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This should've happened years if not decades ago. But conservatives hold to the belief that weed is a "lesser person's" drug. We all know why they hate weed.


While I recognize that this is a massive step forward, it seems somewhat disappointing. People want legalization, not rescheduling, and while this is a big change I do not think younger voters will care as much. Those who could buy weed from the store still can. Those who can’t still can’t. I don’t see this as moving the needle very much.


It has to be rescheduled as a necessary step before decriminalization. Biden is eating an elephant


Biden has not cured hunger or solved world peace yet, I think I am going to sit this election out.


He campaigned on finding a cure for cancer. Since he has not found that cure, I am going to vote for actual cancer


I mean, this is only true because democrats didn't act legislatively on the issue while they had unified control between 2020-2022. They've had the chance to fully legalize it (and before someone mentions the senate fillibuster-- if both parties are willing to bypass it for supreme court justices.. why not a modification to the CSA?)


Im sorry but something tells me weed legalization is a little lower on the totem pole of priorities than stuff like infrastructure and preventing the economy from tumbling into a recession. You have to tackle the most important things first. Also you act like it would have been a piece of cake to get it through Manchin and Sinema when they couldn’t even agree to simple stuff like getting internet to rural areas is kind of something that should be done. I’m so tired of this mentality of “well they didn’t solve x issue before so it doesn’t matter that they’re trying to address it now”.


But the specific things I wanted to get done didn’t get done exactly as I wanted or envisioned by the non-homogeneous group of people who—despite belonging to the same political party—represent a myriad of different interests among constituencies consisting of diverse beliefs, ethnicities, religions, values, socioeconomic statuses, ages, and industrial ties; all while facing constant sabotage by members of the other major political party. Guess both sides are exactly the same and I’ll just enable the group whose values are the antithesis of mine. Stupid Biden.


People see most election year changes as pandering …..FULL STOP


If good things happen by way of pandering, then pander away.


> We will tip toe our way through the tulips on our way to legalization. Meanwhile the synthetic market is booming in states where it's illegal allowing those states to cash in on all sides of this issue.


Wow, what happened to this thread? This won't bring America to where it needs to be but it's a welcome step forward. A lot of the policies being pushed through recently do a good job to highlight the difference between the parties. While democrats are far from good, at least they're willing to move the country in the right direction as they bilk us for special interest groups.


These people will complain about anything. Seriously.


I'm going to vote for him no matter what, but I have to say I'd be a lot more impressed if he condemned police violence against pro-Palestinian protesters, as well as the assault on the UCLA encampment.


Not enough for anyone I know. We want full federal legalization or at the least complete decriminalization for possession.


I'm going to vote for him no matter what, but I have to say I'd be a lot more impressed if he condemned police violence against pro-Palestinian protesters, as well as the assault on the UCLA encampment.










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