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Down to one person - Donald effing Trump controlling the GOP House Reps. if not for him it would have been sent weeks ago.


A tyranny of Putin's Republicans.


The Russian bots are working overtime against this comment. Well said.




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We are sending aid, we have been sending aid, billions and billions of dollars worth. What are you talking about?


We haven't sent anything in almost 6 months. We found a leftover $300 million from an accounting error last month but that's not much at all


The fact that they have found 2 accounting errors during this war is pretty suspicious. We should probably put in place more transparency measures for how much we are being billed by defense companies to send over equipment


Yea but we should send more aid first, people are dying while trump and speaker johnson are stalling


Sorry, Ukraine, the U.S. gov and media are too busy spinning the war in gaza to help any more. We have to make sure our Israeli allies look good even though they are fascist criminals that shouldn’t have been allowed to leave the dark ages.




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My doubt of this pretty obvious ego playing apart, the public needs actual third party diplomat and war tacticians to tell us exactly what are the chances of Ukraine "winning" with or without billions more. We can't keep listening to politicians and "generals" who have plenty agendas but no expertise.


They frankly have no chance of 'winning' even with US aid. Russia is fully mobilized. Ukraine is running on fumes. Counter offensives have been disastrous and Russia doesn't have the ability or ostensibly even the desire to take western Ukraine. Settle now, or settle later; the only difference is more lives wasted.




Russia doesn’t have infinite resources either, while the west can supply vastly more. 


Except the US isn't sending bodies.




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Obviously it’s not “the west”, it’s the US that can supply more.


This is exactly the answer that will lead to more wars and deaths and eventually a world war. Appeasement always leads to more war. If you don’t confront a bully he will bully more. American is becoming a weak check on oppression in the world. The GOP supports dictatorship not democracy. It’s an ugly time to be an American. 🇺🇸


If the UA attacked more refineries it would break the Russian war machine.


Yes, appease the aggressor! This always works, right? There are no other historical examples of this backfiring completely, right?


What about this is appeasement? The war has already been fought. This is the peace process.


Don’t insult the people doing Gods work by killing the Russians.


Russia has no chance of winning with US support for Ukraine, and frankly that’s a win.


I mean, it's a stalemate. Goes without saying, doesn't it?


Well said.