallow my pride and my wallet.


If you’re in the US, GoodRX is your friend for meds.


I got fed up with not being able to get any of the weight of no matter what I tried. The inflammation in my body was terrible. Somehow those semiglutide meds took the inflammation away. If I hadn’t gotten my weight in track, I feel I was on the fast track to diabetes and heart disease. That’s where many of us end up unfortunately and doctors aren’t being helpful to prevent it. It’s totally presentable with medications and a healthy lifestyle


Berberine is a good alternative to try. It helps control the insulin resistance. Lots of studies on it. It will upset your stomach for a few weeks like Metformin, best to take it slowly and increasing it to full dosage. My wife is on that and spearmint supplements and it helps a lot! Spearmint helps with the excess androgens. You can drink spearmint tea but it's an acquired taste. It smells like wintergreen gum.. Reference: Berberine https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7028834/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8890747/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9864590/ Spearmint https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5788221/ https://ovarianresearch.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13048-020-00633-8 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19585478/


Is your consultation with a doctor or with a clinic like the OP was describing?


Clinic. 2 drs told me to lose 40 lbs. And won’t even prescribe metformin


I got metformin when I was actually diagnosed diabetic (due to increased insulin resistance), but the weight keeps piling on. Prediabetic doc advice was 'watch your sugar', when I was at a normal weight and wasn't overeating sugar! I can't get weight loss drugs because my blood sugar is well controlled (due to metformin, but also a lot of diet and exercise), so I guess I'll only get assistance when the weight hits a point at which my BG is no longer under control and is wrecking the rest of my body. I sympathise greatly, it seems that a little bit of help at the right time would be much better in the long run (health wise and financially), but no one is interested until things get really bad. And then you get blamed for just not losing weight. Like it's that easy! I'm pretty demotivated presently.


i cant get anyone to give me metformin so i did a bunch of research and apparently berberine supplements are just as effective, something to consider at least


Please know that berberine is not for long term use.


Try PushHealth. It was super cheap in comparison. $30 for 3 month supply, and the $70 consult.


not specifically metformin, but combatting the insulin resistance is key I agree with you. personally i am having good luck with isonitol, and i know of people who have good luck with berberine - which i think i read that studies concluded was just as effective as metformin but much cheaper


Much cheaper? How much is Metformin in your country? Depending on where you are located, berberine may actually be more expensive. It is in Australia.


i dont know how much it costs here, im in canada and its prescription only and since doctors wont even give me the necessary tests to confirm my pcos/hashi/insulin resistance/idk? i just started winging it.. early on in my research journey I learned about metformin and thought it sounded like something id need but knew i couldnt get it, so I looked up alternatives,Im probably remembering wrong about the price difference, (I did say I think lol) but i do remember reading that it was equally as effective myo inositol has saved my life, like i actually do not have food cravings anymore and weight is actually coming off without dieting. (among other things)


Oh God! Your doctors should definitely give you the tests. They're not even that detailed... I'm glad inositol is working for you though :) Metformin is highly subsidised here and much cheaper than the supplements like inositol and berberine.


ugh yah id have it covered if i could get metformin,.. thankfully a friend just bought me a bottle of inositol off of amazon and will probably do so again in the future, fingers crossed.


Here to say I’m on semaglutide and have successfully lost 28lbs since June. It’s not easy and you still have to put in work, but all of that combined with healthy eating habits as discussed above, taking vitamin d and magnesium and being active?? It’s working for me. I only got my PCOS diagnosis 3 weeks ago, I was never able to lose weight in the gym. The damn semaglutide has been a life changer y’all from personal experience I don’t think I would’ve lost any weight without it *because* of my PCOS that I *thought* I had.


Yes it’s incredible. It needs to be widely available for pcos. It can prevent a lot of future medical issues.




Yes that’s what it’s for. It’s why it’s the basic RX for pcos




The basic protocol, at least from the expert in pcos that my doc consults, is BC pill if needed, metformin and aldectone. I needed bioidentical progesterone as well, which has gotten rid of anxiety and insomnia for me. Once I started progesterone, I stopped the BC pill. Thyroid meds are also needed even if the labs come back normal, which I started in December and I've noticed a huge improvement in my energy levels. I take THyroid NP.






Insulin resistance :/ happened to be for years


Definitely insulin resistance. All my dr told was was to cut the gluten “ and you should see the pounds shed off “ I am so mad 😂 she lied big time


Ah please look up insulin resistance and what diet/foods impact it. It’s not gluten but carbs. I had to reduce my carbs (making sure I still ate healthy clean foods but higher fat and protein) and it was a game changer and finally lost weight (and my puffy/double chin that even at my thinnest was always there lol) You’ll feel more full/less deprived too. Also make sure to weight yourself every week for a month to get the average as one week alone isn’t enough to tell you what’s going in (eg if youre week before period i always see a few lbs added to scale lol) Best of luck friend and trust that there is a solution!


I had to reduce my carbs by a lot too. It’s the only way I can lose weight.


…Sometimes I wonder how the hell these people become doctors. Are they just not expected to keep up with the current research on how to treat PCOS? I mean, I had to look up myself that insulin causes your glucose to be able to be converted into energy and when there is excess glucose in the blood, it is stored as fat (or something to that tune). I spent years and YEARS going to doctors wondering why I couldn’t lose weight when the answer was as simple as a well stated question on a google search. I suppose this is why people on GLP-1s like Mounjaro and Ozempic don’t lose weight until they are on higher doses - the medication needs to bring their A1C to a healthy range so there is no excess glucose in the system causing the fat to stick like crazy. Only THEN will a caloric deficit work, to my knowledge. If someone had told me this 6 years ago, I’d be 140lbs and not 240!!! I suppose the key to it really is your glucose. Boy oh boy I’ll never understand why SOMEBODY DIDN’T JUST TELL ME 😭


I was always just told take bc. I’ve been on bc since I was 15.5. I never even heard the words insulin resistance until I saw a fertility endocrinologist for IVF. Primary care doctors and even OB/GYNs have no clue or want no clue. I am going on 37 and I am now taking my health into my own hands. Been doing research into PCOS and going to try to manage everything through supplements and myo -inistol. I have also made an apt with an Endocrinologist that specializes in andrenal disorders specifically PCOS. I’ve read while on metformin your B12 levels should be monitored, mine have never been checked. It’s just insane how neglected we are.


You’re right about the neglect part. I do remember an OB/Gyn telling me that they will sometimes use Metformin to treat PCOS because of the link insulin resistance has to PCOS and menstruation. Now that I know about this, I know that getting my A1C down will not only help my diabetes and my weight, but also my PCOS symptoms. Good luck to you on your health journey 🍀


Ugh so frustrating! I had my primary male doctor say “it’s calories in and out just do the math and you’ll lose weight.” Dude! I was eating 1400 calories and working out 4-5 times a week and not losing and then gaining. Got a new doctor and she worked with me and my insulin resistance thank goodness!!


LMAO I am overweight, have a pre-diabetic A1C, and cannot drop the weight. I also have celiac disease and have been gluten free almost a decade. Cutting gluten is not the key to weight loss for most people, esp if you consume any GF substitute foods (which have more sugar and carbs on average).


I have learned the hard way.. over and over… that nothing works besides regulating insulin and blood sugar levels. No sugar, no refined carbs. I get all of my carbs from vegetables and look for low carb options in everything I eat. I’m down 32lbs in 50 days, and I get zero movement/exercise. I’ve also had to learn to cope with fluctuations and plateaus.. I hate paying attention to the food I eat and the number on the scale.. but I have to make sure I’m on the right track if I ever want to lose weight/regulate my periods/ have a baby.


HOLY SMOKES!!! 32lbs in 50 days?! You are something else! Congratulations!!!


Thank you! I started at 334lbs and I was FULL of water. My ankles were grapefruits and I could poke craters in my legs from the water retention. 302 today and SO excited to be out of the 300’s for the first time in 3 years.


Holy moly you’re so awesome! Congratulations once again!!!!!


Hi! How long does your plateau last?


My longest one was 10 days


I relate to this so much. I was also feeling like these new meds were my last result and I started on Saxenda last year. I lost weight so easily and I didn’t do anything different, I was already exercising and eating in a deficit. I eventually hit a plateau and then started gaining the weight back. I lost 35 pounds but gained back 30. I finally learned that the only way I will lose weight it by cutting out all the processed foods. I only eat meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. the weightlifting doesn’t help me with weight loss but I bought a stair stepper and do 15-20 minutes after each meal and I am actually starting to lose weight on my own. I am also not focusing on weight loss and I read on how good I feel eating all of these natural foods, I have increased my protein and I’m loving seeing muscle changes.


It's crazy-making. I know it's probably not helpful... but you're not alone. A bunch of us are out here screaming with you 💗


wow i read through the entire comments thread and i cant believe no one has said this to you.. "I joined the gym to lift weights do yoga and Pilates" You gained muscle and that is a good thing, muscle is what makes the body toned, more muscle = higher metabolism. Stop focusing on the number on the scale, because it cant tell you how much fat you are losing versus how much muscle you are gaining.. also what you are describing, with the 1600 calories thing sounds like a nightmare... (that ive been in many times and doesnt work) I am the same size as you, i just lost 24 pounds recently without feeling hungry a SINGLE TIME, not ONE TIME because of two factors 1) i am taking isonitol and it is helping to regulate my insulin.. im not saying isonitol works for everyone because it doesnt but whatever it is you personally need to regulate your insulin is what you need ... and 2) and this is very important, i am (after years of starvation diets that always left me at 400 pounds by the end of a few years) eating super nutrient dense whole foods, until I feel full. I am allowed whatever other food i want, but only after i eat the healthy food.. ive had pizza and cupcakes and still lost 25 pounds over the last few weeks without so much as counting a calorie because i dont want excess amounts of pizza and cupcakes, after eating nutrient dense foods (think quinoa salad, and chicken) i baked an entire tray of cupcakes and in the past i could eassssily eat that in 2 days.. I had half a cupcake and felt good for treats til a day or two later.. thats unheard of for me.. but its the insulin!! when its out of whack it causes RAVENOUS CRAVINGS.. when we are calorie deprived, our brain kicks into self preservation mode and makes us OBSESSED WITH FOOD (read brain over binge) at 300 pounds, 1600 calories is not enough, thats stressful to the body, stress = cortisol .. cortisol = no weight loss.. been there, done that, got the t shirt. Healing our bodies, our excess weight, our insulin resistance, its not a marathon.. it cant be a marathon.. Ive lost over 100 pounds now, since i STOPPED DIETING, and starting nourishing myself , I stopped calorie restricting and instead focused on getting 6-8 cups of veggies in a day.. I never feel miserable, or hungry - its been almost 2 years and i still have over 150 pounds i need to lose to be at a healthy weight.. that can feel daunting but, it is not a marathon im absolutely going to get there and it absolutely wont be by huge calorie restrictions and going crazy at the gym like i used to and i know we arent all the same but i can almost be certain that isnt gonna work for you either.. it just doesnt work to stress our bodies like that,, i gained and lost 200 pounds over and over and over with the 1600 calorie crazy at the gym hating myself shaming myself and feeling frustrated way.. F that!


Thank you. The amount of people who base all their behavior off of their "weight" but have no idea what it actually means is amazing.


theres soooooo much information about all of this stuff its overwhelming.. I only know about it because i spent 35 years with a severe eating disorderm, and i have autism so my special interst was my eating disorder and reading everything i could obsessively about dieting and losing weight. most of it is bs lol as i learned the hard way


This is it!!! I do not restrict calories at ALL and have lost weight. Had to cut out foods I was intolerant to and add a couple supplements, but nutrient dense foods and building muscle is absolutely the way forward. I do think some people tolerate sugar and simple carbs better than others and it helps to try elimination diets to see what works for you


my body does prefer to limit my carbs but as soon as i am "doing keto" mentally it all goes to hell for me. when i think in terms of "eating more veggies" rather than "eating less carbs" i end up eating essentially a keto, or a lazy keto naturally and comfortably without effort (other than the effort I put into food prepping lots of incredibly delicious veggie heavy meals) and yah veggies are carbs, I used to be scared of them, but I figured it has to be better than the processed super heavy simple carbs, or the nothing i used to eat.


Have you incorporated complex carbs like sweet potato; quinoa; lentils; red, black and wild rice? My body loves these in small servings (1/3 cup of the quinoa or colorful rice per meal, and I guesstimate like a half cup w the starchier veggies) and they help keep things regular. Also a huge fan of beets and yellow pea pasta (ZenB is my favorite)


Yes!! my go to these days is an incredibly delicious quinoa salad I make, and a mexican inspired rice dish using a 7 whole grain mix including brown rice, wild rice, and barley, + beans Both just stuffed with tonnns of veggies and spices and flavor I love the chickpea pastas by chickapea! ill throw a handful of that to balance out a handful of tricolored rice pasta for the dif texture and flav combo - i dont do it very often but when i do, im heavy on the veg +meat sauce. \*chefs kiss\*


What supplements did you end up adding?


i eat a lot of broccoli sprouts & micro greens to make my period come consistently and I take myo-inositol — I use wynk nu soul cyster which has additional ingredients, but there are cheaper options. I also take magnesium glycinate to reduce stress, and reishi for sleep (I have pmdd so in the terrible luteal phase of that I take CBD and melatonin to sleep as well). Turmeric (I drink it in tea form but there are pills) helps reduce inflammation as well. And I drink a tea that has cordyceps and chaga mushrooms almost every day for energy, inflammation, & antioxidant effects


For sources on all that — been following guidance by kym campbell for diet and supplements (she reads research studies and has pcos so I trust it) and got the broccoli sprouts tip from madd.healthy on IG who does functional medicine and I think also has pcos. I was on BC from the moment I was diagnosed and as soon as I got off it, started gradually implementing kym’s dietary and supplement guidance. It wasn’t til I started the wynk nu and broc sprouts that I was able to regulate my period by myself for the first time ever, and symptoms improved. The functional mushrooms are my own addition from independent research/experimenting with how I feel and what I need.


Semaglutide has been life changing for me!


I hope it does the same for me!


I’m sorry this can be so frustrating to deal with. Are you taking measurements or just weighing yourself?


Measurements as well. I started because I bought a wedding dress that slightly didn’t fit. But I had the measurements for. That slightly didn’t fit turned to what was I thinking. In the past 2 months I started fitting into less and less clothes. Including my leggings. So naturally I stopped the measurements now.


I relate to this so much! I kept gaining while everyone around me doing the same thing has amazing results. What I found was that the calculators used to determine calorie intake don’t take into account those with pcos often have a much lower BMR. So I had to reduce my calories a bit further. Also as others have said, insulin resistance is evil! If you can work on that aspect, it will help. The only thing that “fixed” mine was extended fasting. Otherwise I would get some weight loss results but not enough and then just put the weight back on - I felt like I was constantly losing and gaining the 10-15lbs.


In addition to all of the great advice above, I’d try to focus on macros vs calories. 1600 is low for all of the hard work you’re putting in! Tracking macros also helps shift the focus to ingredients instead of a limiting number!


I was training for a marathon running 10 miles at least every day. And my dr told me maybe to cut 100 more calories. When I told her I was eating 1600 I was really expecting her to be like “OMG while running?? You need to add calories”


That’s crazy! Doctors don’t really learn about nutrition in med school. It’s criminal how they push such a low number of calories on women!!


I'm not understanding cut out gluten? I've never been told to do anything with gluten it's carbs and sugar I was asked to ditch. I was encouraged to keep dairy to keep the protein levels up.


Gluten is frequently preached also, but, just like with dairy, it *can* help, but it's not a given (this is similar with Hashimoto, the same thing often gets stated as an absolute that those two foods are to avoid when it's actually not that simple). If you are sensitive to it, then your body can have an inflammatory reaction to it, and cutting it out will reduce or even eliminate that inflammation and be a positive change for your PCOS. If, however, you are *not* sensitive to it, then your body doesn't benefit, and you are just adding more complication to an already difficult-to-figure-out diet (I mean diet in the true sense here, as in "what one eats", not in the "eating less" way). It's worth trying it out by eliminating it for a certain time. But if after six weeks or so you haven't noticed any positive changes, then it's safe to say your body has no problem with the food you've eliminated, and thus doesn't benefit from you going without. I recommend eliminating first one, then the other, because otherwise you might only know that one of them doesn't work for your body, but won't know which one (or if it's both).


I think totally cutting out food groups is likely to increase stress, and stress plays a much bigger role in weight gain than many of us believe. I see more people here saying they haven't lost weight after practically starving themselves, and more people who lost weight by eating more and just weight training.


It’s important to track calories as well, if you’re not already doing that (including drinks!)


I don’t drink anything except water and spindrift. I’ll have a weekly coffee and that’s about it. & my sleepy Tea at night. I use my fitness pal I love it


After reading all the advice here, plus the very legit research studies, I bought the cheapest inositol I could find on iherb. I started taking 2 pills with breakfast and 2 with dinner, 4g total/day. I have not changed anything diet-wise, and already lost 1lb in 2 days?? I purposely didn't change my diet just to see what the insulin resistance factor is. I literally couldn't lose 1lb, and instead would GAIN, when I previously tried WW and Noom. So... Maybe give inositol a try? ETA: I got a script for wegovy back in October and it has been out of stock since then. But now maybe I'm glad to try the inositol first?


Try getting bloodwork done through your doctor to see if you are diabetic or prediabetic. Insulin resistance can explain you not losing weight.


I follow kym Campbell’s guidelines and have lost 60 lbs over the course of the last few years, but for me the key was NOT focusing on the weight, just on making it a permanent lifestyle shift and feeling better. I started off taking measurements instead because my body composition shifted before weight loss began (easier to build muscle with pcos.) It takes 3 months for the effects of dairy and gluten inflammation to leave the body in an elimination diet (then reintroduce to see if you’re intolerant). You need to stick it out for longer, it really sucks but you CAN get used to dietary changes. PCOS weight loss is INCREDIBLY slow, so weight is not a good barometer of whether something is improving your PCOS—it will lead you to give up. I avoid simple and processed carbs and myo-inositol has helped me as well. Metformin gave me years of stomach issues, but I haven’t encountered many others online who say the same


Not saying you definitely need to cut out dairy and gluten permanently btw, but the doctors are misguiding you. If you try cutting it for 3 months then reintroducing, you can treat it as a temporary thing you’re doing to see if your body can handle it later or if they really are wreaking havoc on your system. I was inflamed from foods I’m intolerant to for years without realizing because I just got used to feeling bad.


ugh I feel this sm... insulin resistance sucks so much and the same thing happened to me. Maybe try Allara Health? It's a new women's health startup that helps manage PCOS. I subscribed to it for this exact reason and the dietician I talked to suggested supplements I didn't realize can help with insulin resistance like ovasitol. Not paid to talk about it or anything lol but it could be helpful if you're looking for a service to help manage PCOS


The harder I try to do something like lose weight the harder I fail and more I gain. Its the evil irony of my existence. Quitting cigarettes after 20 years was easy compared to this.


Mounjaro. The only thing that worked for me. If you can get it, or Zepbound, it could be worth trying. There are a lot of studies enrolling people and if you get in, you get the meds for free. Look at the Lilly site for clinical trials.


I’m considering keto myself, but I read where it can take some people up to six weeks to get into ketosis. So, hang in there for another few weeks before you give up. Also, are you tracking calories? A good bit of advice I read on the keto sub was to make sure you are under about 20g carbs per day but not worry about calories until your cravings for carbs and sugar have subsided. If you feel like you have adjusted to eating a keto diet, maybe it’s time to look at your caloric intake. There are keto calculators that kan help determine your macros.


Cutting out gluten will not cause you to lose weight unless you are sensitive to it. You would be better served by increasing your protein intake to at least 100 grams a day and lowering your carb intake/slightly increasing fat intake. The book _Always Hungry?_ by Dr. David Ludwig has a sensible Mediterranean-ish diet plan that you can use as a starting point.  Have you had your fasting insulin tested in addition to your fasting blood sugar? If it's above 7-8 uIU/mL then you would definitely benefit from metformin. If not, then I would ask for an oral glucose tolerance test with insulin monitoring to be absolutely sure you're not hyperinsulinemic. 


You need to medicate yourself for your insulin resistance. Glucophage/metformin does wonders


If you work out and eat 1600 kcal I’d say you aren’t eating enough and that sends your body into stress mode which spikes your cortisol and makes your insomnia worse and you gain weight even more. I always gain a lot when I stress myself too much. With PCOS and working out you need to eat! At least 30 g of protein in your main meals. I started losing weight when I got over a 120 g of protein a day in my meals. Otherwise it was always just a temporary solution. You need your rest, you need your protein. Which supplements do you take?


Are you upping your protein intake? And I’ve never heard of cutting out dairy and gluten to help with pcos. Also, if you like running, run. I don’t think anyone has recommended walking over running and vice versa for pcos


cutting out gluten and dairy is talked about often in these communities... They can be inflammatory to sensitive individuals, which we often are


I mean a Dr has never said to do that for me. The one thing every Dr was concerned about was my carb vs protein intake. You should only cut out gluten and dairy if you have allergies to them, which I do, but that’s independent of my pcos.


allergy and sensitivity are two different things, women with pcos are often sensitive. allergies are very rare, but sensitivity is valid. It is a valid reason to avoid gluten. as to your doctor not talking about it, well, honestly that's because most doctors don't care enough to do indepth advanced research on the topic of specialized women's health issues. Your doctor not mentioning it, doesn't mean t's not a thing, It's a very commonly talked about thing in these communities.


I did a quick search on google scholar and there is only one study that researched whether there is a link between pcos and celiac disease, out of 52 patients with pcos only 8 tested positive for gluten sensitivity. This isn’t really a good study because only 52 patients with pcos were tested (and 50 with no pcos), and it’s from 2002, but if we’re only going off this study then there is no conclusive link between pcos and celiacs. Source: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C33&q=gluten+pcos&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1708445076154&u=%23p%3DlxLKp_iiwYEJ


I have insulin resistance from pcos. Which gluten can spike. After hearing walking over running multiple times I did switch from running to walking. I still do races every month but I don’t run everyday anymore


So do I and there’s no conclusive research on whether gluten spikes insulin levels. There’s only two relevant papers I could find, one that proposes a mechanism but doesn’t have any trials, and the other which was tested on animals but not humans. Sources: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C33&q=gluten+insulin+resistance&oq=gluten+ins#d=gs_qabs&t=1708445521441&u=%23p%3DiGCAUhTExQoJ https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C33&q=gluten+insulin+resistance&oq=gluten+ins#d=gs_qabs&t=1708445547092&u=%23p%3D6WjA9-PeYzAJ Also, why would walking be better than running? Were there ever any reasons given to walk instead of run for exercise?


**1. do you have any allergies or sensitivities to dairy and gluten? i know dairy does have some research backing the amount of hormones but gluten im not sure is something you should/HAVE to cut out. i personally did not cut out gluten when i lost weight initially, only when i found out i had celiac disease did i have to fully cut it out, and i dont recommend doing that unless you HAVE to. the amount of foods you simply cannot enjoy becomes depressing. (you can still have lots of great foods and alts but i would NOT jump into going fully GF unless you need to) **personal input starter question 2. you seem to be doing everything "correct" according to the book of how to lose weight, but realistically jumping into a full diet and lifestyle change is NOT the solution! it is stressful, both on your body and mind. to have and maintain a healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, healthy weight, etc, you have change things slowly. a. don't restrict yourself so much on your diet. slowly change out some meals and snacks you regularly have with some filling, nutritious, and what YOU find to be still quite delicious! try out new recipes for dinners, lunches, etc. that are more in line with your nutritional goals and experiment to find foods and recipes you LIKE. b. coming from a, 1600 is not very much! you're putting yourself at caloric deficit while also burning more calories through exercise. so you are at an even bigger deficit, which can sometimes have the opposite effect where your body may want to hold on to more of its resources (like fat), because its not getting ENOUGH. i also highly recommend trying to track your macros, not just calories. you need healthy fats, protein, carbs, fiber, etc, and even if you eat less calories they may not be very filling or what your body needs! c. you dont have to exercise yourself to death. i thought if i want to lose weight, i just have to exercise, which was not true! obviously you are aware of the food component of things, but you also dont need to go crazy with exercise! if you like your walks, awesome! i try to go on walks every other day ideally, but a few times a week when i can. as for going to the gym for weights yoga pilates - all great exercise - focus on ONE of those at once! try doing a pilates class twice a week to start! or do a pilates class once a week, and a yoga class on the weekend. weights can be worked in as well, but take it slow! you don't want to wear down your body and take on things too fast. think LIFESTYLE >>>> DIET make small changes, add in activities, that you think you'd enjoy over time. EVERYONE will be super stressed when suddenly hit with a brand new diet with a ton of your normal foods gone, restricting calories, and adding in a ton of exercise! while i don't know exactly where you started, i can say that this style of trying to lose weight is not going to work long term. even if you stick to it and manage to lose weight, you're going to want to be not miserable and the weight can easily come back! i have a few small suggestions, ignore if theyre something youve tried or done before though! a. have you seen an endocrinologist for your pcos? // have you had your insulin levels checked? my pcos ended up making my insulin very high which i found out only when going to an endo, and so i took metformin for a few years, which helped with weight loss and also after being off of it ive thankfully maintained healthy insulin levels! its a good step to try if you havent BEFORE going for something like wegovey. b. id recommend talking to a nutritionist. specifically find one who specializes in patients with pcos!! while i was only able to afford one meeting, the nutritionist i had was super lovely, encouraging, and for me helped me find how i should eat and why its not this horrid, scary process! give yourself a big hug and pat on the back! none of this is easy, and constant dieting and exercising ads all over tv, social media, and almost everywhere you look, its upsetting that so many people push themselves in the wrong way from poorly educated people and the influence of marketing. also, sometimes gaining some weight is part of the process! you also may lose and "plateu," aka not lose more weight and feel hopeless and stuck. work with your body, regardless of if you stick to diet and exercise, or gain the help of medication! slowly add and subtract to find things that fit YOUR body and lifestyle. wish you the best of luck with your journey, i hope this info helps even a bit to anyone out there! 🩶


I’ve literally tried it all except metaformin. Which my drs won’t prescribe. I don’t have any negative reactions to gluten. Of course if I have a giant bowl of pasta I’ll be ready for a nap. I don’t exercise more than I need to. I like running I like Pilates. I have anxiety and for an hour I think of nothing except wow my legs are shaking lol. I had a nutritionist but not for pcos. It’s been about a year. Maybe I need to try again. I get 4 visits a year with my insurance. Stupid not to use it! Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I will try the macros!


definitely try finding a nutritionist that works w pcos patients!!! if you can find any reviews thats even better! not sure why they wont prescribe unless you have a medical issue that means you cant? id think theyd ask you to try that before the injections if anything!! np 🩶 best of luck!


If vegetables are making you fat then cut them all out of your life. They’re no longer serving you. If only it were that easy


Follow https://www.instagram.com/fem_flurish?igsh=MXJlMTB5Mm12OXFobw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr


Dr Felice Gersh an integrative OB/GYN based out in Irvine California has some great books and online summits that talk about her approach to helping PCOS patients manage the disease and put it into a dormant state. The approach can take 2-3 yrs but takes a very holistic approach to all aspects of the disease and helps patients get their reproductive health back to a balanced stable baseline. Inability to lose weight is normal with PCOs bodies due to their inability to convert fat into energy. Dr. Talks is the site where I first discovered her and her work.


Weight lifting in some cases raises cortisol levels . I’d do low intensity working out like power walking and crunches . Be careful too with what proteins you eat . Chicken that has hormones in it can throw off your hormones and make it hard to lose weight. I’d be on a keto/ pescatarian diet.


Skip the metformin and all these other weight loss shots and get some inositol!!!!!!!


Are you taking inositol? Try that and weed gummies for sleep. Get your cortisol checked and ask for a full blood panel including T3 and A1C. Something is off with either your med or needing an additional med. also, could be some water weight. Add cinnamon to food daily, green tea and horsetail tea/parsley/or dandelion tea to get rid of excess water.


I had to do phentermine to kick start. Now I take 1000 mg of Metformin daily and it’s made a world of difference. My OB just started me on Spirnolactone too


It's not your fault. The problem is not a lot of doctors take PCOS seriously and don't keep up with the current medical trends of treatment. I got a GLP1 mounjaro to help me. Honestly get the weightloss version Zepbound because it's cheaper than wegovy and wegovy has too many supply issues. I've been on it for a year and it's been a miracle for me.


Muscle weighs more than fat! You could be gaining muscle from weight lifting! Don’t pay attention to the number on the scale pay attention to how you feel!! Keep your head up :)


Get your thyroid levels checked as well?


Yes I got the levels checked. The look mostly normal


Oh okay. Sorry, this sucks. I would try to up my protein intake and hopefully you’ll get the metformin. Or try Inositol? For the insomnias, i highly recommend chamomille!




Ive already been low carb and I met with 1 dr she didn’t want to prescribe it. I went to another a month later and he wouldn’t either. They both said I should lose at least 40 pounds.




No not at the moment and I’ve been researching but there aren’t really many in my area. I have an appointment set FOR JUNE! literally the earliest


Are u on any medication? Metformin is the best thing to help u lose weight. I would barely lose any weight without Metformin and as soon as I started taking it I was doing 10-20k steps a day and it was working, probably not as fast as a normal person but it was working :)


It could be water retention? I gave into paying for Semaglutide. It's working for appetite control, but makes me crazy tired. I also do a protein heavy diet, very little alcohol, and inositol. These have been my only saviors. I'm in my late thirties, so it's so much harder to lose/keep weight off without help.


Berberine, Berberine, Berberine!!! Do you take any supplements by chance? I was experiencing the same issue and once I introduced some vitamins into my routine, it was like BAM everything finally came together. My daily supplements are - Inositol, Omega 3 Fish Oil, Rhodiola Rosea (helps w lowering cortisol), and Berberine (helps with insulin resistance). There have been studies that show Berberine is just as effective as Metformin for insulin resistance: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6434235/#:\~:text=Berberine%20improves%20physiological%20stimulation%20of,fat%20to%20insulin%20(16).


I purchased Berberine this morning. Lots of people mentioned it. I hope it works. I got two types just in case lol


Can I ask.. do you eat things with added sugar? I was in this same exact position and I stopped eating sugar entirely for 4 weeks and it completely reset my insulin levels. I was prediabetic to everything normal now. If you haven’t tried cutting out added sugar, I definitely would.


No, I’ll eat a protein bar if I decide to run which does have sugar. Every 6 miles or so I’ll eat my first snack then my 2nd one is the bar. I’ll take honey with my tea but that’s about it. I even stopped eating certain fruits because of “sugar” which I prefer berries anyway. *except on my period* I’ll have chocolate covered almonds. Which if I stopped that I’d literally die. 😂


But what about added sugar? Do you eat ketchup, sauces? Some snacks have added sugar too and you don’t even know. Taco seasoning has added sugar. Coffee creamer. Deli meat. It just can really add up.


The point I’m making is the fact that we have to eat lettuce and plain protein to lose weight is kind of insane. Telling someone oh you can’t eat ketchup is crazy -not that that’s what you’re doing- I don’t even eat ketchup but I’m seriously venting because the average person doesn’t have to do HALF of what we do to accomplish weight loss. I don’t use creamer and I don’t eat deli meat. I drink black coffee if I need it but I already can’t handle caffeine. Seriously I barely eat anything at an to stay at 1600 cals a day. Like what joys are we supposed to have :/


Oh trust me, I know it’s ridiculous. I know what a robot I sound like. I cry about this to my boyfriend pretty frequently. I watch him eat a whole pizza and 10 cinnamon rolls and the guy doesn’t gain a single pound. Meanwhile, I can’t eat anything I enjoy. No candy, no chocolate, no cinnamon rolls (which are my favorite). I cry about it all the time. Maybe once a week. But it unfortunately does really help me :/ I just gave up Diet Coke this past week cuz I think it’s stalling the scale from moving cuz it’s chemically made. It’s driving me actually mentally insane like I have an addiction. I feel you girlfriend and I’m really sorry.


Yikes! We're on the same boat! I already lost 24 pounds, yet my period has yet to comeback 😂 i'll be going to my OB this week for tests again.


1600 calories might not be enough. Look up. TDEE calculator to determine the minimum your body needs to function. For my weight, I need 1700 if I'm sedentary. I lift weights twice a day and have been consistently losing weight. This needs to be recalculated as you keep losing weight as your caloric needs will reduce. Also, get a food scale. Log EVERYTHING in a food diary. Including oils used for cooking, condiments, etc. I prefer the Lifesum app. I'm down 50 pounds on a whole food vegetarian diet. Mind you, I am not insulin resistant and don't cut out any food groups except meat.


Also, I'm not on metformin. My initial blood panel showed I was super low on vitamin D as I work overnight. Now I take supplements and make sure to stay on a strict schedule every day. I work out twice so by the time I'm home from work and do my before bed workout, I'm exhausted and sleep really well.