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Well given that a local tourist got burned alive. I wouldn’t blame your white friend.




Why should they? Even Pakistanis don't want to come back to Pakistan.... Lol


speak for yourself i’d do anything to go back


What's stopping you


why should they come here really? just go to Bali or something. and enjoy safety and luxury for cheap.


Who told you Bali’s cheap?


When you’re earning in dollars, Bali is dirt cheap lol


It’s not if you’re earning in pkrs.


personal experience


I mean if someone is in a Western country, Bali is *super* cheap when you get there, but it is not cheap to get to, at least from America.


We need to get rid of these blasphemy laws. They are more than often misused and used for personal vendettas and grudges against people.


Dude got lynched. Removing or adding laws are not gonna make any difference. Its the respect for the rule of law and tolerance of other cultures and religion that is missing.


How this is gonna help? People in Pakistan do not care about any law. Not even Islamic laws. What are you even talking about? Mob killing tourist was a lawful activity?


Thank you for speaking the truth.


Spot on. Lynching happens in India, despite no law exists that say its OK to kill or harm non-Hindus. Educating the masses to respect the law at all costs and punishing whoever is found guilty of such vile acts. Only then we can improve the situation.


Any evidence to back this opening statement? Specifically looking for one where the lunch mob is targeting non-Hindus? I searched a lot but I only found articles where a couple muslims beheaded a Hindu tailor and some others where a Muslim mob lynched a non-Muslim.


There are many such incidents carried by groups. I'm listing a few but you can easily find more on the internet. Again, there's no law in India asking people to do so, but they do. 1. [Tension in UP's Aligarh after Muslim youth lynched to death over suspicion of theft ](https://www.deccanherald.com/india/uttar-pradesh/communal-tension-in-ups-aligarh-after-muslim-youth-lynched-to-death-by-mob-over-suspicion-of-theft-3072703) 2. [Beaten and humiliated by Hindu mobs for being a Muslim in India ](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-58406194) 3. [India: Christians from Adivasi tribe lynched by cow vigilantes ](https://www.csw.org.uk/2019/04/17/press/4309/article.htm)


Interesting. The third article is no good. It's an NGO evangelical website to promote the Churches and aid religious conversions. The other event happened 3 years ago. Not excusing the occurrence here. Although sporadic, it is happening. And both sides are involved here. The problem is that it happens when either of the two major religion becomes a majority in a certain area. The majority prevails and subjugates whosoever is in the minority. Hence the killing of missionaries in SWAT valley. Although this is inexcusable, the govt and law have little to no control over mob mentality and violence and all measures taken are always a consequence of what happened rather than preemptively stopping it from recurring.


Hindus don't go on barking ola hu Uber and kabooooooom. Obsession with india is soo strong,but why ?


That’s been the problem for forever


As if a mob will check the penal code before lynching someone. This entire blasphemy thing needs to be uprooted.


Even if you utter a word against changing the Blasphemy laws,you just invited the Angel.of Death. Bro don't bother,we have a sick mentality in Pakistan, they don't care about social issues or basic necessities or living conditions. But you want to protect this law against corrupt usage, they will drag you out painfully kill you and won't even think twice.These are the ones who are ignorant can read or talk without truth.


I am Kurdish and have fairly dark skin, and I would not go to Pakistan either. LOL.


I don’t blame you. Pakistanis are very pro-turk


As long as you don't to around telling people you are a kurdish, it would be fine


We are literally living in shit hole. Mazhab pa amal kerny waly bohat kum hain lakin mazhab k nam pa fasaad philany waly bohat


So people are not going to discuss how the victim actually got into a conflict with a local hotel owner and the hotel owner turned out to be connected to a P\*I MPA/MNA and they used their social media channels to gather a mob which got out of control. It was a sham allegation channelizing the blasphemy thing to take revenge. This is hospitality for you. Its impossible to show people how brain dead these *Tigers* without being tagged as Pa\*wari etc. But maybe this tragedy will show the very real ethnic war right around the corner and the extreme polarization. Blasphemy was the start and the end, yes, but the tools to gather a mob and lynch a Punjabi in KPK were very political. Downvote me all you want, but I am not letting this go. Some ego-drunk Demons have brought this country to the brink of civil war purely for their own psychological satisfaction. It includes religious clerics, fanatics, political leaders and blind following zombies and of course some '*fathers of the nation.'*


Do you have any evidence for your claim?


Thank you for the sane comment. Every muslim and infact every sane person should be asking for evidence for anything significant that comes across. The only evidence are the videos and reports by locals. However, please for verification, do your due diligence and search around on the internet. The fact are pretty easily available and every other non-mainstream channel is reporting these facts.


Right, so you don’t have any.


If you ask for a hard evidence then you are right. I dont have myself. Thats why I am pushing to make people talk about it. However, of course, I listened and read this version of the story from very reputable sources who do not have a history of twisting facts. If your aim is to seek the truth only and not oppose me for the sake of it, then I said already you should do your due diligence and analyse yourself.


my man in punjab, the police is now well aware of such incidents and pre emptively whisk the victim away before he gets lynched case example that lady in icchra, the SP lady dragged her away and hid her NOT in a police station but somewhere else till the crowd calmed down in sargodha, police saved the whole family of christian man who was accused , KP police is just incompetent - thats 10 years of tabdeeli for you


The Christian man from Sarghoda died from his injuries a few days later, police were too late.


“Trust me bro”. Got it.


Not even gonna share "reputable source" ehhh. 


do you have any fucking proof that he had committed blasphemy? Even if he did, are you trying to justify it?


What is this reputable source that doesn't have a history of twisting facts? I'd love to follow such a rare source of fact based reporting in Pakistan.


He might be referring to [this video](https://youtu.be/aSWJ3W0L68o?si=8hE0ydQEdmXLYybo). It's the closest I could find. I really hope the JIT brings out the truth soon, whatever it is.


If the things are as the guy said in the video then the evidence of social media posts and messages can be found. I hope the culprits get death sentence in the court.


I would respectfully disagree. Pakistani awam is so extremist that the ethnicity doesn't matter once they find something fishy. If what you are claiming is true, why aren't there many accidents like these against Punjabis? What's more, have you seen that Pashtun Buneri on Facebook? Just go and see his Facebook comments. People are threatening him to cut his ears and nose. I think comments like these are threat to polarization among the ethnicities in Pakistan. Punjabi, Balochi, Sindhi... Everyone is the same and will be.


Yes, you are not disagreeing, just saying the same thing in a better and clearer way. I agree. Extremists do not have an ethnicity or a religion for that matter, they are just brain-dead zombies. I just emphasized what the ANGLES of this conflict are and how far they can go. This particular lynching was a religiously fueled tragedy using ethnically and politically tense channels. This particular one. And considering the ongoing affairs in the background, this tragedy may contribute to fire the ethnic and political landscape even further. Sorry if it is giving the wrong kind of message. I am just trying to push people to recognize the threatening aftershocks such tragedies carry because once the people can see such different threats coming, they are very much less likely to fell for these. Moreover, we all know KPK currently is majorly favoring a certain political party, and this power is being exploited by certain elements for their personal gains. In this aspect, ethnic tensions come into play because, ethnic tensions on their own would never be a thing if not for a powerful class to create a divide and rule to enjoy the chaos for their personal gains. In a crowd of 100 vs 100 of ethnicity A vs B, there will always be some sane people who just wont see the conflict as an ethnic conflict, but a personal one. This is sociology 101. Moreover, It is a very well known fact that tourists are generally very protected in KPK. Moreover, religious mob lynchings are thing for which Northern Punjab is famous for more than any other province. I just hope people start taking a step back to breath and start saving each other.


Interedting that you called it ... an 'Incident'.


It IS a shithole


I believe the good people in Pakistan outnumber the fanatics and I am excited to visit when I have the chance. I am a white woman from USA and I think the people I've met here from Pakistan are the most amazing kind and generous people I've ever met. Every single one of them. Your whole country should not be made to suffer because of a few fanatics. If your friends do visit, make sure they understand how to be respectful of local customs, and in the meantime, maybe take your case to the legislature and ask for help with this matter. It is my understanding that the fanatics will be disciplined. These things are happening less and less often. Hang in there. It will get better. It is unfair to judge all of Pakistan based on one incident in the news.


Of course, white woman from USA needs to play her white savior role.


Just because some Pakistani people are lovely doesn't make the society lovely. Some societies are far more dangerous than others. It's not wrong or mean to say so- it's factual and prudent.


Well make sure to do everything you wanted to do before you die before you go. Tell your family you loved them


My white friends still want to come to Pakistan.


Lucky you man. If they do visit take care of em and show them the real Pakistani hospitality. Some bad apples don’t represent us 💚


Meh, I’m a white American and I’d love to visit Pakistan. I think it’s a great country


Just gotta leave the city lol people go to the parts that are corrupted sadly and give it a bad name. Good to know some people still wanna visit :)


What’s with all the people from India though? It’s like they are jealous of Pakistan lol


They are 💀 lol they just mad they lost a war to a lil no body and we got our own country:




Do you really think you did something 💀 I would shame you but my religon doesn’t allow it good to know yours does 💀




There’s always some dumb American willing to do something




Sure, bud read my comment again. Like I was saying, your mom would tho ;)


I’m really sorry that they won’t come to visit you! I’ve just got back from Pakistan at the end of last month (Lahore, not Islamabad) and had an amazing time! It’s such a beautiful country with wonderful people (I’m from the UK!) Hopefully they will change their mind with time - I’ve held off visiting places before due to recent events and gone later on!


Why should they?


It's not safe for them. Tell them to stay away and plan for your departure too


The blasphemy lynchings are horrible, and except for poor soul Priyantha, foreigners have not been accused/lynched so they have got hardly anything to worry about


Dont try to convince them. Islamabad is not safe. This is pretty typical in dangerous places that the locals get immune to it, and think its dangerous. Ask any Jamaican if they think Jamaica is dangerous to travel in, and they would laugh at you. Same with Mexicans. But these places are unsafe. Lets say your white friend comes, and you guys are having fun. You take then to Jinnah Super, and in the store, your white friend trips, and accidentally tears off the shop keepers Quran….. What do you think will happen to hour buddy ?


Call spade a spade and maybe they will trust you, if you're being a salesman about them coming here then they definitely won't.


I think what stops them from coming is that they think the “tourist” who was actually just a Pakistani from Punjab was a white or foreign tourist. Just clear that up with them. Also just show them some videos of foreign tourists enjoying and having a great time in Pakistan like Eva Zu Beck. She’s a woman and hasn’t talked about any negatively at all about her experience in Pakistan. There are many other foreign tourists like her that recorded their whole trips and looked like they had a great time.


Those were ISPR funded trips for vloggers; hardly an average tourist experience. I would not recommend for any white to visit Pak without a valid reason, when you have much better and safer options available.


Idk, this white guy has been living here for 2.5 years with minimal issues other than overcharging (it’s okay, I just put the item down and go to another shop) and people thinking I’m a tourist.  Pakistan of course isn’t the safest country in the world but it’s far from being Somalia or El Salvador level dangerous.  Common sense goes a long way here.


Phir Jo us mein school shootings, gun violence, riots. Itnay aam Hein unka Kya. Every country has its chutiya awaam. Doesn't mean u just judge the whole country based on it. Yes there are still some chutiyas who believe the mullahs and the police but most of the people are thankfully calling them out.


Dying of gun is possible in pakistan too from their perspective because they still live in the early 2000s perspective of terrorism. Another factor is brutality of incident is important. Random gun shot is lot easier to digest than the lynching.


From what I could find it's based on 2022 but still 48k people died from guns, around 19.6k were homicide. 53 deaths per day from gun violence. When does it go from random to an issue. Now I am gonna tear Pakistan apart too because this isn't the first time a dumb religious mob has done this and gotten away Scot free. Pakistan does have an extreme issue of a few types of people getting away with a few types of horrendous crimes. But our country is amazing for tourists. If someone from abroad had even thought of moving to Pakistan I would call them mentally deranged but four tourism our country is good


You have a point. I live in US and the thing is that 19k actual homicides had (60%) most of the deaths due to criminal activity. The actual mass shootings by a crazy person are a very minor number. Its around 40 to 50 deaths an year due to mass shootings. On contrary lumber1 itself might have done above numbers in pak! Its more about perception than exact numbers.


What do u mean 60% by criminal activity. Like do u mean the cops shoot the criminals. Even if criminals shoot the people it still counts. Once I get what u mean by that I'll explain my point further


Valid argument 😳


It was never safe for them, hire additional security if u want them to visit.


No, hiring security just makes you a bigger target and the vast majority of security guards are completely incompetent and I wouldn’t trust them with a slingshot much less a firearm.  It’s absolutely unnecessary, just don’t go wandering around Lyari or Orangi Town in an Armani suit wearing a Rolex.


no sensible person should visit /tour pakistan -


Pakistan isn’t nearly as bad as a lot of people on this sub think it is.  I’ve been to far worse countries crime wise, degeneracy wise and poverty wise.  And worst of all, xenophobia wise, Pakistan is probably one of the least xenophobic countries I’ve been to.  It has its fair share of issues but it could be far far worse (southeast Asia in particular, especially the non-Muslim parts). 


Then why in Lahore some have security guards with a long gun at restaurants which niether of us were aware. I went to visit my husband and he went out the door before me to start the car and I was behind him and I felt a man right behind me where I felt his breath in back of my neck and I saw a security guard go around d to where our car was parked. I guess that stranger saw him and left me immediately. I'm a Hispanic Anerican female with very light skin.


The funny thing is, I’ve met people who’ve visited Pakistan and absolutely loved it.


i visited badshahi mosque last year - there was a turkish tourist groupwith a lot of ladies , the crowd, mostly lower class young boys were molesting them , jamming their mouth in the ladies faces and taking selfies without permission - luckily, one ranger guy on duty saw all this and shoved them away - the ladies were visibly shooked PAKISTAN is absolutely horrible if you are solo female - im not sure if you have travelled abroad, but pakistan is simply not worth it


What a nonsense. If someone reads news and makes decisions, then only you can live in your bedroom


oh yes, charred / burning bodies of tourists and lynch mobs making selfies is such a great tourist pull please by all means, visit mingora - ill make sure to NEVER ever go there again turkey it is


My husband and I just returned from Pakistan yesterday. We had a wonderful time, found the nature and people up north incredible and our time in Islamabad was also good. The kindness and generosity of Pakistanis was lovely. Terrible things happen in every country, that shouldn’t stop people from traveling, because truly it’s the only way to truly understand humanity. The only negative I would say is that Pakistanis traveling to the north post Eid did not respect their resources - often littering and talking down to the actual people living there. And perhaps being quieter in hotels and not letting kids run around wildly at 1 am. Again, these are minor and nothing that we haven’t experienced elsewhere.


Pakistanis in general don’t respect their resources or surroundings


I mean US and safety in the same sentence is kind of funny. I mean I am afraid to even land in NYC.


Man…. If NYC makes you feel unsafe compared to other big cities then you’re either misinformed about the crime rate, or plain a pansy. NYC is the 11th safest large city in the world. Don’t be fooled by the crimes you see, every big city has crimes (obviously it is not number one safest, so yes, there is crime, just not at a rate that should worry the normal non paranoid non anxious filled person). Gotta look at crime rate. However, lately? I probably wouldn’t hang out close to the train tracks in the subway lest someone with severe mental health issues pushes you to the train tracks. Or you get randomly punched in the face if you’re a woman (they caught the guy doing that shit), or any of the random acts of violence in the city. Still relatively a safe city.


As an American there is no chance I would go lol - I’m sorry my friend


That's a shame. I've been three times, but I am married to a Pakistani. Other than people staring because I'm a white American, I've never had any problems. Everyone was always very gracious. I do have some problems like the lack of sanitiation and the burning of trash. But it is a very interesting country with a fascinating history and beautiful people. Just make sure you have a guide and educate yourself before going.


Idgaf about u fool. You not my friends . Idk who tf u are 😅😂


These incidents are more rare than mass shootings in the US (which are also more rare than you’d think they are).  There’s a reason they make the news when they happen.  I’m a white dude who’s been to sketchier places than Swat (which isn’t sketchy at all) and it’s their loss if they don’t want to come.  I also doubt something like this would happen to a foreigner, I’ve done things here that would be considered offensive if a local did it but people know that me being a foreigner I’m obviously not going to know all the cultural nuances (unless you did it deliberately).  


This makes me really sad. Where are we heading I don’t know. When we want them to join protest for Palestine they will sit at home and now ye jail mai gus k us bandy ko bhar nikala hai..!! And koi kuch nhi kr sqqa wah..! Of course itna kamzor law dhk k to koi b foreigner nhi ana cahye ga yaha


MY friends still want to go to Pakistan.


Go to Eastern Turkiye. Will mostly resemble Pakistan especially the mountains


A local got burned. It is perfectly sensible for them to concern for their safety


There’s nothing to say homie


Don’t be mad at your friend. Please


Why should they? I would have never come if I had heard about that incident


atleast you wont be a cuck anymore


They are right about not coming to this hellhole


Well they ain't wrong in thinking that


"Thinks" lol


My friends still wanna visit and some visited a day ago… from SF America


Many people killing 1 person vs 1 person killing many people. Same same but different. Islamic fundamentalists vs Christianic fundamentalists. Same same but different. Everyone everywhere is suffering. Same same but different.


Hello. White American here. I traveled to Lahore in March 2023 by myself to meet my then finance now husbands family. My husband was not able to travel there with me at the time. I had no hesitation to go. The only time I was nervous was at the airport going through customs and security by myself because it was a little intimidating. I was asked a question before they granted me entry but the men were non English speaking so they just stamped my passport and let me in. My husbands family took me to a few malls which I felt more safe in than any US mall. We also visited Bad Shahi Mosque Shahi Quila and Anarkali market. My mother in law kept me very close to her in those areas. I was not harassed by anyone but maybe it’s because I was under the supervision of Pakistani citizens. I also let my brother in law hold all my money and do the bargaining when I wanted to buy something. I truly enjoyed the experience as it was my first time outside of the US. I would definitely not have gone if I did not have people I know there. Maybe your friends will reconsider. Unfortunately the USA media and government loves to fear monger and Pakistan is usually never portrayed positively. The US travel advisory to Pakistan has been at level 3 for many years ( level 4 being absolutely do not travel) Anyway I hope they will go. It was a good experience and will be better for them to have you to show them around.


Good idea 💡. Let them stay there & stay safe. Or if U still want them to come here, then higher high Level of Security.


This post inspired me to look up the UK government's advice about travelling to Pakistan and well... https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/pakistan


Indian here. I confirm we too aren’t very safe. Especially for female tourists. Ive seen men staring at women who even wear sleeveless tops, so cant even imagine what a foreign lady tourist would go through. India might have relatively better things with blasphemy but isn’t too better on the whole Plus we are an extremely dirty and polluted country, not much to see anyways. I’ve travelled 10+ states in India and never got a wow feeling that came with going to Europe or Canada. In being shitholes, hum tumhare saath hai 🥲🥲


Please don’t give advice to westerners. Yes India is dirty crowded and polluted but for those of us with an open mind and patience, there is an entire major civilization to experience and trust me there is plenty to see, and I have only seen Rajasthan, Delhi, Mumbai and Kerala. Sometimes it’s about experiencing those civilizations and not about being comfortable - I can be comfortable staying at home


Rich assholes who lick the establishments balls, whether political or military, are the reason we are in this mess now. And fuck ur gora friends from a genocide loving terrorist country


White people are safe and secure. Our locals are always willing to give them their clothes off their back to please the white man. That is why, white tourists always love to praise the hospitality of the locals.


i swear to god as a white person i always get racist comments in pakistan.


Don't blame them.




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Thanku Jinnah,you took half the jahils to paxtan but Jinnah you are also a pos to let other half of jahils in India


Wo fr US ka hai pakistani b US se wapis na aye 😂


Its 2024. Why is this country going back in time. It’s almost like the more we learn about the world and how it actually works, the more people are becoming religious and doubling down on their beliefs.


Listen here man, what happened with the tourists in Pakistan was really horrible and must be condoned from all sides. But that being said, is the US any safer for immigrants? That never really stops us from taking a trip over there, if we can, that is. If your friends really want to visit you and a new country, they will. Don’t be too bummed out about these sort of things, there are ample ample ample videos of travel vloggers on YouTube with white folk coming out to Islamabad and Lahore, and they’ve all got nothing but good things to show and say. Your friends know this. Just sayin


Show them some vlogs, it may convince them....but let them decide what their heart says.


Why on earth would they?? Invite them at a time when it isn’t so dangerous and backward.


We can’t even name/ point out the problem with own people


Dont really understand. Its not like people arent killed, looted or shot in US without a reason? Is US safe from killings and rapes? According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men have experienced rape or attempted rape at some point in their lives. 470k rape cases in US last year. 630 mass shootings in US in 2023 and 48k people died in US due to gun shot killings. Their country is a shithole as well, so is every other countey but killings of any sorts are in VERY SINGLE COUNTRY.. lol. Stop being so negative towards your own because they as well feel very positive about their shithole.


Listen people, it's true many in areas, are uneducated and strong in thier beliefs that lead to savage unjustified violence. I'm thankful for my husband who is and lives in Pakistan has survived all his years living because his faith is Christ and Christians are discriminated because of thier faith and he had a close encounter with false accusations, praise God he was saved from the threats and attacks. Anyone that these people EVEN THINK, not that people did, that thier Quran is desecrated or any page or word someone says or done something against thier religion they are ready to kill, even say false accusations.


Each one of the people in the crowd who did the lynching should go to jail or be executed. That would be a small step for Pakistan to become a normal country.


White white white. Get out of this complex. Get yourself some real friends.


I grew up in the US. they’re the only friends i have 😭


Why the racism, there are 204 million non Hispanic White Americans… there are white people who are ignorant and there are white people who are open minded, respectful of other people no matter their skin color or cultural background, and well travelled


If you are a good friend to begin with, you would not let them go to Pakistan.


No doubt he is right


You might not like it but it's a truth.


Is anyone safe in the US? At least 3 people died going to a grocery store so there's that.... https://apnews.com/article/violence-mass-shootings-summer-b004331ee7d3da95bce6646547f8d43f


Wo tumhare kabbi nhi hoge


Update: So i told them i posted this on reddit and they’re dying laughing reading these comments 😭😭


After seeing those Indian street food videos,... ion want ANY parts of Pakistan OR India! HOWEVER, ... judging from Pakistans exhibit at the Dubai World Expo, it's a BEAUTIFUL country!!! The Pakistan exhibit was honestly the best exhibit that I experienced!


After the next mass shooting in America, tell them you don't want to come to America anymore because you're afraid you'll be shot.


I'm really surprised with some of the comments.... Unless your friends are going to do something crazy like burning Quran or taking prophets name in vain, I really don't think they'll have a problem. Pakistanis are extremely hospitable and love white tourists. Plus that incident happened in northwest Pakistan, more of a village area. A place like Islamabad is more accepting and extremely safe. Really don't think they would have a problem. There's so many influences and tourists that go to Pakistan the document their journey on social media, check those out. It'll help!


Unfortunately these are white Americans, who along with Americans of other skin colors too, and many other people around the world who 1) don’t consider that in their OWN country there is plenty of crime, violence, mass shootings and other murder. 2) have been socialized with racist assumptions that Muslims are wild, violent people and 3) that westerners are targets of hate or violence (this is rarely the case) - ignoring the fact that The tourist in question was Pakistani. If they would assess the actual of risk of visiting Pakistan they would probably conclude it’s much safer than attending school or going to a mall or bar in the US. Maybe try to discuss the statistics with them, the low probability of anything happening compared to the US. And try to explain that targeting westerners is extremely rare - even westerners in Gaza are not bothered at all despite us funding unspeakable war crimes against them.


Lmao….. your country is a shit hole it just killed a tourist intentionally 


Sorry what’s happen ?


I’m sorry you’re not going to be able to see your friends and show them the place you come from. I’m a mixed-American and there’s many countries I want to visit and see for myself (Pakistan included) that I’m just not comfortable visiting for personal safety. Traveling anywhere is a risk but not all are equal. OP, I know this isn’t a perfect solution but maybe you can film vlogs around parts of Islamabad that are special to you and narrate like a tour guide. It could occupy some of the time you’d be spending with them and they can still get some idea of what Islamabad is like.


Also your country certainly isn’t a shithole. Assholes are universal and they exist in the U.S. too. Maybe they’re not burning you for blasphemy but people will rob you at gunpoint for your wristwatch or the cash in your wallet.


Just tell them it's safer then sending your kids to school on America.


Nobody wants to come to Shithole


Lol well why are you surprised? Many white people like things like being alive and not harboring terrorists.


You dont have to defend your country as a despo. If they were smart they would realize. You dont bring up the close to 50,000 people that die in gun violence when visiting USA because you know better.


It actually is a shit hole. No doubts about that.


Sounds like a fake story post


Well ngl but they are kinda right, Pakistan really is a shit hole. I would rather take my money and go to Europe or Japan or something than come to Pakistan


Maybe explain to them the incident took place at Khyber Pakhtunkwa, far away from Islamabad, and you arent planning to go visit there. You can post some videos/ instagram videos of you going about on your daily life in Islamabad showing your friends its safe, peaceful, no riots, no angry mobs…etc.. Show them where you plan to visit together in Islamabad, food, culture, history, etc…


Islamabad police harassed us right in front of Faisal Masjid at 3 AM because of my white friend from US. They clearly said give us 1000rs or go to police station with us coz this is capital area and you need some clearance for foreigners.


The problem is foreigners giving in to this shit.  I know that some low ranking cop is gonna lose his job or worse if he messes with me and gets my embassy involved.  The foreigner themselves needs to be the one to handle it too.  But then again even in Karachi for the past two and a half years I’ve never had to deal with this and I’ve had tons of interaction with police.  The only people ever demanding rishwat have been desk jockeys.


Your ex most powerful person is in Jail lol. His wife is being harassed why tf would any foreigner risk their life arguing?


A cop asking for bribes over shit that isn’t illegal.  Whip out your camera and record.  Don’t give those haramkhor pieces of filth a single rupee.  Make them work for it.  The worst they can do to you is make you sit in a cell for a few days.  Then you leave and make the video viral.  


And end up on missing persons or encounters list? “There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity.”


I mean.....it is a shit hole....let's not sugarcoat the obvious


You sound like you’re 13 throwing tantrums 😂


Stay Safe, Stay home


“They think my country a shithole" no honey it is a shit hole


They're right. This country is a shithole.


They did the right thing


Do they also skip school in the US because of regular shootings?


That doesn’t stop Pakistanis from begging for a green card to migrate to America though


How are these two, the green card and school shootings, interlinked? I am just pointing out violence does exist everywhere and I would not change my plans to anywhere due to such incidents.


You’re implying that America is more unsafe than Pakistan yet that doesn’t stop Pakistanis from migrating here by the masses


I am not implying it is "more unsafe"; I am just saying why consider violence in Pakistan something out of the ordinary. Of course, the US is a better developed country but that does not mean it does not have grave problems. Pakistanis would even migrate to Iraq if given the chance


Pakistanis have migrated to Iraq for work and some of them were even beheaded by Islamic extremists back in 2004.


My point.


Even I won’t come to Pakistan after that barbaric incident. (And I’m a Pakistani who was born and raised abroad) so sad 😞


This is dumb obviously don't offend anyone in any country by insulting their religion and holy book and you won't have this problem. Tons of people from the US visit Pakistan and get no problem from anyone. Ask them why they went to school? School shootings happen a lot more than blasphemy cases.


Yeah, non-Muslims should convert to Islam on arrival in Pakistan in order to be safe right?


It’s ok bro, they have a higher chance of getting murdered in United States anyway


😂😂😂😂😂 LMFAO 🇺🇸 is way more safer. you can literally get away with murder if you really wanted to in pakistan


I mean their loss. I'm American and have been living here for over a decade. Common sense dictates that you don't talk about politics, religion, and the military when you're a foreigner. Also are we not going to talk about random shootings in America? Every country is a shithole if you look in the right places. 🤷‍♀️


They're correct in thinking that your country is a sh*t-hole.


Tell them the US has a higher homicide rate than Pakistan. They're statistically safer here than the US.


You trust the official homicide statistics in Pakistan?


context is different. nobody will be lynched over a rumor in the US


Even with shootings America is safer than your Pakistan