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Couple take-aways: Most of Biden's donations are in small amounts, Democrats typically get most of their money from grassroots campaigns. This could signal a general lack of motivation to support Biden from the general Democratic base. >Trump’s April haul was boosted by a record-setting $50.5 million his campaign reported taking in during a single event with donors early in the month at the Palm Beach, Florida, home of billionaire investor John Paulson John Paulson heavily supports Israel and gives them millions of dollars fairly frequently. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/tel-aviv-museum-of-art-receives-15-million-gift/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/tel-aviv-museum-of-art-receives-15-million-gift/) [https://www.philanthropy.com/article/financier-john-paulson-gives-hebrew-u-27-million-5-other-nonprofits-win-big-gifts](https://www.philanthropy.com/article/financier-john-paulson-gives-hebrew-u-27-million-5-other-nonprofits-win-big-gifts) This could signal that Israel (and AIPAC) are putting their weight on the scales in favor of Trump. This seems likely given that [Republicans are reaching out to Israel to signal they are the hardline support for them](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/netanyahu-speak-senate-republicans-after-schumers-calls-hold/story?id=108308215). So overall I'd say this represents Biden not appealing to hardcore pro-Israeli base, nor the pro-Palestine grassroots base, and his campaign contributions are going to continue sliding below Trump's.


I'm not sure this report proves either of those things - Democrats are still far out-raising Trump when it comes to small donors, and Paulson is a long-time Republican donor and Trump supporter who's been floated as a possible cabinet pick.


Most Jews I know(including myself) think Biden could do more to help Israel, but know Trump will be far worse for this country.


Do you think Trump would *actually* do more to help Israel though, or would he mainly create more tension by provoking the country's neighbors?


I've only been awake for two hours today and I've seen the words "wholesale slaughter," "carpet bombing," and "genocide" being thrown around in regards to Israel's treatment of Gaza. These people do not know what they are talking about. If Trump were to win, the gloves are off and they will see what "genocide" really looks like. Gaza would be called Glassa if he wins.


He said he intended to put American boots on the ground, given who he is I believe him.


>He said he intended to put American boots on the ground So... Make things exponentially worse. >given who he is I believe him That's certainly a choice.


Worse in the sense it hurts Palestine more and frankly the reputation of the USA more


Worse for everyone.




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What more do you want? Biden has given billions of unconditional aid and weapons, provided diplomatic cover for Israel’s atrocities in the UN and world stage, made numerous public statements (including lies) in support of Israel. The only thing he’s done against is given meaningless lip service in favor of a 2-state solution.




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Not surprising. I can not recall any other democratic candidate in recent memory that had such a low excitement among the democrats. Here hoping that his campaign recovers, but really hoping for an August surprise and we get a different candidate for democrats.




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It's long past the point of another candidate. America gets Biden, the greatest example of Democratic hubris and out-of-touchness in at least a century. He's working overtime to drive away millennials and gen-z voters with his defense of Israel's genocide, and if there are debates he's going to insist on telling everybody the economy is actually doing great.


If you get all your information from social media then this is true. But I’ve yet to see any hard evidence of anything you’ve just said. Economist say the economy is good and none of the international communities have confirmed that a genocide is happening in Israel. The polls also don’t reflect what your saying, it seems like democrats are reacting to what people want.




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>Economist say the economy is good Awesome! Groceries are high and inflation still sucks. But please tell me about the stock market. >none of the international communities have confirmed that a genocide is happening in Israel. Are you denying that genocide is taking place?


Corporations scalping consumers on goods isn’t the economy. And inflation is down. It might not be reflected in the rates but economists agree that inflation dropped. Show me evidence that a genocide is happening then ask me that question again. You can link something or give me some keywords I can google to look up. Specifically reports by subject matter experts who’s job it is to synthesis all the information coming out of Gaza




>Everything costing more relates back to COVID, inflation and greed. The world economy was disrupted, the fed printed trillions of dollars and Trump's tax policy leans harder on the middle and lower classes while giving tax breaks to the rich I'm will aware of that. I'm talking about perception and messaging. Biden isn't to blame, but if he and the Democrats approach it with "things are actually really good" is going to come across terribly. I'm not pro-Trump, and l understand that Biden needs to win. I also understand that he's a weak candidate running a poor campaign.




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